Sixty year cycle from the tibetan astrology network (FD23082020-2)

The sixty year cycle is created by the combination of the twelve animal
signs (Mouse, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey,
Bird, Dog and Pig) with the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal,
1) Wood-Mouse: (1924, 1984)
A person born in this year is an intelligent and witty. He is good at arts
and handicrafts. He has a strong inclination to playing tricks and a
facility in speaking and in this way he can cleverly deceive people. He
can collect a medium wealth and properties. Physically, he may often
suffer from certain illness which is cause by lu (Naga). His life span will
be Seventy five years and may have five or three children. He is likely to
overcome seven obstacles in his life.
2) Wood-Ox : (1925, 1985).
A person born in this year is fond of sleeping and deep sleeper by
nature. She has a good heart but never spend lavishly her wealth. She
can be a person that succeeds in collecting properties. Her life span will
be sixty years and may experience six obstacles in her life. She will get a
provocation from misfortune spirits, landlord spirits and Wood spirit
which resides in woods or trees.
3) Fire-Tiger : (1926, 1986).
A person born in this year will be bit nervous and cruel. Physically
strongly built, his eyes will be round. He will be an ambitious, little faith
and short temper. His works will be useless to himself and harmful to
other people. He will be the husband of two wives and the number of his
children is four. His life span is seventy years and five obstacles are
possible. In his life he can suffer or die by knife or leprosy and in his
next life he will be born into an educated family. He will always suffer
from chronic internal diseases. His basic illness will be provocations of
Naga spirits and diseases of the Phlegm humor.
4) Fire-Rabbit : (1927, 1987)
A person born in this year has an weakness mind and unpleasant voice.
She never speak truth and a tricky person. She can pinpoint others'
weakness and love to praise her knowledge. She does not like to contact
with learned and educated people, because she has the nature of
scholar. She loves to collect many women friend around her. She will be
rich and may live upto seventy five years. She may experience seven
obstacles during her life. She may likely to harm by Sadak (Earth Spirit)
and King spirit (King spirit). She will suffer from cold
5) Earth-Dragon: (1928, 1988)
A person born in this year is used to tell lies and bit lazy and lethargic by
nature. He usually loves to drink alcohol and likes to make love with
other people’s wife which makes him satisfaction. Physically, he will
enjoy sound health with less illness. He is a kind and open minded person
but bit evasive. His life span may be fifty five years and likely to
experience six obstacles in his life. He is likely to have five or seven
children. He may become wealthy or educated person in this life.
6) Earth-Snake: (1929, 1989)
A person born in this year is strong minded, powerful and very active.
She may become rich and luxurious life, but there is a high chance of
facing robbering or stealing in your wealth. If this happens, it can be
caused by having lost her prosperous (Yang (prosperous)). If she is a
woman, then she may possibly die during a travel. She will be harmed by
the strong spirits which resides at woods or trees. She has a bit egotistic
by nature and get hurt easily. She is bit jealousy with a strong
attachment. She is also bit laziness. She likes friends involved in
negative, dirty works . She will be wealthy in this life and your life span
will be seventy nine years. You are likely to face four hindrances and will
be having six children in this life. She may experience or suffer from
certain illnesses which may need a prolong medication or may even die
from this disease.
7) Metal-Horse: (1930, 1990)
A person born in this year will be lazy and have a strong affectionate
towards relatives and family members. He always notices other people's
weaknesses and hides his own faults. He has a big appetite and enjoys
food. His life span is fifty seven years. The number of children is four
and there could be nine obstacles in his life. His properties can be lost or
stolen and he will have difficulty in growing up his children. He can be
provoked by landlord spirits who have a connection with constructions of
houses or archeological works. His physical disease can be cold group
or Wind (rLung) disorders.
8) Metal-Sheep: (1931, 1991).
A person born in this year will physically be strongly built, humble, but
with poor memory and can offently suffer from eye diseases. Her life
span is eighty one years. There can probably be four obstacles in her life
and because she is talkative, this will bring him many enemies. She can
have very few children. Naga and Mountain dwelling spirit (Mountain
dwelling spirit) spirits will always harm him.
9) Water-Monkey: (1932, 1992).
A person born in this year is good in art, with sharp sensory organ
functions and consciousness, and with a clever mind. He will be good in
action, physically and mentally. He will be rich and will have a sharp
mind. He will be a leader of five cities, big or small. His life span is fifty
seven years. Probably, seven obstacles can happen during his life. The
number of his children is three. He will be protected by a spirit who
resides in volcanoes. There is a great danger of killing among his family
or relatives, due to his rough hands.
