Healing from radiation (FD20082020-4)

Radiation is a process which energertic particles of energy or waves travel through a medium or space. Radiation can be divided into two categories which is ionizing and non ionizing. Both type of radiation can be harmful to organizism and result in a change of natural environment with ionizing are likely to lead to cancer while non-ionizing are less likely to develop cancer.

Regardless of it , when one are expose to radiation it is same as saying that one is open oneself , exposing one to various health danger which if not treated immediately can lead to serious consequences. And as usual that prevention is better than curing and thus i decided to do a quick search on various ways that may helps in prevention in the case of one exposing to radiation.

One would ask how does a stone or crystal has its way in healing or prevention of a person health? The answer can be quite simple, crystal actually has its own energy field which when properly use, can influence a human body energy field and therefore increase the healing chances. This is one aspect of what a crystal can do. Crystals that are known to help in healing , combating or preventing radiation are sodalite, black tourmaline(black tourmaline maybe more beneficial displaying in open air where the crystal can be in contact with the wind movement as tourmaline infact being charge when being rubbed upon , better than keeping inside a pouch), opalized tourmaline, sapphire, smoky quartz, amber, kunzite, malachite, rutilated quartz, emerald. rose quartz crystal can heal background radiation and are suggested to be bury underground  . In fact, the crystal that can help balance all chakras are likely to be able reduce all types of cancer and thus may become a better general protection from radiation.

Others type of healing from radiation will be eating organic raw food. It has been a suggestion for those who wanted to heal cancer such as turnip, lycophene. However, sweets type are forbidden perhaps due to it would actually increase the development rate of the cancer.

Other more unusual method which claim does help include meditation, sweating and eating clay???

*crystal needs to be cleanse and charge regularly. and different crystal may need different cleansing as some crystal properties maybe damage if wrong method is apply.


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