Mantras for healing negative emotions (FD06072020-9)

Mantra for healing negative emotions:

if something bad has happen in your past, that even after so many years you still are carrying the wound and the emotions . you decided that now its time to end  all the suffering emotions , and let your heart once again feel the inner peace and move on , this is where you will find help in mantra songs to move forward in your life again .

1.  Vajrasattva mantra

Mantra : Om Vajrasattva Hum
image source:
- help purify various negative emotions including those that originate from your past life. Powerful to the point you found your eye tears rolling down for unknown reason. It is said that if tears do not come out naturally, it mean that you emotion are not completely purify yet.
- This mantra also help to prevent negative karma from multiplying. (minimun is recite 28 times per day)
*if you prefer to recite the long version mantra, i'll seriously recommend you to join the temple retreat.

2. Om Mani Padme Hum  Mantra
- purify 6 negative emotions which is pride, jealousy , passion , ignorance , poverty/possessiveness and hatred .

3. Akshobhya Mantra
Mantra : Om Akshobhya Hum
- purify strong anger/hatred negative emotions.

- if you are feeling or someone you know going through death during passage toward rebirth (miscarriage or abortion), death before adulthood , violent or fearful death and suicide are signs of the person having difficulty in obtaining fortunate spiritually can try recite the long version mantra 100,000 times and sponsor the akshobhya image. Or you can ask a temple for doing this ritual for them (check the post for puja ). i personally think this is suitable for anyone to recite if they are going through signs like that as it can help lessen the chances of suicides feeling as this mantra help purify pastlife downfalls.

4. Vajradhara Mantra
Mantra : Om Ah Guru Vajradhara Hum  (7 times per day)
- purify your negative emotion by releasing out your negative emotions including those you suppress it long time ago. vajradhara buddha is a buddha of law and order. protect you from chaos and disorder . if you feel injustice been done to you , this mantra will help out. possible of bringing order back into your life.  Or invite vajradhara buddha picture into your house with water offerings.  possibly sign that indicate this mantra is helpful in your life is when your environment is always "out of order" or things always chaos and not systematic.
- check lama tsongkhapa mantra if you are looking to stabilise your wealth as well.

5. Heart Sutra
mantra: Tadyata Om Gate Gate ParaGate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha
- helps you to let go and really live like a bodhisattva person. helps to end all suffering.

6. Green Tara bija word
Mantra : Tam
video: not available
- help getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions. invoke this bija word to receive tara blessing, liberate one from all fears , remove obstacles and facilitate good intentions for the world in general. in feng shui product , it is believe that this bija word can help bring protection and swiftly achieve one wishes. this is one bija word that is recommended to display in house for family well being.
author note:  personally i felt this bija word help with removing worry, illusions and good for the heart .

7. peacock king wisdom mantra
mantra: om mayura krante svaha (1 mala daily)
- if you encounter disturbances like black magic curse. help ease and eliminate disease, natural disaster , robberies , snatch thieves and even sleep better. capable of eliminating poisonous harm and maglignant disease.
recite 10,000 times with mudra, then use peacock feather toward typhoon can turn it away. check e-book for specific detail.
- recite 100,000 times with orange offering to peacock king for financial calamities.
- recite 3 nights continuosly from 11pm to ask disturbing spirits in house to leave (check e-book)
- help with calamities such as drought 
author note: this mantra are mainly recite for eliminating poisonous harm, but people also recite it for disturbance like black magic and to promote better sleep and also for recovery of sickness. in fact this mantra has a lot of different benefits to it that various website account this mantra for antidote against monthly ill winds, deadly virus and even believe to be able to have curitive power against cancer. said to help one free from trap and imprisonment. in other word, said to be for safety and protection against being trap or imprisonment.
*unable to locate the original file of this mantra pdf. it was a pdf teach by a master monk  about the amount of recitation as well as the specific instruction on what to do.
* this mantra never mention about healing emotions. but i always felt some kind of feeling emotion heal when i recite this which is why i include here.

8. Vajra Kilaya
note :  need empowerment / initiation for recitation.
-able to pacify evil spirits, protect one from black magic influence and give good geomancy. This mantra has a lot of blessings as it is believe the best protection to be recite at the time of war , earthquake and volcano eruption. there is also many other types of blessings as it can help transmute one negative emotion into positive ( to the point that can even transmute negative emotion causes by sabotagers) , believe to be able to pin down demon ,   protect one possesssion , correct one lung essence , purify obstacle , and even said to be helpful in food poisoning cause by some bad traders selling poisoning food. (*i think most likely through lessening the chance of getting food poisoning because of bad heart traders )  
this is a wrathful protector mantra , therefore one need empowerment / initiation for recitation. 

