Mantra for Protection (FD02072020-8)

Below are some mantras which is good for self protection by purifying one karma and negative emotions which lead one into danger situation. In the current circumstances where a lot of danger such as natural disasters, robbery , thieves or the beloved one in danger, it is very good to at the very least keep mantra as protection (especially danger that causes by unforseen circumstances such as accidents , being in a dangerous place and so on).  If one can recite mantra on daily basis, your life will certainly improve or you may find that the obstacles you encounter in life are lessening over the time (depending on which mantra you are reciting) .

1. Om Mani Padme Hum
- Shakyamuni buddha mention that this mantra is the most beneficial purify 6 negative emotions and karma which related to 6 realms .

2.  Amitabha Mantra

free image from:

mantra : Om Amidewa Hrih
mantra : Om Amitabha Hrih (sanskrit version)
- This mantra helps to create safe feeling. A protective mantra that also help to cut anger, attachment (especially material attachment)and ignorance. And it also helps to purify delusions . Many people recite this mantra because they want to reborn in Amitabha land which is said to be the most easiest land to be reborn in pure realm compare to other pure realm (and you won't have to worry about financial life there ). It is also said that amitabha mantra are so powerful that it is the last buddha name to be dissappear in this earth. Therefore if you can keep recite "Om Amideva Hrih" , it will bring additional blessings as both Om and Hrih has its own blessings in it.
sutra about amitabha pureland: 

3. Guan Shi Yin Name / Avalokiteshvara Name
- reciting avalokiteshvara name one time are said to collect so much merits that is equal to making offerings to all buddhas as long as 6 ganges rivers. So powerful to the point that reciting avalokitseshvara name can causes robbers to be compassionate on you. Even the presence of a Guan Yin dzi bead or statue(blessed by monk/temple ) can cause you felt that it pushes all your bad luck away.
- Putting blessed Guan Yin picture/ statue in the car may help to ease the traffic jam situation over the time. (the buddha / bodhissatva picture are put on the inside the car below the main mirror , facing toward the passengers inside the car probably for the reason to ensure that passengers in the car are safe and sound while inside the car.   )

4. White  Umbrella  Goddess Mantra
mantra : om sarva tathagata usnisha sitata-patre hum peh hum mama hum ni soha (one mala)
quoted from "chant a mantra book" from Lilian Too. this book is for free and you only need to pay for the delivery charges. if it is possible you should have one and keep it in your house as the book itself can bring blessings to your area.
- White umbrella goddess helps to protect one from natural disaster, over 60 kind of spirits class , and all kind of misfortune.  good for travelling protection and said to help to counteract black magic/curses/ spell as well.
- chances of getting a job / career is with legal/law issue . help purify karma of being wrongly accused.
- personally i felt reciting this mantra may help one to know the "absolute truth" of certain situation through self realization (though it maybe much harsher feeling when knowing the truth). There are people who like this mantra because it is like having an umbrella (protection/heaven blessings) above you while it is raining (facing difficulties/misfortune)  .
- This is one mantra that is so protective that people may go all their way out to make sure your white umbrella goddess amulet/picture being steal/taken away. so if you are working in a very competitive(cut throat) environment and there are people who had reason to not mean you well or deceptions are going around, you may find White Umbrella Goddess can help protect you on many possible dangers. in fact it is when the king of heaven being under attack by army , it is White Umbrella Goddess Umbrella that shielded the entire palace from being attack. which is why this mantra is believe to help protect one from war too. 

5. Acala
Mantra: Namah Samanta Vajranam Canda Maha Rosana Sphotaya hum trat ham mam
video: *couldn't find video related to this specific mantra*
- acala ability to protect all sentient beings.
this is one of the 4 acala mantra (the only one i has time to check on).
seem to me Acala has a mantra that can help protect all sentient beings and also protect buddhism.
acala is invoke for at the start of difficult undertakings, in times of war, epidermics, disaster as acala protect against calamities, great danger,fire and theft. acala also help one lead to self control and force evil to surrendder as acala vow to do battle with powerful mind of compassion. Acala is said to be helpful in situation where you are dealing with those who does not believe in buddhism and also evil beings (Acala picture is said to even scare evil spirits away). i think this mantra is good to consider if you have a lot of people and beings which  you are worry about. Other than the acala fire puja done by rinpoche/lama is so blessing to the point that the burning fire can looks like an animal figurine during the puja.
available in wallet size picture.

