The Liberation Rite of Water & Land (FD14072020-4)

The Liberation Rite of Water & Land

18 Nov - 25 Nov 2017

125 Anniversary (1892-2017)

Perstuan Penyokong Rumah Berhala Kwan Imm Klang, Selangor.

The Liberation Rite of Water and Land is a Buddhist ritual performed by temples in China. It is sometimes also known as Water Land Dharma Function, The Compassionate Shrine, the water & land Function or the Water & Land Shrine. However its full name is 'The Universal Deliverance and Grand Feast Assembly for all Sages, and Sentient Beings gathering from the Water and Land realms of Dharma Realms'. The Ceremony is attributed to the Emperor Liang Wu who was inspired one night one he had a dream in which a monk advised him to organize a ceremony to help beings in the lower realms to be delivered from their sufferings. Emperor Liang Wu then compassionately asked the high monk of the era to compile the ritual. The first ritual was initiated in the fourth year of Tianjian (A.D.505) at the Jinshan Monastery in Zhenjiang for the Emperor Liang Wu, presided by Chan Master Sengyou. The ritual was advocated and passed on from generation to generation by high monks.

Benefits from participating in the Liberation Rite of Water and Land
Benefits to the living
Offering of food to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Wise Ones (Upper level) and all sentient beings (Lower Level) will result in infinite merits. One, who give joyously, will enjoy peace and happiness in life. One who offers food will attain good health and longevity, adornment, fame and eloquence. A patriach once said , "One who makes and offering of food to the Buddha or Sangha will receive unlimited merits and virtues, not mentioning the merit of this universal food offering to the Triple Gems and all sentient beings which is even greater. Not only can merit can be transferred to oneself but to one's family as well."

Benefits to the deceased
For those who may not have attained enlightenment, may not have been liberated, may not have been reborn in the western Pure Land or may not have attained Buddhahood, may be able to do so because of this Water Land Dharma function.

What is so special about the Liberation Rite of Water and Land?
 The Water & Land Dharma Functions requires seven days and nights to complete. There are two places of worship/ chanting; the Inner Shrine and the Outer Shrine. Depending on the venue, the Outer Shrine can be subdivided into several Smaller shrines such as the Sutra Shrine, the Lotus Shrine, the Pure Land Shrine, the Neng Yen Shrine and the Hua Yuen Shrine and the like.All Shrines are equal importance and this entire rite is known as the Water & Land Dharma Function.

What are the differences between Inner Shrine and Outer Shrine? Which Shrine has more merits and virtues?
* Although the Water Land Dharma function has a total of seven Shrines, it is still, in fact, one ritual. Every Shrine is just as important and the rite cannot be known as the Water and Land Dharma Function should any Shrines be missing.

* The inner Shrine is presided by three high monks and the Outer Shrine by a total of fifty nine monk,s. This include twenty found for the Great Shrine, eight for the Pure Land Shrine, eight for the Lotus Shrine, two for the Hua yan Shrine, eight for the Healing and Medicine Buddha Shrine,eight for the Sutra Shrine and one monk to supervised all Shrines. If the venue allows, the number of monks presiding is not exhaustive.

* At the end of each day, merits from daily chanting and sutra reciting from all Shrines will be transferred, therefore there is no differentiation between the Inner and Outer Shrines. Thus, depending on the sincerity and devotion of individuals, contributions to the success of such an event will attain the greatest merit of all.

*The greatest merit attained from this event depends on the sincerity and devotion of an individual. Hence, the greater the devotion and sincerity, the greater will be the merits gained from this ritual.

* The Inner Shrine is the heart of the entire ritual as all activities for the deliverance and blessing of sentient beings are cantered here. As the High Monks presiding the Inner Shrine has the responsibility of ensuring that all sentient beings are delivered and blessed, it is necessary for a boundary be drawn so that the High Monks can concentrate deeply without any disruptions. To keep away all intruders from disturbing the pure and undefiled surroundings, only selected benefactors and representatives are allowed to pray and participate on behalf of all in the Inner Shrine.

The various Shrines of the Water and Land Dharma Function:
The Inner Shrine
Chanting and reciting of special mantras and sutras which were carefully compiled, transmitting precepts and bowing in repentance on behalf of the lower realm beings are the core procedures in the ceremony. The merits are inconceivable for both the living and the deceased.

The Emperor Liang Repentance Shrine (The Grand Shrine)
The reciting and performing of the Emperor Liang Repentance service over the seven days. Various services according to the rituals such as the Yankou, Offerings to the Heaven and the like will be held and unlimited merits may be attained.

The Huayan Shrine
The recitation and chanting of the Buddhavatamsaka-nama-mahavaipulyasutra (Da Fang GUang Fo Hua Yan Jing). This sutra praises the greatness of the Buddha's world and helping one to become enlightened and attaining Buddhahood.

The Nengyan SHrine
Reciting and chanting of the Suramgama-sutra , upon development of samadhi, one may become enlightened and attain Buddhahood.

The Lotus Shrine
Reciting and chanting of the Mahayana Saddharmapundarika-sutra (Lotus Sutra). One who makes the vow of great compassion will received great blessings.

