Precepts to be observe (FD19072020-5)

This is an interesting precepts which all that are following buddha religion should observe and strictly follow. To be honest, i for one are not yet able to entirely follow the entire precepts at all time. However, for those who had taken an interest in buddhism and decide to follow can follw the precepts guideline. All the precepts listed by the buddha are actually for our own benefits as well as others.

Ten Major Precepts
1. Do not kill
2. Do not steal
3. No sexual misconduct
4. Do not lie or give false speech.
5. Do not drink alcholism breverages.
6. Do not broadcast the faults of assembly.
7. No praising oneself and disparage others.
8. No stinginess and abuse.
9. Do not harbor anger and resentment.
10. Do not slander the triple jewel.

*. avoid taking 5 pungent foods (onion,garlic, leeks,scallions and chives)  as it is said to attract hungry ghost, decrease your wealth as well as you may end up joining the demon retinue.

*. ginger- i remember there is a saying that ginger arouse anger which is it was advise not to eat ginger if recite specific mantra (which i think is shurungama mantra).

*. Gelatin is said to made of animal bones.

*. lard is said to made of animal fat.

*. french fries maybe using animal fat oil to fry. 


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