Mantra For The Decease / Loved Ones that pass away (FD10072020-3)

Mostly the mantras here are specially for those that has pass away in a way that we can transfer merit or recite mantra to help ease their next life journey.One can also check with the temple for rituals that help decease/love ones. 

1. Vairocana Light of Mantra / Brigthness Mantra
Mantra: Om Amogha Vairocana Maha Mudra Mani Padme Jvala Pravarttaya Hum (most effective at 3 , 7 or 21 times daily)
- This mantra is usually for those who has deceased as a way to free them from various realm such as being trapped in ghost realm or hell. At the same time , this mantra also can help removed one negative karma, brighten one path and helpful in not to degenerate into woeful states, can reborn in western pure land  and at the same time help with engagement and transfer merit to the deceased. check the video for more details.
Author note: one unusually note that caught my attention about this mantra is that when the last successor of this mantra in china has passed away, later on the emperor of china did a very terrible thing which ended up the emperor being murder by his own inner circle. which luckily this mantra did survive. so i do suppose it is on this account, that this mantra can also help prevent one present life from getting worser. 

2. ksitigarbha sutra

free image from:

- reciting this entire texts will help your family even to the extend of releasing your past life relatives from suffering. for more detail please check the texts yourself.

3. sur offering
- this i had started the topic about sur offering in this blog. you can check the post if you like.

4. Akshobhya Mantra
Mantra : Om Akshobhya Hum
- purify strong anger/hatred negative emotions.

- if you are feeling or someone you know going through death during passage toward rebirth (miscarriage or abortion), death before adulthood , violent or fearful death and suicide are signs of the person having difficulty in obtaining fortunate spiritually can try recite the long version mantra 100,000 times and sponsor the akshobhya image. Or you can ask a temple for doing this ritual for them (check the post for puja ). i personally think this is suitable for anyone to recite if they are going through signs like that as it can help lessen the chances of suicides feeling as this mantra help purify pastlife downfalls.

5. Ullambana Sutra
- specially for one parents that has passed away.

6. Medicine Buddha

mantra: "Tadyatha Om bhaisajye bhaisajye maha bhaisajye ranza samudgate svaha"
video :
image url:
excellent mantra for health and long life purpose including psychology issues. May even help you with sickness you think causes by demon, spirits harm and so on.
you can bless your drinking water with medicine buddha mantra. it was recommended for those who are sick to bless their drinking with 108 recitation everyday until they recover. Or you can keep playing the medicine buddha mantra songs for the person to listen until the person is heal.
you can also recite the mantra 108 times on behalf of the person but i think it is still better for the person to do his/her own recitation as this is much better. from my own understanding, there is a difference in term of blessings accrue in term of one who recite it with one happen to hear it. you can always recite extra for the person for more blessings and faster recovery.
* do consider of also reciting vajrapani mantra.Vajrapani is a protector and thus reciting his mantra does help with your life obstacles . vajrapani mantra is also helpful with weather situation such as too many rain or your places need rain. vajrapani mantra also helps to clear negativity in your life . in fact it is said that one should recite 1 million times vajrapani mantra before starting medicine buddha retreat.since there are many versions of vajrapani mantra, i'll not listed it here but you can find it easily from other websites and youtube.
*check the sutra for how it help in dealing with calamity, pestilence, foreign invasion, revolution and many more.
*also help with childbirth and for soul that has passed away.
medicine buddha sutra:
another medicine buddha sutra:

*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .   


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