6. Great Compassionate Mantra (from Avalokitesvaraya ) (5 times daily)
video1 : not available (*though great compassionate mantrais very popular , i couldn't find a single sanskrit version song that is related to the sutra below)
video2 : (teaching version)

Namo ratna-trayāya
Namo āriyā-valokite-śvarāya
Bodhi-sattvāya Maha-sattvāya Mahā-kārunikāya
Om sarva rabhaye sudhanadasya
Namo skritva imam
āryā-valokite-śvara ramdhava
Namo narakindi hrih Mahā-vadha-svā-me
Sarva-arthato-śubham ajeyam
Sarva-sata Namo-vasat Namo-vāka mavitāto
Om avaloki-lokate-karate-e-hrih Mahā-bodhisattva
Sarva sarva
Mala mala
Mahi Mahi ridayam
Kuru kuru karmam
Dhuru dhuru
vijayate Mahā-vijayati
Dhara dhara dhrini
śvarāya cala cala
Mama vimala muktele
Ehi ehi śina śina
ārsam prasari
viśva viśvam prasaya
Hulu hulu mara
Hulu hulu hrih
Sara sara Siri siri Suru suru
Bodhiya Bodhiya Bodhaya Bodhaya
Maitreya narakindi dhrish-nina bhayamana svāhā
Siddhāya svāhā
Maha siddhāya svāhā
Siddha-yoge-śvaraya svāhā
Narakindi svāhā
Māranara svāhā
śira simha-mukhāya svāhā
Sarva mahā-asiddhaya svāhā
Cakra-asiddhāya svāhā
Padma-kastāya svāhā
Narakindi-vagalāya svaha
Mavari-śankharāya svāhā
Namo ratna-trāyāya
Namo āryā-valokite-śvaraya svāhā
Om Sidhyantu mantra padāya svāhā
web link:
- this dharani has a lot info that help with a country peace, harmony living along with general protection.
specific information:very beneficial mantra that help with this world problem.This dharani is said to help one keep one from breaking precepts. those who has subordinates may find this dharani helpful. included are instruction that help with one who has fear going out or going in home to the point they even couldn't sleep at night.
- reedit on oct 2013 as i found there are many version claim to be great compassionate mantra. nilakantha dharani and 11 face avalokiteshvara is taken out from this list as 11 face avalokiteshvara has some similar blessings but its different .

7. Arya heart of vairocana
mantra: "tadyatha / kala kala / kili kili / biri biri/huru huru/ vairo-chana rasmi sanchodita agaccha/ arya akasha garbha maha karunika puraya hashana/ dharaya  buddha vikshcayana/ chara chara chiri chiri svaha "
quote from: "chant a mantra" book.
benefit: "just by reciting this mantra one receive success and cannot be harm by weapon, fire , water ,poison, substances mixed with poison or black magic. nor can one be harm by thief, king , robbers and so forth.wherever this mantra is written and left, , people do not receive sickness,harm or contagious disease and one will achieve the concentration called stainless light."
- powerful mantra that help with protection from fire, flood , black magic,weapon, contagious disease , thief , robber , king and so on . but i think i won't have time to do this update for a very long time. this mantra can be order from fpmt shop (in card version) and the information about this mantra should be available in the internet.

8. peacock king wisdom mantra
mantra: om mayura krante svaha (1 mala daily)
- if you encounter disturbances like black magic curse. help ease and eliminate disease, natural disaster , robberies , snatch thieves and even sleep better. capable of eliminating poisonous harm and maglignant disease.
recite 10,000 times with mudra, then use peacock feather toward typhoon can turn it away. check e-book for specific detail.
- recite 100,000 times with orange offering to peacock king for financial calamities.
- recite 3 nights continuosly from 11pm to ask disturbing spirits in house to leave (check e-book)
- help with calamities such as drought 
author note: this mantra are mainly recite for eliminating poisonous harm, but people also recite it for disturbance like black magic and to promote better sleep and also for recovery of sickness. in fact this mantra has a lot of different benefits to it that various website account this mantra for antidote against monthly ill winds, deadly virus and even believe to be able to have curitive power against cancer. said to help one free from trap and imprisonment. in other word, said to be for safety and protection against being trap or imprisonment.
*unable to locate the original file of this mantra pdf. it was a pdf teach by a master monk  about the amount of recitation as well as the specific instruction on what to do. found another one similar to the one i read.

