Mansjuhri Mantra (Manjushri Mantra) (FD08072020-4)

Mansjuhri mantra is said to help one develop memory, speech and clarity of mind.

"Om Ah Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih"

Manjushri is said to hold a sword on his right hand which sever all the notion of duality. It cuts away all delusion, aversion or longing. It also reveal understanding, equanamity and compassion.

manjushri left hand is said to hold prajnaparamita book which rest on a lotus of compassion.

A - Insight that essense of all things is unproduced.

Ra - Insight that all things are pure and free of defilement.

Pa - Insight that all dharma have been expound in ultimate sense.

Ca - Insight that arise and ceasing of things cannot be apprehended because in reality there are no arising or ceasing.

Na - Insight that although name for thing change, the nature of things behind their name cannot be gain or lost.

Dhih - mean thought, religious thought, reflection .

Author note:

This is a new mantra that i had come across recently . while i can't say much but this mantra is said to help develop wisdom and increase intelligence. What was so important for one to have wisdom is the fact that wisdom is said to give one long life as it helps to multiply your days and add years to your life. Perhaps this mean that one will had wisdom to distinguish what is right and wrong and thus enable one to walk a right path, a healthier life . And it is said that wisdom benefit not only the wise men but to people around him.

*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.


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