The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth (FD1807220-1) (mandarin under progress)

The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth
Shurangama Mantra . Great Compassion Mantra

In commemoration of the Grand Opening Ceremony of Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery

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Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha


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楞嚴咒 ,大悲咒

The Efficacious Language of Heaven & Earth
Shurangama Mantra
Great Compassion Mantra

出版/ Published by
Malaysia Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery

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*the pages here is the first line is the english, follow by mandarin words and then the pin yin for the mandarin words. there are other symbols here that the author will omit as the author do not really understand the function of it. and also because the author is using a simple text here for typing*

Shurangama Mantra
leng yan zhou

Na mo Shurangma assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisat tvas.
南無楞嚴會上佛菩薩 (三稱)
na mo leng yan hui shang fo pu sa (recite 3 times)

O deep and wondrous dharani unmoving Honored One
miao zhan zong chi bu dong zun

Supreme Shurangama appears most rarely in the world.
shou leng yan wang shi xi you

Extinguishing deluded thoughts from countless kalpas
*mandarin words*
xiao wo yi jie dian dao xiang

I needn't pass through aeons till the dharma body's gained.
*mandarin words*
bu li seng qi huo fa shen

I wish to now attain the way; and as the Dharma king.
*mandarin words*
yuan jin de guo cheng bao wang

I'll then return to rescue beings more than Ganges' Sands
*mandarin words*
huan du ru shi heng sha zhong

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words* 
This deep resolve I offer to the myriad Buddhas' Lands,
*mandarin words*
jiang ci shen xin feng chen cha

And thus endeavor to repay the Buddha's boundless grace.
*mandarin words*
shi ze ming wei bao fo en

I humbly ask the Bhagavan to certify my quest:
*mandarin words*
fu qing shi zun wei zheng ming

To enter first the evil world- the five turbidities;
*mandarin words*
wu zhuo e shi shi xian ru

If yet a single being's not accomplished Buddhahood
*mandarin words*
ru yi zhong sheng wei cheng fo

Accordingly I also must renounce nirvana bliss.
*mandarin words*
zhong bu yu yi ci qu ni huan

O great in courage, great in power, great compassionate one!
*mandarin words*
da xiong da li da ci bei

I pray would now uncover and dispel my subtlest doubts.
*mandarin words*
xi geng shen chu wei xi huo

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

Thus cause me quickly to attain supreme enlightenment,
*mandarin words*
ling wo zao deng wu shang jue

And sit within the bodhimandas of the tenfold realms
*mandarin words*
yu shi fang jie zuo dao chang

And even could the nature of Shunyata melt away
*mandarin words*
shun ruo duo xing ke xiao wang

My vajra-like supreme resolve would still remain unmoved
*mandarin words*
shuo jia luo xin wu dong zhuan

Na mo eternally abiding Buddhas of the ten directions.
*mandarin words*
na mo chang zhu shi fang fo

Na mo eternally abiding Dharma of the ten directions.
*mandarin words*
na mo chang zhu shi fang fa

Na mo eternally abiding Sangha of the ten directions.
*mandarin words*
na mo chang zhu shi fang seng

Na mo Shakyamuni Buddha.
*mandarin words*
na mo shi jia mou ni fo

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

Na mo Supreme Shurangama of the Bud dha's summit.
*mandarin words*
na mo fo ding shou leng yan

Na mo Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva
*mandarin words*
na mo guan shi yin pu sa

Na mo Vajra Treasury Bodhisattva
*mandarin words*
na mo jin gang zang pu sa

At that time the World Honored One from the flesh mound at the crown of His head released a hundred-jewelled light and a thousand petalled rare lotus arose from the midst of the light.
*mandarin words*
er shi shi zun . cong rou ji zhong. yong bai bao guang . guang zhong yong chu. qian ye bao lian.

Seated within the precious flower was a transformation body of the Thus Come One, whose crown in turn emitted ten rays of the hundred-jewelled effulgence.
*mandarin words*
you hua ru lai. zuo bao hua zhong. ding fang shi dao. bai bao guang ming.

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

All the myriad lights shone 'round about, everywhere revealing secret trace vajra spirits, many as the sands of ten Ganges rivers. Each holding aloft a mountain and wielding a pestle, they pervaded the realm of empty space.
*mandarin words*
yi yi guang ming. jie bian shi xian. shi heng he sha. jin gang mi ji. qing shan chi chu. bian xu kong jie.

The great assembly gazed upward at once filled with fear and admiration. Seeking the Buddha's kind protection they single-mindedly listened
*mandarin words*
da zhong yang guan. wei ai jian bao. qiu fo ai you. yi xin ting fo.

As, streaming light at the Buddha's invisible crown the transformation Thus Come One proclaimed the spiritual mantra:
*mandarin words*
wu jian ding xiang. fang guang ru lai. xuan shuo shen zhou.

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

1.  第一會
1) na mo sa dan tuo   南蕪薩胆他
2) su qie duo ye 蘇伽多耶
3) e la he di  阿羅訶帝
4) san miao san pu tuo xie 三藐三菩陀寫
5) na mo sa dan tuo 南蕪薩胆他
6) fo tuo ju zhi shai ni shan 佛陀俱胝瑟尼釤
7) na mo sa po  南蕪薩婆
8) bo tuo bo di 勃陀勃地
9) sa duo pi bi 薩*unable to locate this mandarin word**unable to locate this mandarin word*弊
10) na mo sa duo nan 南蕪薩多南
11) san miao san pu tuo 三藐三菩陀
12) ju zhi nan 俱知南
13) suo she la po jia 娑舍囉婆迦
14) seng qie nan 僧伽喃
15) na mo lu ji e luo han duo nan 南蕪盧雞阿羅漢跢喃
16) na mo su lu duo bo nuo nan 南蕪蘇盧多疲那喃
17) na mo suo jie li tuo qie mi nan 南蕪娑羯唎陀伽彌喃
18) na mo lu ji san miao qie duo nan 南蕪盧雞三藐伽跢喃

