Mantra For Peace and lessen war (FD03072020-5)
To enjoy good health,
to bring true happiness to one family,
to bring
peace to all,
one must first discipline and control one mind.
If a man
can control his mind, he can find the way to enlightenment, and all
wisdom and virtue will come naturally to him.
- buddha -
1. Om Mani Padme Hum
- This is the most beneficial mantra . there is a lot of danger can be avoided is you recite this mantra on daily basis.
2. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra
mantra : om sarva tathagata usnisha sitata-patre hum peh hum mama hum ni soha (one mala)
from "chant a mantra book" from Lilian Too. this book is for free and
you only need to pay for the delivery charges. if it is possible you
should have one and keep it in your house as the book itself can bring
blessings to your area.
- White umbrella goddess helps to protect
one from natural disaster, over 60 kind of spirits class , and all kind
of misfortune. good for travelling protection and said to help to
counteract black magic/curses/ spell as well.
- chances of getting a job / career is with legal/law issue . help purify karma of being wrongly accused.
personally i felt reciting this mantra may help one to know the
"absolute truth" of certain situation through self realization (though
it maybe much harsher feeling when knowing the truth). There are people
who like this mantra because it is like having an umbrella
(protection/heaven blessings) above you while it is raining (facing
difficulties/misfortune) .
- This is one mantra that is so protective that people may go all
their way out to make sure your white umbrella goddess amulet/picture
being steal/taken away. so if you are working in a very competitive(cut
throat) environment and there are people who had reason to not mean you
well or deceptions are going around, you may find White Umbrella Goddess
can help protect you on many possible dangers. in fact it is when the
king of heaven being under attack by army , it is White Umbrella Goddess
Umbrella that shielded the entire palace from being attack. which is
why this mantra is believe to help protect one from war too.
- a very protective mantra that can even help pacify war and conflict. and white umbrella goddess provide a very strong protection that can turn the enemy away.
3. Shanti Mantra
Mantra : Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
- the mantra mean " Om Peace Peace Peace " therefore it help lessen noise pollution or disturbances coming from noisy neighbourhood and so on.
4. The King Of Glorious Sutras called the Exalted Sublime Golden Light
- this isn't a mantra but a complete texts which help to maintain peace if you keep a copy with you. the texts itself will explain how this sutra can help maintain peace. a must if you are hoping for keeping peace in your country and may even help giving some peace to your company and your work by lessening external threats.
this sutra is avaialble in site.
5. Kalachakra
Mantra : Om Ha Ka Ma La Wa La Ya Soha (chinese version)
- Kalachakra basically mean time wheel in tibet (in chinese version it has a different name) . basically kalachakra is a teaching which buddha pass to a king which help this king reach enlightened stage. Although this is a very powerful mantra, the general teaching(description) of this mantra has lost to us leaving only the mantra word itself. as far as i have checked on other websites , this kalachakra mantra is related to time , astrological such as planet movement and therefore it can prevent untimely death (for example a tree branch / furniture fall down itself and kill a being who happen to be underneath it) and heal certain aspect of our psychology disorder . Kalachakra can also heal affliction , generate positive energy to the land (thus can lessen the power of killing force in feng shui aspect ) , prevent general bad intention of other people such as thief or robber from coming near you (seem to me is that it is through by lessening the possibilty of they coming near you and even if they do, their stay will be shorter ). However, enemy inside a blanket and their evil plot may still slip through other means.
- there is a downside of reciting this mantra (according to other sources) , so i recommend those who recite this mantra to also recite amitabha mantra together. otherwise you can consider display kalachakra symbolic picture in your home (available in stupa form , pendant and also wallet card size). Most of the explanation of kalachakra here come from various website sources plus with my own observation so it may not be entirely correct . You may want to double check again this mantra and its blessings descirption yourself.
- in chinese version according to lian sheng buddha , kalachakra mean 10 aspect of our life.
