types of offerings to buddha (FD18072020-4)

( work in progress - will update more as i see fit)
These information seem to be a bit difficult to find. basically it is about the benefit you get from offering to buddha . from my understanding, these kind of offerings will affect an individual many lifetimes up to enlightenment . some of the benefit listed can be experience almost immediately (right after making the offering. ).
additional note: if any offering require using fire. do take care of making sure that the place and environment is suitable for using fire. and also do not leave the fire unattended. for example incense and light offering.

*another impontant note is to remember to recite "Om Ah Hum" when already offer the object to buddha. to prevent demon from stealing the merits. (according to master hai tao teaching)

Benefit of Flower offering to buddha


1. will bring joys to others.
2. their aura will be pleasant.
3. will rejoice in truths

1. create cause to attain the special attribute of a buddha
2. create the cause to have a pleasant appearances in future lives, free from sickness ,aging and other body ailments.
3. will see everything around us in a pleasant aspects. thus do not develop jealousy and anger.
4. will generate compassion and bodhicitta
5. will not generate attachment because our mind is balance.

1. signify the practise of generosity
2. open the heart (positive emotion)

1. One becomes like a flower in the world. (will be very beautiful,everyone will be attracted, amazed to look at you and will remember seeing you)
2. the sense of smell will never degenerate.
3. one will never have bad body odor (will be completely purified)
4. smell of nectar scent will come from body.
5. smell of morality of the person will spread in all direction.
6. one will be a leader of the world.
7. one will achieve beautiful, attractive things
8. one will have great wealth.
9. one will reborn in a higher rebirth.
10. one will quickly achieve the sorrowless state and achieve enlightenment, the great liberation.
source: http://fpmt.org/mandala/archives/mandala-issues-for-2002/september/the-beauty-and-benefits-of-offering-flowers/

*according to this site, making flower and incense offering will get these similar benefits*
1. one wil1 born with a nice appearance.
2. one body will  not be evil smelling.
3.the fragrance of one blessing and precepts will pervade everywhere.
4. one will have good nose.
5. one will surpass all in the world and be revered by the multitudes.
6. one body will always be fragrant and pure.
7. one will take delight in, read and uphold proper dharma.
8. one will have great blessings.
9. one will be reborn in the heavens.
10. one will quickly attain nirvana.
source: http://www.drbagsm.org/en/life-lectures-detail.php?N_Id=171

Incense offering to buddha


1. The mind and body will find peace.
2. the body will be clean and pure.
3. the three karmas will be purified.
4. the opportunity to hear more dharma will ripen.

1. create to cause to always experience pleasant smells
2. never reborn in unpleasant places.
3. create cause to keep pure moral discipline
4. attain pure concentration.

*according to this site, making flower and incense offering will get these similar benefits*
1. one wil1 born with a nice appearance.
2. one body will  not be evil smelling.
3.the fragrance of one blessing and precepts will pervade everywhere.
4. one will have good nose.
5. one will surpass all in the world and be revered by the multitudes.
6. one body will always be fragrant and pure.
7. one will take delight in, read and uphold proper dharma.
8. one will have great blessings.
9. one will be reborn in the heavens.
10. one will quickly attain nirvana.
source: http://www.drbagsm.org/en/life-lectures-detail.php?N_Id=171

Light offering
1. The eyes will be radiant
2. Careers will progress smoothly
3. right thoughts will prevail with complete wisdom

1. make our mind clear and sharp during meditation.
2. create the cause to have clear eyesight.
3. offering the candles with steady long-lasting flame create the cause to have long life.
4. powerful method to destroy ignorance and to increase wisdom.

Benefits of Lamp Offerings :
1. One will illuminate the world as the lamp of dharma.
2. One will have perfect eyesight without any defects.
3. One will obtain heavenly eyes or clairvoyance easily.
4. One will obtain the wisdom to discriminate between virtues and non-virtues.
5. One will liberate oneself from dullness and ignorance.
6. One will not be confused and bewildered by outer phenomena.
7. One will not reborn into a place of darkness and stupidity.
8. one will obtain great merit and great virtues.
9. one will reborn into heavens.
10. One will swiftly attain the great blissness of nirvana.

According to amitabha path website, the lamp offerings benefits are as follows:
1. one obtain bright, beautiful good eyes.
2. one has proper understanding and views.
3. one easily obtain heavenly eyes, see distant and subtle phenomenons.
4. one does not break precepts.
5. one wisdom is perfect, will attain nirvana. obtain wisdom that discriminate what is virtuous and non-virtuous.
6. One performance of virtue will not be hinder by difficulties or obstacles.
7. one able to see buddhas and become the eye for all sentient beings.
8. one take rebirth as wheel turning lord king, king in trayastrimsha heaven or king in brahma world.
9. at the point of death, one will recall virtuous dharma without forgetting and all those positive deeds done while living will appear in mind. one will have joy in the mind and recall the buddha. body and mind will be pure without any worries or suffering at point of death.
10. both eyes and four limbs will always be free from defects.
11. one will be healthy and the vocal cords will be soft and flexible, one voice will be charming and beautiful.
12. one mind will be clear and bright with intelligence, not affected by stupidity.
13. one life will be stable and peaceful and all necessities will be sufficient, one mind will be free from fears.
14. one wealth will increase and body and mind will be free and liberated.
15. one body will be healthy and strong, filled with vitality.
16. one will not have verbal feuds, clashes or quarrels with others. one can travel (the world) without any worries and without creating any kleshas or disrturbing emotions or give rise to ignorance.
17. One will not do anything out of a hazy or confused mind. One will not be easily misled by external factors.
18. One will not take rebirth in a dark and gloomy place.
19. One will possess great merits.
20. One will not run into any mishaps while traveling or walking like stepping on unclean substances, be free from fear of dogs, wolves and their barks or howls, one will not fall and hurt oneself and not drop into pits and lose one life.