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin word*

19) San miao qie bo la 三藐伽波囉
20) di bo duo nuo nan 底波多那喃
21) na mo ti po li shai nan 南蕪提婆離瑟赧
22) na mo xi tuo ye 南蕪悉陀耶
23) pi di ye 毗地耶
24) tuo la li shai nan 囉離
25) she bo nu 舍波奴
26) jie la he 渴囉訶
27) suo he suo la mo tuo nan
28) na mo ba la he mo ni 南蕪跋訶摩尼
29) na mo yin tuo la ye 南蕪因
30) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
31) lu tuo la ye 盧陀羅耶
32) wu mo bo di 烏摩般
33) suo xi ye ye 娑醯夜
34) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
35) nuo la ye 那囉野
36) na ye *unable to locate this mandarin word*
37) pan zhe mo he san mu tuo la 槃遮訶三慕
38) na mo xi jie li duo ye 南蕪悉羯唎多耶
39) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
40) mo he jia la ye 迦羅耶

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*mandarin words* shurangama mantra

41) di bo la na 地唎般剌
42) qie la pi tuo la  囉毗
43) bo na jia la ye 波拏迦 囉耶
44) e di mu di 地目
45) shi mo she nuo ni 尸摩舍那泥
46) po xi ni 婆悉泥
47) mo dan li qie na 摩胆唎
48) na mo xi jie li duo ye 南蕪悉羯唎多耶
49) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
50) duo tuo qie duo ju la ye 多他伽跢俱
51) na mo bo tou mo ju la ye 南蕪般頭
52) na mo ba she la ju la ye 南蕪跋闍囉俱
53) na mo mo ni ju la ye 南蕪摩尼
54) na mo qie she ju la ye 南蕪
55) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
56) di li cha 唎茶
57) shu la xi na 輸囉西那
58) bo la he la na la she ye
59) duo tuo qie duo ye 伽多   
60) na mo po qie po di 南蕪

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Shurangama Mantra * mandarin words*

61) na mo e mi duo po ye 南蕪阿彌
62) duo tuo qie duo ye 伽多
63) e la he di
64) san miao san pu tuo ye 三藐三菩陀
65) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
66) e chu pi ye *unable to locate this mandarin word*鞞
67) duo tuo qie duo ye 伽多
68) e la he di
69) San miao san pu tuo ye 三藐三菩陀
70) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
71) pi sha she ye 鞞沙闍
72) ju lu fei zhu li ye 俱盧吠柱
73) bo la po la she ye
74) duo tuo qie duo ye 伽多
75) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
76) san bu shi bi duo 補師毖多
77) sa lian nai la la she ye 薩憐捺囉剌
78) duo tuo qie duo ye 伽多
79) e la he di
80) san miao san pu tuo ye 三藐三菩陀
81) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
82) she ji ye mu nuo ye 舍雞野母那曳
83) duo tuo qie duo ye 伽多

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

84) e la he di
85) san miao san pu tuo ye 三藐三菩陀
86) na mo po qie po di 南蕪
87) la dan na ji du la she ye 剌怛雞都
88) duo  tuo qie duo ye 伽多
89) e la he di
90) san miao san pu tuo ye  三藐三菩陀
91) di piao  帝瓢
92) na mo sa jie li duo 南蕪薩羯唎
93) yi tan po qie po duo *unable to locate this mandarin words* 曇
94) sa dan tuo qie du shai ni shan 伽都瑟尼釤
95) sa dan duo bo da lan 多般*unable to locate this mandarin words*
96) na mo e po la shi dan 南蕪視耽
97) bo la di 般
98) yang qi la  揚岐
99) sa la po
100) bo duo jie la he 部多揭
101) ni jie la he 尼羯 
102) jie jia la he ni 揭迦
103) ba la bi di ye 跋囉毖地耶
104) chi tuo ni 叱陀你
105) e jia la 阿

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*
106) mi li zhu 密唎柱
107) bo li dan la ye
108) ning jie li 獰揭
109) sa la po 薩
110) pan tuo nuo 陀那
111) mu cha ni 目叉
112) sa la po
113) tu shai zha 突瑟吒
114) tu xi fa 突悉乏
115) bo na ni 那你
116) fa la ni 伐
117) zhe du la 赭都
118) shi di nan 失帝南
119) jie la he
120) suo he sa la ruo she 娑囉若闍
121) pi duo beng suo na jie li 毗多崩娑那羯
122) e shai zha bing she di nan 阿瑟吒冰舍帝南
123) na cha cha dan la ruo she 那叉刹囉若闍
124) bo la sa tuo na jie li 薩陀
125) e shai zha nan
126) mo he jie la he ruo she 訶若
127) pi duo beng sa na jie li 毗多崩那羯
128) sa po she du lu 舍都嚧

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

129) ni po la ruo she 你
130) hu lan tu xi fa 呼藍突悉乏
131) nan zhe na she ni 難遮
132) bi sha she 毖沙
133) xi dan la
134) e ji ni 阿吉
135) wu tuo jia la ruo she 烏陀迦
136) e bo la shi duo ju la 阿般囉視多具
137) mo he bo la zhan chi 戰持
138) mo he die duo 訶疊
139) mo he di she
140) mo he shui duo she po la 訶税多
141) mo he ba la pan tuo la 訶跋
142) po xi ni
143) e li ye duo la 唎耶
144) pi li ju zhi 毗唎俱知
145) shi po pi she ye 誓婆
146) ba she la mo li di 禮底
147) pi she lu duo 毗舍*unable to locate this mandarin word*
148) bo teng wang jia 勃騰罔
149) ba she la zhi he nuo e zhe 囉制喝阿遮
150) mo la zhi po

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151) bo la zhi duo 囉質多
152) ba she la shan chi 擅持
153) pi she la zhe 毗舍囉遮
154) shan duo she 扇多
155) pi ti po 鞞提婆
156) bu shi duo 補視多
157) su mo lu bo 蘇摩嚧婆
158) mo he shui duo 訶税多
159) e li ye duo la 阿唎耶多囉
160) mo he po la e bo la 摩訶婆
161) ba she la shang jie la zhi po 囉商揭制
162) ba she la ju mo li 闍囉俱
163) ju lan tuo li
164) ba she la he sa duo zhe 囉喝多遮
165) pi di ye 毗地
166) qian zhe nuo 乾
167) mo li jia
168) ku su mu  *unable to locate this mandarin word*蘇母
169) po jie la duo nuo 婆羯跢
170) pi lu zhe na 鞞嚧遮
171) ju li ye
172) ye la tu 夜
173) shai ni shan 瑟尼釤

