Cleansing Your Aura For Better Health (FD233082020-6)

Aura or etheric shield is your spiritual energy around your body. It is your first line of defense for your physical and spiritual well being. Your aura is part of your immune system . When your aura is weak, you are likely to pick up negatives things from other people aura, subject to get attack by negativies entities and your life experience a lot of difficulties and the negatives pattern keep on repeating and more vulnerable to the risk of receiving psychic attack and black magic easily. A weak aura also make your physical body immune system weaken. It is said that there are energy blockage manifest in one person aura first and chakra before it slowly develop into cancer . By cleansing and protecting your aura and chakra, there are many illness can be cure before it is even develop. A strong and healthy aura also will helps to improve situation that involve Chronic Fatigue Symptom.
Ways to cleanse your aura:
  1. Flower essense – Flower Essense are excellent for cleansing your aura. It helps by removing negativities that stick inside your aura . Certain flower essense also helps to balance your chakra. Lavendar, sage, cedarwood , jasmine are some of the flowers essense that is helpful. Lavendar was the only which had tested with scientific result to be able to abolish one negativities in one aura and thus heal. Sandalwood are excellent in clearing negativies compare to crystal cluster , water soaking or lavendar(if you can see negatives energy,you can see the result almost the next second). unfortunately i can't find any record that support sandalwood effectives against evil eyes (but are likely to be able to do so ) and thus it become my next agent cleanser for my crystal. Regardless, it is well known for protection, aligning chakra and use mostly in many religion as prayer item. *Sandalwood may actually push evil eye away and in some cases the evil eye may drop to the floor like a ball that loses its energy. Additional note:  Aug 2019 - the author found out that certain flower (such as lavender) and plant scent can arose men sexual desire. therefore be particular careful of when to use the flower aroma to avoid any unwanted incidents.
  2. Crystals – Different crystals have different functions. Some crystals are use to protect the aura , some are excellent in removing negativities while others are specific in healing your aura hole. Crystals however works like a battery, they need to be cleanse and recharge for optimum result. Crystals that are known for protecting or cleansing aura are labadorite, amethyst, aquamarine (most of chrysoberyl type has such abilities as well) and tourmaline. Tiger eye is said to help prevent energy drain.Hematite and lodestone helps in protect aura(more like a shield, magnetite hematite does encourage better body self-heal as well. a caution is noted when use magnetite hematite as it may kill your clock/watch battery , damage some of your electronic device such as credit card, pace maker within its range. therefore do treat it like how you will handle a magnet.) Rose quartz perform surgery on your aura and pull the evil eye into itself to be cleanse.  Do not use Ametrine (in case you did use it before and going through its side effect, you should stop using it and may need to recite medicine buddha mantra ). Best to get tabletop size crystal so that the crystal field can cover your entire aura area while working or studying. or you can simply just wrap a few amethyst tumblestone (amethyst help clean and repair your aura) or any other crystals with white plain cloth and carry in your pocket where ever you go.
  3. meditation and mudra – Meditation and its mudra has a lot of beneficial when one practise regularly. There are many types of mudra for balancing your chakra but the only one that seem to have the most impact on aura cleansing are gyan mudra and the other one which use gyan mudra but the right hand is put on your heart.
  4. bell - it is said that bell sound can be use to drive away evil spirit (due to its vibration sound and thus are a favourite tool for cleansing room in feng shui application) . That maybe one of the reason why church has bell (regardless, church has windows that is make out of crystals so whoever goes churches indeed are likely to get healing from crystals directly from sunlight) :)
  5. A string of red bracelet - there is a saying that wearing a string of red bracelet on the wrist help fend off evil eye. The strength of the red string bracelet will grow stronger (the owner and the string connection) as time passes with faith of the bracelet power grow stronger. It will grow so strong that no other protection is needed.
  6. mantra - there are many mantra out there but the latest one that i felt extremely helpful is vajrapani mantra. it seem to be able to remove subtle negative energy that are stick to you and also anyone near you. it is an empowerment mantra that goes with medicine buddha mantra (yet it seem that i only found this one out after many years later). it is said that one should recite a million times of vajrapani mantra (probably goes with mala so that it will become a protective charm)before one start with medicine buddha mantra for retreat. It can be a very powerful mantra since our lives are always nearby negative energy such as noises pollutions, car pollutions , tv and so on. And it helps with clearing your negative energy thought after you read some extremely bad news from newspaper for example.
    1. Cundi Mantra. said to be able to help one have a perfect aura (stated in other websites). if you are deciding to keep this written mantra, best if you can find the version in sanskrit or tibet symbols as i feel it is much stronger. if you are gonna recite it with mala bead, best if you can recite over 100,000 times as there are additional blessings of purification heavy karma. i personally haven't try going full for cundi mantra for aura protection purpose but cundi buddha is a buddha mother that bring over 7 billion sentient beings become enlighten buddha. to  understand cundi mantra and cundi buddha blessings in more detail , you will need to read full article about her  including the symbolism of each of her hand object means. if you ever feel wanna vomit while reciting this mantra, it mean you have very heavy negative karma. and you should recite a lot (100,000 times or 200,000 times or more ) until you receive a dream of vomitting white color  thick paste as a sign of purification (if it is black colour in your dream it mean you need to continue recite until you dream of white colour one). however if you can recite more than 800,000 times and then continue on recite everyday, you will get additional blessings.  May by writing about this cundi mantra will bring blessings to all sentient beings.
      1. "namah saptanam samyaksambuddha kotinam tadyatha om cale cule cundi svaha ". 
      2. recommended to blow your mala beads everytime you completed recite mantras for the day. it means "for your personal protection ". very useful especially if you are bringing your mala beads wherever you goes. (i personally felt that my mala beads gonna go break for cleansing everyone heavy karma if i didn't do that, but it seem to me that it can still help everyone to purify karma even after blowing it. or you can simply teach your friends to recite it as well for their own personal protection since the one who recite it get the most blessings from each recitation)