- offering lamps can dispel all darkness.
- offer hundreds of lights if wish for sublime realizations.
- offer 1000 light offering will meet with maitreya buddha in future lives and become his students who will listen to the buddha first turning wheel of dharma.
- offering 10,000 lamps to     confess and extinguish host of negative karma and defilements.

* light offering is consider good for occasions , birthday gifts (since you are dedicating good merits to the person ) , helping those in difficult situation and also for those that had deceased. 

* If you need links to temple for making light offerings  , you can check for the links under the post "different website links for puja" . (in my opinion asking for temple to do light offering is good as there maybe certain ritual and mantra recitation before making light offering and you will spare yourself of having taking care the lamp burning to avoid accidents if you are doing it at temple)

*if your lamp offering for the first time, you should try to do lamp offering at least once to buddha such as medicine buddha, shakyamuni buddha, amitabha buddha whenever possible. there is a story (according to buddha teaching) about a poor female who beg for oil as offering to buddha and she become a buddha because of this lamp oil offering to the the buddha.

*light offering in front of buddha (especially at night) enable ghost to see their family members that they been wanted to see very badly.


Perfume Offering
1. the body will be fragrant
2. free from illness and suffering.
3. the limbs will be soft.
4. the skin will be radiant.

1. create the cause to attain pure moral disclipine.
2. free from samsaric (suffering) rebirth.
3. attain the form body of a buddha

Fruit Offering


1. Free from plaque and disaster
2. enjoying happiness
3. plant seed for enlightenment


Tea offering
1. Fragrant breath
2. purify body and mind
3. free from defilement
4. possess good interpersonal skills.

Food offering


1. prolonged life
2. pleasant look
3. peaceful, joyful mind and eloquent

1. find nourishing food and drink
2. gain freedom from suffering of poverty.
3. sustain by the food of concentration.
4. obtain the enjoyments of buddha.

1. One will have a long lifespan.
2. One will obtain a pleasant appearance.
3. One will have a strong physical body.
4.  One will have unobstructed eloquence.
5. One will be fearless.
6. One will not be lazy and will be respected by all.
7. One will be loved and liked by all.
8. One will have great blessings.
9. One will be reborn in the heaven.
10. One will quickly attain nirvana.
source: http://www.drbagsm.org/en/life-lectures-detail.php?N_Id=171

Jewel offering
1. pleasant look
2. well manner
3. free from greediness and stingyness.

1.a cause for accumulating wealth and money 
2. to be beautiful from inside out through transformation of negative qualities to wished to benefit  others
3. have a beautiful body and charisma that inspire others in present and future lives.
source: https://resources.tsemtulku.com/pujas/ritual-items/jewels.html

Dharma offering
1. Successful career
2. radiant inner self
3. free from loss or damage

Cloth offering
1. posses repentant mind
2. radiant skin
3. wealth

1. one face will have a pleasant appearance.
2. one skin will be fine and smooth.
3. dust and dirt cannot alight on one body.
4. one will be born wearing wonderful cloth.
5. one will always have fine and beautiful garments to wear.
6. one will be replete with a sense of shame.
7. all who see one will be respectful and delighted.
8. one will have great wealth.
9. one will reborn in heaven
10. one will attain nirvana.
source: http://www.drbagsm.org/en/life-lectures-detail.php?N_Id=171

Water offering (according to tibet tradition - the standard practise is 8 bowl daily)
*lessen miserliness and generate merits. create wealth and purify poverty. 
1. offering cool water - will help develop pure moral discipline
2. offering delicious water - will help find delicious food and drinks in future lives .
3. offering light offering - cause us to experience the bliss of physical suppleness.
4. offering soft water - make our mind calm and gentle
5. offering clear water - make our mind clear and alert
6. offering sweet smelling water - bring easy and power purification of our negative karma.
7. offer water that is good for our digestion - reduce our illness
8. offering water that sooth the throat - make our speech beautiful and powerful.
Author note: try learn the proper procedure in making the water offering as what you offer is what you will get in your present life and future lifetimes.
source : http://meditationinsantabarbara.org/buddhist-offerings/
source 2: http://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/making-water-offerings-to-the-buddhas.html
source 3: http://www.tibetanbuddhistaltar.org/meaning-and-purpose-of-the-8-auspicious-offering-bowls/

 Music offering
1. create the cause to hear only pleasant sound in future especially the dharma sound.
2. never hear unpleasant sound such as bad news.
3. cause to attain the speech of buddha.

Circumbulate the buddha statue clockwise
*to update in future

Paying respect to buddha statue ( join both hand together ,kneel down , prostration etc)
* to update in future 

Prostration offering

Butter Lamp Offering

1. One receive good body of high caste (where other respect and obey), have perfect body organ and beautiful body form.
2. have perfect surrounding and helpers
3. can live morally life
4. one will have devotion and faith (important for completing accumulation of merits)
5. have brave mind to practise dharma and work for sentient beings , brave to face delusions.
6. will reborn as human or heaven being.
7. one will achieve to the arya (noble path)
8. one will become enlightened
Sandalwood oil offering 
- improve relationship

Pleasant Incense offering
-enable the one who sponsor pleasant incense get the merit of listening dharma in pleasant way. (because the incense smell is pleasant)


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