Healing youself from negative environment or people (FD23082020-8)

If you are in a situation where a person come into your area and when they left you felt that you are totally exhausted like an empty battery, chances are that you have encounter negative people who are known as vampire energy. It is likely that Chronic Fatigue Symptom is develop as a result of a person being in negative situation , being in with people who are unconsciously negatively state or having unhealthy habits.
Vampire energy are nothing more than people who always have negative emotions, thoughts or action . The more negative a surrounding in which is particularly in offiice politics , the more chances that one are likely to encounter vampire energy. Simply saying, vampire energy are a person who actually generated so many negative thoughts, emotion or activities to the point that their chakra no longer able to produce positive energy, and in order to survive as one need positive energy , they started to take energies from others who have more positive energy than them. It is very much possible that the victim which their energy had taken till their chakra energy become imbalance that they either become the next vampire energy or had some psychology issue .
Good news is that you don’t met those vampire energy as often as you would see. People who have strong healthy aura are generally will not be vacuum energy by negative people. And there are ways to rebalance and energize your chakra. Below are the lists :
  1. Amethyst crystal - Amethyst crystal are known to be able to protect and repair one aura which I am still currently checking on. When a person aura is healthy and strong, it is unlikely their energy will be drain. Refer to the aura topic if you wish to know more about my finding related to aura and energy drain.
  2. colour cloth while it does not clear , activate or balance chakra , I found that it do actually helps with providing energy to each of the main chakra over a longer period. Its concept is similar to painting a room according with feng shui color. And it is particularly good if it is in the situation where you know your crystal are always running out of energy as a result of heavy negative environment. Green colour helpful for general heal while blue is good for providing energy to many major chakras. (*the idea of keeping a set of rainbow colour is remove .. as it is important that one must have a balance in the energy inflow and outflow)
  3. Wearing purple or black color cloth. For unknown reason, whoever wears purple cloth are less likely to be taken away energy follow by black color. Try dark blue color as well as it is the nearest color to purple and some assumptions that suggest dark blue in fact do had some black shade in it. light blue color provide energy to main chakras. *Wearing purple colour clothes maybe the most direct and quickest way to repair a person aura. it is something i suddenly thought of after i left therefore one will have to try yourself and see the different. As clothes clothes vibration energy are low, one may expect that it will take a day or more for a person aura to be completely repair depending on how serious(from hole, negative energy, evil eye and so on).
  4. Tourmaline crystals – Tourmaline crystals are excellent for balancing all charkas, removing blockages and transmuting lower energy into a higher frequency energy. If you suspect black magic or spells is involve , you would need to get black tourmaline or lapis lazuli. Do note that , black tourmaline only help keep negative people away.
  5. Walking in a park – Trees have energy that helps provide energy. By walking in a park, one can have his/ her energy revitalized.
  6. Fountain – Water has the ability to cleanse negativity away and revitalize your energy just like walking in a park does.
  7. Aromatheraphy – Generally it is certain flowers aroma that helps to boost one energy , making one feel revitalized.
  8. Meditation – Meditation is an excellent and inexpensive ways of healing oneself. More importantly, it have hand gesture mudra which actually enhance one ability to balance and energize chakra. The one I am currently checking on are the gyan mudra (right hand mudra on your chest and left hand mudra on your knee )which is said to help cleanse one aura and thus attract positive event into one life. It is also known to helps with the aura which is said to be the first line defense from picking other people negativity. It could be the main reason why negativity situation keep on happening in one life.
  9. Cuts off as much as you can with negative people. It will took a lot of effort and time to rebalance and reenergize your chakra back.