- kalachakra mandala image from :
6. Great Compassionate Mantra (from Avalokitesvaraya ) (5 times daily)
video1 : not available (*though great compassionate mantra is very popular , i couldn't find a single sanskrit version song that is related to the sutra below)
video2 : (teaching version)
Namo ratna-trayāya
Namo āriyā-valokite-śvarāya
Bodhi-sattvāya Maha-sattvāya Mahā-kārunikāya
Om sarva rabhaye sudhanadasya
Namo skritva imam
āryā-valokite-śvara ramdhava
Namo narakindi hrih Mahā-vadha-svā-me
Sarva-arthato-śubham ajeyam
Sarva-sata Namo-vasat Namo-vāka mavitāto
Om avaloki-lokate-karate-e-hrih Mahā-bodhisattva
Sarva sarva
Mala mala
Mahi Mahi ridayam
Kuru kuru karmam
Dhuru dhuru
vijayate Mahā-vijayati
Dhara dhara dhrini
śvarāya cala cala
Mama vimala muktele
Ehi ehi śina śina
ārsam prasari
viśva viśvam prasaya
Hulu hulu mara
Hulu hulu hrih
Sara sara Siri siri Suru suru
Bodhiya Bodhiya Bodhaya Bodhaya
Maitreya narakindi dhrish-nina bhayamana svāhā
Siddhāya svāhā
Maha siddhāya svāhā
Siddha-yoge-śvaraya svāhā
Narakindi svāhā
Māranara svāhā
śira simha-mukhāya svāhā
Sarva mahā-asiddhaya svāhā
Cakra-asiddhāya svāhā
Padma-kastāya svāhā
Narakindi-vagalāya svaha
Mavari-śankharāya svāhā
Namo ratna-trāyāya
Namo āryā-valokite-śvaraya svāhā
Om Sidhyantu mantra padāya svāhā
web link:
- this dharani has a lot info that help with a country peace, harmony living along with general protection.
specific information:very beneficial mantra that help with this world problem.This dharani is said to help one keep one from breaking precepts. those who has subordinates may find this dharani helpful. included are instruction that help with one who has fear going out or going in home to the point they even couldn't sleep at night.
- reedit on oct 2013 as i found there are many version claim to be great compassionate mantra. nilakantha dharani and 11 face avalokiteshvara is taken out from this list as 11 face avalokiteshvara has some similar blessings but its different .
7.VaishravanaMantra: Om Vaishravana Ye Soha (source: ) . mantra should be pronounce correctly as there will be very bad consequences if pronounce wrongly.
- vaishravana is the northern king and also a dharma protector who brings wealth to the practitioner. he helps to attract material wealth that eventually attract spiritual wealth and also encourage holding of ethics as it is through ethics that wealth can be obtain in the long run.
- vairhsrava/namthose puja : if you can get connect with vaishravana puja , it is said to help recovery of world economy, for the individual to gain economic strength, secure existing wealth, garner new wealth and potent protection from human and non-human harms and that of nagas and spirits. it even protection from fear, anxiety , failures in business and relationships. by making connection with namthose, one will always be victorious especially those who run companies, organisation and families because namthose puja bring authority and good fortune.
- one will always be efficient and successful in the practise stage of path, meditation, and will have all conducive conditions surrounding oneself to engage in practise without hindrances like sickness, poverty, mental agitation and fear. one will always gain great wealth, encounter true and helpful companions and assistants, be healthy and able to enjoy great health and inexhaustible food and drinks. will always get support in both worldly and spiritual activities from family and friends. gain protection and secure wealth and merits and all forms of goodness and continuously enjoy perfect health and peace and harmony and freedom and inspiration.
Author note: this is so far the only one dharma protector which i manage to found the sutra that has conversation between vaishravana and buddha shakyamuni. but it also interesting that i found out that xinjiang, a tibet prince and thailand in the past has actually invoke vaisharavana to protect their country border from invasion before in which xinjiang and thailand has said to build a temple (i thinks temple that dedicate to vaishravana) because of the success in defending their country. and also it is said that in the past life of vaishravana was a mill owner who has 7 mill store and dedicated one of his mill for the alms to the monks while providing to those in need for 20,000 years.
8. Yamantaka
Mantra: Om Yamantaka Hum Phet
video: couldn't find any suitable one.
- yamantaka has the power to suppress evil and create goodness. also fight pain and poisons. has power to vanquish poisonous snakes and dragon. and worship as deity of victory.
- manjushri yamantaka power to clear away dark fog of ignorance are immense.
- yamantaka special ability is his ability to dispel obstacle. unfavourable circumstances are repelled and one will be protected from falling under their sway.Yamantaka has great power to act for peace and welfare of the entire world.