9. Vaishravana
Mantra: Om Vaishravana Ye Soha   (source: ) . mantra should be pronounce correctly as there will be very bad consequences if pronounce wrongly.
- vaishravana is the northern king and also a dharma protector who brings wealth to the practitioner. he helps to attract material wealth that eventually attract spiritual wealth and also encourage holding of ethics as it is through ethics that wealth can be obtain in the long run.
- vairhsrava/namthose puja : if you can get connect with vaishravana puja , it is said to help recovery of world economy, for the individual to gain economic strength, secure existing wealth, garner new wealth and potent protection from human and non-human harms and that of nagas and spirits. it even protection from fear, anxiety , failures in business and relationships. by making connection with namthose, one will always be victorious especially those who run companies, organisation and families because namthose puja bring authority and good fortune.
- one will always be efficient and successful in the practise stage of path, meditation, and will have all conducive conditions surrounding oneself to engage in practise without hindrances like sickness, poverty, mental agitation and fear. one will always gain great wealth, encounter true and helpful companions and assistants, be healthy and able to enjoy great health and inexhaustible food and drinks. will always get support in both worldly and spiritual activities from family and friends. gain protection and secure wealth and merits and all forms of goodness and continuously enjoy perfect health and peace and harmony and freedom and inspiration.
Author note: this is so far the only one dharma protector which i manage to found the sutra that has conversation between vaishravana and buddha shakyamuni. but it also interesting that i found out that xinjiang, a tibet prince and thailand in the past has actually invoke vaisharavana to protect their country border from invasion before in which xinjiang and thailand has said to build a temple (i thinks temple that dedicate to vaishravana) because of the success in defending their country.   and also it is said that in the past life of vaishravana was a mill owner who has 7 mill store and dedicated one of his mill for the alms to the monks while providing to those in need for 20,000 years.

10. Yamantaka
Mantra: Om Yamantaka Hum Phet
video: couldn't find any suitable one.
- yamantaka has the power to suppress evil and create goodness. also fight pain and poisons. has power to vanquish poisonous snakes and dragon. and worship as deity of victory.
- manjushri yamantaka power to clear away dark fog of ignorance are immense.
- yamantaka special ability is his ability to dispel obstacle. unfavourable circumstances are repelled and one will be protected from falling under their sway.Yamantaka has great power to act for peace and welfare of the entire world.
- yamantaka dharma protector is said be able to cause evil being to accept buddhism .
- help to counter fierce spirit and black magic.
Author note:  the only info i found about yamantaka is that originally in the past, there was a saint who are suppose to be living in a cave. when the saint leave his cave, he happen to see two thief who stole and kill a cow. the saint beg the thieves to spare his life but those thieves did not listen and kill the saint . In response of that killing by the thieves the saint suddenly took the cow head and replace it as his head and then kill the two thief. and because of this, the saint has awaken the desire of killing and threaten to kill the entire village who are living there. the villager pray to manjushri for help and manjushri came to help by manifesting yamantaka which has buffalo head and in blue colour and defeat the saint.
yamantaka is also said to help cut off  one from suffering tremendously in future .  and there is another comment by reader which i read from the internet which is said that there was a person who was working/travelling on a ship. then at one time, the person happen to fell into the sea. however while he was in the sea sinking, he felt a gentle power push him up to the surface. he was save ten and then found out that his wife has put a yamantaka ruel in his bag before he leave for the ship.
- if you are considering going deeper or advance deeper into yamantaka retreat . best to find and check with a recognize and authentic temple as it is said that usually one will need to recite kalarupa dharma protector before going for yamantaka.   

11. The tara who avert evil cause by robbers (one of the 21 tara)
mantra: om tare tuttare ture sarva chora benda benda triktum soha
- the tara protect against harm from banditing. protect from robbery, theft and murder by bandits, robbers or thieves in the outside world as well as sickness and evil influence cause by negative emotions jealousy, desire, anger and greed.

12. 9th tara from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 Tara Oracle (check the book whether you should recite this)
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Nopa Sabar Rakyal Soha
- this is a universe-controlling white tara.
Author note: if you think you have come across dangerous kind of people.  and this mantra does seem indeed help a bit in reducing family expenses. so, you should check the book to see whether you should recite this mantra.