10) Water-Bird: (1933, 1993).
A person born in this year will be physically and mentally unattentive and
especially the mind will be unstable and forgetful. She loves travelling
and collecting lots of friends. She likes to make tricks and she does not
keep her vows. She is a woman, who can fall into the influence of other
people. Slowly her friends, neighbours and relatives will turn into
enemies. Life span is sixty years and there could probably be nine
obstacles. The number of her children is two. She can suffer from wind
(rLung) disorders and fever. She will frequently get a provocation from
landlord spirits who reside in the trees. A Naga medicine spirit (Nagasman),
who resides in a water spring or in meadows, can protect him, but
a hGong-po spirit, which resides in a yellow coloured city, will often
attack him.
11) Wood-Dog: (1934, 1994)
A person born in this year is good in athletics and will have active
sensory organs and consciousness and also a good memory. He can be
very handsome. This person can be the king of the majors of the cities.
His life span is seventy nine years. Probably there will be five obstacles
in his life. He is protected by good Naga and Mountain dwelling spirit
(Mountain dwelling spirit) spirits, who reside in volcanoes. He will have
three children and will possibly be rich; however, there is also the
possibility that he could become a fratricide or a killer.
12) Wood-Pig : (1935, 1995)
A person born in this year will be fat and strongly built. Apparently of
cruel nature and nervous, but internally less egoistic. She will be easy
deceived by friends and lovers. Her life span is sixty four years. Probably
there will be five obstacles. This man or woman can suffer from negative
influences in her future and, in order to avoid this, properties inherited
from a sterile couple can be of help.
13) Fire Mouse: (1936, 1996).
A person born in this year has a big courage, many thoughts on his mind
and a strong desire for properties and food. Generally, this person
appears as being talkative, but inside he is profound. He is interested
and is very good in discovering other people's faults. He puts effort in
stealing and killings. His life span is sixty eight years and there will be
five obstacles. Medicine Nagas dwelling in the mountains and snow
mountains will protect him. Physically, he will suffer from chronic
stomachache, fever and cardiovascular problems
14) Fire-Ox: (1937, 1997).
A person born in this year will be strongly built. She is always sleepy and
mentally dull. She could well become blind, but she will be rich. There
could be property of crops and annual husbandry. Her life span is
seventy one years and there will be eight obstacles. She will have one
son and two daughters. She will receive a provocation from a rGyal-po
dwelling in a monastery or in a temple. The spirits of her enemies will try
to provoke him, but they will not succeed. She will suffer from Phlegm
15) Earth-Tiger: (1938, 1998)
A person born in this year will be physically well-built but mentally very
angry and will also enjoy to kill. He loves food for which he has strong
desire He will be good in telling lies as well as a good historian. He will
suffer very little from his enemies and from negative spirits. Physically
he will suffer from tumour or oedema. His life expectation is seventy two
years and there will be seven obstacles. The portion of children allotted
to him is two. A spirit dwelling in a land similar to the back of a tiger can
provoke him. Another spirit (Naga-Mountain dwelling spirit (Mountain
dwelling spirit)) dwellings in the base of a rocky mountain will provoke
16) Earth-Rabbit: (1939, 1999)
A person born in this year will be talkative and also intelligent. She will
know grammar and all doctrines. She will not be rich [wealth and
properties will be little]. She will like other men's wives, and will enjoy to
make jokes and tricks. She will suffer from news that her relatives in all
four directions will suffer a misfortune. Her life expectation will be fifty
years. There will be six obstacles and she can have one child. Finally,
she will die through contact with the king of the Nagas or specially
irritated Nagas or leprosy spirits connected with her ancestors, or will die
by chronic bronchitis.
17) Metal-Dragon: (1940, 2000)
A person born in this year will have a strong body and a high ego and will
be an expert in speaking. Because of this, he will have a strong
inclination to be involved in sinful work, postponing the good merit
works. He is a man with a rough character both inside and outside,
speaking gently but always with a negative mind. He has a stable mind
and loves to underline other people's faults. He loves eating and telling
lies. He will be very rich, leading a luxury life. There can be obstacles
regarding his property. His life expectation will be eighty years. There
will be three obstacles. The number of children allotted to him is one or
five. There can be problems of insanity or of idiocy. Bog-pa and King
spirit (King spirit) spirits can provoke him.