- yamantaka dharma protector is said be able to cause evil being to accept buddhism .
- help to counter fierce spirit and black magic.
Author note: the only info i found about yamantaka is that originally in the past, there was a saint who are suppose to be living in a cave. when the saint leave his cave, he happen to see two thief who stole and kill a cow. the saint beg the thieves to spare his life but those thieves did not listen and kill the saint . In response of that killing by the thieves the saint suddenly took the cow head and replace it as his head and then kill the two thief. and because of this, the saint has awaken the desire of killing and threaten to kill the entire village who are living there. the villager pray to manjushri for help and manjushri came to help by manifesting yamantaka which has buffalo head and in blue colour and defeat the saint.
yamantaka is also said to help cut off one from suffering tremendously in future . and there is another comment by reader which i read from the internet which is said that there was a person who was working/travelling on a ship. then at one time, the person happen to fell into the sea. however while he was in the sea sinking, he felt a gentle power push him up to the surface. he was save ten and then found out that his wife has put a yamantaka ruel in his bag before he leave for the ship.
- if you are considering going deeper or advance deeper into yamantaka retreat . best to find and check with a recognize and authentic temple as it is said that usually one will need to recite kalarupa dharma protector before going for yamantaka.
9. 2nd white tara from Lilian Too's Tibetan Cosmic Magic Series 21 Tara Oracle - check the book if you should recite this mantra.
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Shanting Kuru Soha
- 2nd White Tara known as Great Peaceful One. help with spiritual measure for recovery.
Author note: useful if you think your life is too noisy as tara mantra help ripen karma at early stage. also personally feel this mantra seem to be helping with spiritual recovery that is related to aura energy.
10. Vajra Kilaya
mantra: Om Ah Hum Vajra kili kilaya hum pey
note : need empowerment / initiation for recitation.
-able to pacify evil spirits, protect one from black magic influence and give good geomancy. This mantra has a lot of blessings as it is believe the best protection to be recite at the time of war , earthquake and volcano eruption. there is also many other types of blessings as it can help transmute one negative emotion into positive ( to the point that can even transmute negative emotion causes by sabotagers) , believe to be able to pin down demon , protect one possesssion , correct one lung essence , purify obstacle , and even said to be helpful in food poisoning cause by some bad traders selling poisoning food. (*i think most likely through lessening the chance of getting food poisoning because of bad heart traders )
this is a wrathful protector mantra , therefore one need empowerment / initiation for recitation.
- on the other hand if you are looking for kilaya amulet type , you can check for the phurba (kilaya) dzi bead or if you prefer a more ornamental style (basically a dagger looks ). Just do make sure that it is really conscerated by genuine monk .
Author note: very powerful obstacle clearance including drought, flood and so on. also remove whatever is bad for enlightenment.
Author note - Jan 2018: according to Shaman Elder Maggie,to practise this mantra , one need to have extensive years in Buddhism and empowerment from high monk .
11. Stupa
- help build new stupa or help sponsor to maintain an existing stupa. Genuine stupa help bring peace to the mind in the area and pacify negative forces such as famine. Invite one into your home. as for bring peace to a bigger area, it is best to help donate and sponsor the temple stupa.
benefit of building stupa:
- one will be born as the child of great king.
- one will have a noble body.
- one will become very beautiful and attractive
- one will have sharp sense of faculties
- one will be powerful and famous
- one will have a great entourage of servants.
- one will become a leader of men.
- one will be a support to all.
- one will be renowned in ten directions.
- one will be able to express one in words and verses extensively
- one will receive offerings from men and gods.
- one will possess many riches
- one will obtain the kingdom of universal monarchs.
- one will have long life.
- one body will be a collection of vajras.
- one body will be endow with the major mark and minor sign of a buddha.
- one will take higher rebirth in three realm.
- one will swiftly attain complete nirvana
*also said that if practitioner build stupa , one will not go through reborn in remote country and endure extreme poverty.
- there are plenty tibet buddhist temple that build stupa and require donation for long term maintenance. stupa are more popular in tibet buddhism .
donate for stupa:
12. Padmasambhava Mantra (100 times daily)
mantra: Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
- usually recite to overcome difficulties in one life.