13. 16th red increasing tara from Lilian Too's Tibetan cosmic Magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book if you should recite this mantra)
Mantra:   Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sawar Dharma Pate Shodaya Soha
-16th red tara help subdue disharmony , enhance your courage and sense of security. This tara known for remove all fears.
Author note: tara mantra help by ripening karma at early stage.  and i think this tara mantra help gradually improve all sort of security such as your door security , anti-virus software program, food security and so on.

14.  Sutra of Golden Light
- this sutra has strong protection particularly if you need protection due to your country is under battle or war situation.

15. Benefit and precepts of Refuge
- important for buddhist for protection. consider as the foundation of buddhism.
"buddha, dhamra and sangha is a refuge for those who seeking liberation"

16. morning star mantra
mantra: namo akasagarbhaya om arya kamari mauli svaha
- repeat one million time according to requisite ritual in specific time, one gain the abiity to remember and understand any text.
akasagabha help improve memory. one who remove obstacles, help people recognize and overcome their error and encourage the practise of six perfections in addition to compassion. usually pray by artist and craftsman .
Author note: if decide to do one milion times, best to join the shingon buddhism. according to others mention in internet. it is so powerful that the effect can last for few days.this author has try this mantra to improve the poor memory. but found out that  this mantra also seem to increase wisdom . also if one wanted to know where one need to improve one career and work skill, aksaghabha seem to particularly show one where one need to improve that is relevant to one job and skill.akasaghabha mantra is also very good for those who want to walk bodhisattva path. Akasaghabha also protect buddhist.

17. double dorje (vishvavajra)
- a double dorje  that said to protect wearer.

18. Syllable Hrih
mantra : Hrih
- this syllable is consider a very potent protection in general particularly in  politic environment. help deflect negative energy.
Author note: this author think it helps by strengthening general protection from spiritual danger . 

19. Amoghaphasa Dharani and mantra (Mahayana Arya Amoghapasa Hrdaya Sutram)
mantra: "Om Amogha-padma-pasa krodha karsaya praveshaya maha pashu pati yama varuna kuvera brahma vesa dhara padma kula samayam hum hum"
video:not available
mantra benefits:
1. one will be free from all kind of illness
2. Even if the disease is caused by karma, it will dissipate immediately
3.One would be famous and well-liked by all people
4. One’s body will become hidden
5. One will obtain abundant material wealth
6.One’s wealth will not be lost to thieves
7. Indestructible by fire
8. Indestructible by water
9. Inconsficable by the king or ruler
10. All of one’s conduct will be perfected
11. Freedom from the five fears of water with direct self clamor
12. Removing all disturbances
13. One’s personality / character will not be blemished
14. Freedom from fear of the dakinis
15. One’s hardship will not multiply
16. No death caused by weapons, fire or water
17. One will be protected by devas
18. One will obtain love and compassion
19. Happiness
20. Peace of mind wherever one is born
Furthermore, one will also receive the eight qualities as follows (ED: strange that it lists an additional 3 qualities, totalling 11 in number):
1. Upon death, one will be received by the Noble Avalokitesvara in the form of a Bhiksu
2. One will have a peaceful death
3. One’s arms and legs will be unshakeable and will not possess / be free from wrong views
4. One’s body will not produce filth and urine
5. No interference from the air
6. One will be blessed with awareness and vigilance
7. One’s memory will not weaken / degenerate
8. One will not die facing downwards
9. One will not die from massive / heavy / mortal accidents
10. One will be born according to one’s wishes and
11. One will always meet / be in touch with good spiritual friends
Author note:  In buddhism there are saying that , whoever own the land is also consider as king . therefore the author think this mantra also help protect wealth from landlord and landlady . Also Amoghaphasa are said to be particular helpful in law matter where amogaphasa can bind troublemaker.

20. King Gesar Mantra form lilian too
Mantra: Om Ah Hung Benza Maha Guru Mani Radza Sarva Siddhi Pala Hung

- help to be resilient when there are setback. for work to be smoother and success come more easily.  usually recommend to chant to strengtehen one yearly windhorse (lung ta). also believe to be helpful with yearly killing star. overcome dark forces, both outer and inner that bring war and hardship and obscure the spiritual path. King gesar ultimate victory promises that peace, harmony and enlightenment will prevail in the world.  king gesar also are recommended for bringing sucess in business and commercial endeavors. also help protect from any harm. also offer protection against court cases, robbery and wrongful imprisonment.
Author note: gave the author impression that it is helpful when encountering some sort of aggression from external situation. 