18) Metal Snake: (1941, 2001)
A person born in this year has a clear mind and is good in handicrafts.
She is wise in examining others' faults. She can frequently suffer from
robbers, thieves and enemies and can also have relationships with bad
friends. Wealth will be little in the beginning, but later it will become
greater. Her life expectation is seventy eight years and there will be six
obstacles. During the short time when staying with her parents, this kind
of person can receive a lot of kindness, but will probably die with her
parents from leprosy or from contagious diseases. She could also be
possessed by a spirit and could eventually die suicide or could also suffer
from a black magician. In general her disease will be diphtheria, a skin
disease or madness [mental insanity]. The number of children allotted to
him will be three.
19) Water-Horse: (1942, 2002)
A person born in this will be of great intelligence. He will never examine
or try to detect other people faults. He is by nature honest and will not
be influenced by others. He will be good in handicrafts and will also be
good in magic works. His fortune will sometimes be positive and
sometimes negative. Provisions and property will be plentiful. His life
expectation is between fifty seven, if he overcome this age then he is like
to live upto seventy seven years, with eight obstacles. The number of
children allotted to him is three or four. He may suffer g from the "wind
in the heart,' disease, resulting in depression, elation etc. He will suffer
from a Sadak (Earth Spirit) spirit or from purkha magic rites and rituals.
Also he may be provoked by misfortune spirits related to a sterile couple.
His animals and properties can be provoked by rGyal-po and Senmo.
20) Water-Sheep: (1943, 2003)
A person born in this year by nature is only little intelligent and loves
travelling and has a strong attachment to everything (like family or
properties). Very few children are allotted to him but provisions and
property will be rich. She will suffer from robberies and thefts. Because
of losing her good-fortune (Yang (prosperous)) she could also lose her
horses or animals, as well as other properties. Life expectation is
seventy three years with five obstacles. She will get a provocation from
dangerous spirits residing in trees and ponds. Physically, she will suffer
from Phlegm disorders. If she is a woman, then she may die during a
21) Wood-Monkey: (1944, 2004).
A person born in this year will be f physically well built and will have a
strong compassion and love for the others. He will like to )* have
contacts with friends involved in sinful activities. He will have a tricky
mind and many enemies. He will do little for himself and will hold two
places (houses and families). By nature, he does not sleep a lot. He will
get many little sicknesses. Small deeds can bring him big quarrels. The
fortune of his livestock and properties will be unstable. His life
expectation will be seventy eight years with seven obstacles. The number
of children allotted to him is one or five. Mountain dwelling spirit
(Mountain dwelling spirit), Sadak (Earth Spirit) and King spirit (King
spirit), residing at the top of high mountains and great rivers, can make a
22) Wood-Bird: (1945, 2005)
A person born in this Year by nature will be of slightly bluish color and
with chronic disorders. She will be the carrier of diseases to her elders
and there can be disturbances between families. Slowly friends and
relatives will turn into her enemies. She loves to quarrel and to fight. She
will suffer from the provocation of a De-mo spirit, who has broken her
Samayas in the past, and a De-mo. her life expectation will be sixty years.
The number of children allotted to him is one or three.
23) Fire-Dog: (1946, 2006)
A person born in this year by nature will suffer from chronic diseases like
those which make a couple sterile. With a good and happy mind, he will
however be mentally slow. A spirit residing in remote areas can make a
provocation to him. He will also suffer because his house or room will be
burned down by fire. As for himself, fever and Bile diseases can give him
lots of troubles. Mountain dwelling spirit (Mountain dwelling spirit) and
Sadak (Earth Spirit) spirits will provoke him. His life expectation is sixty
eight years with seven obstacles and the number of children allotted to
him is three.
24) Fire-Pig: (1947, 2007)
A person born in this year , generally has a poor health and can
frequently have diseases. The upper class people can turn into enemy to
him and she could suffer because her house or room could be burned
down by fire. Physically she will suffer from fever and bile disease. A Drewo
or a Mountain dwelling spirit (Mountain dwelling spirit) or a Sadak
(Earth Spirit) spirit will provoke him. Her life expectation is sixty eight
years with seven obstacles. The number of children allotted to him is
25) Earth-Mouse: (1948, 2008)
A person born in this year will have a short body. He will be gentle but
will have a defective mind and consciously will love to kill. He will be
sweet spoken but with a strong ego. Physically, he will suffer from
Phlegm and chronic stomach disorders. [his life expectation is sixty eight
years with seven obstacles. He can expect to have one child. Finally, he
will die under knife.