- on the other hand if you are looking for kilaya amulet type , you can check for the phurba (kilaya) dzi bead or if you prefer a more ornamental style (basically a dagger looks ). Just do make sure that it is really conscerated by genuine monk .  

Author note: very powerful obstacle clearance including drought, flood and so on. also remove whatever is bad for enlightenment.

Author note - Jan 2018: according to Shaman Elder Maggie,to practise this mantra , one need to have extensive years in Buddhism and empowerment from high monk .

9. 21st white tara from lilian Too' 21 Tara Oracle
Mantra : "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarwa Siddhi Soha"
source:  Lilian Too 's Tibetan Cosmic Magic Series
- bring completion to all your projects and subdues obstacles cause by spirit harm. Two armed white tara the perfectionist whose power to liberate inspire all to come for her guidance and asistance. help pacify all spirits and yakshas. her mantra also create aspirations to be liberated from all sufferings in this world and also help those in pain and grief achieve some measure of closure.

10. 16th red increasing tara from Lilian Too's Tibetan cosmic Magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book if you should recite this mantra)
Mantra:   Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sawar Dharma Pate Shodaya Soha
-16th red tara help subdue disharmony , enhance your courage and sense of security. This tara known for remove all fears.
Author note: tara mantra help by ripening karma at early stage.  and i think this tara mantra help gradually improve all sort of security such as your door security , anti-virus software program, food security and so on.

11. lamp offering to buddha
- this is not a mantra but a genuine offering of lamp/light in the form of candle lamp , butter lamp or oil lamp to in front of the buddha statue such as buddha shakyamuni or amitabha buddha . the lamp help one to dispel ignorance and thus one can make a wiser decision that help build great wealth at a later stage of your life. 
Author note: because the merit of offering lamp to buddha has a long impact to many of your future lifetimes till you become an enlighten being , you should consider do this at least once in your this life as early as possible (so that you can make a better decision from very young age). try to make sure that light offering is toward buddha at least once because for me while i had opportunity to make offering light offering to dzambhala, lama tsongkhapa , i personally feel it is very difficult for me to make one proper light offering to buddha shakyamuni or amitabha buddha. while others easily can do such lamp offering. Avalokiteshvara is also a buddha who appear in bodhisattva form.
Note: help remove fear in your mind.

12. Black Jambhala
mantra: Om jambhala jalendraye Basu Dharini Svaha
- black jambhala the chief of 5 jambhala is said to help overcome resentment, theft, disease and barrier to riches issue. benefit the poor and those in solitary retreat that has virtuos mind.
Author: there are a few version of black jambhala mantra so i decide to try this mantra. i couldn't verify if this mantra help to overcome one from being cheated but it definitely help reduce a bit anger related to poverty reason. so if you are looking for reducing being cheated possibility, then wearing 5 eye dzi bead is a good idea as it has 5 wealth jambhala blessing in it.

13. 17th orange tara from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book whether you should recite this mantra)
mantra: om tare tuttare ture sawa tambahj nette ray soha
- length fearlessness and subdues all diseases. alleviates pains and sufferings. lend strength and courage. remove all your fears , real and imagined. good for those feeling anxious ,worries , depressed. also help with unsettling event that distress family peace and harmony that come from enemies. help with dementia , alzhheimer (loss of meory) cause by naga that usually start on october. bring bliss (happyness) and alleviate pain. help with outstanding issues.
author note: said to be helpful reaching the income level one desire.

14.  The beauty and benefits of offering flowers (to buddha)
1. One becomes like a flower in the world. (will be very beautiful,everyone will be attracted, amazed to look at you and will remember seeing you)
2. the sense of smell will never degenerate.
3. one will never have bad body odour (will be completely purified)
4. smell of nectar scent will come from body.
5. smell of morality of the person will spread in all direction.
6. one will be a leader of the world.
7. one will achieve beautiful, attractive things
8. one will have great wealth.
9. one will reborn in a higher rebirth.
10. one will quickly achieve the sorrowless state and achieve enlightenment, the great liberation.
author note: at one point of time, had personally feel offering flower did really help lighten negative emotion in one heart.

15. 18th tara from Lilian Too's Tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book for detail)
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarva Naga Bika Shanting Kuru Soha
- known as Tara of increase. has power to eliminate poison.also remove all sufferings.
Auhor note: Tara help ripen karma at early stage. so do prepare that the suffering that is ripen can be intense.