21. 11 Face Avalokiteshvara mantra
Mantra : Namo Ratna Trayaya namah arya jnana sagara vairocana vyuha rajaya , thathagataya arhate samyaksam buddhaya. Namah sarva tathagatebhyah arhatebhyah samyaksambuddhe bhyah Namah arya arvalokite shvaraya bodhisattvaya maha sattvaya maha karunikaya tadyathat om dhara dhara , dhiri dhiri, dhuru dhuru iti-vate cale cale pracale pracale kusume kusuma vare ili mili , cite jvala mapanaya svaha

 - this is 11 face avalokiteshvara mantra also known as tibet compassion mantra. it is always mistaken as great compassionate mantra (from china which is much longer mantra ) which has 15 good benefits. therefore the author decide to list the benefit of this mantra to help avoid confusion.
 1. body has no sickness
 2. blessing from all buddhas
 3. possess wealth and never lack of food and clothes
 4. can subdue enemies without fear
 5. can cause compassion to arise in all sentient being
 6. cannot be harm by curse, poison, ghost , spirits
 7. cannot be harm by all type of  weapons
 8. cannot be drown by water
 9. cannot be harm by fire
 10. won't die of untimely accident
Author note: from author personal experiences, this mantra can bring some sort of good ending with the enemies .

22. King Virupaksa Mantra
Mantra: Om Virupaksa Naga Dhipata Ye Soha
- One of the four heavenly king. help convert those who do not believe in buddhism to be a buddhist. give good health and protection from danger.  protect against black magic.king virupaksa punish those who do evil deeds.

23. Amitayu Long Life Sutra
- this sutra is generally meant to extend a person longevity. it also has additional benefit such as if the person write the sutra, it can protect the person from harm, gain merits, will not reborn at the state where one do not have freedom to practise dharma, reborn in buddha pureland and receive predictions for enlightenment.

24.  The One Hundred and Eight names of the Exalted Jambhala mantra
mantra: Namo Ratna Trayaya Namo Manibhadaraya Mahayaksa Senapatale Om Hrim Tram Ksha Jrim Hrim Ham Dibya Ratnao Gaparishana Atabaka Deva Yaksha Samaya Manusmara Hrih Hum Phat Svaha
- liberate from poverty, will not receive harm , will be protect by others , enemies will not overpower them, will have good fortune, opportunities , lived to a hundred and things that worthy of sovereign and sovereignty.
Source :

25. Red Tara mantra
Mantra: Om Tare Tutare Santa Ra Hrih Svaha
- for protection from harm of all those in peril, to overcome fear , hate, aggression  and anger, to learn protect one and others from harm and evil, to stop the actions of those who will do harm.
Author note: particular beneficial to remind ourself to protect ourselves.

26. Manjushri eight syllable mantra
Mantra: Om Avira Hum Kachara
- increase happiness and merits. eliminate evil and harm.the practitioner will feel peaceful, achieve success at work.also eliminate karma. other benefits of reciting this include:no war in country, control astrology planets influence (sun, moon, 28 stars) and also transfer bad luck (mitigate bad luck to something better), no infectious disease in the country, no disaster in country, citizen will not be wrongly condemned, citizen will not be harm by evil power, citizen will not suffer from sudden death, weather is favorable, people are happy, no evil king or leader in the country, people will not face with dangerous animal or villains.
- other benefits from other video are listed below . can get great benefits. eliminate 3 evil path. can do everything, when recite the mantra it is as if the manjushri is in front. can help fulfill all good things. help purify heavy karma. can protect wealth. everything done won't encounter obstacle. recite 1  time- protect self, 2 time- protect other , 3 times- protect king, 4 time protect concubine, 5 times - protect all dependents, 6 times- protect village, 7 times- protect all sentient beings. if recite 7 time on cloth and wear it, it can eliminate all poisonous , evil and difficult disaster. if recite 7 time on water before washing hand and face, can enable all sentient bveing arouse respect heart. all evil people will be pacify. if the person in pain recite 108 rimes on water and then bath, the person will be cure. if recite 7 times on drinking water and then drink it daily, karma can be eliminate. if chant it on food before eating, the person will not receive any food poisoning. if meet with evil people and enemy, recite this mantra at that time, they will be pacify. evil intention will be eliminate, they will arouse compassion.

