Importance of Calcium (FD29082020-2)

The importance of Calcium

Calcium has to provide strong bone and teeth. it also help in nervous system, blood clotting and muscle control. 

Function of Calcium:
- keep bone and teeth strong.

Sign of Deficiency :
- fainting
- heart failure
- chest pain
- numbness and tingling sensations around mouth, fingers and toes
- muscle cramps
- fatigue
- dry skin
- cataracts
- brittle nails

Daily recommended intake:

700 mg per day for adult (according to UK recommendation)
1000mg per day for adult (according to other sites)

Vegan food sources:

- dried fig - 30g dried fig =  72 mg calcium.
- kale - 80 gram cooked cale = 120 mg calcium
- calcium fortified food - fortified soy, milk rice milk - 8 ounces = 300 to 500mg
- Supplements - check vegan certified supplements for peace of mind.
-coconut milk  - 100 gram = 16 mg calcium
- sesame seed
- soy bean - 1 cup boil = 175 mg calcium
- collards - 1 cup boil = 266mg calcium
- blackstrap molasses  - 1 table spoon = 157mg . Note: this is made out of sugar .
- brocolli
- spinach
- tofu
- coral powder - 1 teaspoon = 1000mg
- potato-  baked potato 100mg = 15mg calcium
   - boil potato 100mg = 5 mg calcium
- Oat - half  cup = 200 mg calcium
- Chick pea - 1.5 cup = 315mg calcium

Other noteworthy points:
- vitamin D3 and vitamin k2 are important for calcium.



*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the reference link

Author note: This post information are based on what the author know and read so far. Therefore reader are encourage to do their own fact finding and checking from trusted source of information.

1 cup = 8 ounces
2 tablespoon = 30 gram
100 gram = about 7 tablespoon

*reader are advise to check the latest information of the nutrients quantity in the food from time to time. This is due to the buddhist teaching belief that the nutrients in food will decrease overtime as there are too many evil deeds (wrong doing, evil deeds according to buddha teaching) are commited by human in this earth.


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