Mewa information from tibetan astrolgy network (FD23082020-1)

 Mewa-1 (Metal-White).
A person born in this Mewa is given by a heaven-god, and will therefore
have not many but only one single descendant. His foots generate whirls
of wind, therefore he likes to travel.
Past life: In his past live he had been at first a king of this world and then
he was born in the heaven.
Present life: he has now been born in the human realm. Signs and
influences of his previous lives in the different realms are shown in this
life as mole chains located in the lower abdomen or in the right side of
the back or in the right arm. Alternatively, if the person does not have
mole chains in the right side, he will be left handed and will have precise
birth marks in the lower part of the body.
Character: If he is a man, he will be a brave. If he is a female,she will not
be inferior to others for what concerns properties, but she will need to
change her house. In case the person is a woman, she will like men very
One of his ancestors is the Yang (prosperous) of the family. Because of
loosing this Yang (prosperous), probably his descendants will suffer from
handicaps, rheumatisms, arthritis, eyes problems, blindness or
alternatively, if the above mentioned illnesses will not happen, his
descendants will suffer by shoulder pains, nose and eye problems. There
will always be unhappiness with the mind not remaining in the heart. By
nature he will be nervous, short tempered, but good of heart.
His earlier part of life will be characterized by significant changes of
fortune and there will be a psychological suffering and sadness. His later
part of life will be happy and harmonious.
Health: This will be subject to two conditions: either the person will
become an orphan or he will be influenced by the negative energy
originated by a grudge coming from - his mother's or sister's side. This
negative energy is not very favourable to his protectors, therefore he will
probably suffer from sensory organ problems or from parents dying
during a journey or from missing bones of the head, the consequence of
which is that the person will hold two places of residence. His character
will be short of breath, nervous and short tempered. His favourite
property will be dairy animals. He will like milk products and wine.
Children: He will have difficulties in having a child and his children will
come more from~ outside of his house.
Wealth: The property will be instable and there will probably be a
separation or he will two different children, belonging to different
parents. Among his descendants, he could be a single child in three
Life Span of life is fixed to 71 ~years and four obstacles will occur.
Next life: The person will probably be born as a goat, a sheep, a duck or
a swan or a Noe jin or a human being living in the mountain, or he will be
born in the Naga realm.
Pacification: If the person is going to build an Avalokitesvara statue, he
will be reborn as a male in a rich family or he will be born as a god or as
a Brahman in this world.
Spirits: This person will be provoked by King Spirit, Thumb size spirit and
Gongpo spirits, therefore he will feel the burning of the mind. There is a
big danger that a Gongpo spirit will enter into his heart. His protectors
are white female Naga spirits and they will protect him from any negative
Advice: If the person is good and clean from a hygienic point of view,
then his protectors will always be favourable with him and he will avoid
the negative energies deriving from a dead body and a marriage.
Mewa-2 (Water-Black)
A person born in this Mewa, whether male or female:
Past live: His past life was in hell, then he became the son of a daemon,
then a cannibal. As a sign and influence of his past live, in this life he will
probably separate from his parents early and will make a perjury to his
father and uncle. He will need to change his house. If he is the first child
of the family, then he will be easy to grow up. He will suffer from the
competition and the jealousy of his father's side relatives. He will be nice
and gently speaking but inside of strong character. He will have a cold
mood and will talk a little but significantly. These are the symptoms of his
past life influence.
Present life: While young, he will suffer from various problems as a
consequence of his birth having brought some obstacles to his parents,
relatives, friends, or to the property. In his life there will possibly be some
suffering which will make him cry. Even if he does his work with a positive
mind and a good heart, people will treat him wrongly. He has done his job
to the best of his capacity, but he will obtain very little appreciations. If
he is a religious practitioner, he will have powerful psychic energy. He will
like meat and, by nature, will be very nervous and aggressive. Even if he
shows kindness to others, he will get a negative response. He will make
other people happy but very little satisfaction will come to him.
Character,: It is said that even if people eat hundred tastes contained in
the food, still they do not feel satisfied. He has done the job with full
energy but his work has not been finished at all. He had a precious
respect of his friends, partner and children, but he has not got a good
fortune to stay with them. It is said that a single is like an arrow.
As a consequence of a fratricide committed by one of his ancestors, his
character will be influenced and turn into a strange one so that he will
care of his work in the morning and will become careless in the evening.
