Protective measures will prevent costly disaster (FD20082020-9)
Protective measures will prevent costly disaster. This mean that one should take protective measure all the time so that it prevent a big disaster from happening. For an example; one should get insurance for the families so that the families will have safe assurance even if something do happen to the breadwinner. Secondly, one should have save some money in accounts (6 months) in case one encounter unemployment crisis. The same goes for one should build up a retirement fund so that when one is lay off near retired age , you are able to support yourself without needing to borrow money from anyone. This apply to building a college fund for your children while they are still a toddler, so that they can get good education when they reach teenage age and you don't have to be suddenly burdened by extra expenses. Thirdly, one should have take care of one own health even before a call for major surgery in future as a result of negligence toward one own health. fourthly, one should be ...