27. For always rest in peace and avoiding being imprisoned from mudra of great compassion Dharani
Mantra: Om Miraye Miraye Svaha
- for always resting in peace and avoid being imprison.
Author note: this author realise this mantra can help a person achieve bodily peace , also seem to make the environment a bit more peaceful . and this author think this mantra is helpful for those who born with the astrology star where a person can be easily imprison as it indirectly help a person avoiding saying things that can cause the person go to prison. 

28. Grand Duke Mantra
Mantra: Om Ah Zuo Wei Li Svaha
- this mantra are for few star astrology that can affect one life including Star of Breaking, Star of Negatvities, Star of Killing, Star of illness and Star of Pandemic. Also solve Grand Duke Jupiter effect which include losing wealth, business heading toward imminent failure,business can't get any customers, jeopardizing one marriage, undermining one positive karmic affinity with others,death, affect harmony of the family (family cannot stay united and drifted apart)
Author note: the grand duke here are originated from 12 zodiac animal sign who are guarding the heaven gate from asura attack.
the page below also mention about grand duke pendant which can prolong wearer lifespan,merits and affinity with others will increase,help unemployed to find good jobs, prospects and opportunities and marriage, help those who want to have children,block and neutralize disaster and calamities,pacify threat from illness, those who have difficulty in work will get good superior who support them.

29. Black Tara who destroys all negativities from SoundTrue
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarva Vidya Avarana Ye Bhye Phat Soha

- for removing mental obstacles that block insight into complexes forces (including emotional forces) that obscure the person understanding. to overcome negative intentions of enemy. this mantra is also use when needed complete protection from tara in order to fully understand the difficulties you are in.
Author note: helpful when needed protection from enemy intention and actions. also helpful as it helps the practitioner to remove ignorance of what their enemies are trying to do to them. also useful for those who has problem waking up to see their reality as it is. helpful to remove ignorance which the person thought those are not enemies when in reality what the others doing are actually what enemies will do. Also help  abit to understand that while some policies that are implemented with good intention, it  actually do more harm than good.

 30. Dorje Drolo
Mantra: Om Guru Benza Dorje Drolo Lot Loka Sarwa Siddhi Hum Dza

- Dorje Drolo is  padmasambhava in a scorpion form ( a wrathful type) which is very beneficial in term of purifying negative karma . therefore its fire puja are extremely powerful that can help dissolve bad situation that involve gossip, government (authority problem), office politics. this mantra also bring wealth luck and extremely good in dealing with psychology issue that related to extreme emotion such as trauma. and also thought to purify epidermic disease that originate from scorpion. transform hesitancy and clinging into enlightening activity. also give birth to new circumstances and possibilities.
Author note: can't remember where this author found this mantra. but this is beneficial as it seem to help both in business and personal life. this is one of the type of new possibilties where a person can get a job offer while playing games.



*. avoid taking 5 pungent foods (onion,garlic, leeks,scallions and chives)  as it is said to attract hungry ghost, decrease your wealth as well as you may end up joining the demon retinue.

"We are not compelled to meditate by some outside agent, by other people, or by God. Rather, just as we are responsible for our own suffering, so are we solely responsible for our own cure. We have created the situation in which we find ourselves, and it is up to us to create the circumstances for our release. Therefore, as suffering permeates our life, we have to do something in addition to our regular daily routine. This "something" is spiritual practice or, in other words, meditation.
–Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Purpose of Meditation
=quoted from =  "


*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

* Do check the mewa horoscope and mantra for chinese horoscope if you are looking for mantra that is more specifically according to your born year life obstacles.

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman. 

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

* I'm not sure whether this is the time for me to create such post (because there are a lot of incomplete information which i had not fully collected) but after i read the post that mention a human has 84,000 types of obstacles in their life . i figure it is better for me to post it now and update in future (not to mention that even a small dot of negative karma multiply with each passing time and grew to the size of our earth if left uncheck and even 1 tiny dot of karma can affect your entire neighbourhood ). This is because i had at one point of time encounter 1 type of the obstacles which actually been repeated over thousands of times for continuous many months until i recite Namyglma mantra 1000 times on full moon day ( i think i was reciting it for other reason but i notice this one obstacles got clear after that).  

* you may want to have a main mantra which you gonna recite daily for the rest of your life.  You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .   


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