Smoky Quartz Crystal (FD26072020-7)

Smoky quartz crystal kinda remind you of slightly dark brown crystal. It is a family of quartz crystal with its own dinstiction.

- promote personal pride, joy in living and creativity in business.
- transmute negative energy .
- enhance your organizational skills therefore facilitate ability to get things done in practical world.
- good for dealing with stress, assist in tolerating difficult times with equanimity.
- enhance survival instinct, help accomplish personal and business goal.
- beneficial for groups and it encourage coorperation.
- help with creativity , prioritize need and wants and wisdom.
- a stone that bring abundance, prosperity and good luck.

Healing benefits:
- treat radiation srelated illness such as chemothepahy by placing on painful area.
- help with abdomen, kidneys, pancreas , hips and legs, headaches , benefits of reproductive system, muscles and nerve tisseus as well as the heart.
- good for depression and fatigue.
- block stress, assist detoxifications on all levels.
- heal addictions and obsessions.
-  help dissolve cramps.
- good for strengthen the back and fortify the nerves.
- relieves headache, back pain, eases muscular spasm.
- good for reproductive system, heart muscles and nerve tissue.
- regulate liquid within body.

Benefits in spirtual term
- more aware of telepathic sound.
- neaturalize energy , bringing yin and yang balance.
- teach one how to leave behind thing that no longer serve you.
 - relieve fear, enhance security and safety, emotional calmness.
- alleviate sucidal tendencies and ambivalence.
- clean base chakra.
- help clear mind therefore recommended for meditation.
- help deaaling with difficult people as it gently dissolve negative emotions.
- provide subtle energy of protection and balance.
- promote positive thoughts and action.
- dispel nightmares and help manifest your dreams.
- help concentration and also assist in communication difficulties.
- protective stone as it protect and ground spiritual workers, clairvoyant and psychics (especially when you are feeling floating after doing spiritual work).
- help change negative energy to something more positive.
- known for physical protection, psychic protection and protect from negative energy.


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