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COMPILED BY SOON GUO SEN  *mandarin words*

*family image*

next page

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Dedicated To...

pervasively dedicate the merit of this book to call my past, present and future PARENTS!

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Dear Cultivators Of The Way,
Do bring forth the Mind of Kindness,
And be sincerely Mindful of the Buddha,
And Say The Name of the Buddha For Once,
Until hundreds, Thousands and Millions Of Times.....
May The Merits And Virtues Accrued
From The Mindfulness Of The Buddha,
Be The Opening Verse For The Reading Of This Book.

page 3

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Parents Are The Two Buddhas In The Family.

*family image*

page 4

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Of the Myriad Dharmas....
The Kindness Of Parents is Greatest!

*mandarin words*
The Verse Of Maitreya's Advice on Filiality Says:

*mandarin words*
In The Family There Are Two Buddhas,

*mandarin words*
Regretfully, People In The World Do Not Know;

*mandarin words*
No Need To Use Gold  and Colour To Adorn,

*mandarin words*
Also No Need To Use Chandana To Carve;

*mandarin words*
Just Look At your Present Father And Mother,

*mandarin words*
They Are Shakyamuni And Maitreya;

*mandarin words*
If You Can Make Offerings To Them,

*mandarin words*
Where is The Need To Do Other Merit And Virtue.

page 5

*mandarin words*
The Buddha Speaks
The Sutra About The Deep
Kindness of PARENTS
And The Difficulty In
Repaying It

page 6

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At One time, The Buddha Dwelt at Shravasti, In the Jeta Grove of the Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and Solitary, together with two thousand and five hundred Great Bhikshus and thirty-eight thousand great Bodhisattvas.


page 7

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At that time, the World honored One led the assembly on a walk toward the south. Suddenly they came upon a pile of bones beside the road.


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The World Honoured One turned to face them, place his five limbs on the ground, and bowed respectfully.


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Ananda and all the disciples did not understand why he was doing this?


page 10

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Ananda put his palms together and asked the World Honored One, "The Tathagatha is the Great Teacher of the Triple Realm and the compassionate father of beings of the four kinds of births. He has the respect and reverence of the entire assembly."


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"What is the reason that he is now bowing to a pile of dried bones?"


page 12

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The Buddha told Ananda compassionately, "Good indeed, Ananda. You are all my foremost disciples and have been cultivating for a long time. Yet there are things that you do not understand."


page 13

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"This pile of bones could have been my ancestors or parents from former lives. How i could not pay respect to them? "

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"That is the reason why I bow to them."

page 15

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The Buddha Said , "Ananda! Now you can divide the bones into two parts. If the bone belong to the men, they are white and heavy; while the women's bones are dark and light in weight."

page 16

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Ananda said to the Buddha, "World Honored One, when men are alive in the world they adorn their bodies with robes, belts, shoes, hat and other fine attire, so that they clearly assume a male appearance."


page 17

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"When Women are alive, they adorn their bodies with powder, cosmetics and perfume. So they clearly assume a female form."


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"Yet, once men and women are dead, all that remains are their bones. How could one tell them apart? Please teach us how to distinguish them."


page 19

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The Buddha told Ananda, "When men are in the world, they listen to the explanations of Sutras and Vinaya texts, make obeisance to the Triple Jewel and recite The Buddha's names, then when they die, their bones will be heavy and white in colour."


page 20

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"Most women in the world have little wisdom. They do not listen to Sutras or bow to The Buddha. They indulge in love and feel that their sole duty is to give birth to children and bring them up.


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"Each child relies on his mother's milk for growth and nourishment. And the milk is transformed from mother's blood. Each child drinks more than eight stones of milk. Then how could she not become weak and haggard?"


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"That is why after their death, the bones are dark and light in weight." 


page 23

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When Ananda heard these words, he felt a pain in his heart, as if he had been stabbed. He cried uncontrollably and said, " World Honoursed (author thin the actual spelling should be 'honoured') One, how can i repay the virtuous kindness of my mother?"


page 24

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The Buddha told Ananda. "Listen carefully, a pregnant woman has to endure ten months of suffering."


page 25

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"In the first month of pregnancy, the life of a foetus is as precarious as a dew-drop on the grass. It may coagulate at dawn and disappear by mid-day."