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

174) pi zhe lan po mo ni zhe 毗折蓝
175) ba she la jia na jia bo la po 迦波
176) lu she na
177) ba she la dun zhi zhe 囉頓稚
178) shui duo zhe 税多
179) jia mo la
180) cha che shi 刹奢尸
181) bo la po 波
182) yi di yi di *unable to locate this mandarin word* 帝夷
183) mu tuo la 母陀
184) jie na 羯拏
185) suo pi la chan 娑鞞囉懺
186) jue fan du 掘梵嘟
187) yin tu na mo mo xie 印兔那*unable to locate both two mandarin words*寫

II  *mandarin words*
188) wu xin 烏*unable to locate this mandarin word*
189) li shai jie na 唎瑟揭拏
190) bo la she xi duo 般剌舍悉多
191) sa dan tuo 薩怛他
192) qie du shai ni shan 伽都瑟尼釤
193) hu xin du lu yong  虎*unable to locate this mandarin word*都嚧雍
194) zhan po na 瞻
195) hu xin du lu yong 虎*unable to locate this mandarin word*都嚧雍

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

196) xi dan po na 悉耽
197) hu xin du lu yong 虎*unable to locate this mandarin word*都嚧雍
198) bo la shai di ye 瑟地耶
199) san bo cha 三波叉
 200) na jie la 拏羯
201) hu xin du lu yong 虎*unable to locate this mandarin word*都嚧雍
202) sa po yao cha 婆藥
203) he la cha suo 喝囉刹娑
204) jie la he ruo she 揭囉訶若
205) pi teng beng sa na jie la 毗騰崩
206) hu xin du lu yong 虎*unable to locate this mandarin words*都嚧雍
207) zhe du la 者都 
208) shi di nan 尸底南
209) jie la he 揭
210) suo he sa la nan 娑訶薩囉南
211) pi teng beng sa na la  毗騰崩薩那囉
212) hu xin du lu yong 虎*unable to locate this mandarin words*都嚧雍
213) la cha 囉叉
214) po qie fan 婆伽梵
215) sa dan tuo 怛他
216) qie du shai ni shan 伽都瑟尼釤
217) bo la dian 波囉點
218) she ji li  闍吉唎
219) mo he suo he sa la 摩訶娑訶薩 囉

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220) bo shu suo he sa la 勃樹娑訶薩 囉
221) shi li sha 室唎沙
222) ju zhi suo he sa ni 俱知娑訶薩泥
223) di li e bi ti shi po li duo 帝*unable to locate this mandarin words*阿弊提
224) zha zha ying jia 吒吒甖迦
225) mo he ba she lu tuo la 摩訶跋闍嚧陀囉
226) di li pu po na 帝唎菩婆那
227) man cha la 曼茶囉
228) wu xin 烏*unable to locate this mandarin word*
229) suo xi di 莎悉帝
230) bo po du 薄婆都
231) mo mo麼麼
232) yin tu na mo mo xie 印兔那 麼麼 寫

III (第三會)

233) la she po ye 囉闍婆夜
234) zhu la ba ye 主囉跋夜
235) e qi ni po ye 阿祗尼婆夜
236) wu tuo jia po ye烏陀迦婆夜
237) pi sha po ye毗沙婆夜
238) she sa duo la po ye舍薩多囉婆夜
239) po la zhao jie la po ye婆囉斫羯囉婆夜
240) tu shai cha po ye  突瑟叉婆夜
241) e shi ni po ye 阿舍你婆夜

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Shurangama Mantra楞嚴咒

242) e jia la 阿迦囉
243) mi li zhu po ye 密唎柱婆夜
244) tuo la ni bu mi jian 陀囉尼部彌劍
245) bo qie bo tuo po ye波伽波陀婆夜
246) wu la jia po duo po ye烏囉迦婆多婆夜
247) la she tan cha po ye 剌闍壇茶婆夜
248) nuo qie po ye  那伽婆夜
249) pi tiao dan po ye 毗條怛婆夜
250) su bo la na po ye 蘇波囉拏婆夜
251) yao cha jie la he 藥叉揭囉訶
252) la cha si jie la he 叉私揭囉訶
253) bi li duo jie la she 畢揭囉訶
254) pi she zhe jie la he 舍遮揭囉訶
255) bu duo jie la he 部揭囉訶
256) jiu pan cha jie la he鳩槃茶揭囉訶
257) bu dan na jie la he補丹那揭囉訶
258) jia zha bu dan na jie la he迦吒補丹那揭囉訶
259) xi qian du jie la he悉乾度揭囉訶
260) e bo xi mo la jie la he 播悉摩揭囉訶
261) wu tan mo tuo jie la he 烏檀摩陀揭囉訶
262) che ye jie la he車夜揭囉訶

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

263) xi li po di jie la he醯唎婆帝揭囉訶
264) she duo he li nan社多訶唎南
265) jie po he li nan 揭婆訶唎南
266) lu di la he li nan 嚧地囉訶唎南
267) mang suo he li nan 忙娑訶唎南
268) mi tuo he li nan 謎陀訶唎南
269) mo she he li nan 摩闍訶唎南
270) she duo he li nu 闍多訶唎女
271) shi bi duo he li nan 視比多訶唎南
272) pi duo he li nan 毗多訶唎南
273) po duo he li nan 婆多訶唎南
274) e shu zhe he li nu 阿輸遮訶唎女
275) zhi duo he li nu 質多訶唎女
276) di shan sa pi shan 帝釤薩鞞釤
277) sa po jie la he nan 薩婆揭囉訶南
278) pi tuo ye she 毗陀耶闍
279) chen tuo ye mi *unable to locate this mandarin words*陀夜彌
280) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
281) bo li ba la zhe jia 波唎跋囉者迦
282) qi li dan 訖唎擔
283) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
284) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
285) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
286) cha yan ni 茶演尼

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

287) qi li dan訖唎擔
288) pi tuo ye she毗陀夜闍
289) chen tuo ye mi瞋陀夜彌
290) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
291) mo he bo shu bo dan ye 摩訶般輸般怛夜
292) lu tuo la 嚧陀囉
293) qi li dan 訖唎擔
294) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
295) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
296) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
297) nuo la ye na 那囉夜拏
298) qi li dan 訖唎擔
299) pi tuo ye she  毗陀夜闍
300) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
301) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
302) dan tuo qie lu cha xi 怛埵伽嚧茶西
303) qi li dan 訖唎擔
304) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
305) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
306) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
307) mo he jia la 摩訶迦囉
308) mo dan li qie na 摩怛唎伽拏
309) qi li dan 訖唎擔
310) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

311) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
312) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
313) jia bo li jia 迦波唎迦
314) qi li dan 訖唎擔
315) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
316) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
317) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
318) she ye jie la 闍耶羯囉
319) mo du jie la 摩度羯囉
320) sa po la tuo suo da na 薩婆囉他娑達那
321) qi li dan 訖唎擔
322) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
323) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
324) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
325) zhe du la 赭咄囉
326) po qi ni 婆耆你
327) qi li dan 訖唎擔
328) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
329) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
330) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
331) pi li yang qi li zhi 毗唎羊訖唎知
332) nan tuo ji sha la 難陀雞沙囉
333) qie na bo di 伽拏般帝
334) suo xi ye 索醯夜

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

335) qi li dan 訖唎擔
336) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
337) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
338) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
339) na jie na she la po na 那揭那舍囉婆拏
340) qi li dan 訖唎擔
341) pi tuo e she 毗陀夜闍
342) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
343) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
344) e luo han阿羅漢
345) qi li dan 訖唎擔
346) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
347) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
348) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
349) pi duo la qie 毗多囉伽
350) qi li dan 訖唎擔
351) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍
352) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
353) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
354) ba she la bo ni 跋闍囉婆你
355) ju xi ye ju xi ye 具醯夜具醯夜
356) jia di bo di 迦地般帝
357) qi li dan 訖唎擔
358) pi tuo ye she 毗陀夜闍

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359) chen tuo ye mi 瞋陀夜彌
360) ji la ye mi 雞囉夜彌
361) la cha wang 囉叉罔
362) po qie fan 婆伽梵
363) yin tu na mo mo xie 印兔那麼麼寫

IV *mandarin words*

364) po qie fan 婆伽梵
365) sa dan duo bo la da 薩怛多般怛囉
366) na mo cui du di 南無粹都帝
367) e xi duo na la la jia 阿悉多那囉剌迦
368) bo la po 波囉婆
369) xi pu zha 悉普吒
370) pi jia sa dan duo bo di li 毗迦薩怛多鉢帝唎
371) shi fo la shi fo la 什佛囉什佛囉
372) tuo la tuo la 陀囉陀囉
373) pin tuo la pin tuo la 頻陀囉頻陀囉
374) chen tuo chen tuo  瞋陀囉 瞋陀囉
375) hu xin hu xin 虎*unable to locate this mandarin word*虎*unable to locate this mandarin word*
376) pan zha pan zha pan zha pan zha pan zha 泮吒泮吒泮吒泮吒泮吒
377) suo he 娑訶
378) xi xi pan 醯醯泮
379) e mo jia ye pan 阿*unable to locate such mandarin word*迦耶泮

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

380) e bo la ti he duo pan 阿波囉提訶多泮
381) po la bo la tuo pan 婆囉波囉陀泮
382) e su la 阿素囉
383) pi tuo la 毗陀囉
384) bo jia pan 波迦泮
385) sa po ti pi bi pan 薩婆提鞞弊泮
386) sa po na qie bi pan 薩婆那伽弊泮
387) sa po yao cha bi pan 薩婆藥叉弊泮
388) sa po qian ta po bi pan 薩婆乾闥婆弊泮
389) sa po bu dan na bi pan 薩婆補丹那弊泮
390) jia zha bu dan na bi pan 迦吒補丹那弊泮
391) sa po tu lang zhi di bi pan 薩婆突狼枳帝弊泮
392) sa po tu si bi li 薩婆突澀比*unable to locate this mandarin word*
393) qi shai bi di pan 訖瑟帝弊泮
394) sa po shi po li bi pan薩婆什婆*unable to locate this mandarin word*弊泮
395) sa po e bo xi mo li bi pan薩婆阿播悉摩*unable to locate this mandarin word*弊泮
396) sa po she la po na bi pan 薩婆舍囉婆拏弊泮
397) sa po di di ji bi pan 薩婆地帝雞弊泮
398) sa po dan mo tuo ji bi pan 薩婆怛摩陀繼弊泮

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

399) sa po pi tuo ye 薩婆毗陀耶
400) la shi ze li bi pan 囉誓遮*unable to locate this mandarin word*弊泮
401) she ye jie la 闍夜羯囉
402) mo du jie la 摩度羯囉
403) sa po la tuo suo tuo ji bi pan 薩婆囉他娑陀雞弊泮
404) pi di ye 毗地夜
405) zhe li bi pan 遮唎弊泮
406) zhe du la 者都囉
407) fu qi ni bi pan 縛耆你弊泮
408) ba she la 跋闍囉
409) ju mo li 俱摩唎
410) pi tuo ye 毗陀夜
411) la shi bi pan 囉誓弊泮
412) mo he bo la ding yang 摩訶波囉丁羊
413) yi qi li bi pan 义耆唎弊泮
414) ba she la shang jie la ye 跋闍囉商羯囉夜
415) bo la zhang qi la she ye pan 波囉丈耆囉闍耶泮
416) mo he jia la ye 摩訶迦囉夜
417) mo he mo dan li jia na 摩訶末怛唎迦拏
418) na mo suo jie li duo ye pan 南無娑羯唎多夜泮

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

419) bi shai na bei ye pan 毖瑟拏婢曳泮
420) bo la he mo ni ye pan勃囉訶牟尼曳泮
421) e qi ni ye pan 阿耆尼曳泮
422) mo he jie li ye pan 摩訶羯唎曳泮
423) jie la tan chi ye pan 羯囉檀持曳泮
424) mie dan li ye pan 蔑怛唎曳泮
425) lao dan li ye pan 嘮怛唎曳泮
426) zhe wen cha ye pan 遮文茶曳泮
427) jie luo la dan li ye pan 羯邏囉怛唎曳泮
428) jia bo li ye pan 迦般唎曳泮
429) e di mu zhi duo 阿地目質多
430) jia shi mo she nuo 迦尸摩舍那
431) po si ni ye pan 婆私你曳泮
432) yan ji zhi 演吉質
433) sa tuo po xie 薩埵婆寫
434) mo mo yin tu na mo mo xie 麼麼印兔那麼麼寫

V.  *mandarin words*
435) tu shai zha shi duo 湥瑟吒質多
436) e mo dan li zhi duo  阿末怛唎質多
437) wu she he la 烏闍訶囉
438) qie po he la 伽婆訶囉
439) lu di la he la 嚧地囉訶囉

