Kunzite (FD26072020-4)

Kunzite , quiet a new crystal that is discover in the early 19 century. not much is know about it but kunzite are usually near to colourless and the stronger colour kunzite is more expensive.

Spiritual Healing:
- help combat feeling of inferiority, depression.
- has calming effect on heart.
- help recollect your soul by facilating to the places where your soul has wander off.
- create calmness when one have to accept situation outside one control.
- help remove emotional blockage.
- help one see te blockage and understand what need to be done to start recovery road.
- help resolve , dissolve and get past old buried experiences.
- help with wide range of disorder.
- help achieve balance between reason and emotion. good for distress people.
- help induce relaxation.
- its a centering and grounding stone.
- attract spiritual love.
- remove emotional bloackages from past experiences.
- assist those who had difficulties connect to others. by  help one understand and interact better with others.
- help release walls built around to protect the heart.
- help be receptive to unconditional and abundat love.
- helpful for mother who had difficulty to caring for their young.
- good for sleepless babies and overactive babies.
- good for girls that entering puberty.
- help cleanse auric shadow.
- help one adjust to earth planet environment and energy particularly star children.
- help relieve heartache over loss and separation.
- help overcoming heartbreak after relationship break down.
- useful in situation where you cannot show irritation.
- protective stone when someone bring personal dislikes or problems to work. flirtation or sexual bullying as a power play.
- good for travel.
- protective against harmful spirits.
- bless good fortune.
- good for lovers. help dissolve problem in relationship.
- help bestow inner peace and enjoyment to wearer.
- activate one mind and liberate one from worry and anxiety.
- help aware that one is not alone.
- heal the deepest level, inner child, release past and for the pas that may be holding you back.
- heal all emotional level including relieve stress and anger.
- bring love , peace and harmony to its wearer.
- dispel negativity and strengthen energy field.
- alleviate feeling of panic if place it on solar plexus.
- help bloom one unique skills and ability in creativity.
- help open up emotionally closed down person.
- help move narcissistic personality toward concern and compassion to others.
- heal wound related to love , grieving.
- transform lower emotion into something more healthy.
- lessen heart attack due to negative emotions. kunzite also can dig out toxic emotin to be released once and for all.
- help to detachment.
- promote true act of humanity.
- grant peace, happiness and love.
- form protective shield and remove negativity from the room.
- help deal with derire , immaturity and compulsive behavior.
- help manage critism easily.
- helpful for those with mental trauma, abuse, memory lose and phobias.
- help one realise one have to take oaction within one own life.
- also encourage one take necessary action to change life.
- help adjust to pressure of life.
- good for panic attack and treat psychiatric disorder.

Health benefit:
- help ease tension of muscle.
- good for blood pressure, heart, lungs and kin.
- treat sciatica and painful joins.
- use for female sexuallity and reproductive system issues.
- help treat pms and menstrual pains.
- treat arthistis, rheutmatism and narrowing the arteries.
- enhance blood level and help regenerative tissues.

other benefit:
- help keep sitution under control.
- facilitate flow and remove thing that obstruct your way.
- put kunzite at north for personal growth and journey.

Author note:
- kunzite can bleach under sunlight. so keep it away from direct sunlight when not using.
- kunzite easy to brittle and break.
- kunzite stone should be recharge.


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