He will possess an unchangeable mind and a powerful speech.
He will be separated from his parents and will miss a bone in the head, so
his property and life will be instable; it is said: if the iron palace has no
doors, the king will be lifeless and if a cock is put under the dust it will
spread all the dust in the space. These will happen metaphorically in his
Health: In general there will not be many physical problems, but if he
gets a disease,it can be dangerous to his life.
Children: The portion of children allotted to him is fixed to two or three.
Next live: He will be reborn as a cannibal or a bear, a monkey, or a preta.
Pacification: If he is going to build a Vajrapani statue and ' practice,
then life can change in future and he will be reborn as a Tsang ri
(Heavenly god)' or as a Shang lon (son of a wealthy spirit) or he will be
reborn as a male in the human world. Signs and symptoms of this show
in his right side back and right or left arm, left chest or in the shoulder or
in the neck, where there could be a mole.
Spirits: He will get a provocation from a Sadak and from a De-bo and Dud
and War God will protect him. He will not suffer from minor spirits.
Because of two male and female bDud spirits provocation, his birth will
have a negative effect for his relatives. Their Yang (prosperous) will be
lost. He himself will be difficult to grow up. When he is grown up, he will
separate from his partner or it will be difficult for him to grow up his
Advice: In the history of his ancestors, there could be a story of
fratricide, and a lack of children. In the future his descendants will suffer
from the same, therefore he must be conscious of this.

has been helped and driven by a spirit
bSenmo or kLu-srin or Gnyan, therefore it is said he is the son of this
spirit. In his past life he was born as a bragsrin (abominal man of the
rocks), in his second past life he was born as a cannibal, finally he was
born as an elephant.
The karmic forces and influences of past live in his present character:
this person loves sleeping and has a big and brave heart. His belongings
are instable. Signs of these influences could be birthmarks on his leftside
leg and on the lower abdomen. As a consequence of his birth, his family
lost the Yang (prosperous).
Character: He will be greedy and tricky. Without properly knowing the
religious and spiritual practices he will like to show his knowledge. If he
is a man, he will be a little talkative; if the person is a woman, she will
suffer from losing her husband early.
He will not be humiliated by upper class people, but he will get
humiliations from the lower people. People hidden in the shadow will be
his enemy in the future. There can be the danger that by speaking he will
separate from his partner, husband or wife. He is a person who always
changes his mind, he does what he wants and is difficult to be influenced
by others. He is ambitious and difficult to satisfy. Spirits always try to
interfere with him and this brings unsuccesfullness in his work. He did
good and kindness to others, but he will receive blames by other people.
People will not let him go into a high position and he can not stand a
lower position. He is a person easy to deceive and sometimes blames and
criticisms will deceive him. He is a person who is expecting the good
results coming from his past live. His ancestors are appearing from the
polished surface of a sword; they have been successful to hold the place
of his generation, but because of this, his ancestors were killed or died
under a knife or another weapon. From his father's side, some members
of his family have been separated from the family or have been in poor
He is the man who got a leg to support his own body, but got no clothes
to cover his leg and this means that in the last he will remain single or
hold two places.
He will be a self-made man with little physical sickness.
Health: Generally this person will enjoy good health, but he will die from a
chronic disease or an accident. For him and his descendants, the cause
of death will be a falling or rolling down from a mountain, a sword or
Among his children, there will probably be problems of internal organs or
swallowing, skin disease or oedema, hemiplegia or epilepsy.
Children: This person is like a tree with many leaves and little fruit;
similarly, he is a man with many marriages but few children.
Wealth: This person has a good divine protector, which however went
away because of his negative and contaminated works and therefore the
Yang (prosperous) of the property and wealth has been stolen by a hDre
or an enemy. Consequently, his wealth is instable like an illusion or like
the vapors of water.
Life span: The life span is fixed around fifty years, with three obstacles.
Next live: In his next life he will probably be reborn as the daughter of a
cannibal or as an elephant or as a ptarmigan (mountain bird)
Pacification: If the person make a very generous gift and recites the
Mantra of Vajrasattva around ten thousand or one hundred thousand
times and if he builds a statue of Vajrasattva, he will be reborn in the
West with a different [than oriental] language as a daughter in a rich
family. As a sign of this happening he might have a birthmark on the back
ribs, arms or on the pelvic area.