26) Earth Ox: (1949, 2009)
A person born in this year will feel physically heavy and lazy. She is
proud and ambitious with some faults in the mind. She will be
psychologically and mentally rough and will b aggressive with a hard
character. Her life expectation is fifty years with seven obstacles. She
can expect to have one child. Daily provision and property will be just
sufficient for him. She will get a provocation from a Sadak spirit. She will
become the object of many people's gossips.
27) Metal-Tiger: (1950, 2010)
A person born in this year is by nature nervous and aggressive. He loves
killing but sometimes also acts generously. He has a good physical body
and a white skin. He loves meat and wine with strong desire and
attachment. He is talkative and uses harsh words. Provision and wealth
will be unstable. His life expectation is sixty years and he will probably
die under knife. Five obstacles will interfere with his life. The number of
children allotted to him is two or four. He will get a provocation from
Mountain dwelling spirit (Mountain dwelling spirit) and King spirit (King
spirit) spirits.
28) Meta1-Rabbit: (1951, 2011)
A person born in this year will possess a "big mind"- [a profound and
stable mind]. Intelligent and with a sharp mind, she will gain good
achievements. She is sympathetic to people and loves to be generous.
She will suffer from minor pains and diseases, but she can still be a very
learned person her wealth will be medium. Her life expectation is sixty
one years with five obstacles and the number of children allotted to him
is five. Probably, she will die under knife or can suffer a fratricide or get a
provocation from a Sadak (Earth Spirit) spirit. Or another Sen-mo spirit,
who resides at the top of a house or a monastery, will provoke him.
29) Water-Dragon: (1952, 2012)
A person born in this Year has many mole signs on the body. He will need
to change his house or place. He will be expert in archery and sports and
will love to practise them. His life expectation is sixty two years with six
obstacles and the number of children allotted to him is five or one. There
is a big danger that he will be sterile and his relatives will have
handicapped children because of hereditary problems. His wealth will
suffer from up and downs..
30) Water-Snake: (1953, 2013)
A person born in this year by nature will have an inborne anger. Other
people will use her friends and property. She will be expert in handicrafts
and also expert in calumny. Frequently, she will like to be the centre of
public attention but she will possess a "very little heart" [she will be a
coward]. For the wealth she will get a provocation from a King spirit (King
spirit) and a landlord spirit who resides in a red rock. Physically she will
suffer from cold and wind group diseases. Her life expectation will be
sixty eight years. Very few children are allotted to him. Her descendants
will be even more sterile.
31) Wood-Horse: (1954, 2014)
A person born in this year by nature will be tricky minded and uneasy.
Nervous with a dull mind, she will have very little faith and will be very
little sympathetic with people, but will be physically strong and will have
a good resistance to physical work. She will be talkative and will like
friends. His life expectation will be sixty years with a portion of children
one. Every third year she will experience an obstacle. His diseases will be
rLung and Phlegm disorders. She will get provocations from a King spirit
(King spirit) and a Sadak spirit.
32) Wood-Sheep: (1955, 2015)
A person born in this year is physically well built with good sensory
organs. She will not be intelligent and will love eating. Her life
expectation is sixty years with three obstacles. Two children are allotted
to him.
33) Fire-Monkey: (1956, 2016)
A person born in this year will live sixty seven years with five obstacles.
Pathological problems can be rlung and Bile disorders. He loves dresses
and objects as ornaments. Talkative, moody, physically well built [ with a
good physical strength], he will be sexy and also ready to mention others
faults. With a strong ego, he will be attached to his property. He can
become the captain [leader] of five cities. Provisions and properties will
be rich. Five children are allotted to him.
34) Fire-Bird: (1957, 2017)
A person born in this year has many thoughts and will be an able and
powerful speaker. She will also good in handicrafts. She will have a
"strong face" [she will be dominant] and will love to steal and to kill.
Frequently, she will suffer from forgetfulness and strong desires. She will
get a provocation from the temple of the cemetery and a De-mo spirit.
Her life expectation will be sixty five years with six obstacles. There is for
him a big danger of losing her life because of a knife. One thing she loves
is to make illegitimate sons.
