What a new vegan should know (FD29082020-3)

So you are interested to be a vegan and decide to jump in to this ship of vegan whether it is for health, environment or simply you wanted to save animals, below are some of the list you would want to consider .  below are the list where this author consider as important as well as some things that usually pop up in the community of vegan.

1. consider taking annual blood check up.
- this is important as vegan wanted to know whether one are deficient in certain nutrients as this can give impact to one health .  changing into vegan lifestyle which mean there are many thing that one who has once take for granted  can no longer be take granted.
- from the author recent conversation with doctor.  the doctor recommend taking blood test that check vitamin b12 and folic acid (the most basic blood test for vegan as there are different price package).

2. Knowing the nutrition list needed to maintain a healthy body
- Important as number one. Check with the dietitian, doctor what kind of nutrition one is needed.
- vitamin b12 is very important as deficiency in it can cause long term damage to the nerve system.
- vitamin zinc - another source of vitamin that are consider deficiency in most vegan. this vitamin is important for healing wound, improve immune system and lessen hair loss problem.

3. Knowing how to cook
- Knowing how to cook is a major advantage in vegan journey.  It helps to make one life easier other than the possibility of impressing one circle of friends with one cooking skill. There are some simple recipes to start with .check the youtube, pinterest for ideas.  having a blender in kitchen could be a good start for anyone who wanted to make healthy drinks.

4. Have a list of vegan, vegetarian restaurant address ready
-  This is important as one may occasionally decide not to cook for the day and hit a restaurant for tasty delicious food. Although vegan popularity is growing, finding a vegan restaurant that suit one taste and liking could take time (as some restaurant are in grey area such as providing egg , animal milk and cheese).
- knowing list of meat restaurant which do provide vegan options in advance is important for vegan to hang out with friends and family who are meat eater.

5. Join a vegan community
- This is important as one can connected with others and get the latest information about foods and health information. Finding a good vegan community will take time .

6. knowing that  "Vegan is a journey"
- Vegan is a journey, once in a while one can make a mistake, buying a product that contain meat. eating something only to know later on it isn't vegan. So the definition here to remember that vegan is a progress, a journey. Everyone do makes mistakes at times. the important part is to keep on with the journey.

7.  craving for meat, dairy
-  Once in a while, one will has this crave for meat, the solution to this are to watch some documentaries such as "whats the health", remembering the motivation of saving animal life, and also the motivation of how it can help the environment.
-  most of the time the craving come is because of the seasoning flavor.  the craving could occur due to deficiency in certain nutrients as well.
notes: There are substitute food such as plant based substitute meat, substitute cheese and even vegan ice cream (some product do taste pretty good).

8. guilty feeling of eaten meat in the past
- This usually come when vegan start to know the actual truth of how horrible animals are treated in the process of producing meat. The method this author did is to find a quiet time, imagine those dead animal are in front of the author , and then sincerely apologise to them.  Others simply move on . while some will help create awareness by spreading vegan recipes, vegan health benefits to others, and animal cruelty plight. other options include donate to animal sanctuary to help rescue animal from their evil fate (by continue being a vegan is equal to continue saving animal life) . From the author understanding, at this present moment there are strong resistance on those who merely call themself vegan (pretty much depend on where one live). Therefore vegan are advised to go with caution on this matter.

9. Cold turkey or slow transition?
- This depend on the individual. Some find it easier to just go cold turkey while others find it easier to be vegetarian first (still keeping the egg, cheese and milk) before transition into vegan. One can also consider making a commitment one day per week and increase the number of the days per week. for example  "Meatless Monday", "Go Green Friday".

10. Breaking this news to family and friends
- Depend on situation, some are very supportive in one journey to  vegan while others opposed at the very instance they heard it (mostly are because they are unaware that vegetable and fruits do provide nutrients far more healthier than eating meat). Be sure to take this into consideration and ask for opinion from people who can be trusted (or get some advised from vegan community )

11. Repellent oil
- By definition, vegan lifestyle do not restrict one from killing insect especially if it is unwanted insects . and also because of self defense reason. However, for those who become vegan for saving  all animals (since all life is equally important to vegan  ), it do not make sense of killing insects when it is not necessary. Therefore, this author recommend vegan to consider for natural made repellent oil. In the case of insect such as ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes , the author find lavendar oil works pretty good. as lavendar just confuse the insects and  this is how the insects are repel (Note: some say it work on ant , other say it attract even more ants) . Orange skin works pretty good on repelling mosquito too (because the smell sting the mosquito nose ) However this maybe not good for those who don't like the karma of getting their nose sting by the same pain in future.   So check out for vegan repellent oil for peace of mind and also for those who prefer to avoid the karma that come from killing insects.

12. detoxing effect
- some when start transition to vegan will experience detoxing effect, such as fatigue, bloating and do on (due to transition from heavy meat processing to lighter vegan meal). Usually this will only take a few months to adjust. so it is possible that one will feel more hungry (because the stomach are changing from heavy processing to lighter processing) , frequent toilet more (due to higher fiber intake) and so on. if the symptom persist more than a month, check with vegan community about this and consider checking with doctor as well.

13.  vegan ingredient reference
this is reference the author find useful when looking at ingredient list in product

 - Is It Vegan?

- Which E numbers are vegan?


- vegan.org

- Vegan Peace

14. animal product
- from author understanding, vegan lifestyle usually also mean one no longer use any sort of product that come from killing animal and even abuse animal . Some do call themself vegan but not necessary skipping animal product because it is easier for the waitress to understand whenever they order food rather than using the term plant-based. From author understanding, in the future there are possibility that certain product which call leather for example could be coming from vegetables as scientist has discover how to made product that look same as animal skin from vegetable and it is even lower cost than slaughtering animals. be sure to check if it is vegan before made any purchase.

 - some of the shop that are selling vegan products.

15. Vegan pet
- most animal are consider carnivores. However there are pets actually can be vegan . From author understanding, dogs can be vegan and there are vegan products for dog that are available.


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