Spirits: Just after his birth, spirits Dre-wo and Sen-mo provoked him.
During his life he will get a provocation from a Sa-srin and a kLu-srin.
Also, a kLu-srin and a Gongpo are his protectors, who help him to be
protected from the negative influences.
Advice: It is dangerous for him to make burning near the spirit of the
house or of the land. He should keep attention to negative forces and to
the energy which obscure his intellect and awareness.
Mewa-4 (Wood-Green)
A person born in this mewa:
Past live: His reincarnation in the human realm was helped by a white
female Naga spirit, therefore he is a son of Naga. In his past life, this
person was a kLu and then he was reborn as a white deer. As sign of the
influences of these past live he might have moles or a round and black
birthmark on the right leg.
Present life: His descendants will get sensory organ problems or will
suffer from many court cases and misfortunes because of having one
Yang (prosperous) from the house. He will receive a lot of jobs or
occupations which require travelling and many sufferings. People will use
to talk a lot about him. He does a good job but results will be claimed by
others. He does not like to stay in a lower position but people will not let
him come up. There will be no big income, although he does not need to
spend a lot.
Character: He loves to travel and to do a lot of mental work. He will be
profound and with a negative mind. By nature, this person will love
cleanliness. He is sensible,clearly speaking, but easy to get nervous. He
will dispense generosities, but he will receive only blame and
Health: In his house or land or place of working dwells a Sadak spirit,
which is causing to him gout, rheumatism, skin diseases or pimples or
mental disorders or depression.
Life span: The life span is fixed around sixty five years, with four
Next live: Probably he will be reborn as a pigeon, a cuckoo or as a person
hard of hearing. As a sign of this, he will clearly show a mole in the lower
lumbar region or in the back shoulder or in the right arm or in the
occipital region or in the forehead or he will have a mole chain. If he does
not have this, he must be a left-handed person or there is a possibility to
have a mole or wart in his face.
Pacification: If this person is going to make a Vajrapani statue or ten
thousand or hundred thousand stamp clay, he will be reborn as a
powerful tantrician, who makes esoteric practices, or as a magician or he
will be reborn as the son of a rich family in the West.
Spirits: Through contamination, this person will suffer from instable
property and will need to change place. Animals which belong to his
relatives will suffer from the spirit. The shape or the spirit is similar to the
crescent moon or to a bow.
Nearby his house there is a road or a passage for the travelling of Naga
spirits, therefore his descendants will probably receive a provocation
from them. A White female Naga spirit and the head of the Nagas
(Klu-mGon) will protect this person.
Advice: Always he will have to pay attention to contaminated places, like
dead bodies, marriage parties and and grudges. This person has to
make a Naga puja and need to pay attention to .Nagas; if not, they will
provoke him in the name of this contamination and he get a Naga
disease. He has to worship these Nagas by offering different grains and
Naga medicines (kLu-sMan). If the worship goes perfectly, he will receive
great boon.
Mewa-5 (Earth-Yellow)
A person born in this mewa:
Past live: He was a monk, then a prince or a king, then a bDud. This spirit
helped him to be reborn in the human realm. Before these past live he
was born as a rishi or a Buddhist monk or as a common sadhu (acharya)
or a Gyalgon. Signs and symptoms of his past live in the present one will
sometimes appear as having an instable mind and as talking unrelated
things or having a very fast and sharp mind.
Life span: Life span is fixed around fifty years with two obstacles.
Present life: This person comes from a very concentrated elemental
energy and by nature has a strong spiritual faith and a stable mind. He
also owns a great knowledge. He will be depending on his parents and
thus said, he was fortunate to be born in the right place.
Character: From his heritage he will get a provocation from a Sadak and
a King spirit. Without noticing, he will lose his protectors. This may cause
problems connected to a knife or to a danger of sterility, therefore this
person should make a propitiation to his protectors. Generally, he will be
powerful speaking, intelligent, highly ambitious and difficult to satisfy. He
will like to help orphan children. Some people, to whom he had been
helpful, will transform into his enemy and may create great blame to him.
He will be unhappy of his work. His heritage will belong to a learned
family or he himself will be a great learned person. Physically, he will
perform strong actions but internally he will not be ambitious. It will be
difficult for him to gain satisfactions from others. By nature, he will have
a heavy mouth [that means, he will not be very talkative] and will like to
postpone his duties. Internally, he has a stable mind and has good
control of himself.
