Right Understanding - Understanding the true nature of life through the practice of wholesome and moral activities.

Right Thought - Purification of the mind by avoiding thoughts of craving, hatred, ill will and cruelty.

Right Speech- Speak gently and refrain from lying, idle talk, harsh words and back-biting.

Right Action - Perform pure action without disturbing, hurting or damaging others.

Right Livelihood - A decent job that does not cause harm or injustice to others.

Right Effort - Use effort to avoid evil thoughts and to cultivate good thoughts.

Right Mindfulness- Be mindful of action, speech and thoughts to ensure righteousness.

Right Concentration - Focus the mind on a single object to gain peace and develop wisdom.

This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering to attain happiness.

This is a free distribution card that author get many years ago. The other side of the card is mandarin translation.


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