types of offerings to buddha (FD18072020-4)

( work in progress - will update more as i see fit) These information seem to be a bit difficult to find. basically it is about the benefit you get from offering to buddha . from my understanding, these kind of offerings will affect an individual many lifetimes up to enlightenment . some of the benefit listed can be experience almost immediately (right after making the offering. ). additional note: if any offering require using fire. do take care of making sure that the place and environment is suitable for using fire. and also do not leave the fire unattended. for example incense and light offering. *another impontant note is to remember to recite "Om Ah Hum" when already offer the object to buddha. to prevent demon from stealing the merits. (according to master hai tao teaching) Benefit of Flower offering to buddha 1. will bring joys to others. 2. their aura will be pleasant. 3. will rejoice in truths Source: http://www.nantien.org.au/en/donations-offerings 1...