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440) po suo he la婆娑訶囉
441) mo she he la 摩闍訶囉
442) she duo he la 闍多訶囉
443) shi bi duo he la 視毖多訶囉
444) ba liao ye he la 跋略夜訶囉
445) qian tuo he la 乾陀訶囉
446) bu shi bo he la 布史波訶囉
447) po la he la 頗囉訶囉
448) po xie he la 婆寫訶囉
449) bo bo zhi duo 般波質多
450) tu shai zha zhi duo 突瑟吒質多
451) lao tuo la zhi duo 簩陀囉質多
452) yao cha jie la he 藥叉揭囉訶
453) la cha suo jie la he 囉刹娑揭囉訶
454) bi li duo jie la he 閉*unable to locate this mandarin word*多揭囉訶
455) pi she zhe jie la he 毗舍遮揭囉訶
456) bu duo jie la he 部多揭囉訶
457) jiu pan cha jie la he 鳩槃茶揭囉訶
458) xi qian tuo jie la he 悉乾陀揭囉訶
459) wu dan mo tuo jie la he 烏怛摩陀揭囉訶
460) che ye jie la he 車夜揭囉訶
461) e bo sa mo la jie la he 阿播薩摩囉揭囉訶
462) zhai que ge 宅祛革

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

463) cha qi ni jie la he  茶耆尼揭囉訶
464) li fo di jie la he 唎佛帝揭囉訶
465) she mi jia jie la he 闍彌迦揭囉訶
466) she ju ni jie la he 舍俱尼揭囉訶
467) mu tuo la 姥陀囉
468) nan di jia jie la he 難地迦揭囉訶
469) e lan po jie la he 阿藍婆揭囉訶
470) qian du bo ni jie la he 乾度波尼揭囉訶
471) shi fa la 什伐囉
472) yin jia xi jia 堙迦醯迦
473) zhui di yao jia 墜帝藥迦
474) dan li di yao jia 怛隸帝藥迦
475) zhe tu tuo jia 者突託迦
476) ni ti shi fa la 昵提什伐囉
477) bi shan mo shi fa la 毖釤摩什伐囉
478) bo di jia 薄底迦
479) bi di jia 鼻底迦
480) shi li shai mi jia 室隸瑟密迦
481) suo ni bo di jia 娑你般帝迦
482) sa po shi fa la 薩婆什伐囉
483) shi lu ji di 室嚧吉帝
484) mo tuo pi da lu zhi jian 末陀鞞達嚧制劍
485) e qi lu qian 阿綺嚧鉗

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

486) mu que lu qian 目佉嚧鉗
487) jie li tu lu qian 羯唎突嚧鉗
488) jie la he 羯囉訶
489) jie lan jie na shu lan 揭藍羯拏輸藍
490) dan duo shu lan 憚多輸藍
491) qi li ye shu lan 迄唎夜輸藍
492) mo mo shu lan 末麼輸藍
493) ba li shi po shu lan 跋唎室婆輸藍
494) bi li shai zha shu lan 毖栗瑟吒輸藍
495) wu tuo la shu lan 烏陀囉輸藍
496) jie zhi shu lan 羯知輸藍
497) ba xi di shu lan 跋悉帝輸藍
498) wu lu shu lan 鄔嚧輸藍
499) chang qie shu lan 常伽輸藍
500) he xi duo shu lan 喝悉多輸藍
501) ba tuo shu lan 跋陀輸藍
502) suo fang ang qie 娑房盎伽
503) bo la zhang qie shu lan 般囉丈伽輸藍
504) bu duo bi duo cha 部多毖跢茶
505) cha qi ni 茶耆尼
506) shi po la 什婆囉
507) tuo tu lu jia 陀突嚧迦
508) jian du lu ji zhi 建*unable to locate this mandarin word*嚧吉知

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Shurangama Mantra *mandarin words*

509) po lu duo pi 婆路多毗
510) sa bo lu 薩般嚧
511) he ling qie 訶凌伽
512) shu sha dan la 輸沙怛囉
513) suo na jie la 娑那羯囉
514) pi sha yu jia 毗沙喻迦
515) e qi ni 阿耆尼
516) wu tuo jia 烏陀迦
517) mo la pi la 末囉鞞囉
518) jian duo la 建跢囉
519) e jia la 阿迦囉
520) mi li du 密唎咄
521) da lian bu jia 怛斂部迦
522) di li la zha 地栗剌吒
523) bi li shai zhi jia 毖唎瑟質迦
524) sa po na ju la 薩婆那俱囉
525) si yin qie bi 肆引伽弊
526) jie la li yao cha 揭囉唎藥叉
527) dan la chu 怛囉*unable to locate this mandarin words*
528) mo la shi 末囉視
529) fei di shan 吠帝釤
530) suo pi shan 娑鞞釤
531) xi dan duo bo da la 悉怛多鉢怛囉

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*mandarin words* Shurangama Mantra

532) mo he ba sha lu 摩訶跋闍嚧
533) shai ni shan 瑟尼釤
534) mo he bo lai zhang qi lan 摩訶般*mandarin words*丈耆藍
535) ye bo tu tuo 夜波突陀
536) she yu she nuo 舍喻闍那
537) bian da li na 辮怛隸拏
538) pi tuo ye 毗陀耶
539) pan tan jia lu mi 槃曇迦嚧彌
540) di shu 帝殊
541) pan tan jia lu mi 槃曇迦嚧彌
542) bo la pi tuo 般囉毗陀
543) pan tan jia lu mi 槃曇迦嚧彌
544) da zhi tuo 跢姪他
545) nan 唵
546) e na li 阿那隸
547) pi she ti 毗舍提
548) pi la 鞞囉
549) ba she la 跋闍囉
550) tuo li 陀唎
551) pan tuo pan tuo ni 槃陀槃陀你
552) ba she la bang ni pan 跋闍囉謗尼泮
553) hu xin du lu yong pan 虎*mandarin words*都嚧*mandarin words*泮
554) suo po he 莎婆訶

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Great Compassion Mantra
*mandarin words*
da bei zhou

