Buddha Way for householder (FD25082020-4)

This is portion of article which i read from internet quite recently about that seem to help for those who wanted to know how to deal with their life when it come to financial question and still lead a happy life that is according to the buddha teachings. How i wish i can come to know this articles few years earlier as this might save me from a lot of pitfalls in my life. Although i love to do experimenting and see the result first before i publish it out, unfortunately timing is not something i really have anymore (as such testing may need decades before i will really publish it out). Therefore i am leaving this to your own judgement. (Do note that, i do believe buddha teachings and thus i had no doubt that with this teachings . )

For those who are in profession :
1. The person must be skilled, efficient , earnest and energertic in whatever work he is engaged and he should know it well.
2. He should protect his income which he earned righteously with the sweat of his brow.
3. he should have good friends who will help him along the right path away from evil.
4. he should spend reasonable , neither too much or too little  according to his income (live within his means).

1. he should have faith and confidence in moral, spiritual and intellectual values
2. should abstain from destroy and harming life, stealing , cheating, adultery, falsehood view and intoxicating drinks.
3. practise generosity, chairty without attachment and craving to his wealth
4. should develop wisdom to end suffering  (enlightenment)

For those in business :
1. spend 1/4 on his daily
2. invest 2/4 in his business
3. save 1/4 for emergency.

benefis of such are:
1. enjoy economy security or sufficient wealth acquire by just and righteous means.
2. spending that wealth liberally on himself, family , friends, relatives and on meritourious deeds.
3. free from debts.
4. live a faultless pure life without committing evil in thought, word or deed.



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