mantra that help in bullying situation (FD06072020-6)

This post is specially created for people that are searching for alternative ways to deal with bullying situation.

1. Invoke Guan Yin bodhisattva name (White Guan Shi Yin Pusa)
Guan yin bodhisattva is a very popular goddess (usually recognise through her white robe that may remind you of virgin mary )in the eastern due to her very compassionate nature. It is said that she always respond to the cries of help and thus her name is "hearer of the sound " . Therefore if one call out hard even in the heart only, when she heard it she will come to help you. It is said that by thinking of her , some of her merits do actually being transfer to your side and may clear your bad karma that is currently running on. The opposite side may get compassionate on the spot for a while and leave you out this time. (sometimes it maybe due to your bad karma which you had done in your previous life and got ripen at this very time or it could be the opposite side are currently making new bad karma for themself and unaware about it).
- above is the chinese version guan shi yin pusa (avalokiteshvara ) . if you are interested with sanskrit version , there is another 2 video which has avalokitsehvara which is heart sutra and great compassionate sutra (both of this is available in one of my post).

2. Avalokitesvara mantra(1000 Arm Guan Yin)
The Avalokitesvara  mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum " is a very strong mantra that can in fact lessen the impact of bad situation. Reciting this mantra helps to purify 6 negative emotions namely jealousy , hatred , pride and so on (you never know if the opposite start to bully others is due to jealous , pride or anger or karma for example). It is said that whichever place have such mantra, the malovents effect of the place is reduce. This mantra is widely available as feng shui product such as keychains , necklace, dzi bead and so on. Anyone who are said to saw or hear avalokiteshvara name (amitabha buddha is avalokiteshvara teacher) or the mantra will start to develop a compassion heart gradually.
wearing or keeping om mani padme hum (preferable tibet language) will help lessen the possibility of physical harm to the wearer.

3.  Doing food offering to ghost
- According to one of the master hai tao video. doing the dana paramita of food (generous giving of food) can generate merit that can protect one from being bully. thus it is recommend to do food offering to ghost such as sur offering (incense type), water offering (drinking water that are bless with specific mantra) . since the author could not find the particular sutra and verify the content. this author will leave this information here as it is until further notice.

4. offer incense to buddha statue.
- burning incense to ghost is consider as giving food to ghost. for those who are facing bullying. one can try by offer 12 hour incense daily (whenever the victim need to go out as the 12 hour time usually is enough to cover an entire day at school ) . do make sure that it won't start any fire hazard . the other option the author thought is working well is to offer vegetarian food to buddha statue (strictly no animal meat, no animal egg and no alcohol). 

5. always give free meals.
- always buy free meal to friends, colleague and so on. if this is impossible, then always provide free meal to the homeless, poor people.

6. Vipula Garbhe Mani Prabhe Tathagata Dharani
Mantra: Namah Sarva Tathagatanam. Om Vipula Grabhe mani prabhe thathagata nidarsane mani mani suprabhe vimale sagara gambhire hum hum jvala jvala Buddha vilokite guhya dhistita garbhe svaha. - Om mani vajri hum. - Om mani dhari hum phat
video 1:
video 2 :
video 3:
video 4:
- purify unholy obstacle, accomplish 6 paramita, close the door that lead to bad rebirth and open the door to good rebirth, change demon weapon into flower, subjugate demon, avert poverty, those who hear it shall achieve enlightenment. Also help destroy demon. no fear of thieves, robbers, thugs. no fear of highway and small path. Won't be harm by fierce animal. a lot of sickness won't befall on them including blind, deaf . able to solve all trouble.won't be bully by others. will not die in accidents. won't dumb in future.
Author note: The original source sea translate site are no longer open for public viewing. unless invited. therefore the author decided to remove the link.
This dharani has interested the author partly because it has the ability to turn demon (non human being demon) weapon into flower, help lessen poverty. The author also notice that this dharani seem to help open up job opportunities such as in technology field (where the job itself do not harm sentient beings such as animals). Also heal a lot of sickness.Check the link for detail.     

7. Repenting past karma
- sometimes the reason bullies bully a person is because in the past life the victim did something that might hurt the bully. so the bullies try to get even in this lifetime.  So repenting for past karma will help lighten the negative karma debt with the bullies (in which , the bully are consider as karmic creditor of the victim). therefore repenting toward the bully and then dedicate merits to the bully can lighten the negative karma.

8. Om Yasa Viriya Visudi Sovaka
mantra: Om Yasa Viriya Visudi Sovaka
- for overcome bad temper, quick temper,improve dharma, clearing mind for cultivation and overcome revengeful thought and feeling.

