Prayer wheel blessings (FD08072020-5)

Prayer Wheel blessings is another excellent collection that one may wish to collect as part of growing one merits, good luck , clearance of obstacle and so on. A prayer wheel usually had a lot of repetitive of a mantra store into the wheel. If a wheel prayer have the a million of mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum" , and when the person turns it one time , it is equavalent to reciting Om Mani Padme Hum a million time.

If one wishes for a peaceful and happy surrounding, one can keep this prayer wheel at home and it is said that that place will be like potala land and the migrator in the house will be liberate. There are a lot more benefits such as by making offering to the prayer wheel such as good cloth, one is said that they will get good clothing for 500 lifetimes.

Whoever turns the prayer wheels will collect a large merits so much that even others who see, hears or remember this person will be save from reborn at a lower realm and so much more. Therefore , i think that if everyone has a wheel prayer (including people that are famous or popular ), surely a lot more can be liberate quickly.

No matter what it is, this prayer wheel is good for those who believe in buddha , good hearted , for protection , collecting a mass of good merits , clear bad karma as high as a mountain and those who wish to save others or sentient beings , those who are planning for a better future reborn lifetimes .

By turning the wheel prayer, you are not only accumulating good luck or merits in this lifetime, you are actually preparing good things for your future rebirth. And the best of all, you can be certain that people that you love and like (practically saying , whoever see , hear or remember you ), will be able to get some of good blessings . You never know if you indirectly save a stranger across the street from a horrible fate, or it is your pet from bad rebirth.

*if a lot of famous or popular person do turn the prayer wheel regularly, i think a lot will benefit as a result of reading something about them (newspaper for example). Displaying wheel prayer where everyone can see it maybe just as good.

* Do note that whoever turns the dharma wheel will become son of thousand buddhas, the guide of all migrators.

* Prayer wheel is consider as holy object and therefore one should take good care of it and with respect. Doing action that is not good to it will cause one to accumulate bad karma.

* to be on the safe side, always pick the prayer wheel which on the surface has the mantra words itself (incase if the inner content are damage, the outer mantra still works). The author recommend going with tibet word mantra .

Prayer wheel can be purchase in some feng shui shop and even through ebay. do make sure that the prayer wheel inside do contain many mantras (written or printed) as not everyone aware the difference between a mantra decoration and prayer wheel .

*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.


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