1) na mo he la da nuo duo la ye ye *mandarin words*
2) na mo e li ye *mandarin words*
3) po lu jie di shao bo la ye *mandarin words*
4) pu ti sa tuo po ye *mandarin words*
5) mo he sa tuo po ye *mandarin words*
6) mo he jia lu ni jia ye *mandarin words*
7) nan
8) sa pan la fa ye *mandarin words*
9) suo da nuo da xie *mandarin words*
10) na mo xi ji li tuo yi meng e li ye *mandarin words*
11) po lu ji di shi fo la leng tuo po *mandarin words*
12) na mo nuo la jin chi *mandarin words*
13) xi li mo he pan duo sa mie *mandarin words*
14) sa po e tuo dou shu peng *mandarin words*
15) e shi yun *mandarin words*

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*mandarin words* Great Compassion Mantra

16) sa po sa duo na mo po sa duo *mandarin words*
17) na mo po qie *mandarin words*
18) mo fa te dou *mandarin words*
19) da zhi tuo *mandarin words*
20) nan *mandarin word*
21) e po lu xi *mandarin words*
22) lu jia di *mandarin words*
23) jia la di *mandarin words*
24) yi xi li *mandarin words*
25) mo he pu ti sa tuo *mandarin words*
26) sa po sa po *mandarin words*
27) mo la mo la *mandarin words*
28) mo xi mo xi li tuo yun *mandarin words*
29) ju lu ju lu jie meng *mandarin words*
30) du lu du lu fa she ye di *mandarin words*
31) mo he fa she ye di *mandarin words*
32) tuo la tuo la *mandarin words*
33) di li ni *mandarin words*
34) shi fo la ye *mandairn words*
35) zhe la zhe la *mandarin words*
36) mo mo fa mo la *mandarin words*
37) mu di li *mandarin words*

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Great Compassion Mantra *mandarin words*

38) yi xi yi xi *mandarin words*
39) shi nuo shi nuo *mandarin words*
40) e la shen fo la she li *mandarin words*
41) fa sha fa shen *mandarin words*
42) fo la she ye *mandarin words*
43) hu lu hu lu mo la *mandari words*
44) hu lu hu lu xi li *mandarin words* 
45) suo la suo la *mandarin words*
46) xi li xi li *mandarin words*
47) su lu su lu *mandarin words*
48) pu ti ye pu ti ye *mandarin words*
49) pu tuo ye pu tuo ye *mandarin words*
50) mi di li ye *mandarin words*
51) nuo la jin chi *mandarin words*
52) di li shai ni nuo *mandarin words*
53) po ye mo nuo *mandarin words*
54) suo po he *mandarin words*
55) xi tuo ye *mandarin words*
56) suo po he *mandarin words*
57) mo he xi tuo ye *mandarin words*
58) suo po he *mandarin words*
59) xi tuo yu yi *mandarin words*
60) shi pan la ye *mandarin words*

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*mandarin words* Great Compassion Mantra

61) suo po he *mandarin words*
62) nuo la jin chi *mandarin words*
63) suo po he *mandarin words*
64) mo la nuo la *mandarin words*
65) suo po he *mandarin words*
66) xi lu seng e mu qie ye *mandarin words*
67) suo po he *mandarin words*
68) suo po mo he e xi tuo ye *mandarin words*
69) suo po he *mandarin words*
70) zhe ji la e xi tuo ye *mandarin words*
71) suo po he *mandarin words*
72) bo tuo mo jie xi tuo ye *mandarin words*
73) suo po he *mandarin words*
74) nuo la jin chi pan qie la ye *mandarin words*
75) suo po he *mandarin words*
76) mo po li sheng jie la ye *mandarin words*
77) suo po he *mandarin words*
78) na mo he la da nuo duo la ye ye *mandarin words*
79) na mo e li ye *mandarin words*
80) po lu ji di *mandarin words*

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Great Compassion Mantra *mandarin words*

81) shao pan la ye *mandarin words*
82) suo po he *mandarin words*
83) nan *mandarin word*
84) xi dian du *mandarin words*
85) man duo la *mandari words*
86) ba tuo ye *mandarin words*
87) suo po he *mandarin words*

Verse of Dedication
*mandarin words*
hui xiang ji

May these adorments and pure merit and virtue,
*mandarin words*
yi ci yan jing gong de

Be dedicated to the Dharma protecting dragons and gods,
*mandarin words*
hui xiang hu fa long tian

To the mountain and river spirits of the three realms.
*mandarin words*
san jie yue du ling cong

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*mandarin words* Verse of Dedication

And to the guardians who watch over our sangharamas.
*mandarin words*
shou hu qie lan zhen zai

We pray that blessings, peace and goodness
*mandarin words*
qi fu bao an ping shan

Be an adornment to Bodhi which is unsurpassed,
*mandarin words*
zhuang yan wu shang pu ti

Vowing that all, both our enemies and those we are close to throughout the Dharma realm.
*mandarin words*
pu yuan fa jie yuan qin

Will enter the sea of Vairocana's nature together.
*mandarin words*
gong ru pi lu xing hai

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*all in mandarin words*

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The Shurangama Mantra -
The efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth
-Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

Among the buddha's teachings, the shurangama Mantra is considered to be the king of mantras because it is the longest and most important. The flourish or demise of Buddhism rests entirely with the Shurangama Mantra. It is the efficacious phrases of the Shurangama Mantra that keep heaven and earth from being destroyed.It is the efficacious phrases of the Shurangama Mantra that keep the world from coming to an end. That is why i often tell you that as long as a single person can recite the Shurangama Mantra, the world cannot be destroyed nor can Buddhism. But when there is no longer anyone who can recite the Shurangama Mantra, then very quickly the world will be destroyed, because the proper Dharma no longer abides.

As long as there is even one person who can recite the Shurangama Mantra, the demons, ghosts and strange entities do not dare show themselves in this world. They fear the mantra. But when not even one person can recite the Shurangama Mantra by heart, then those weird entities, those demons and ghosts will come out of hiding. Depraved and up to no good, they will not be recognized by most people. At this point in time, since there are still those who can recite the mantra from memory, those malevolent

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The Shurangama Mantra- The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth

beings have not made their appearance yet. And so, if you want to keep the world from being destroyed, quickly learn the Shurangama Mantra and read the Shurangama Sutra to keep the Proper Dharma in the world.