*sometimes chanting too much may actually attracts spirits to you . So if this happen, chant either one of the above and ask them to help guide the spirits to rebirth. The other reason is because most of them (guardian from the mantra) had overcome the stage of lower rebirth such as reborn as ghost, hell , animal realms and thus they may had a better knowledge on how to help the spirits on getting a better rebirth path.

1. Getting counselling help
- sometimes bullying situation will not stop until legal action is taken.

2. family and friends support
- sometimes the worst scenario may have been stopped because of you happen to be there caring for the person who are in desperate situation who was about to think of taking the worst action.

3. Tara mantra
- Green Tara buddha was well known for her swift action. If you are in need of getting help for a situation fast, her mantra works very well and also ripen your bad karma at a very early stage.

4. vajra sattva mantra - a happy mantra
- excellent mantra to help purify your negative emotions even if the negative emotion is created from your past life. So powerful that in fact you may shed tears one day for unknown reason (thats the sign you have been completely heal on one negative emotion) . This mantra is said to be so powerful that even the mara force (demon) will flee from it . If there are one or 2 dark shadow who are still nearby, that maybe because they are seeking freedom by purifying their negative emotions and to end their suffering too. But a caution is warn here as their presence may influence everyone nearby feel and think negatively. the degree of their influence can be much more than you have met a negative person. Be discreet on such shadow as how you met a person in your life. black colour shadow usually mean that the shadow heart and mind are not good and it is a sign that accumulated over time. so is those people who have black aura colour or dark brown.

5. heart sutra
- when you need to see things clearly and calmly in a wider perspective as well.

6. Prayer For Abuser
- not sure who compose this (didn't find any solid sutra about it ). but i think it can give insight to one who read it.

7.The Tara who avert imprisonment by king (one of the 21 tara ~chokgyur lingpa)
mantra: Om tare tuttare ture sarve radza bukten krodha shantim kuru soha
video: not available
- the tara who protect from tyrants - protect from hostility , imprisonment and punishment from rulers,government and chieftains in the outside world, as well as sickness and evil influence cause by negative emotions, jealousy, desire, anger and greed.
Author note: Author think this mantra is pretty good for anyone who are dealing with people who has tyrant personality. however, this is tara mantra. which mean tara do ripen one karma at early stage.

8. Om Yasa Viriya Visudi Sovaka
mantra: Om Yasa Viriya Visudi Sovaka
- for overcome bad temper, quick temper,improve dharma, clearing mind for cultivation and overcome revengeful thought and feeling.

9. Dorje Drolo
- dorje drolo are particular beneficial during degeneration age as it can help solve complex emotional issue and also troublemakers. help remove mental and emotional obstacles especially complex type. help liberate from anger and attachment. beneficial for those who are unhappy. unstable mind as it can bring balance and calm.
Author note: droje drolo also can bring new possibilities . this new possibilities can come in the form of crazy ways  (where no one thought it is possible). do note that dorje drolo is know for its crazy wisdom. dorje drolo fire puja are also beneficial as it can purify negative karma that include problems coming from government, office politics and also speech negative karma. for this author, dorje drolo are also beneficial for those who has emotional issue that come from being bullies by others.

10. Karmapa
mantra: Karmapa
- help endure karmic obstacle. help purify karma. help purify mind and neutralize pollution of mind, pain and suffering, negative karma and pain brought from the world such as defamation, neutralise pain and suffering from the physical body, heaven and earth , harm such as bodily cold from defamation other people. karmapa can negate harm from other people such as blocking your cultivation, people creating obstacles on you, people curse when giving or listening course on dharma  .

11. Dorje Drolo
Mantra: Om Guru Benza Dorje Drolo Lot Loka Sarwa Siddhi Hum Dza

- Dorje Drolo is  padmasambhava in a scorpion form ( a wrathful type) which is very beneficial in term of purifying negative karma . therefore its fire puja are extremely powerful that can help dissolve bad situation that involve gossip, government (authority problem), office politics. this mantra also bring wealth luck and extremely good in dealing with psychology issue that related to extreme emotion such as trauma. and also thought to purify epidermic disease that originate from scorpion. transform hesitancy and clinging into enlightening activity. also give birth to new circumstances and possibilities.
Author note: can't remember where this author found this mantra. but this is beneficial as it seem to help both in business and personal life. this is one of the type of new possibilties where a person can get a job offer while playing games.


- bullier may repeat such habit even as one grow older and got themself into serious trouble at the later stage. The bullier maybe the competitive type who always want to win at all costs regardless who will get injure.
- victims on the other hand may also repeatedly get into being bully stage in coming time (the reason said is because they had one bad tendencies that actually unconsciously attract others to continue bully ) on the other hand , if the victim can survive such bully , they will get stronger.

Bullying case do not only happen in school, it can be happening in workplace for adult as well.


*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.


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