iworship offering (FD14072020-5)

link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.techone.iworshipforandroid&hl=en


香供養, 是以智慧火燒那抽象無價真香, 也就是五分法身香- 戒,定,慧,解脫,解脫智見香.其精神為精進,而能得心神安寧,身體潔淨,三業清淨,多聞妙法之功德利益.

english translation:
number one from ten offering : incense offering
incense offering , is based on how the wisdom fire burn the incense,  also represent five portion : precept, stable, wisdom, liberation , liberation from wrong view incense. spiritually represent as to forge ahead vigorously, and also enable one mind feel at ease, cleanse body, purify mind , body and pseech karma, get merits to hear plenty of buddha dharma sutra .


english translation:
number two of ten offering: flower offering
flower offering, represent subtle, million progress effort that bear result . spiritually represent uphold precept, also has flower effect where will be like by everyone, body produce sweet fragrance, get the merits of loving truth .

 十供養之三: 燈供養

english translation
number three of ten offering: light offering
light offering, represent bright light . spiritually represent wisdom.  should one always make light offering, will get bright eye, smooth career, correct view, and perfect wisdom merits.

十供養之四: 塗供養
 塗梵語水意, 塗供養表為露甘水.能撫慰眾生烦惱.其精神為調柔,而具有身心寧靜,相貌莊嚴,遠離烦惱,人缘良好之功德利益.

english translation
number four of ten offering: water offering
water offering represent water. water offering represent nectar water. enable one  to relieve all sentient beings problem. siriritually represent as harmony, and also enable one body and mind feel tranquility. has a dignified appearance, forever leave trouble behind, and has the merit of good relationship with others.
Author note:  the water offering seem to have one more ingredient herb in it which the author unable to verify this information.

十供養之五: 果供養

english translation:
number five of ten offering: fruit offering
fruit offering represent holy fruit , spiritually represent compassionate, gain the merit of forever far from plague , does not encounter disaster, enjoy happiness, able to quickly get the certification of buddha fruit
Author note: the holy fruit in buddha teaching isn't really a physical object fruit. but rather a result of achievement in one person character. just like bodhi fruit.


english translation:
number six of ten offering: tea offering
tea offering has tea effect benefit, represent awareness. spiritually represent stable dhyana, also get the merit of mouth that produce sweet fragrance, forever leave 'craving of love',  enjoy happiness with little sickness (meaning no major sickness), and has great fortune.

 十供養之七: 食供養

english translation:
number seven of ten offering: food offering
food offering represent pleasing wonderful food meditation. spiritually represent generosity, can get extraordinary strength (strong as an ox), long life span, love by everyone,  unhinder eloquence merits.

十供養之八:  寶供養
 寶供養象征法寶, 其精神為恭敬,而得消除業障,心得安寧,福壽綿長,永離恶道之功德利益.

english translation:
number eight of the ten offering: treasure offering
treasure offering represent  buddha teaching, buddhist monk apparel and staff ,talisman . spiritually represent  respectful, also get the merits to eliminate karma obstacle, one heart gain peace, good luck and long life, forever leave evil path .

十供養之九:  珠供養

english translation
number nine of ten offering: jewel offering
jewel offering represent mani jewel. spiritually represent accomodate with obstruction. using accomodating jewel to offer to buddha and sangha , will get the merits of  dignified appearance,  fine elegance, break greed emotion, quickly achieve holy fruit.

衣為出家僧眾袈裟,僧寶為求解脫而著此服,故袈裟又名[解脫衣] . 衣供養表柔和忍辱,出離生死.
其精神為真誠.常供養袈裟,能得所有安全, 不遭破壞,色澤柔美,且有財宝之功德利益.

english translation:
number ten of ten offering: cloth offering
cloth offering as monk robe, the sangha jewel, also known as liberation cloth . cloth offering represent soft and endurance , liberate from life and death cycle.  spiritually represent sincerity. always offer cloth offering, one can get safety in everything, doesn't meet with damage, gentle and beautiful color, and also has the merit of gaining wealth and treasure.


how to put

都是从正面视角看过去, 而不是从佛像视角.

based on the front view, not from the buddha side view


three holy in the west


Mahasthamaprapta bodhisattva, amitabha buddha, Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva


娑 matron three holy


Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva, Shakyamuni Buddha, Medicine Buddha


Two dharma protector

伽藍菩薩, 韋陀菩薩

Guan Yu , Vaisravana bodhisattva

*the english translation is author own attempt translation directly from the mandarin words and based on author own understanding in buddha teaching.

*the author unable to verify the difference of the actual object offering between the jewel offering and treasure offering in this content.

This is a mobile application content the author play.  the author believe the content could be a portion of buddha teaching that taught about the benefit of offering to buddhas. therefore decided to post the content here.


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