Ways to help you sleep better. (FD23082020-9)

Ideas or Ways to help you sleep better.
Below are some ways that helps promote sleep especially if you got difficulty on how to sleep or can't sleep.
- Drink warm milk (soymilk, brown rice cereal).
- Drink Herb tea.
- Roast cinnamon till black before boil it in water. Recommend taking it at least half hour before sleep.

  1. Listen to music – classical music or soft music can get people to sleep
  2. Counting sheep
  3. Short walk before bed
  4. Bed time routine
  5. Avoid watching TV before sleep
  6. Avoid reading material that gets one excited.
  7. Tuck some amethyst crystals into pillow before you sleep on it.
  8. Tuck some lapis lazuli crystal under your pillow.
  9. Cool down time after heavy working
  10. Exercise
  1. Massage
  2. Aromatherapy - Lavendar help promote sleep and good spirit and body.
  3. Acupressure
  4. Acupuncture
  5. Yoga posture
  6. Meditation
  7. gyan mudra
  8. shakti mudra – quick enough to make me yawn.
1. Green Tara Mantra
Author own experience:
My personal experience is that Amethyst work best when one have a lot of stress /worries which result in unable to sleep. Green Tara Mantra is exceptionally good when one feels insecure or fear. Certain herb tea does helps one to relax and as a result, one will sleep easily.

2. Insomnia mantra (recite minimum 21 times daily and blow on your food)
mantra :  " hay hay li yo pak tai ya "
- this mantra and information is quoted from www.fpmt.org site. if you put this mantra around your neck or put under your pillow, it will promote sleep. you can try this by write the following words on a piece of white paper and then chant "om vajrasattva hum " at least once before you put it under your pillow.
Author note: usually help bring deep sleep.
source: https://www.lamayeshe.com/advice/mantras-insomnia

1. Bedroom fengshui - there are certain objects in your bedroom may actually anti sleep such as plants , the placement of mirror and also how your bed is place from the door.  Others may include the colour of your wall should be yin .  Consult feng shui expert or feng shui guidebooks .

Author note: Last edit is on Jan 2018, the author here had remove honey suggestion as the author now is campaigning for vegan and vegetarian lifestyle which exclude sentient being suffering. This is also based on author own experience with honey, believing that eating honey could incur karma debt with bee(for taking the bee wealth since bee cannot talk to us directly and gave us the permission to take their honey).


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