lapis Lazuli (26072020-6)

Lapis Lazuli , a blue stone with lazurite ,calcite and pyrite in it is a favourite piece for mystic and royal family. it is a gem stone that given by angel to King Solomon. Lapiz lazuli was even once used by artist for painting in the past.

Spiritual Properties :
- help one to be ready, open and courage to discover the mysteries of the universe silently.
- provide protection and shield wearer from negative influences including black magic. Able to even revert the curses and send back to sources to certain extend .it is for this reason that it is believe to guard against psychic attack .
- also believe by some that it can protect from evil eye.
- increase wisdom therefore believe to be activate life of more intelligence, success and unshakeable inner power.
- can liberate one from fear and self imposed limitations.
- enable one to communicate with angels.
 - bring matter more clearly to the mind.
- activate many chakras center.
- stone for truth and friendship therefore promote harmony in relationship. even can bond broken relationship in love
- release deep stress, trauma and bring deep peace.
- bring harmony and deep inner self knowledge.
- encourage self awareness, allow self expression and reveal inner truth
- increase qualities of honesty as it is believe that one cannot lie if one wear lapis.
- lapis is the stone that is very beneficial for throat area and eye brow.
- put under pillow to help alleviate insomnia
- help organize life more efficiently.
- also help one say right thing (probably through activating throat chakra and balance it)
- enhance love and fidelity with marriage.
- good for combating depression.
- help communicate emotion to release old thoughts.
- enhance creativity
- dissolve feeling of matyrdom, crulety and suffering.

health properties :
- help for headaches , sore throat and varicose veins.
- helpful for sinus ailments, cancer, headaches, nervous system, speech problems, pituitary gland and pain reliever.
- help those who need surgery recover sooner.

Author Note :
-   lapis lazuli is pretty toxic and therefore one should handle it with care. although it is relatively safe to be used once the surface had been polish and coated, but one must be more careful when there is a sign of crack or broken.  
-  lapis lazuli is used for feng shui cure , available in various jewel pendant forms.
- beware of fake lapis due to huge demand.
- do not expose too much to sunlight.


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