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During the second month, the embryo congeals like a piece of curd."


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In the third month, it is like a piece of coagulated blood. During the fourth month, the foetus gradually assumes a human form."


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"During the fifth month, important organs like the head, two hands and two legs are formed."


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In the sixth month, the six essence of senses are developed. The are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind."


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"During the seventh month, the three hundred sixty bones and joints are formed........"


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"And the eighty-four thousand hair pores are formed. His mind consciousness and the nature of the knowing faculty gradually mature."


page 32


"Later, the nine apertures of th ( author think the work is 'the') body are opened."


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"By the ninth month, the foetus often kicks and struggles in the womb. The mother could seldom be at ease."


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"Before the foetus is born, it obtains its nutrients by feeding on mother's blood!"


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"During the tenth month of pregnancy, the body of the foetus is completed and ready to be born."


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"After ten months of pregnancy , mother undergoes extreme tortures and her blood flows like a stream to facilitate the delivery!"


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"In a peaceful delivery, the child will behave himself without causing in injuries to his mother."


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However in a difficult delivery, the rebellious child will kick and fight his way out, and hence causing great pain to his mother."


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"The birth will resemble the cutting of a thousand knives or the stabbing of the heart with ten thousand arrows!"


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"As children, if we were to forget our mother's suffering. We are worse than animals!"


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"To explain more clearly, there are ten types of kindness bestowed by the mother on the child:"


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"The first is the kindness of providing protection and care while the child is in the womb. The second is the kindness of bearing suffering during the birth."

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"The third is the kindness of forgetting all the pain once the child was born."


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"The fourth is the kindness of feeding the child with delicious food."


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"The fifth is the kindness of moving the child to a dry place and lying in the wet herself."


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"The sixth is the kindness of feeding the child with breast milk, nourishing and bringing them up."


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"The seventh is the kindness of washing away the unclean filth".


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"The eight is the kindness of always thinking of the child when he has to travel afar."


page 49

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"The ninth month is to be willing to undergo suffering with great devotion on behalf of the child."


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"The tenth is the continual loving kindness of a mother towards her child that never comes to an end."


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"The 1st verse of praise: The kindness of giving protection to the foetus. Only after many kalpas of rebirth can a man obtain a human form."


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"Besides, as he has affinity with the present parents, he is born into the world."


page 53

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"At about five months, the internal organs are formed. At the beginning of the 6th month, the six senses are opened."


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"The mother's body becomes as heavy as a mountain."


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"The mother foetus kicks and struggles. So the mother feels as though she is experiencing earthquake and swirling winds."


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"The mother's only thought is her child. She neglects her look and even the fine clothes and mirrors gather dust."


page 57

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"The 2nd verse of praise: The kindness to endure labouring. After ten months of pregnancy, the process of labouring is approaching."


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"Meanwhile, each morning the mother is seriously ill. And everyday she is drowsy and sluggish."


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"Her fear and agitation are difficult to describe . She is always tearful and grief ~stricken."


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"Sadly she tells her relatives and friends about her worries that death may befall her child."

page 61

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"The 3rd verse of praise: The kindness of forgetting the suffering after the delivery. Because of over exerting her strength, her internal organ seem to be tor apart."


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"She struggles painfully and the blood flows out like slaughtering a lamb."


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"Yet upon hearing that the child is healthy..."

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"She is doubly filled with joy...."


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"But after experiencing the joy, again she is enveloped in pain and suffers great agony."


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"The fourth verse of praise: The kindness of taking the bitter and giving the sweet. The kindness of parents is profoundly deep. They take care of their children devotedly."


page 67

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"They will never be displeased with their children. The parental love is indescribable."


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"The parents are willing to undergo hunger and cold. But they will make sure their children get their fill."


page 69

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"The 5th verse of praise: The kindness of making sure that the child is dry and secured without thinking of her own comfort. When a child wets the bed,...."


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".... mother willingly moves him to a dry place while she remains at the wet spot!"


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"As long as her child can sleep soundly, she is willing to endure discomfort."


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"She breast-feeds the children so that they will feel the love and grow healthily."


