Sanchi Stupa picture (FD20082020-5)

At this moment while hearing Guan yin music which i recently found, i kinda felt a bit inspire to introduce Sanchi Stupa which is the oldest stupa in india. Perhaps one wonder why i should write about sanchi stupa, the main reason is probably because i kinda felt wanted to do a bit writing and thought of encouraging others to take a look into sanchi stupa picture for your own blessings. In holy objects of buddhism and mantras , it is said that even when one heard of the name of mantra, one may get karma cleansing and blessings with it. For example , if you heard of the medicine buddha name , you may get to meet the medicine buddha and for the rest of the story , i'll let you figure out yourself ;)

So if one heard one time mantra or buddha name can receive such a lot of merits, then what about when one take a look to places that store all types of mantras in quantity? You will get a lot of blessings too. The best is if you can actually personally paid a visit to any stupa , make offerings and circumbulate the stupa to the right. In fact, i do think that this is the best gift a parent can give to their beloved children. The blessings of visiting stupa , make offerings and circumbulate it can make an another entire topic by itself. In fact it is recomendded to be doing it regularly and as correct as possible can be.

The link below is linked to wikipedia sanchi stupa .

*A note of caution: You may probably felt very tired after taking a look of picture :)
Note: circumbulate clockwise the stupa. don't circumbulate anti-clockwise- said to generate negative karma if you do anti-clockwise.


  1. Interesting read... Sanchi stupa are amazing site... truly spectacular..



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