Public Bank Gold Investment Account Brochure (FD25082020-1)(under progress)

Last Update: Jan 2019

Public Bank
Golden investments taht shines



Gold investment Account

If you are looking for a new investment avenue to earn potentially higher returns, a smart choice is to invest in gold since there has been a tremendous increase in demand for gold in recent years. Public Bank (PBB) now provides you an opportunity to open a Gold Investment Account which allows you to tap the evergreen demand for gold.

WHat is a Gold Investment Account (GIA)?
*GIA is an account which allows customers to purchase or sell the purest available gold commodity in 99.99% fineness at daily prices in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).
*For individual customers, the transation will be recorded into a (PBe) in addition to the passbook.
*As for non-individual customers, passbook is not applicable and transactions will be recorded in the monthly e-statement only. Non-individual customers are required to register for PBe when opening the GIA.

How does GIA work?
*Firsly, customers's investment amount is converted to gold holdings expressed in gram based on the Bank's prevailing counter gold selling price and will be recorded in a Passbook and/or monthly e-statement.
*Consequently, if a customer wants to sell the gold, the gold will be converted to MYR equivalent at the Bank's prevailing counter gold buying price.
*Customers will benefit if there is an appreciation on gold price or vice versa.

Who are eligible to open GIA?
*individuals (resident or non-resident) aged 18 years and above.
*Parent may open together with their children who are below the age of 18 years.
*Non-individual i.e. companies, sole proprietorships, partnerships, societies, clubs and associations.

Is the customer required to maintain a deposit account with the Bank prior to opening a GIA?
*Yes. Customer is required to open a savings or a current account prior to opening a GIA if he/she currently does not have one. The aforesaid deposit account (designated deposit account) will be linked to GIA to facilitate the debiting of annual service free, if any.

What is the minimum transaction quantity and minimum balance to be maintained in GIA?
*The minimum quantity of initial gold purchase is 5 grams.
*The minimum quantity for subsequent purchase/sale of gold is 1 gram, and in multiples of gram.
*the minimum gold balance to be maintained in GIA is 2 grams.

Is there any service fee imposed on this account?
*An annual service fee will be debited from the designated deposit account if the GIA account balance falls below 10 grams as at 31 December of each year.

Can customer perform gold purchases/sales transaction via online for GIA?
*Yes. Online gold purchases and sales for GIA are available via PBe at discounted price. Terms and Conditions apply.

Will customer receive any interest on GIA?
*As a global practice, GIA does not pay interest as this is not a deposit placement, furthermore, the Bank keeps the gold with an authorised custodian bank.

Is GIA subject to witholding tax?
*NO. GIA is not subject to witholding tax as no interest is paid to the account.

Why invest in GIA?
*Gold is the best possible hedge against inflation.
*To earn potentially higher returns from the appreciation in gold price.
*convenience of investing in gold as gold purchases and gold sales can be carried out at any PBB branches or online.
*Easy to monitor as gold purchases and gold sales are recorded in a passbook and/or monthly e-statement.
*Able to invest in gold without having to keep the gold physically.
*Alternative investment avenue to build up gold portfolio which is cheaper compared to investing in gold jewellery as the latter will incur additional cost on workmanship.

Who should invest in GIA?
*Customer whoa re seeking to improve the returns of their investment portfolio over a period of time.
*Customers who are seeking to diversify their investment portfolio so as to optimise their asset allocation, i.e stock , property, gold, unit trust funds, fixed deposits etc.

What are the key risk consideration?
*Gold buying / selling price quoted shall be determined by the Bank at its sole and absolute discretion taking into account all factors the Bank shall deem relevant including the prevailing world and local market conditions for gold, the exchange rate between United States Dollar and Malaysian Ringgit and the gold fineness.
*The return on the GIA are subject to the international gold price fluctuations and the United States Dollar foreign exchange movement. Capital loss may incur as a result of untimely disposal of gold holdings under depressed gold price sentiments.

Is GIA insured by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM)
*No.GIA is not insured by PIDM.

Other Terms & Conditions apply.


Akaun Pelaburan Emas

Sekiranya anda sedang mencari peluang pelaburan yang baharu untuk memperoleh pulangan yang berpotensi lebih tinggi, pilihan yang bijak adalah untuk melabur dalam emas memandangkan terdapatnya permintaan emas yang tinggi sejak tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini. Public Bank (PBB ) kini memberi anda peluang untuk membuka Akaun Perlaburan Emas yag membolehkan anda memperoleh manfaat daripada permintaan yang berterusan untuk emas.

Apakah Akaun Perlaburan Emas?
* Akaun Pelaburan Emas ialah akaun yang membolehkan pelanggan-pelanggan membeli atau menjual komoditi emas pada ketulenan 99.99% pada harga harian yang disebut daldm Ringgit Malaysia (MYR).
*Untuk pelanggan Individu, urus niaga akan direkodkan dalam buku simpanan. E-penyata bulanan opsyenal boleh didapapti melalui (PBe) selain daripada buku simpanan.

*Readers are advised to do some research before make decision on purchasing investment.

*readers are encourage to make a light offering in front of buddha statue before making investment purchase (as light offering help to dispel ignorance and increase wisdom)  


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