Health: If the child is female, she will get health problems related to
others blamings; if the child is a male, health problems will start at adult
time. Generally, various physical problems will always be present. Be it
male or female, it will suffer by the contagious fever or other external
problems like robberies or killings. Physically, it will also suffer from
lymphatic, or serum or bile disorders.
Wealth: In general, good prosperity in land and properties, except
animals, but his property will be instable
Children: Regarding the portion of allotted children, he is a person who
will get difficulties in having children, but if he tries, the portion of
children is fixed to five.
Life-span and advice: If he spends much time in the religious practice, he
will be of long life.
Next life: In this life this person has been engaged with negative works,
so in the next life he will probably be reborn as a monkey or as a hen.
Pacification: If the person is going to make a Buddha Statue or to print a
Dorje choepa, then in his next life he will be transformed into a tantric
practitioner or will born as a man with a good faith for the spiritual life.
In his second next life he will be reborn as a son of a sRin (a pacification
is needed) or as a son of a business-man.
Spirit: He will get a provocation from King spirit, Purkha, Dam-sri, klu,
Nyen, Sadak spirits. A rGyalpo spirit may interfere with him and without
reason he will get nervous and aggressive; he will lose control of his
mind, which will become too flexible. Even his descendants will get a
problem of hysteria or depression, will die suicide by knive or will be
provoked by a Ma-mo. As a sign of this, because protectors and spirits
are not happy, he will have strange dreams. He will need to change his
house or other people will push him to move from his house. He will also
get a provocation from a protector of a monastery and of spiritual
If he belongs to a Bonpo or a Buddhist or to other spiritual heritage, then
he will not suffer from these problems related to the spirits.
Advice: This person should pay attention to knives and needs to make a
propitiation to his protectors. There is a great need for a confession to
the protectors in order to transform the negativities. Also a ritual
performance of gDsugtor-sTongbZlog is needed and this person should
try to be a good spiritual practitioner.
Mewa-6 (Metal-White)
A person born in this mewa:
Past live: He was born as a Lha, then as a hungry ghost, as a brahman, a
deer and a cuckoo. Because influences of past live appear in the present
body, he will have as birth mark a mole on the left leg or on the right arm
or on the right calf. Mentally he is intelligent, but with an instable mind.
Present life: He is a person who loves travelling and sleeping. If the child
is female, then she will be softly-spoken but internally aggressive.
Character: In general, he will not be rich and will hold two houses.
Because his protectors are unhappy, he will suffer from having few
descendants. There is little kindness from his parents side, but he himself
will be strong, both physically and mentally. He will have many relatives
but at the end there will be only one, he will have many girl-friends, but
at last he will be single. He is kind to others, but he will receive a negative
response. By nature, his way of communicating and his face will be not
beautiful, but he will have a beautiful mind. He will give good help to
others, but this will be destroyed by his mouth. If he receives a black
magic by a shaman or a magician, it will harm him. He will need to
change his residence and problems will arise more from his father's
relatives side. There will be competition among relatives and he will be
weak in front of his wife. He will be easy to make friendships, which do
not last for a long time, like an apricot flower.
Health: Generally, he will suffer from little sickness, but if he gets a
disease, this will be dangerous for his life.
Children: Portion of children is little but there will possibly be five
children. In his heritage the missing bone in the head can influence at
first his children, who can have damp and handicaps. His descendants
will be more engaged with sexual miscontact and there can be a big
danger that children will be twins or handicapped or with missing
sensory organs
Wealth: In general, he will not be rich. Regarding his property,
red-colored materials will be prosperous. The properties will be instable
and there is a danger that the people will take his house.
Life Span: The life span is fixed to seventy years with five obstacles.
Next live If the person is engaged with negative matters in this life, then
in his next e will be reborn as a daughter of a shaman or as a shaman or
as a Buddhist meditator or a bird.
Pacification: If the person makes a gTsugtor and a Statue of his spiritual
master, this work can transform the negatives into positive and so he will
be reborn again in the West as a great learned person or he will be
reborn in heaven.
Spirits: Because of the unhappiness of his protector, he will suffer from
having few descendants and bSerag, Dam-sri and Purkha spirits will
provoke him. Bholha and the War God spirits will always protect him.
Always will this person suffer by the spirit:s of heaven (Gongbo will
disturb him in this life and a contaminated spirit arising from a
contaminated sexual contact will provoke him.