35) Earth-Dog: (1958, 2018)
A person born in this year is short tempered, aggressive and has many
thoughts. He loves to make many planning and has strong attachments.
He likes to scoff others. He likes sports. There is big danger for him to be
attacked by Wind (rlung) and Bile disorders. He will frequently dream to
make friendship with dead persons. He will always be unhappy and poor.
His life expectations will be seventy years with seven obstacles and he
can expect to have three or four children. He will get a provocation from
Za-dre spirits originated from his great-grand father.
36) Earth-Pig: (1959, 2019).
A person born in this year will have a great intelligence. She will suffer
from enemies. She can provide a little benefit to her relatives, friends and
to her spiritual masters. Her life expectation is sixty seven years with six
obstacles. Two children are allotted to him. Provisions and wealth will be
plentiful. She will get a provocation from a spirit who previously was
propitiated by her family and from a landlord spirit of a land similar to the
shape of a fish.
37) Metal-Mouse: (1960, 2020).
A person born in this year is physically well built and has clear senses. He
will like joking and will distinguish among people because of his good
faith and skill in all fields. He can make good jobs for others but little for
himself. He can be of great benefit as well as harmful to others. He loves
to fight. He will have few enemies and will find few interferences in his
life. This person will not be influenced by the king and he will be
respected by all people. Property, animals and crops will be stable. His
life span is fifty seven years with six obstacles. The number of children
allotted to him is five.
38) Metal-Ox: (1961, 2021).
A person born in this year will have a light body and will be good in art.
She will do a good work and will have a good understanding of other
people. She will suffer only little from diseases and enemies. She has a
strong desire for sleeping and laziness. She will like to make her friends
and the king happy. Generally, she will be aggressive and will have a hard
character. Her livepan is fifty five years with seven obstacles. She can
expect to have two children. She will get a provocation from a landlord
spirit residing in water.
39) Water-Tiger: (1962, 2022).
A person born in this year will have a rough body, but strong and active.
He likes to proudly expose his physical body. He will have many wrong
ideas and it will be difficult to change his mind. He will be "white in the
mouth and black in the heart" [that means, he will speak nicely but will
have a negative mind]. He will like women and sex but he will especially
like to steal o.ller people's wives. He will separate or divorce from his
wife. His life-span is seventy one years with seven obstacles. He can
expect to have only one child. Livestock and wealth will be unstable.
40) Water-Rabbit: (1963, 2023).
A person born in this year never trusts other people. Even small
discussions make him emotional. She will get many wicked friends. She
loves business and sleeping. Gradually, she will take over from her father.
She will be a forgetful and greedy person. She will get a provocation from
a King spirit (King spirit) residing in the temple of the cemetery. Her life
span is seventy two years. The number of children allotted to him is
uncertain: either none or plenty of them. She often dreams about big
41) Wood-Dragon: (1964, 2024).
A person born in this year will be open minded and an artist. Sweet and
gentle spoken, he will easily make friends. By nature he is a very jealous
man. He will be a man with many activities. He will have many properties
and great wealth. He will suffer from Bile humour diseases. His life span
is sixty six years with six obstacles. Only few children are allotted to him.
He will get a provocation from a landlord spirit residing in a small river.
42) Wood-Snake: (1965, 2025).
A person born in this year will be of "small heart" [that is to say, she will
be emotionally sensitive], open minded and physically tall. Apparently
she seems to be open minded but internally she is very cautious. She is
very proud of himself. She has much self-respect and a strong
attachment to property. Upper class people will be sympathetic with him,
lower class will be against him. Her livestock and wealth will be plentiful.
Her life span is seventy seven years with four obstacles. Generally she
will get few sickness and will get more sons than daughters
43) Fire-Horse: (1966, 2026).
A person born in this year is nervous and bad tempered but open
minded. He loves to fight, to make profits and to become famous. He has
great respect for horses and dogs. He cares about his own friends, but
does harm to the other people. He will get a sweet spoken wife. His
wealth will not be stable because he can not wait to fulfil his wishes.
Finally, his wealth will only be little. . His life span is seventy eight years
with seven obstacles. He will have two children. Physically he will suffer
from bronchitis or pneumonia and different kinds of fevers. This man will
get a provocation from King spirit and Dre-wo spirits.
44) Fire-Sheep: (1967, 2027).
A person born in this year will be physically well built, with a pleasant
voice and a nice appearance. She will have a good heart and will show
gratitude to those who have contacted him. She will fulfill her desires.