The entire title of the Shurangama Mantra is "Great White Canopy of Light Dharani Mantra" (mo he sa dan tuo bo da la tuo lo ni zhou). It is also called "Brilliant Buddha's Crown, Great White Canopy of Light, Unsurpassed Spiritual Mantra." The Buddha's Crown refer to the transformation Buddha atop the Buddha's crown.There is no way to conceive the subtle wonder of the mantra. The Content of the Shurangama Mantra subdues demons from the heaven and control externalists. Every line, from beginning to end, is the Buddhas' mind ground Dharma-door. Each line has its own function; each possesses it own esoteric wonder; and each is endowed with incredible power. The recitation of a single word, a single line, a single assembly, or the recitation of the entire mantra causes the heaven to vibrate and the earth to tremble. It is said that heaven and earth are shocked, the ghost and spirits wail, the demon keep a wide distance, and mountain and river sprites hide away. That brilliance at the Buddha's crown represents the power of the mantra that can dispel every sort of darkness and that enables people to amass all kinds of merit and virtue. If you can accept and uphold the Shurangama Mantra, then you

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The Shurangama Mantra_The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth

will definitely become a Buddha in the future. You will certainly attain the Unsurpassed Proper and equal Right Enlightenment. If you continually recite the Shurangama Mantra, then you can get rid of your karmic obstacles from last life and all past lives. That is the incredible function of the Shurangama Mantra!

I could talk for several years and never finish describing the good points of this mantra. All Buddhas of the ten directions come forth from the Shurangama Mantra. The Shurangama Mantra is the mother of all Buddhas. It was by means of the Shurangama Mantra that all Buddhas perfected Unsurpassed Proper and Pervasive Enlightened Knowledge. The ability of the Buddhas of the ten directions to create response bodies and go throughout the ten directions turning the Dharma Wheel to teach and transform living beings; to rub the crowns of those beings and bestow predictions upon them; to rescue beings from their complex  sufferings; to enable beings to escape both large disasters and small calamities--their ability to do all that comes from the power of the Shurangama Mantra Heart.If you want to attain the fruition of Arhatship, you absolutely must recite this mantra to keep demonic things from happening.

During the Dharma-ending Age if people can memorize the Shurangama Mantra or encourage others to memorize it, well, fire cannot burn such people and water cannot drown them. No matter how potent a poison, it cannot harm them. For those who

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recite the Shurangama Mantra, poison turns to sweet dew as soon as it enters their mouths.

People who recite the Shurangama Mantra will never get born in bad places, even if they want to. Why is that so? It is because the Shurangama Mantra pulls you back and will not allow you to go.

Someone who recites the Shurangama Mantra may never have amassed any blessings or virtue, but, simply because he recites the mantra, the Buddhas of the ten directions will bestow their own merit and virtue upon that person. Would you call that a bargain or not? That happens based on the recitations of the Mantra alone. If you recite the Shurangama Mantra, you will continually get to be born at a time when a Buddha is in the world and will be able to immerse yourself in cultivation under that Buddhas' guidance.

Every line of the Shurangama Mantra contains infinite meanings as well as infinite functions. You should realize that the Shurangama Mantra is the most efficacious language in the world--the efficacious within the efficacious, the esoteric within the esoteric! It is an unsurpassed Dharma Treasure--the gem that can save living beings' lives. It embraces all that exists. From the Buddhas of the ten directions to the Avichi Hell, all the four kinds of sages and six sorts of common realms pay homage to the Shurangama Mantra. None of the ten Dharma realms transcend its scope. All categories of ghosts, spirits Dharma-protecting deities, Hearers, Condition-

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The Shurangama Mantra- The efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth

enlightened Ones, up to the Buddha Vehicle are contained within the Shurangama Mantra. The Shurangama Mantra contains the names of ghost and spirit kings. When the names of those leaders are recited, all the ghosts and spirits in their retinues become very obedient and behave themselves. They do not dare to make trouble. Reciting the Shurangama Mantra everyday can cause demonic beings and weird ghosts throughout the world to settle down and stop harming people.

The substance and function of the Shurangama Mantra are all encompassing. It can be said that within the mantra can be found the entirety of Buddhism's teaching and meanings. If you can understand the Shurangama Mantra, then you have understood the essence of Buddhism's esoteric teachings. All the inconceivable wonders and esoteric phenomena in the universe are contained in the Shurangama Mantra. The Shurangama Mantra is the ultimate method of samadhi and the most esoteric Dharma. Unfortunately no one really understand this esoteric Dharma, no one even recognizes it. Most people study it but cannot absorb it; they can recite it but do not know its meanings. Basically it is not necessary to know the meanings of the mantras, you need only realize that they are an ineffable efficacious language.

Being able to recite the Shurangama  Mantra is a benefit to all beings. Not being able to recite it, you cannot offer that benefits to beings. Quickly learn it, 

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The Shurangama Mantra - The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth

memorize it, investigate and understand it! Then you will be doing what Buddhist disciples should do. The very best is for those who want to recite the Shurangama Mantra to do it for the sake of entire world; transfer all the merit to the whole world. There is nothing more important in Buddhism than the Shurangama Mantra. The Shurangama Mantra is a sure sign of the Proper Dharma.The existence of the Shurangama Mantra ensures the existence of the Proper Dharma. When the Shurangama Mantra is gone, the Proper Dharma is gone. Those who cannot recite this mantra are not worthy of being Buddhist disciples. The Shurangama Mantra is nicknamed "six months' stupor" because for most people it takes a half year of diligent recitation to get it memorized.Those of us who can recite Shurangama Mantra have been planting and nurturing good roots for countless aeons. Being able to memorize it perfectly and never forget it is evidence of those good roots. Without good roots, not even will you not be able to recite it, you will never even hear of the existence of Shurangama Mantra; or if you hear it you will not understand it and will not be able to recite it. Truly, then, those who can recite it by heart do have great good roots.

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The Unspeakably Wonderful Great Compassion Mantra
-Lectures by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua

The merit and virtue of the Great Compassion Mantra, is inconceiveable. Without consideraable good roots, it is not easy even to hear the three words "Great Compassion Mantra." Now everyone not only can hear the name, but also uphold and recite it. That proves that you all have tremendous good roots, which you have planted, which you planted when there were Buddhas in the world. Since you have such great good roots, you should not casually let this life go to waste.

People who recite and hold the Great Compassion Mantra will obtain fifteen kinds of good births and will not suffer fifteen kinds of bad deaths.