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"Covering them with her sleeves, she protects them from wind and cold."


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Parents take good care of children hoping that they will grow to maturity happily. And the kind mother seldom seeks solace for herself."


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"The 6th verse of praise: The kindness of feeding and nurturing. The kind  mother resembles the great earth which nurtures all kinds of growth."


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"The stern father is like the heaven that protects and nurtures all sentient being pervasively. Parental love is equal without differentiation."


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"The kindness of parents is such that they will never be despise their children no matter how ugly they may be."


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"And will never be displeased even if the child is born crippled."


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"Instead, parents will always give greater love and protection for the disabled child."


page 80

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"The 7th verse of praise: The kindness of washing away the filth. Once the mother was a pretty girl with adorned body and a beautiful face."


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"She was vibrant with energy. Her eyebrows were like fresh green willow."


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"And her complexion would have put a red rose to shame."


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"But with kindness, she over exerts herself in taking care of the children and forgoes a beautiful face."

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"Because of washing away the filth, her hands are coarse and covered with wounds."


page 85

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"The kinds mother acts solely for the sake of her sons and daughters, and willingly allows her beauty to fade."


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"The 8th verse of praise: The kindness of remembering the child when he travels afar. It is indeed sad to endure the death of loved ones."


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"But separation is also painful, when the child has to travel afar."


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"Parents are constantly mindful of their child. They seek the help of The Buddha so that he will come home safely."


page 89

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Some children are left their parents without sending them any news. the poor old parents look forward to seeing them and are extremely sorrowful."


page 90

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"Just like the old ape in the forest that cries for losing her beloved child, her heart is broken into pieces."


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"The 9th verse in praise of the deep parental love towards their children. Their deep kindness is difficult to repay."


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"When the child undergoes great suffering, the kind mother will always seek to suffer on his behalf...."


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"If the child toils, the parents are uncomfortable."


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"When a child has to travel afar, mother will always worry about his comfort."


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"The mother will be so distressed if she knows that her children have to undergo any slight suffering."


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"The tenth verse of praise: The kindness of showing ultimate concern over the children. The loving kindness of parents resembles the light of the sun and moon that will forever shine pervasively on the great earth."


page 97

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"From the moment they awake each day, their thoughts are with their children."


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"Even if a mother lives for a hundred years, she will constantly worry about her eighty-year-old child!"


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"Do you wish to know when such kindness and love ends? It doesn't even begin to dissipate until her life is over."


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"After saying the ten virtuous kindness, The Buddha again told Ananda and the multitude," After contemplating the living beings...."


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"...I found that some are born with wisdom, but there are those who are dull and stupid, who never think of the deep kindness of their parents."


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"They are disrespectful towards the parents and are not filial. Most of them are rebellious, lacking of kindness and righteousness. This is really sad..."


page 103

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"For ten months while she is carrying the child, the mother is most uncomfortable just as if she is carrying a heavy burden."


page 104

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*mandarin word*
"Like a chronically ill invalid she has to undergo all kinds of torture during the delivery..."


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*mandarin word*
"After the delivery, the kind mother is again worried about his safety..."


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"She can only be at ease when she knows that he is safe. She then carries the child wherever she goes."


page 107

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"She breast-feeds the child and washed the filth. Even though she is so tired, her heart is full of joy."


page 108


*mandarin words*
"She lets the child sleep at the dry place while she willingly remains at the wet spot."


page 109

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"For three years, she nourishes the baby with milk which is transformed from her own blood."


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"As the youngsters mature into adults, they are taught about propriety, righteousness and virtuous conduct by their parents."


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"They arrange marriages for them, pass on to them the property besides teaching them business affairs."


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"Hoping that the children will soon be settled and independent, the parents prepare to toil zealously."


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"Parents never expect their children to repay their kindness, neither do they mention it."



THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

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"When a son or daughter becomes ill, parents are worried and afraid to the point that they may even fall ill themselves."


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"They remain by the child's side providing constant care, and only when the child get well are the parents happy once again."


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"The parent sacrifice themselves, hoping that their off-spring will soon be matured. But there are those unfilial children who do not care to look after their parents."