The Sutras Shrine
Reciting and chanting of the various sutras such as Sutra of Immeasurable Life, Suvarmaprabhasa-sutra and the like. The Sutras will illustrate different approach to deliverances and to rid one of bad karma and calamities. It will also help one to extend longevity, to pray for good health and peace.

The Pure Land Shrine
Chanting and reciting the name, sutras and mantra of the Amitabha Buddha for the entire seven days. This will help one and one's family whether living or deceased to be reborn in the Western Pure Land when the time is appropriate.

Inner Shrine Registeration
Major Benefactor  RM500,000
Supreme Benefactor RM 300,000
Grand Benefactor RM200,000
Mighty Benefactor RM100,000
Righteous Benefactor RM50,000
Meritorious Benefactor RM 30,000
Benefactor RM 10,000
Inner Shrine Longevity Tablets RM 3,000
Inner Shrine Deceased Lotus Tablets RM3,000
Yankou (Ancestral praying) (by Three High Monks) RM30,000
Yankou (Ancestral praying) )by One High Monk) RM 10,000
Pufo (prayers to Universal Buddhas) RM 3,000

Outer Shrine Registeration
Large Longevity Tablet RM 1,000
Medium Longevity Tablet RM 500
Small Longevity Tablet RM300
General Longevity Tablet RM100
Ascension food offering RM 20,000
Ruyi food offerings RM3,000
Lohan food offerings RM 2 ,000
General food offerings RM 100

Deceased Lotus Tablets
Large Tablet RM 1,000
Medium Tablet RM 500
Small Tablet   RM 300
General Tablet RM 100

Schedule for Inner Shrine
Date    Time   Ceremony
18/11/2017  3:00 pm
 Drawing of the boundary ceremony

21/11/2017  2:30am - 11:00am
Dispatching of the Notice and hoisting of the Flag

22/11/2017 3:00am - 12:00pm
 Invitation to the upper level; Offering to the upper level

23/11/2017 3:00am - 9:30pm
Dispatching of notices and petitions;
Offering of foods to the Buddhas )Buddha Puja);
Invitation to the Lower level;
Refugee taking by the spirits of the departed.

24/11/2017 8:00am - 4:30pm
Offering of food to the Buddhas (Buddha Puja);
Invitation to the Lower Level

25/11/2017  8:00am - 5:00pm
Offering of food in inner Shrine;
Offering of Food at completion of rituals;
Transporting the Heavenly Congregation.

Schedule for the Outer Shrine
Date Time Ceremony
18/11/2017 to 25/11/2017 7::30am to 5:00pm
The Emperor Liang Repentance Shrine
- Emperor Liang Repentance (24 chapters)

Lotus Shrine
- Sad-dharma Pundarika Sutra (Fa Hua Jing) (24 chapters)

Huayan Shrine
- Buddhavatamsaka-nama-mahavaipulyasutra (Huayan Jing) (3 chapters)

Nengyan Shrine
- Suramgama-sutra (Nengyan Jing) (24 chapters)

Pure Land Shrine
- Chanting & reciting the name, sutras & mantra of the Amitabha Buddha

Pure Sutras SHrine
- Amitayurdhyana-sutra (Guan Wu Liang Shou Jing)(24 chapters)
- Sukhavati-vyuhah-sutra (Wu Liang Shou Jing) (29 chapters)
- suvarnaprabhasa-uttamaraja-sutra (Jing Guang Ming Jing) (24 chapters)
- Yuan Jue Jing (24 chapters)
- Brahmajala Sutra (Fan Wang Jing) (48 chapters)
- Medicine Buddha Sutra (Yao Shi Jing).

19/11/2017 21/11/2017 24/11/2017 6:00am to 12:00pm
Yankou (by Three High Monks)
Yankou (by Three High Monks)
Yankou (by Five High Monks)

23/11/2017 4:30am to 6:30pm
Offerings to the heaven

25/11/2017 3:00am to 5:30pm
Transporting the Heavenly Congregation

Schedule for the Water and Land Dharma Function
Time  Activity / Ceremony
6:00 am   Breakfast
7:30am - 8:30am  1st Beat
9:00am - 9:45am  2nd Beat
10:00am Offerings to Heaven
11:00am Lunch
1:00pm - 2:00pm 3rd beat
2:50pm - 3:50pm 4th Beat
4:00pm Late Service
5:00pm Dinner

The Living and heritage of Kwan Imm Ting, Klang

Persatuan Penyokong Rumah Berhala Kwan Imm Klang, Selangor.
30, Jalan Raka Barat, 41000 Klang Selangor.
Tel: +603-3374 2880  Fax: +603-3374 2770 Email:

Contact persons
Vem. Fa Zhao (Abbot) +6016-331 6989
Ven. Yen Chin  +6016-735 4280
Sis. Bee Sian +6016-735 3592

Sis Heng Ah La +6016-705 6809
Sis. Seow Ah Yong  +6016-735 3612
Sis. Tiffany Liew +6016-735 4560

Bank Account : 8001847389 CIMB Bank
Account Holder: Persatuan Penyokong Rumah Berhala Kwan Imm Klang

year 2017. The author got this free catalogue and thought of putting the information of this catalogue into the blog. The mandarin words are omitted from the post.  




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