- if a lot of people recite this mantra together up to millions times and more , it will help avert negative effect of diseases, famine, unrest, bad harvests, bad omens and indications in all the countries in the world and rain will fall in time, crops will have plenty water supply for agricultural, human and animal life and all region will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions.
- recite 100 times daily , one will become attractive and food , wealth and necessities will come easily.
for more information, check the source link.
13. Adopt Buddhist Vegetarian lifestyle
- This is based on the buddha teaching that eating meat will serious negative karma such as retribution and war. The buddhist type of vegetarian is similar to vegan concept where there are no meat , no animal milk and no animal egg (as it is consider as coming from the animal body). the benefit of staying vegetarian for one day is for one kalpa one will never experience the retribution of being kill by others.(one small kalpa is consider to be about 16 million years time frame).
14. Noble lady Tara Tummo Zhengyi (one of the 21 tara from the smile of the sun and moon )
mantra : Om Tare Tuttare Ture Vajra Taka Hana Litsa Phat Svaha
- dispel war and disasters. trample the spirits of "I" and "mine". also deal with spirits that cause hail and lightnings, machine of war, weapons of mass destruction, enemies and killers. she destroy all negativities. also destroy black magic. help destroy violence.

feng shui item:
15. wealth vase
- this is a vase which usually got some basic
item in it such as dzambhala tsa tsa , with some gems, grains in it .
and it is also usually has five color cloth. it is consecrated by monks
with some prayers.generally believe that it will attract positivity into
the place it is put.
Author note: there are different kind of
wealth vase such as naga vase, dzambhala vase. be sure to know the
correct method and procedure of caring for the wealth vase.
16. 13th tara of 21 tara ( from the smile of sun and moon)
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Vajra Dzola Phat Phat Raksha Raksha Svaha
video: not available
- protect against all obstacle related with war. can even reverse or completely stop the armies marching. also protect the practitioner from doing warlike actions.
- annihilating enemies .
Author note: the author found this mantra is particularly beneficial if one start to see others (in group ) as enemies.
17. Maitreya Mantra from Mtc_mantra_mudras
Mantra: Om Maitreya Bodisatva Bodi Sowaka
video: not available
- for peace, good relationship, harmony at home and work, dispel enemies and for those who has sleep problem.
18. Manjushri eight syllable mantra
Mantra: Om Avira Hum Kachara
increase happiness and merits. eliminate evil and harm.the practitioner
will feel peaceful, achieve success at work.also eliminate karma. other
benefits of reciting this include:no war in country, control astrology
planets influence (sun, moon, 28 stars) and also transfer bad luck
(mitigate bad luck to something better), no infectious disease in the
country, no disaster in country, citizen will not be wrongly condemned,
citizen will not be harm by evil power, citizen will not suffer from
sudden death, weather is favorable, people are happy, no evil king or
leader in the country, people will not face with dangerous animal or
- other benefits from other video are listed below . can
get great benefits. eliminate 3 evil path. can do everything, when
recite the mantra it is as if the manjushri is in front. can help
fulfill all good things. help purify heavy karma. can protect wealth.
everything done won't encounter obstacle. recite 1 time- protect self, 2
time- protect other , 3 times- protect king, 4 time protect concubine, 5
times - protect all dependents, 6 times- protect village, 7 times-
protect all sentient beings. if recite 7 time on cloth and wear it, it
can eliminate all poisonous , evil and difficult disaster. if recite 7
time on water before washing hand and face, can enable all sentient
bveing arouse respect heart. all evil people will be pacify. if the
person in pain recite 108 rimes on water and then bath, the person will
be cure. if recite 7 times on drinking water and then drink it daily,
karma can be eliminate. if chant it on food before eating, the person
will not receive any food poisoning. if meet with evil people and enemy,
recite this mantra at that time, they will be pacify. evil intention
will be eliminate, they will arouse compassion.
19. Kuan Yin That hold a rope from mtc mantra mudra symbols.pdf
Mantra: Amogha Pasa Krodha Karsaya Vijaya
- remove evil, spirits. subside anger; to calm and cool down and angry person. destroy all disaster and end world war.
Author note: thought this is good to calm down angry person.