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"They neglect the mother's advice. At times they may get angry and shout rudely just as though facing enemies."


page 118


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"they bully the elders, hit and scold the brothers. For they will never value the love of the family nor show courtesy. It is indeed sad to witness this."


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"Even though they attend school, seldom will they follow the teachers' and parents' advice. They are rebellious and like goes against their brothers."


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"They never greet their parents when traveling to and from home. They will only act and speak proudly and rudely."


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"They ignore the warning of the parents and act impulsively without seeking advice. The elders forgive them as they feel that these children is still young and ignorant."


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"Later , their behaviour changes from bad to worse, and they are obstinate and cruel. Never will they accept any advice. Instead they give rise to animosity and hostility."


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"They leave the good friends and join the bad company. They are influenced by the evil easily and mistaken the false as true."


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"Such children may be enticed by others to leave their families and run away to live in other towns, thus denouncing their parents and rejecting their native towns."


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"they may become salesman or civil servants who languish in comfort and luxury."


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"Some may get married in the new town and forget the hometown totally. They will never give a thought to their origins."


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"And there are some unlucky ones who befriend the evil men in the new town. They are harmed by their friends who make use of them to carry out evil deeds..."


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*mandarin words*
"Or they join the gangsters to rob and kill. SO finally they end up being locked in the jail."


page 129

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"Some may serve heavy sentence of imprisonment and die in jail. Others may be tortured by poverty , disasters and sicknesses."


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"They are being looked down and abandoned by others. Finally they die and rot in the street."


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"Their bodies are exposed to sun and rain. They are separated from their next of kin forever and unable to repay the parental kindness."


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"Nor will they ever know how their aging parents mourn for and worry about them."


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"The parents may grow blind from weeping or from extreme grief and despair."


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Some parents are infected with asthma while others neglect their business affair all because of their worries over the children."


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"They may pass away, but even when they become ghosts, their souls still cling to this attachment and are unable to let go."

*image *

page 136

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"Other unfilial children do not study diligently. Instead they are more keen to mix with evil ones and practise deviant teaching."


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"Those wicked children practise all villainous deeds, bully and harm others."


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"They drink, gamble and go against the laws. Even their brothers are wronged by others."


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"And hence causing great misery to their parents. They will leave the home early in the morning and only return after mid-night."


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*mandarin words*
"They never greet their parents, neither do they care about their welfare. The parents lead a lone life all by themselves."


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"They do not enquire after their well being, instead they may burden them with worries."


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*mandarin words*
"A child should give extra care to his father or mother who is widowed. Instead the unfilial child leaves them to suffer cold and starvation."


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*mandarin words*
"Such children simply neglect the parents' well being and let them suffer all misery."


page 144

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*mandarin words*
"Children should be filial  to their parents. But the unfilial child neglects them and hence the parents are ashamed and embarrassed as they are afraid others may laugh at them."


page 145

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"Yet such offspring may lavish wealth and food on their own wives and children, disregarding the toil and weariness involved in doing so."


page 146

"THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"The lonely parents are left behind as the unfilial sons try only to fulfill their wives wishes."


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"they pay no attention to the advice given by their parents. Without any respect they argue and fight back and thus wound their hearts."


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*mandarin words*
"Before the marriage, some daughters are quite filial to their parents. But gradually they become rebellious after their marriage."


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"The parents may just give a little comment on her and she will become extremely hateful!"


page 150

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*mandarin words*
"She is so close to her husband and children but keeps her parents at a distance!"


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"They may follow their husbands and move to other towns, leaving their parents behind."


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THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"She acts just as thought she has cut off all ties from the parents. Her parents are so worried that they feel as if being hung upside down!"


page 153

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"Parents are always thinking of the children . Their love for them is immeasurable..."


page 154


*mandarin words*
"...And indescribable! Indeed it is not easy for unfilial children to repent for their sinful actions!"


page 155

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
After listening to The Buddha's speech on the parental kindness, all in the assembly were filled with sorrow and fell kneeling on the ground!


page 156

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"Some began to strike themselves. Because of great sorrow, blood flowed out from the hair pores and they fainted....


page 157

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"On awakening, they lamented, "It is really painful! The unfilial children have caused great suffering to their parents!"


