Mantra lessen and purify hell (FD10072020-5)

Most of the negative karma can lead one to born in hell (because karma do expand and multiply overtime)
however there are karma that can result directly in hell such as killing, doing harm to triple jewel (buddha, dharma and sangha)

1. Chenrezig /Avalokiteshvara mantra
Mantra : Om Mani Padme Hum   (108 times / 1 mala everyday)
- will always have wealth , the means of living.
- your wealth will not be stolen or taken away by others. also purify the six negative emotions. and bring protection from physical harm to a person body.
(*excellent for a beginner in mantra. If one had difficulty in encountering other types of mantra, it's best to recite mantras many times until you accumulated enough merits , and perhaps then you will find what you are searching for :)
Author note: help purify hell.most beneficial mantra.

2. Lankavatara sutra 
- this sutra talks about no eating meat.

3. video about avici hell

4. Sutra of Angulimalika

5. Akshobhya Mantra
Mantra : Om Akshobhya Hum
- purify strong anger/hatred negative emotions.

- if you are feeling or someone you know going through death during passage toward rebirth (miscarriage or abortion), death before adulthood , violent or fearful death and suicide are signs of the person having difficulty in obtaining fortunate spiritually can try recite the long version mantra 100,000 times and sponsor the akshobhya image. Or you can ask a temple for doing this ritual for them (check the post for puja ). i personally think this is suitable for anyone to recite if they are going through signs like that as it can help lessen the chances of suicides feeling as this mantra help purify pastlife downfalls.

6. Sutra of Accepting Ten Good karmas as Precepts

7. avoid selling sutras
- Sutras (buddha teachings) are meant to be printed and distributed for free for everyone. this is how other gain wisdom from learning the sutra and thus the giver also get blessings from it (the reward of generosity) . however sutras are not permitted for selling as this will lead to unwholesome karma and cause one born in hell. therefore avoid selling sutra book. better check with person who know in detail about on what level it is consider as selling sutras.

8. The Dharani Sutra of The Buddha on Longevity The extinction of the Offence and the Protection of the Young children
video (vietnam language with eng sub-title) :
video in mandarin (chinese)
video 1st part no.1:
video 1st part no.2:
video 1st part no.3:
video 1st part no.4:
video 1st part no.5:

video 1st part no.6:
video 1st part no.7:
video 2nd part no:1:
video 2nd part no.2:
video 2nd part no.3: 
Author note: this is the only english translation the author manage to find so far. This sutra talk about how to obtain long life in addition to what causes one to have short lifespan and end up in hell.

9. Surangama Sutra
Most Surangama sutra and Surangama Mantra are split into two categories.

10. The filial peity sutra
Author: if one is unable to follow the instruction in the sutra to be filial to one own parent, then one is destiny to be in hell.

11. Amoghaphasa Dharani and mantra (Mahayana Arya Amoghapasa Hrdaya Sutram)
mantra: "Om Amogha-padma-pasa krodha karsaya praveshaya maha pashu pati yama varuna kuvera brahma vesa dhara padma kula samayam hum hum"
video:not available
mantra benefits:
1. one will be free from all kind of illness
2. Even if the disease is caused by karma, it will dissipate immediately
3.One would be famous and well-liked by all people
4. One’s body will become hidden
5. One will obtain abundant material wealth
6.One’s wealth will not be lost to thieves
7. Indestructible by fire
8. Indestructible by water
9. Inconsficable by the king or ruler
10. All of one’s conduct will be perfected
11. Freedom from the five fears of water with direct self clamor
12. Removing all disturbances
13. One’s personality / character will not be blemished
14. Freedom from fear of the dakinis
15. One’s hardship will not multiply
16. No death caused by weapons, fire or water
17. One will be protected by devas
18. One will obtain love and compassion
19. Happiness
20. Peace of mind wherever one is born
Furthermore, one will also receive the eight qualities as follows (ED: strange that it lists an additional 3 qualities, totalling 11 in number):
1. Upon death, one will be received by the Noble Avalokitesvara in the form of a Bhiksu
2. One will have a peaceful death
3. One’s arms and legs will be unshakeable and will not possess / be free from wrong views
4. One’s body will not produce filth and urine
5. No interference from the air
6. One will be blessed with awareness and vigilance
7. One’s memory will not weaken / degenerate
8. One will not die facing downwards
9. One will not die from massive / heavy / mortal accidents
10. One will be born according to one’s wishes and
11. One will always meet / be in touch with good spiritual friends
Author note:  In buddhism there are saying that , whoever own the land is also consider as king . therefore the author think this mantra also help protect wealth from landlord and landlady . Also Amoghaphasa are said to be particular helpful in law matter where amogaphasa can bind troublemaker.

12. The tara who avert hell born calamities and protect against politics (21 tara)
mantra: Om Tare tuttare ture mama sarva Randza Dushen Droda Shindam Kuru Soha
- protect from hell calamities and politics. this tara is also known  the destroyer of opposing force.

13. Manjushri eight syllable mantra
Mantra: Om Avira Hum Kachara
- increase happiness and merits. eliminate evil and harm.the practitioner will feel peaceful, achieve success at work.also eliminate karma. other benefits of reciting this include:no war in country, control astrology planets influence (sun, moon, 28 stars) and also transfer bad luck (mitigate bad luck to something better), no infectious disease in the country, no disaster in country, citizen will not be wrongly condemned, citizen will not be harm by evil power, citizen will not suffer from sudden death, weather is favorable, people are happy, no evil king or leader in the country, people will not face with dangerous animal or villains.
- other benefits from other video are listed below . can get great benefits. eliminate 3 evil path. can do everything, when recite the mantra it is as if the manjushri is in front. can help fulfill all good things. help purify heavy karma. can protect wealth. everything done won't encounter obstacle. recite 1  time- protect self, 2 time- protect other , 3 times- protect king, 4 time protect concubine, 5 times - protect all dependents, 6 times- protect village, 7 times- protect all sentient beings. if recite 7 time on cloth and wear it, it can eliminate all poisonous , evil and difficult disaster. if recite 7 time on water before washing hand and face, can enable all sentient bveing arouse respect heart. all evil people will be pacify. if the person in pain recite 108 rimes on water and then bath, the person will be cure. if recite 7 times on drinking water and then drink it daily, karma can be eliminate. if chant it on food before eating, the person will not receive any food poisoning. if meet with evil people and enemy, recite this mantra at that time, they will be pacify. evil intention will be eliminate, they will arouse compassion.

14. Lotus Pinnacle Of Amoghapasa
mantra : Om Padmo Ushnisha Vimale Hum Phat

- this one has plenty benefits such as if the person recite it for a deceased person , the person can be liberated (rebirth) . require to remember the decease looks though. and it also has other benefits which is say that a person can be a chakravatin for reciting this mantra . and also if the red sandalwood incense is bless with this mantra and then the smell of this incense are being blown onto clothes. the person who wear this cloth can be liberated from both enemies and thief.

painting of hell scenes

*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.


*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .   


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