Advice: This person needs to pay attention of sexual miscontacts and
needs to take care about his nervous system and brain.
Mewa-7 (Fire-Red)
A person born in this Mewa:
Past live: In his past live he was born as a Mountain dwelling spirit and a
semi-god. He is blessed by a Tsen (mountain dwelling spirit), therefore it
is said that he is a wrathful butcher holding a sword (that means he will
be by nature a wrathful and aggressive person). Signs in this life showing
the influences from the past life are possibly some moles or some fleshy
marks on the ribs or on the chest or on the left hand.
Present life: Happiness and sorrow are like the sun in spring [that means
shining but cold].
Character: He is a person who does not avoid sinful deeds and has a
strong ego. He will be powerful but there will be more interferences to
bring him down. He will grow slowly and steadily up, but on the spot he
will destroy his work like a hot pan-fry. Property will be like the bellows of
a blacksmith [there is no relation, but they need each other, so his
property and himself will not be together]. He will be nervous and easy to
be forgetful. He will like red meat. If the child is a female, then as a
woman she will love to sleep and will probably separate from her
husband. There could be fighting since childhood with the father's side
and since birth the child will like to fight. He will need to pay a fine in
court. A11 these characters are a manifestation of a bTsan spirit. He will
have a brave heart and will be skillful. He will have a red skin, will be
aggressive and will take pleasure to deal with red meat. Without reason
he will receive blames and he himself will be escaping from his work but
where there is food, he will be there. He will have a strong digestion
Health: There could be a story about his ancestors of brothers being
killed by sword. He himself will be in danger because of a knife. On the
name of the red meat he will receive a big trouble in health. Even his
coming descendants will die by metal, or many of them will die during
travelling. Physically, he will suffer from blood or gastric disorders or
cholities. Since his childhood he will suffer from minor skin or chronic
wounds or benign tumours.
Children: Number of children is fixed to seven.
Wealth: Wealth will be like the sun of spring and business will be
prosperous in the white and red-colored properties like milk products
and meat.
Life-span is fixed to eighty years with four obstacles.
Next life: If the person is engaged in negative matters, he will probably
be reborn as an insect, or as a red hill dog or mountain wolf or in the
preta wor1d.
Pacification: If the person builds a Tara statue and confess his negatives,
he will be reborn as male or as a monk strict on discipline.
Spirits: A Mountain dwelling spirit of the sword can be conditioned to
provoke him so that he will get more problems connected with the knive,
then a Mt. dwelling spirit will protect him also, therefore he needs to
make a rTen-mKhar (house of the spirit) and worship the bTsan Spirit.
Advice: Avoid fighting and playing with knives, especially avoid fighting
with the father side.
Mewa-8 (Metal-White)
A person born in this Mewa:
Past live: In his past live he was born in a barbarian country, then he was
born in the heaven. Because of the influence of his past live, there could
be mole signs on the right leg or on the right chick.
Present life: He is a child who has been blessed by the Deva of Tushita,
therefore he is said to be the son of a Deva.
Character: He is slow, profound and little talkative, but inside he is strict.
He will hold two residences and will be protected by a high spirit. He will
have a white complexion, a sharp nose and a big ego. He will gain respect
from people because he is the jewel of the world. Even if he himself is
engaged in negative matters, he is under the protection of a high God
and will get sympathy from people and few difficulties in his life. Even if
he gets a sickness, it will be easy to cure, especially in the later part of
his life he will be happy. It is said that water is coming larger when it is
nearly to stop, the lamp is getting brighter when it is nearly to finish, the
sun is getting warmer when is nearly to set. Even after dying, the ritual
ceremonies of death will be properly performed by his children. He is a
good person and has a good protector, who is like a good earthen pot
with an even better handle (it means that his protector is a very good
protector). He will be good in handicrafts, intelligent, with a sharp mind,
but sometimes he will be easy to perjury and speak unrelated things. He
will be well learned and with a good faith for the spiritual life. Noble
people will love him and lower class people will be against him. There will
be danger of disputes between him and his son and this can be used by
other people to disturb his family. If he is a spiritual master, then he will
be a respectable person, but he will have a great tendency and
susceptibility to grudge just by a little mistake.