  10. Lavendar - basically flowers that use for cleansing crystal are excellent such as sage which said to clear off negative energy, sweetgrass to increase positive energy. Lavendar on the other hand helps to balance energy. If you are in a situation where you needed to bring a peaceful environment and people in the place, lavendar is excellent to the point it can help one relax. Lavendar also helps to calm the mind , mental disorder, anxiety and do helps to remove energy blockage in one person body(like what crystal actually do). In fact, if your lavendar product is powerful , it can be so powerful to the point that it actually release the negative energy which your crystal capture and in the progress of transmuting it into positive energy.. Author note: Aug 2019 - the author found out that lavendar aroma could arose men sexual desire. therefore be very particular careful when to use it to avoid any unwanted happening.
  11. wrapping your tumble stone in a white cloth before putting in your pocket. White colour is said to reflect all the energy colour out which you are hoping that the crystal you wrap will absorb some of its energy. It will serve as a protection to your tumble stone from getting some marks and your chakra may even benefit from the cloth energy.
  12. Chryosoberyl categories types of crystal - This is a type of beryl categories crystal which many of its crystal share same properties such as helps to protect aura . aquamarine alexandrite, cat eye are one of the Chryosoberyl crystal.
  13. colour energy item - a simple necklace or pendant with colour of blue or green coming from feng shui shop claiming to be healing energy necklace may be another good way for one to increase the colour energy . This is because the right colour and near to chakra making it much easier for the chakra to absorb energy for healing purpose. And it seem that a blue colour glass type pendant where its colour can be shine by sun or artificial light provide more energy healing than hiding it inside your cloth.
  14. keeping a picture of circle with a dot inside the circle. (under testing section) . It is one i accidently stumble across, circle represent protection of our energy by not spending them for other people welfare. a dot on the other hand represent chakra crown and the cosmos energy. Therefore having a dot in the center of the circle may mean that one are getting energy from cosmos through crown chakra and the energy move down to root chakra while your entire energy is being protect . Funny thing, it remind me of the kahballah symbol for protection against evil eye. This is one worth trying especially if you are unsure or trying to get one instantly by drawing it. 
  15. keeping a red colour ribbon. There is a lot of different of opinion when it comes to keeping a red colour ribbon to counter evil eye and other unwanted energy. In hindu belief, putting a red ribbon under your work table in fact can ward off all unwanted energy at your area.  the belief in kaballah that one should wear it on your left side ribbon will get rid of evil eye but i still prefer keeping at right side. (the fact that there was a famous artist whom wear on left side does not seem to have a happy ending at the end of her life).
How do you stop from being vampire energy?
This particular section is for those who feel bads about being vampire energy and wanted to stop from being one.
  1. Stop doing or thinking anything that is negative. This include harmful action to oneself or to another person. Replace it with something that is positive.
  2. get crystal that helps cleanse and balance chakra.Amber absorb negativity and thus enable our body to cleanse and rebalance our chakra. The other major plus with amber is that the more negativity it absorb, the uglier it will become and thus it become a good detector of one health from negativity(*unable to verify whether amber really do disperse the negativity or transmute the energy into positive). All tourmaline has the ability to cleanse and balance chakra.
  3. keep a set of rainbow ribbon.
  1. prayers – prayers hand gesture have similar function as mudra and thus enable one to receive more positive energy.
  2. meditation
  3. Reciting amitabha buddha name. - those who hear amitabha buddha name help one to be more virtuous as time goes by.(depending on the individual, the individual may takes years before start getting serious about wanting to be a virtue person).
  4.  Reciting Acala bodhisattva name - those who hear acala bodhisattva name can help the hearer to stop thinking of doing bad things.
note: dealing with negative situation or negative people can be an extremely exhaustive as negative trauma/event may keep on repeating. If you have find that this article had been very useful to you, please do make a commitment that no matter what happens, you will no longer do things that hurt yourself and others no matter what the other person may do. it serves nobody and least of all yourself to become a negative thinking person and joining the vampire energy gang . It's more about the one negative , thought, action and habits that trigger suffering into one own life(it may even affect toward people you love most and whom you want them to live happily). Secondly, it is about "you reap what you sow". You would not want to have some bad things happen to yourself in future simply because you did the same things to others before, do you?


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