20. For always rest in peace and avoiding being imprisoned from mudra of great compassion Dharani
Mantra: Om Miraye Miraye Svaha
- for always resting in peace and avoid being imprison.
note: this author realise this mantra can help a person achieve bodily
peace , also seem to make the environment a bit more peaceful . and this
author think this mantra is helpful for those who born with the
astrology star where a person can be easily imprison as it indirectly
help a person avoiding saying things that can cause the person go to
21. White tara mantra that increase 5 power
mantra: om tare tuttare ture mama panca bala pushtim kuru svaha
video: not available
the five power are saddha bala, viriya bala ,sati bala ,samadhi bala
and prajna bala. which according to what the author read, the 5 power
help overcome enmity and no one can subjugate them. where as the faith
power enable one to have virtue friends assisting them as well as the
person tend to shun evil friends.
22. Venus planet Mantra from lilian book horoscope year 2011
mantra : inside lilian Too horoscope book year 2011
video :
- venus planet being consider as lord of 2nd house which govern the income as well as 7th house which is consider as house of all kind of relationship including marriage, business partnership, contracts and so on. because of this venus planet are thought to be planet that govern entertainment industry, luxury industry, artistic skill as well as diplomatic skill . and therefore it is consider as planet that promote peace and prsoperity (where everyone are likely to become friends instead of fighting each other) . people who born with benefic venus are likely to be very diplomatic , has wide good relationship with others and are more likely to be sucessful as celebrity in entertainment industry.
White bright type of color are thought to be represent venus.
Author note: there is also some small indication that free trade industry are likely to be sucessful for those who has benefic venus . and there are astrologer who think that Venus are a brilliant strategist as venus planet has the capacity to even turn enemies into friends (other than Rahu planet).
23. Mars Planet
Mantra : Lilian Too Horoscope Boook year 2011
Mars planet is consider as a planet of war because the mars gods are
commander of gods warrior. therefore mars planet is thought to be
increase the individual warrior personality side. and therefore it is
beneficial for management skill . Mars planet in beneficic position are
also thought to be beneficial as the person are likely to having an edge
over their competitor. Other than that, Mars mantra are recited as it
is thought to be able to deal with poverty, enmity and debt
issue.Malefic Mars are thought to make a person unable to initiate their
project as they are lacking the ability to be assertive. therefore this
mantra are good for those in management position , competitive job and
industry nature as well as those in sport as mars planet has a very
heavy influence on physical activity.
*.Shurangama mantra
- seem to be very important and require to
follow strict guideline and precepts to recite this. shurangama is very
important that it can make sure heaven and earth will not be destroy.
hopefully i will get to check on this mantra in future. (seem to me this is the most complete shurangama mantra and video with exact word).
- still checking the shurangama sutra itself .
- and seem to be promote vegetarian lifestyle other than promote season weather.
*cut down on using i , me and mine. as it is because of the thought , words that promote self that causes a group to be divide . This is rather subtle influence but it can cause one to be always on war mode because of the self ego (in buddhism , the existence of self is actually nothing more than an illusion just like a mirage oasis, where a traveller thought there is an oasis in a dessert but when the traveller reach there, it is just a mirage, an illusion). the other one that can start a war is out of the three poison ; ignorance, greed and anger.
important reading for future generation:
kalachakra associate with peace,7938,0,0,1,0#.VG9jwWeURkg
note: kalachakra prophesy indicate that there will be a war against
dark force (my understanding is that this dark force cause everyone
living in fear and suffering) which will happen in 2424 and helps will
be coming from outer space by the shambala force (wheel turning king
force). the interesting part is that this war isn't only happening in
this earth. so it could be something like a universe/galaxy war . and
how to avert this war.
This is another interpration of kalachakra. and how the war prophesy by
kalachakra mention that the war started from internal mental and
emotional struggle that result in war , violence....
- there is other site about kalachakra that warn the danger of only the
expert know such as astronomy . if someone change something in the table
for example, no one will notice about it.
*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.
*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of
minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry , some mala had
additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation ) . therefore
it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala
bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how
many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the
proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala
beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may
want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The
more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the
point it can become a very strong protective talisman.
remember to blow your mala bracelet after you completed your recitation
for the day as symbolic for your personal protection.
*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra
which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in
a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each
passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is,
the more powerful this mantra will be.
* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur
offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such
as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell)
and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to
wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore
buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their
daily mantra practise .
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