page 158

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"We are all offenders. We are criminals who have never awakened, like those who travel in the dark night."


page 159

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"We have led a dreamy life and never given a thought to our heavy offences..."


page 160

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"Now, upon hearing The Buddha's Teaching, we are extremely sorrowful. Just like a man who has just wakened from sleep, we really regret our past wrong doings."


page 161

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"We only hope that The World Honoured one will have pity on us and forgive our ignorance! do teach us ways to repent and reform so as to repay the deep parental kindness!"


page 162

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
By using kinds of wonderfully pure Dharma sound, The Buddha answered,"As you wish to repay the parental kindness, I will now explain for you."


page 163

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"If there is a man who carries his father on his left shoulder and his mother on his right shoulder, to circumbulate the mount sumeru and his skin is torn because of their weight,...


page 164

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"With wounds penetrating his bones and marrow, with blood flowing profusely to envelope his ankles, throughout hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas, and he never complains, yet he is still unable to repay the deep parental kindness."


page 165

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"If there is a man, who during the months of famine, cuts down his flesh and chops into pieces to feed his parents..."


page 166

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"..So that they will not be hungry. With such filial practice he serves them, for hundreds of thousand of kalpas, he will still be unable to repay the deep parental kindness!"


page 167

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"If there is a man who for the sake of his parents, cut out his heart, with blood pervasively wetting the floor.Besides, he is prepared to endure any pain...."


page 168

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"For hundreds of thousands of millions kalpas, he is still unable to repay the deep parent kindness."


page 169

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"If there is a man who for the sake of his parents, is willing to endure the pain of the penetration of sharp knives into his body, throughout hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas, he is still unable to repay the deep parental kindness."


page 170

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"If there is a man who seeks health and longevity on behalf of his parents, offer his body to light up the lamp before The Buddha throughout hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas, he will still be unable to repay the deep parental kindness."


page 171

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"If there is a man who is willing to go over boiling water and burning fire, to extract marrow from his bones, throughout innumerable millions of kalpas, he is still unable to repay the deep parental kindness."


page 172

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
If there is a man who for the sake of his parents, swallows fire and molten iron pellets, until his body is burnt to ashes..."


page 173

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"Throughout hundreds of thousands of millions of kalpas, he is still unable to repay the deep parental kindness."


page 174

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
At that time, after listening to The Buddha's speech on the virtuous kindness of parents, everyone cried sorrowfully. But they did not know how to repay their kindness.


page 175

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
They were very shameful and regretful. Together they sought The Buddha's advice," World Honoured One! We are offenders! But we did not know how to repay our parental kindness."


page 176

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
The Buddha saw that they were really remorseful, so he said happily," If you wish to repay the virtuous kindness of your parents..."


page 177

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
The Buddha said," You have to write down this sutra, recite the sutra, repent all offences and make offerings sincerely to the Triple Jewel."


page 178

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA  *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
The Buddha continued," Besides you have to receive and uphold pure eating and precepts, practise and cultivate diligently all good dharma, so as to pervasively plant all virtuous roots. If not, you are a being in the hell."


page 179

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
The Buddha told Ananda," If a person is not filial, when his life ends and his body decays, he will fall into the Spaceless, Avici Hell."


page 180

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
The length and breadth of the hell are each equivalent to eight thousand yojanas. It is surrounded by iron walls and covered with iron netting so that the offenders cannot escape."


page 181

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"The fire burns freely, while thunder roars and bright bolts of lightning set things aflame. Molten brass and iron fluids are poured over the offenders' bodies."


page 182

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"Brass dogs and iron snakes chase after and eat the offenders. They are burnt to ashes. there are uncountable hooks and sharp weapons in the air..."


page 183

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"And the ground is covered with hammers, spears, the hills of knives, the trees of swords and other weapons..."


page 184

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"The offender is chopped, hacked, or stabbed, and undergoes these cruel punishments for kalpas without respite."


page 185

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"then they enter the remaining hells, where their heads are capped with fiery basins, while iron wheels roll over their bodies...."


page 186

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"Travelling to and fro until their guts are ripped open and their bones and flesh are squashed to pulp. In a single day, they have to undergo thousands and millions times of death."