*author own note- the sentences before ":" is mention in sutra. the sentences after ":" is words speak by the venerable master hsuan hua*
The bad deaths are:
1) They will not die of starvation or privation: Those who recite the Great Compassion Mantra will not die or starvation, hardship on unhappiness.
2) They will not die from having being yoked, imprisoned, caned or otherwise beaten: In china, criminals were often locked in a heavy wooden collar and put out in public for everyone to see. Sometimes they were beaten with a cane until their legs were broken.
3) They will not die at the hands of hostile enemies: Those who recite the mantra will not be killed by enemies, those with whom one has no affinity.

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The Unspeakably Wonderful Great Compasion Mantra

Everyone has enemies. Two people hate each other and harbor a grudge; nothing they do goes right because they just cannot go along.
4) They will not be killed in military battle: You may tell soldiers to recite the mantra, and they will not die in battle. Of course, you cannot use use the mantra in order to make war. If you use it that way, you will not lose, but you will not win, either, because the Bodhisattvas do not like people to make war.
5) They will not be killed by tigers, wolves or other evil beasts.
6) They will not die from the venom of poisonous snakes, black serpents or scorpions.
7) They will not die drown or be burned to death: Those who recite the Great Compassion Mantra can enter the fire and not be burned, can enter the water and not drown.
8) They will not be poisoned to death: The Great Master Bodhidharma was poisoned by jealous rivals. When they tried to kill him with snake venom he vomited, and the vomit turned into snakes.This was because he recited the Great Compassion Mantra. After the sixth attempt to poison him, he thought, " What a lot of trouble. Everyone has bad thoughts about me," and he pretended to die from poison. But he actually did not die.
9) They will not die as a result from sorcery: In Southeast Asia, In Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and so forth,

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The Unspeakably Wonderful Great Compassion Mantra

people brew fierce poisons. They have, for examples, a tiny pill which swells up enormously after one eats it so that one literally "swells to death". There are many kinds of poisons, but they cannot harm you if you recite the Great Compassion Mantra.

10) They will not die of madness or insanity.
11) They will not be killed by landslides or falling trees: Those who recite the mantra will not be killed by landslides, falling trees, or collapsing walls.
12) They will not die of nightmares means to use deviant mantras such as the one Matangi used to snare Ananda. Deviant mantras can muddle your brain to such an extent that you lose consciousness.
13) They will not be killed by deviant spirits or evil ghosts.
14) They will not die of evil illnesses which bind the body: They will not die of evil illnesses..paralysis, fevers, cancers....
15) They will not commit suicide: They will not decide that they do not want to live anymore and then take poison, hang themselves, or jump off a building or a bridge.

Those who recite and hold the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion will not suffer any of these fifteen kinds of bad deaths and will obtain the following fifteen kinds of good births. Hence, all gods and people should constantly recite and hold it, without carelessness.

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The Unspeakably Wonderful Great Compassion Mantra

The good births are:
1) Their place of birth will always have a good national leader. (author own note: the actual sutra mention good king. )
2) They will always be born in a good country.
3) They will always be born at a good time.
4) They will always meet good friends.
5) The organs of their body will always be complete.
6) Their heart will be pure and full in the Way.
7) They will not violate the prohibitive precepts.
8) Their family will be kind and harmonious.
9) They will always have the necessary wealth and goods in abundance.
10) They will always obtain the respect and help of others.
11) Their riches will not be plundered.
12) They will obtain everything they seek.
13) Dragons , gods, and good spirits will always protect them.
14) In the place where they are born they will see the Buddha and hear the Dharma.
15) They will awaken to the profound meaning of that Proper Dharma which they hear.

Whatever you do, do not be lazy. Do not be greedy for sleep of food. Look on the Great Compassion Mantra as you would sleep or food. "Ah, I have not recited the mantra. I am starving ! if i do not recite, it is as if I have4 not slept enough." Take the mantra as your food and sleep and do not be careless. Change the mind which likes to sleep and eat into one which likes to recite the mantra. Isn't this wonderful?

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*mandarin words* Verse of Transference

Verse of Transference
*mandarin words*
hui xiang ji

May the merit and virtue accrued from this work Adorn the Buddha's Pure Land,
*mandarin words*
yuan yi ci gong de zhuang yan fo jing du

Repaying the four benefactors above
And aiding those suffering in the three paths below.
*mandarin words*
Shang bao si chong en  xia ji san tu ku

May those who see and hear of this
All bring forth the Bodhi resolve,
*mandarin words*
ruo you jian wen zhe     xi fa tu ti xin

And when this retribution body is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
*mandarin words*
jin ci yi bao shen tong sheng ji le guo

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Namo Dharma Protector Wei Tuo Bodhisattva
*bodhisattva image*

next page

*mandarin words*
The efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth
Shurangama Mantra & Great Compassion Mantra

*mandarin words*

first edition printed in Malaysia, 18th March 2006.

*mandarin words*
Published and distributed by:

*mandarin words*
Malaysia Dharma Realm Buddhist Association
Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery
161, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Tel: (03) 2164-8055  Fax: (03) 2163-7118

*mandarin words*
Prajna Guan Yin Sagely Monastery
Batu 5 1/2, Jalan Sungai Besi, Salak Selatan. 
57100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: (03) 7982-6560  Fax: (03) 7980-1272

*mandarin words*
Fa Yuan Sagely Monastery
1, Jalan Utama, Taman Serdang Raya, 43300 Seri Kembangan,
Selangor Malaysia.
Tel: (03) 8948-5688

*mandarin words*
Lotus Vihara
136, Jalan Sekolah, 45600 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: (03) 3271-9439

*mandarin words*
Malaysia Dharna Realm Buddhist Association Penang Branch
32-32c, Jalan Tan Sri Teh Ewe Lim, 11600 Jelutong, Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: (04) 281-7728  Fax: (04) 281-7798

*mandarin words*
In commemoration of the Grand Opening Ceremony of Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery.

Next page

The Efficacious Language of Heaven and Earth

*mandarin words*
The Shurangama Mantra-
Is considered to be the king of mantra
Is the most efficacious language in the world
The efficacaious within the efficacious
The esoteric within the esoteric!
It is an unsurpassed Dharma Treasure
The gem that can save living beings' lives.

*mandarin words*   

The Great Compassion Mantra -   
The Great Compassion Mind Dharani Sutra says,
"Those who recite the Great Compassion Mantra can dispel all disasters. They will not be burned by fire or drowned by water." 

Published by: MDRBA/DRGYSM


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