Specially for growing and adding joy into your life every seconds~
~Your Life and Happiness Grows On~
Three Buddha Names
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha
Namo Sun Moon Lamp Tathagata
Namo Amitabha Buddha
"Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form"
- quoted from heart sutra
Om Mani Padme Hum
Sheep or Lamb dzi bead (FD18082020-4)
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Sheep dzi bead helps to bring good
luck. It make sure that most of the times things will goes well. It
helps in good harvest which come in agriculture or other forms.
This post is specially for dealing with enemies situation as a precaution from situation that might danger one life. For those who think that their relationship can still be mend , you can check for "mantra to promote good relationship" , reciting 11 face avalokiteshvara mantra and so on. 1.It is said that there is nothing more misfortune than having enemy. 2.according to feng shui calendar, there are certain date of month where it is particular easy to make enemies. As a creeper over-spreads and entangles a Maluva Creeper, a man's wickedness that grows in him, when it is very great, brings him to that state where his enemy wishes him to be source: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dhammapada.droid&hl=en Author note: to lessen one wickedness, one need to purify one wickedness by strengthening one virtue. 1. White Umbrella Goddess Mantra mantra : om sarva tathagata usnisha sitata-patre hum peh hum mama hum ni soha (one mala...
"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." - Buddha source: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/buddha387356.html There are times when healing is not as effective as it suppose to be. don't get me wrong, it is important that one should get medical check up and take medicine when it is necessary . but there are times when there are certain illness that keep coming back even after one goes for operation for example. In this case, it is pro bably that it had something to do with the untangible effect such as past karma or bad habits or even negative thought thinking. 1. Medicine Buddha mantra: "Tadyatha Om bhaisajye bhaisajye maha bhaisajye ranza samudgate svaha" video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fVRzgZit2M&feature=related video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oikIw01nzL4 image url: http://resources.tsemtulku.com/free-downloads/buddhas-and-bodhisattvas.html?...
There is a saying that one had a lot of wealth in this lifetimes is due to one had accumulated a lot of good merits in the past (or past life). This section is particularly cover for wealth related to financial. Most mantras gave more blessings than just giving in the form of money. I personally recommend one to follow the five precepts (abstain from taking one life, what is not given , sexual misconduct, false speech , intoxicating drinks and drugs which leads to carelessness) as sometimes one had difficulties in obtaining what one want as a result of something one did in the past (karma). Reciting mantra is like building a better future not only for this lifetime but future lifetimes as well (for yourself and for others ). It is a good way for those who wish to earn wealth through decent way. if one had opportunity to read the actual original texts , one should do so. One may learn a lot and obtain other types of blessings from reading the entire sutra even though reading it one ...
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