She will show strong attachment to her property. Her livepan is seventy
seven years with seven obstacles. Many sons and nephews have been
allotted to him. She will get a provocation from normal spirit and
especially a landlord spirit who resides in a triangular piece of land. She
will suffer from chronic kidney disease.
45) Earth Monkey: (1908, 1968, 2028).
A person born in this year is easy to contact and has a beautiful
character. He is slow of mind but well spoken. He will fulfill his wishes.
With a little ego, he will be respected by people He will be rich in animals
and wealths. His life span is seventy eight years with nine critical life
obstacles. His children will be three. He will suffer by Wind and Phlegm
humoral disorders. A provocation will arise from the king of the landlord
spirits who resides in a round shaped land.
46) Earth-Bird: (1909, 1969, 2029).
A person born in this year will be open minded and with a clear mind. She
will be sympathetic to people but will be nervous, short tempered and
will use harsh words. She will be jealous, with a greedy mind, proud,
ambitious and with a strong desire towards sex. Her life span will be
seventy years with seven obstacles. She will have six children. Physically
she will suffer from Bile humor disorders. There will be the danger that
she may lose her eyes or other sensory organs. She will get a
provocation from a landlord spirit residing in a land or in a house.
47) Metal-Dog: (1910, 1970, 2030).
A person born in this year will be clear minded and with a good character.
With a good mind, he will make a great effort to perform good deeds and
spiritual works. He will be a good artist. He speaks little and sleeps much.
He knows well what a moral life means but he will not be wise in wordly
matters. His birth can increase crops and animals. His life span is seventy
seven years with seven obstacles. Three or four children will be allotted
to him. This person should pay attention to robbers.
48) Metal-Pig: (1911, 1971, 2031)
A person born in this year will have a clear mind and a good character.
Even a brave man will pay respect to him. She will be bigamous. She will
be very wealthy but the first group of her attendants or friends will get
harm from him. She will have two or four children. Her life span is seventy
years with seven obstacles.
49) Water-Mouse: (1912, 1972, 2032)
A person born in this year will be handsome and endowed with a great
patience. His livestock and wealth will be unstable. He has great sexual
desires in sex and loves to make illegitimate sons. His heart is filled with
tricks and lies and he is greedy for food and property. His livepan is
seventy two years with seven obstacles. He can expect to have either two
or five children. He will get a provocation from a landlord spirit residing in
a dangerous tree located in the east-side.
50) Water-Ox: (1913, 1973, 2033)
A person born in this year is a kind of fool, with a strong desire in
sleeping and in laziness. She has a bad character, she is also proud of
himself and egoistic, will use harsh words and also will tell lies. She will
challenge all people by words. Her livepan will be seventy years with
seven obstacles. The last of her business will be the turquoise. She will
lose her sons before her own death and she will get a provocation from a
landlord spirit residing in a cemetery.
51) Wood-Tiger: (1914, 1974, 2034)
A person born in this year will be nervous and ferocious. He will love
working and fighting. Inside he is highly possessive and egoistic,
therefore he will try to fool other people. Property and wealth will be
prominent. He will have a strong desire in sex and will be very jealous.
Generally, he will like other people's wives and walking in the night. He
will get married late. His wife and children will be separated. He will
suffer by the hands of his illegitimate son. His life span is fifty six years
with five obstacles. The number of children allotted to him will be three.
He will get a provocation from a landlord spirit, King spirit and Tey-rang
(Thumb size demon), which follow a goat or a donkey. He will suffer from
tumour, oedema, diphtheria or other infectious diseases. At last he will
die under knife or other metal weapon.
52) Wood-Rabbit: (1915, 1975, 2035)
A person born in this year will be very tricky minded. She will like women
and stealing other people's wives and it is also possible for him to
become homosexual. She will have a strong ego and many thoughts [she
will speak unrelated things]. She will always be engaged in sports,
singing and dancing. She will become a father early and then again in the
latest part of her life. Her wife will have children from other men. She will
lose her wive and children and she will make children outside her family.
Her livepan is sixty seven years with six obstacles. This person will suffer
for many diseases and enemies. She will get a provocation from a Se-rak
spirit following a goat or a donkey.