  1. mala bead - this is to be use together with mantra. if recited often using mala bead, it will become a very strong protective talisman. Unfortunately i never get to know about the usage of mala bead back then when i was dealing with aura problematic issue. So i'll leave this up to your own judgement which mantra you want to go with.  
  2. cloths - another one way is to boost your internal energy is through the colour of your cloths. white and black colour are the universal colour cloth . The most related colour that specifically help with aura are supposingly purple colour but since it is difficult to gauge the level of the colour as too much red in purple will make one too energectic to sleep at night so i'll be recommending light blue . dark blue may cause one feel melancholy a lot. 
*Healthy Aura had strong connections to a person healthy chakras . It is advisable that one should practise cleansing and balancing chakras and Aura for optimum health reason.
*Avoid Alcohol and drugs as this both helps to make holes in your aura .This will enable negatives entities (include ghost, other people negative emotion or thoughts) attach to your aura . Any negative event / trauma also may have impact on your aura and create a hole in your aura. Therefore having methods that can cleanse your aura , heal and protects is a very ideal situation.

*With a healthy balance of chakra and aura, your life will attract more positive situation :)


additional notes: below are based on my own research and experience. The info may not be 100% accurate. Do consult an experience person such as reiki healer or those who can see a complete aura layer .

A weak aura may be weaken by various factor such as inssuficient sleep, weaken immune system, lack of confidence and esteem for example. However, i found out that aura can be weaken by other unseen situation as well such as:
1. evil eye / psychic attack / negative thought - This type is usually like a round black color which one would see like in anime thunder bolt type. Generally the bigger it is the more negative energy it has. It usually is generated when one harbor negative emotion to another or an event coz the other person had a sudden negative thought about it. A smaller evil eye may move slower toward another person and you may see a tail as well which remind you of a sperm.
*according to vastu religion , hang 7 green chilies and lemon at entrance to prevent evil eye from entering your home. However, this maybe not enough in our modern life as we may be picking a lot more negativities and evil eye than 7 chilies can handle. There is a belief in folklore that fishes cannot receive evil eye as water cover their entire body so might as well consider water fountain as part of feng shui. Hygiene Water clean negativity , make one surrounding feel better and fountain is belief to help with improving wealth. (consult genuine feng shui master as not everyone is compatible with it).
*other type of protection from evil eye include wearing red string on left wrist - kaballah belief (there is a belief that blue string can offer protection as well but for unknown reason it seem to be less well known compare to the red string),or red cord necklace(tibet religion practise cord on necklace are red , yellow, blue or dark blue for protection) , dzi beads , crystal . certain types of food like lemon , chili , black pepper particularly salt are said to useful in evil eye situation.
* If you suspect you had receive evil eye from others, try look at the picture of eye of buddha which is similar to the tibet building decoration. It can be faster than crystals in eliminating evil eye. ( a pair of eye with a symbol similar a question mark below the eye. recommend to check out the genuine picture)
* positive thinking. Positive thinking helps to strengthen your aura defense.
*diagnostic evil eye - europe belief that evil eye can be diagnostic by dropping a charcoal , coal or burn head match into a pan of water . If the coal float , the child had been given an evil eye).
2. egg - the egg must be placed under the bed after a cure been done , if a white membranous film appear on the egg , the evil eye is given by a man . If there is an eye on the egg, it is given by women. Mexico use the egg to roll over the body as antidote to cure the evil eye, This will be repeated with many eggs until the one without evil eye is found.
2. negative energy - negative energy is usually generated through event and you will see it like black color smoke. negative energy may cause disturbances to your environment indirectly. negative people tend to carry such negative energy within their aura.
3. unwanted energy / outdated pattern energy - unlike negative energy, unwanted energy actually remind you of incense white smoke color(one may feel as if one swipe something on the air like swiping your hand on a blowing fan wind) . It is known as unwanted energy as it is an energy that no longer beneficial to you. Some of your bad habits or feeling that is not good may be a direct result coming from you accidently pick up unwanted energy from others such as fear, stress, or overslept habits. Unwanted energy may also be generated from your own self when you decided to break a bad habit for example but have not yet completely able to break free from the habit and thus the unwanted energy still stay with you.
4. negative entities - it maybe actually consider part of evil eye however i decide to make as another category as it is slightly different effect. negative entities is neither ghost nor a spirit but more of the fact that it is actually coming from a living human. They serve as energy eater(parasite) where they trigger certain emotion on the host and it is being feed back to the actual sender. It is very damaging to the host as negatives entities actually create negative emotion in the host. However most of the sender are not aware of this. One may also get positives entities in their aura which help to create positive emotions(i don't find it that beneficial as it make one think one is hearing a ghost talk). If a person heard voices in their head, it may actually be a case of entities in the person aura or chakra insufficient energy . 
vampire energy or anyone insufficient energy do not necessary create negatives entites as they can simply drain it once they are near you (especially when your aura have a hole, some blog mention it as a black tentacle appearing in your aura hole and dissapear once the drain energy is complete).
5. hole in your aura - having holes in your aura mean that your aura space has an empty area and empty area are meant to be fill up . Thus whatever listed above can keep come in . It is important to heal your aura or at least protect it. Eliminating evil eye only for example is not sufficient as they will keep coming back until the hole is completely heal.



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