page 187

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"Such offerings are experienced by the offenders who are unfilial and have committed the five rebellious acts during their lifetime."


page 188

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"After listening to The buddha's instructions, all were filled with sorrow, regret and remorse. They begged, "How do we repay the deep parental kindness!"


page 189

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
The Buddha said, "Disciples of the Buddha, if you wish to repay their kindness, then for the sake of your parents print this Sutra. If one can print one copy, then one will get to see one Buddha.


page 190

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"If one can print ten copies, then one will get to see ten buddhas. If one can print one hundred, one thousand or ten thousand, then one will get to see one hundred, one thousand or ten thousand Buddhas."


page 191

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"The Buddhas will always protect those who donate to print this Sutra as to benefit all sentient beings. With The Buddha's strength, the donors and their parents will be born in the heavens and never to fall into hells."


page 192

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"After listening to the teaching, Ananda and the multitude, including the Heavenly Dragon, Eight-fold dicision(Author think this word is division) and Wheel-Turning King were very sorrowful. They were ashamed of themselves.


page 193

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
Repentantly they said to The Buddha. "From now onwards until the future, throughout thousands of millions of kalpas....."


page 194

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"We would rather have our bodies be pulverized into fine dust, than go against the Sagely teaching of The Thus Comes one."


page 195

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
"We would rather have our tongues plucked out and ploughed with iron rough let the blood flow profusely like a river,...."


page 196

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"....Throughout thousands of millions of kalpas, than go against the teaching of the Buddha. We would rather travel to and fro in the wheel of sharp knives...."


page 197


*mandarin words*
"...And be stabbed by the knives, than go against The Buddha's teaching. Even if our bodies were to be wrapped tightly with iron netting and undergo extreme torture,..."


page 198

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"Throughout thousands of hundreds of millions kalpas, we will not go against The Thus Come One's teaching. We would rather have our bodies mince into fine particles..."


page 199

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*Mandarin words*
"...With our skin, flesh, veins and bones disintigrating (Author think this word is "disintegrate") completely, throughout many thousands of hundreds of kalpas, than go against The Buddha's Teaching!"


page 200

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
The Venerable Ananda arose calmly from his seat and respectfully asked The Buddha, "World Honoured One! What is the name of this Sutra? Please tell us so that we can uphold and practise it accordingly."


page 201

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*
The Buddha told the multitude," This Sutra is known as "The Sutra of The Difficulty In Repaying The Deep Parental Kindness', and i hope all of you will uphold and practise it accordingly!"


page 202

THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA *mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
"At that time, after listening to The Buddha's instuctions, Ananda and all the disciples, the heavenly Dragons and Eight-fold divisions and others, were very joyful as their mind was open to the way.


page 203

*mandarin words* THE FILIAL PIETY SUTRA

*mandarin words*

They decided to abide by The Buddha's Teaching. They would forever practise filial piety as their sole duty. Finally they made obeisance to The Buddha and withdrew.


page 204


*mandarin words*

*mandarin words*
May the merit and virtue accrued from this work,

*mandarin words*
Adorn the Buddhas' Pure Lands,

*mandarin words*
Repaying four kind of kindness above,

*mandarin words*
And aiding those suffering in the paths below.

*mandarin words*
May those who see and hear of this,

*mandarin words*
All bring forth the resolve of Bodhi,

*mandarin words*
And when this retribution body is over,

*mandarin words*
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

page 205


*mandarin words*

The publication of this book is the result of the contribution of money and effort by a group of Buddhist friends. Their purpose is to create wholesome affinity with the public. Therefore, nobody is allowed to sell this book thereby creating unwholesome karma for himself.

*amitabha buddha name in mandarin words*

page 206

*empty page*


Printed by Percetakan Bintang Jaya
40, G/F, Taman Kok Doh, Segambut,
51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-6277829, 6215319

Next page

*mandarin words* NOT FOR SALE


This is a free book author got in temple year 2017. This is a picture book style sutra.

May all the virtue and merit accrue from this post are all dedicated to author parents , author ancestors , author 7 past life parents and author all past life parents wishing they will reborn in the land of ultimate bliss.

*this book also show the sign of alphabets starting to disappear.


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