Why be a vegan and vegetarian (FD14072020-5)

"All tremble at violence;
 all fear death.
Putting oneself in a place of another,
one should not kill nor cause other to be kill."-  The buddha
source: http://www.realbuddhaquotes.com/tag/non-violence/

Growing up in a world where meat eating is deeply ingrain into one mind that it is healthy, got protein and it is a must otherwise one will die. but eventually this author has actually eventually become a vegetarian and a vegan even though being a vegetarian in her country is equally challenging and need to fight with the will stronger than diamond just to stay as a vegan simply because the author faces obstacle where vegetarian products are no longer available . so despite this there are actually has a lot of benefits of being vegan.

from buddhist perspective:

1. It is an act of compassion
   - quitting meat eating including milk and egg give the animals mean giving the animal of sense of fearlessness. this is very important for animal lover as the smell come from meat eating can be smell by the animal including strays and birds.

2. Those animal can be your past life family and even best friend.
- Buddhist believe that a soul can reincarnate in one of the 6 realm after death which is as hell being, ghost, animal, human, half god, and god.and at one point of time, the meat that presented right in front could have been someone they really care and cherish a lot like their present family member now.

3. Meat eating is discourage in buddhism
- the buddha has clearly mention in sutra that if one is meat eating, one isn't consider as the buddha disciple and the buddha is not their teacher.  

4. Meat eating is a sign of greed.
- it seem apparently as long as one eat meat, greed will exist beside that it will sever the root of compassion. they will crave to eat for eating more exotic meat leading to killing of animals and possibly even eating human meat in future.

5.“To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.” - quote from buddha

6. increase merit and wisdom
- the simple way of increasing wisdom. provided one is having vegan meal , one will gain some kind of understanding while having meal. This the author personally experience it before.

7. being vegetarian(no eat meat) for one day, for one thousand kalpa one won't suffer from killing.

From non buddhist perspective
1. Lower cancer risk
- strangely enough those who are on vegan diet highly lower the risk of developing cancer according to studies by 75%.

2. lessening global warming
- according to studies, being a vegan can actually reduce the number of carbon dioxide that are being release into the earth. but for author, it mean it promote more vegetable farming industry and thus more oxygen are actually encourage.

3. increase good health
- eating more fruit and vegetable increase good health.

4. less disease risk
- there are many disease that are rampant in this earth come from meat eating. be it H1N1 , mad cow disease and so on on. by being vegan, one can worry less about infected by such disease.

5. Help ending Yulin festival
- By being vegan, not only yulin festival will be discourage. all other animal cruelty and meat eating festival will also be discourage. At the very least, one won't be part of the reason why such festival are still exist.

6. Promote World Peace
- War in world human world mean human kill human with weapons. But how do we hope to end the human war if we are still encouraging one form of killing in our home which is killing animal as food by purchasing and eating meat?Therefore it is a very good idea to be vegan just to show we are serious about wanting real world peace.

7. promote weight loss
- because vegan are going for more vegetable and fruit and no meat. it is much easier to lose weight healthy over the time. especially losing fat that came from mea product. somemore the result gain are surprisingly good .

8. for a better world for the next generation
- encouraging the entire family to become vegan is important if one truly wish that one descendants live in a more compassionate and better world. after all vegan are founded to encourage compassion on animal so that animal do not have to witness how they are being murder by others and go through all sort of suffering while still living and while dying. and one children do not have to grow up knowing that the reason why they are alive is through the dead of others.

9. turning kitchen into gateway to heaven
- a kitchen is the gateway to heaven provided one kitchen are fully vegan where no meat is allow and also no 5 pungent food. after all, the kitchen will look nicer where dead corpse meat and their stench is not allow in there. and the vegan fridge can look like an eternal spring farm where all fresh fruits and vegetable are fully loaded in. one never know if this is the foundation where everyone will gather around to cook, share and enjoy vegan meal.  a truly enjoyable moment.

10. There are plenty of vegan recipe, vegan products and vegan restaurant that can create equally delicious, healthy  and tasty food. The food cook by vegan restaurant is actually can be very tasty with the exception from meat eater who are used to extreme flavour such as extreme spicy food. Vegetarian restaurant are likely to be found where buddhist communities are such as near triple gem temples . Vegan cafe are said to be booming in western country thanks to the group of passionate being who wish to stop animals suffering and also those who opt to become vegan for a more healthy meal.

And so, if one are interested to be a vegan, vegetarian. One should also take serious about knowing the daily nutrition needed by the body and have body check up annually (if possible)/ 


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