16. Red Jambhala (overcome greed)
mantra: Om jambhala Jalendraye Dhanam Medihi Hrih Dakini Jambhala Sambhara Svaha
- suitable to people in high power or pray for high power.
- can attract people , wealth and fame
- one will enjoy wealth in abundance and shall be well respected and supported by people.
- help overcome greed and miserliness.

17. Blue tara (Ekajati)
mantra: Om Bhim Tare Vrim
- blue tara ekajati asssociate with transmute of anger. a protector. destroy all learning obstacle, produce good luck and swift spiritual awakening. remove fear of enemies, spreading joy and good fortune.also remove personal blockages on our path to spiritual awakening. Heal illness and suffering.

18. Red Ganapati Mantra
mantra: Om Ga Ganapati Mama Ratna Siddhi Gaga Gaga Gaga Gaga Ganapati Svaha
- overcome obstacles  especially related to bureaucracy and people in power and authority. also grant wealth that do not obstruct spiritual path or cause it to degenerate. an enlightened being  dharma protector. help lessen self-cherishing mind ,anger and depression.

19. Om Sangkara Yapada Satipala Home from puxian
Mantra: Om Sangkara Yapada Satipala Home 
- to stop anger and abusing mouth (one that curse other).to destroy quick hot violent temper. help reach perfect emptiness. for meditative mind.

20. Red Tara mantra
Mantra: Om Tare Tutare Santa Ra Hrih Svaha
- for protection from harm of all those in peril, to overcome fear , hate, aggression  and anger, to learn protect one and others from harm and evil, to stop the actions of those who will do harm.
Author note: particular beneficial to remind ourself to protect ourselves.

21. Om Yasa Viriya Visudi Sovaka
mantra: Om Yasa Viriya Visudi Sovaka
- for overcome bad temper, quick temper,improve dharma, clearing mind for cultivation and overcome revengeful thought and feeling.

22. Dorje Drolo
- dorje drolo are particular beneficial during degeneration age as it can help solve complex emotional issue and also troublemakers. help remove mental and emotional obstacles especially complex type. help liberate from anger and attachment. beneficial for those who are unhappy. unstable mind as it can bring balance and calm.
Author note: droje drolo also can bring new possibilities . this new possibilities can come in the form of crazy ways  (where no one thought it is possible). do note that dorje drolo is know for its crazy wisdom. dorje drolo fire puja are also beneficial as it can purify negative karma that include problems coming from government, office politics and also speech negative karma. for this author, dorje drolo are also beneficial for those who has emotional issue that come from being bullies by others.

 23. A Bala Hum Kia
Mantra: A Bala Hum Kia
- bless and empower by buddha of five directions. help break free from wealth, form,fame, gains and sleep. also help break free from greed, hatred, ignorance, doubt and sloth torpor, This mantra are mainly chanted for clearing, purification and discarding grievance of perished sentient beings .
Author Note: This author mainly chant this to increase helpfulness personality.


24. Dorje Drolo
Mantra: Om Guru Benza Dorje Drolo Lot Loka Sarwa Siddhi Hum Dza

- Dorje Drolo is  padmasambhava in a scorpion form ( a wrathful type) which is very beneficial in term of purifying negative karma . therefore its fire puja are extremely powerful that can help dissolve bad situation that involve gossip, government (authority problem), office politics. this mantra also bring wealth luck and extremely good in dealing with psychology issue that related to extreme emotion such as trauma. and also thought to purify epidermic disease that originate from scorpion. transform hesitancy and clinging into enlightening activity. also give birth to new circumstances and possibilities.
Author note: can't remember where this author found this mantra. but this is beneficial as it seem to help both in business and personal life. this is one of the type of new possibilties where a person can get a job offer while playing games.

 25. 10 tara of 21 taras from atisha

Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarva Mara Pramadhani Svaha

- to overcome maras.

Author note: This author actually recite this mantra to bring emotional to stability (internal mara) according to the book " In Praise of Tara". However according to another website , it actually has the function of overcoming mara.


26. Muni Muni Sam Muni
Mantra: Muni Muni Sam Muni
- cultivate patience, gain solemn dharma appearance, forgive and forget,  get response from buddha, turn sorrow into joy
Author note: help one to forgive and forget but this mantra the most are its help a person gain solemn appearance such as increasing respect to oneself (although for this author it came in a strange way. it increase the author respect by a bit in the past because the author are playing seriously in action-oriented games..for being serious while playing mobile game) .                                                                                  source:


Author note: heart broken emotion , love , sociopath , psychopath , negative emotions and so on. check out the mantras so you can heal your emotions once more . 


*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Do remember to blow your mala bracelet after you completed your recitation for the day as symbolic for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .  


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