53) Fire-Dragon: (1916, 1976, 2036)
A person born in this year will be physically well built and rich. He will
suffer from fighting with nv'atives, robbers and enemies. His house will
run by a widow. By nature, he is greedy and sometimes he will also steal
but he can be a good craftsman. Generally speaking, he can be a good
person. His life span is seventy one years with seven obstacles. Two
children will be allotted to him. He will get rlung combined with Bile
disorders. He will get a provocation from a Theurang which followed after
a property. He will be a rich man
54) Fire-Snake: (1917, 1977, 2037)
A person born in this year will be well built with little illness. She will have
many girl-friends and will own five or seven wives. She will be rich and
will also be the leader of the town. She cares for people and people will
pay respect to him. She can be expert in arts as well as in secular or
religious doctrines. Her life span is seventy one years with seven
obstacles. Two children will be granted to him. Some disease connected
to Wind and Bile humors can happen. She will get a provocation of a
Naga and of a landlord spirit who arise from a grave after birds and dogs
having dug out her ancestors' remains. Finally, she will die from a knife
55) Earth-Horse: (1918, 1978, 2038)
A person born in this year will by nature be brave but short tempered. He
will change his words frequently. He will be consulted by many people. He
will have pure and good merits but will have many interferences. He will
suffer frequently from enemies and diseases. His life span is seventy five
years with seven obstacles. Two children will be granted to him. He will
get a provocation because he has been unfriendly with devas and
demons, protectors of a monastery or a provocation can come from
Phurkha and King spirit spirits or from a landlord spirit residing in a
round-shaped land.
56) Earth-Sheep: (1919, 1979, 2039)
A person born in this year will get many diseases and will be threatened
by her enemies. Probably there will appear an enemy from the site where
she has a property or where her children and relatives live. She will
speak in a doubtful way. Her mind will always go to women and if the
person is a woman it will be the contrary. She will be proud of himself
and egoist. She will be liked by outside people but hated by her own
community. By nature, she is a fragile person. She will alternately
experience sorrow and happiness. Her life span is sixty years with four
obstacles. Her descendents will be single sons. She will get a
provocation from a Phurkha spirit and a spirit related to a sword
connected with a leprosy disease.
57) Metal-Monkey: (1920, 1980, 2040)
A person born in this year will give happiness to all the people
approaching him. He will become extraordinarily beautiful and
handsome. His livestock and wealth will be prominent. He is active in
physical work, but can cause quarrels and killings among his relatives. He
will help people to find a job. He will have a happy love-life in the latter
part of his life. His life span is seventy years with eight obstacles. He can
expect to have either one or five children. He will be hurt by wars and
enemies. Possibly, a provocation will arise from a Phurkha spirit. Because
the skull of one of his ancestors had been eaten by carnivorous animals,
a provocation will originate from the spirit of a suicide or from a Ma-mo.
He may suffer from grudge and from epileptic problems.
58) Metal-Bird: (1921, 1981, 2041)
A person born in this year will be rich and powerful. Livestock and grains
will be great. She will be a great eater and drinker with a strong desire
and attachment. She will like her enemies. She will be a leader. Her
wealth will be stable. Her life span is seventy years with seven obstacles.
Four children will be allotted to him. Physical diseases will be unbalances
of the rlung humor and fevers. She will get a provocation from the spirit
of a killed relative and from the spirit of leprosy.
59) Water-Dog: (1922, 1982, 2042)
A person born in this year will always be mean by nature. He will be
threatened by his enemies. He will frequently have many inauspicious
signs. Physically, he will be unhealthy and will be endangered by
weapons. Without knowledge of his relatives and friends, he will like to be
involved in sinful acts. His life span is sixty three years. He can expect to
have only few children and little wealth. Probably he will experience legal
problems. He will get a provocation from a general Don spirit, a Geg, a
Serak or a King spirit spirit.
60) Water-Pig: (1923, 1983, 2043)
A person born in this year will be well learned and stable in mind. She will
be very proud and also jealous. She will be rich and can be the owner of
[many] life-styles and properties. Her life span is sixty years with five
obstacles. The number of her children will be four. She will get a
provocation from a landlord spirit residing in a tree or a spirit from her
uncle's side due to the presence of an extensive pollution in a Naga's
place; or there could be a big danger that the spirit of a suicide can make
him die by suicide or by falling down from the top of her house or from a



this information are quoted from the tibetan astrology website. as the author do not know what happen to the actual website, the author decide to post this information here. May this good information will be widely circulate for the benefits of all. 

*this is the sixty year cycle astrology from tibet astrolgy . which mean it will repeat every sixty years.


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