
Showing posts with the label under progress

Are Buddhists Idol Worshippers (under progress) (FD15102023-01)

 Are Buddhists Idol Worshippers K.Sri Dhammananda BMS PUBLICATIONS Wisdom Series no.41-1984 In loving memory of the Late Mr. & Mrs. Lee GIM KANG And the Late Mr. * Mrs. Lee GIM GUAN ISBN 967-9920-18.6 Are Buddhists Idol Worshippers? By K. Sri Dhammananda Objetcs of Veneration      In every religion, there are certain objects or symbols for purposes of veneration. In Buddhism there are three main religious objetcs for this purpose:- (i) Saririka or the bodily relics of the Buddha; (ii) Uddesika or religious symbols such as the BUddha image, chetiya or pagoda; (iii) Paribhogika or the personal articles used by the Buddha      It is customary for Buddhists all over the world to pay homage to any of these objects of veneration. It is also a Buddhist tradition to erect Buddha images, chetiya or pagodas and plant a Bodhi tree in every temple to serve as religious objects of veneration.     Many people are under a misapprehension that Buddh...

The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth (FD1807220-1) (mandarin under progress)

天地靈文 楞嚴咒  大悲咒 The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth Shurangama Mantra . Great Compassion Mantra 紀念法界觀音聖寺重建落成開光大典 In commemoration of the Grand Opening Ceremony of Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery next page empty next page 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛 Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha *image* next page 天地靈文 楞嚴咒 ,大悲咒 The Efficacious Language of Heaven & Earth Shurangama Mantra Great Compassion Mantra 出版/ Published by 馬來西亞法界佛教總會 Malaysia Dharma Realm Buddhist Association Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery next page *the pages here is the first line is the english, follow by mandarin words and then the pin yin for the mandarin words. there are other symbols here that the author will omit as the author do not really understand the function of it. and also because the author is using a simple text here for typing* Shurangama Mantra 楞嚴咒 leng yan zhou Na mo Shur ang ma as sem bly of Bu d dhas and Bo dhi sat tvas. 南無楞嚴會上佛...