Importance of vitamin b12 (FD18082020-2)

 In the world of vegan and vegetarian, one of the most important information that any vegan and vegetarian should know is about the existence of vitamin b12. As this vitamin actually play a very important role that missing this nutrients will cause long term effect to our well being.

Vitamin b12 are vitamin that are actually develop by bacteria. and thus because of this no vegetable and fruit are said to contain vitamin b12. In the past, people had difficulty getting their source of vitamin b12 from their farming. Because of advance technology now in farm where fruits and vegetable are said to be wash to the point where the food itself no longer has any vitamin b12 when it reach to the store. Unless one plant one own vegetable in one farm (which it is said cobalt are the nutrients needed by the soil to encourage vitamin b12) , vegan and vegetarians will need to make a special effort to source their vitamin b12.

Deficiency of vitamin b12 can take a very long time to manifest. some only happen after few years becoming vegan as our body has build up vitamin b12 over the time and require very little daily for maintenance. However , when it happen, it usually means it is in a very critical stage.  Deficiency in vitamin B12 will mean one can face serious nerve problem. vitamin b12 help to make new blood cell. in addition to that it create shield that is important to protect one nerve.

Daily vitamin b12 recommendation:
2.4mcg for adult

Function of vitamin B12:
- build red blood cell
- important for brain and nerveous system
- help regulate and create DNA
- provide cofactor to create myelin which help protect nerves

Sign of deficiency in vitamin b12:
- anemia
- sign of memory loss
- pale skin
- fatigue, tired
- feeling pin and needles are prickling into your hand and feet.
- prone to falling
- mouth ulcers
- folate deficiency
- breathlessness and dizzyness
- blur disturbed vision
- depression, dementia
- psychosis
- constipation

Food Source:
Seaweed -  certain seaweed has b12. while others got a bit traces of b12.Kelp seaweed (Nori) are the most recommended for vegan and vegetarian. 4 gram of seaweed is enough for daily amount (2.4mcg). Dried green laver(enteromorpha sp) and purple laver (porphyra sp) contain about 63.6mcg per 100 gram. dulse has 9mcg per 100 gram. akame and kombu has 3mcg per 100 gram.

Chia Seed - unreliable source. However it is reported that Australia Chia Seed contain vitamin b12.

Fortified food with b12 -

Taking supplements  - check for vegan certified supplements for peace of mind.

mushroom  - certain mushroom said to contain some vitamin b12 in it. 50 gram of shiitake mushroom is enough for minimun daily b12 (2.4mcg). porchini mushroom, parasol mushroom, osyter mushrooms and black morels contain 0.09mcg per 100 gram.

chinese herbal dang gui (angelican sinensis) - said to contain vitamin b12. but so far the author unable to find any info on how much is needed to meet the daily requirement.

Tea- not a reliable source. according to the scientific study, it is enough for rat but not human as the consumption need to be a lot to meet the daily requirement (2.4mcg).

Fermented food
- tempeh -  0.01mcg per 100 gram.

Spirulina -some article did mention that spirulina b12 is fake b12. and it can hinder the genuine vitamin b12 absorbtion.

Fortified Nutritional Yeast - 16gram = 7.8mcg b12

other unverify information that say to contain b12.
- banana
- dates
- greens
- peanut

Other worth note taking point:
Vitamin B6 are said to play a role in making sure vitamin b12 are absorb by the body.

High consumption of fat, protein, refined food and tobacco will lead to increase minimun need  of vitamin b12 for the body daily. In other word, cut down on fat, protein, refined food and tobacco.

simple sign that one has enough b12 for the day is when the following day one urine is yellow color. Some said it will look more like yellow green color. Due to the fact that vitamin B2(Riboflavin) are also said to have yellow urine color , taking blood test will give more accurate information

vitamin b12 are said to accelerate worm development.



*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the reference link

Author note: This post information are based on what the author know and read so far. Therefore reader are encourage to do their own fact finding and checking from trusted source of information.

1 cup = 8 ounces
2 tablespoon = 30 gram
100 gram = about 7 tablespoon

*reader are advise to check the latest information of the nutrients quantity in the food from time to time. This is due to the buddhist teaching belief that the nutrients in food will decrease overtime as there are too many evil deeds (wrong doing, evil deeds according to buddha teaching) are commited by human in this earth.


  1. Helps With Red Blood Cell Formation and Anemia Prevention. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in helping your body produce red blood cells. Low vitamin B12 levels cause a reduction in red blood cell formation and prevent them from developing properly


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