Health: In general there will be good health, even if he gets sick, he will
easily be cured. Because of his grudge, the people will start to have
negative feelings towards him and because of this energy, sometimes he
will get angry and restless. As a manifestation of his protectors becoming
unhappy, he himself will become nervous without apparent reason. He
will be speaking without subject, running without reason and without
object he will like to beat: this will happen to him.
Children: His portion is fixed to three or six. He has the fortune to have
good children and to become a successful lawyer. Also his children may
become successful lawyers.
Children: He will become wealthier in the later part of his life.
Life span: Life span is fixed to fifty years with three obstacles.
Next life: Probably he will be reborn as female human being.
Pacification. If this person makes a Buddha statue, then he will be reborn
as a sculptor or a spiritual practitioner, after then he will be reborn as a
Deva in the heaven. Signs indicating his future live appear as a mark in
the left thigh.
Spirits: The village protector War God and King spirit will protect him
and he will have to make propitiations to them. Negative spirits: there will
be a danger that protectors angry with him and hGondre and King spirit
spirits from neighbour people can be harmful to him.
Advice: There will be only one danger: he should be very cautious not to
grudge towards relatives or others. If the person is engaged in this, the
spirit of grudge will provoke him, and this can be destructive in the
future. Therefore, be aware about grudge.
Mewa-9 (Fire-Red)
A person born in this mewa is the son of a Deva physician.
Past live: In his past live he was an underground spirit dMu, then he was
born as a dog in a rich family, then as a shaman practitioner, then in his
last life he was the son of a heavenly god's physician, therefore this
person is said to be blessed by the great physician of the sky.
Present life: He is the person who is holding (metaphorically) seven
holy-hook flowers in the right hand and seven in the left. If he does not
separate from these flowers, he will not need to depend on anybody.
Even if his parents are poor, he will be rich: it is the result of his own
fortune. If he separates from these flowers, he will break his Yang
(prosperous) and will diminish its power. The consequences will be: if the
person does not possess a rich property, then his relatives will turn into
enemies; if he is a female, then no harm will result, but if the person
happens to be a shaman or a Buddhist or a spiritual practitioner it will be
even worse for him.
Character: In general he will have a white and open mind with a big
jealousy and a strong desire for the property. If he does not dry his Yang
(prosperous), then he will be happy in the later part of his life. From a
black material a spirit will possibly provoke his children. To prevent all
negativities, a Yang (prosperous)-sgrub ceremony should be performed.
If he does not separate from the Yang (prosperous), no problem will
occur for a mouthful of food and a handful of work. Enemies will arise
from where he never thought before. Hundreds of men will be rolling the
arrow and hundreds of women: will be flapping the wools against him [
that means everybody will be very angry with him]: therefore the man will
wander around and the parents will miss the bone of the head. There is a
big possibility that his relatives will become his enemies and that he will
become a public focus. Noble people will love him but lower class people
will hate him. In his past heritage very precious jewels or antiques were
lost and this caused him to lose his Yang (prosperous), but his latter part
of life will be full of Yang (prosperous) and will boost with the oil of
fortune. He is a man who has given up the religion of others and escaped
from his father's religion and is at present devoted to a very strange
Wealth: He is a person who needs to spend a lot of money, and is also an
emotive person. In short, during his parents' and his own life he lost
Yang (prosperous) of men and properties, therefore his property will be
instable like dew, which appears and easily disappears. The first part of
his life will be difficult, but the latter part will be happy and rich. His Yang
(prosperous) exits among the animals.
Life span is 7o years with five obstacles.
Next Life: Next life, if he is not careful in being involved in negative
actions, he will be reborn as a dog, a Monkey or as a poor woman.
Pacification: If the person makes a Manjusri statue and recites his
Mantra, he will be reborn as a son of a rich family in the West or he will
be reborn as a rich, miser person or in alternative, he will be reborn as a
god dwelling in the sky clouds. This shows in some signs, like having a
mole or a fleshy mark on the heard, on the face, on the neck, on the back
or on the left side leg.
Spirits: Mountain dwelling spirit and the son of a sMan-mo will protect
him and a spirit who dwells in a mountain water or in a small forest will
provoke him
Advice: If he keeps animals, a Yang (prosperous) propitiation will recover
and collect his Yang (prosperous)'.



This information are quoted from tibetan astrology network. not sure what happen to the original website, therefore this author are putting the information here . May the good information are circulate widely for the benefits of everyone.


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