Chakra- Healing yourself through chakras (FD28082020-3)

last update: 11 Jan 2011
Chakras are one of the main important aspect in one life which one are not able to see it with one eyes. Yet , when one chakra is well balance, one will feel an overall sense of well-being. However, when one the chakra system is imbalance, one will feel imbalance in one life. In this chapter I have include some simple explanation of chakra and its effect. Crystal suggestion is also added as there maybe people who may want to keep a set of crystals for healing and balancing chakra purpose. Do note that , it is advisable to keep it in your right pocket and cleanse your crystal from time to time. I have also included mudra recommendation which is meditation using finger posture.
Root chakra – red color
1.Root chakra is a chakra that locate at base on spine. It is related to human potential; primitive energy and basic survival needs; courage.It is the fundation of our physical identity, survival instinct, stability , security and self preservation. If it is imbalance one may feel weak ,self destructive, lethagy, obesity , over eating, materialism, greed. One may also feel the opposite way such as anxiety, insecure, fear of abandonment, restlesssness and lack of self-discipline. When our root chakra is balance, we will feel good health, trust, vitality, security, stability, and feel relax.
Root chakra is related to foundation of all other chakra and it is the main chakra related to wealth and success. Perhaps for this reason, whoever meditate on this chakra is said to be lord of the speech and king of men. One is said to be free from disease and one can know or discover whatever one want to know. It is also said that there are many problems can be solve through root chakra which it seems to be true from my own perspective.
1.2 Illness that is related to root chakra is hemmorroids, sciatica, prostate, ovarian, utrerine
1.3 Root chakra can be simply balance by getting red or black crystals such as black tourmaline, red carnelian or red garnet . One can even apply pran mudra for meditation on root chakra.

2. Sacral Chakra – orange color
2.1 Sacral chakra is located at navel. It is related to sexual drives and emotion. When it is balance, it increase creativity, joy, social ; independence. When it is imbalance, one tend to have imbalance such as oversexual ; immobilizied by fear, burdened by guilt; distrustful; inability to meet deadlines or fulfill responsibilities which will cause stress and anxiety; destructive , withdrawn, over dependent , overdependence , poor social skill, fear of change, distrustful , over sensitive. A well balance sacral chakra will enable one to have emotional stability , friendly, optimistic , ability to experience and enjoy pleasure and healthy boundaries . Usually this chakra will be the first to be collapse if the chakra system is out of balance.
Sacral chakra is said to have such influence that one can be free from enemy as this is the chakra of love as long as the energy coming from the heart center are pure . It is said that one who have balance sacral chakra is one who loves everyone and man and women includes animals loves this person too. There are a lot of impure thought can be eliminated when one ensure that the sacral chakra is cleanse and well-balanced.

In term of wealth, many believes that sacral chakra are involve in creating.
2.2 Illness that related to sacral chakra are diabetes and cancer; Low back pain; pre-menstrual problem
2.3 Sacral chakra can be balance by orange or red color crystals such as tiger eye, orange carnelian. One can apply dhyani mudra for balancing sacral chakra.

Solar Plexus chakra – Yellow
3.1 Solar plexus chakra is located at navel. It is related to will , power, self-esteem and identification. When it is imbalance, one may go through depression , confusion , aggression , domination, controlling, arrogance, blaming on others , manipulative, hyperactive, excesive competitiveness , lethargy, weak will, low self esteem, depression, slugishness , lack of self-discipline, victim mentality, digestive problems. When solar plexus chakra is balance, one have healthy self esteem, self acceptance, tolerance, confidence, reliability, responsibility, and sense of humor.
Solar plexus chakra is related to create and destroy of the world . If one having difficulty with accomplishing a task or goal, it probably mean your solar plexus chakra does not have sufficient energy.
3.2 Illness that related to solar plexus chakra are ulcer ; gall stones
3.3 One can balance Solar plexus chakra by having yellow crystals such as citrine or meditate using hakini mudra.
Heart Chakra – green, pink
4.1 Heart chakra is located at the center of the chest or heart. It is related to love, balance, compassion, self-expression, loving oneself and others. A well balance chakra will enable one to be compassionate, generous, romantic, self-controlled, adaptable, symphathec, loving, indicate expansion, freedom and growth, fulfillment and content. When it is imbalance, it cause paranoia, indecision, jealous, miserly, insecure, bitter, indifferent, dependant, lacking self-discipline. Heart chakra is important as it is said to be the one that balance the others chakra as (crown, third eye and throat is consider to be spirtual side while solar, sacral and root chakra is consider to be physical). Whether one is able to love others and oneself, compassionate , peaceful is mainly coming from heart chakra.
Whether a person able to feel living life in abundantly are coming from the heart chakra. If you are not feeling you are living abundantly as you wish, that is because you did not have put that amount of wealth into your heart . This is the state where one emotionally are ready to accept a bigger wealth coming into their lifes.
4.2 Illness that is related to heart chakra include stroke, angina arithis; heart disease; breast cancer; nervous disorder; problem related to immune system.
4.3 In order to balance heart chakra, one can use green or pink color crystals such as jade, amazonite, aventurine, rose quartz. One can also use lotus mudra or gyan mudra for heart chakra.
Throat Chakra – blue
5.1 Throat chakra is located at the center of throat which it is related to communication, creativity, self-identifictaion. When it is imbalance, one is over talkative , difficulty in listening, defensive, arrogant, timid, unreliable devious and manipulative.When throat chakra is balance, one is a good listener, able to communicate clearly, creative and able to express self. All arts are said to be express from this chakra.
It is said that success and failure in one life depend on Throat chakra.This is the highest growth a man can reach(any further than this will lead one to become enlightened being, a great liberation gateway )It is also said that throat chakra can help one can free from endless dangers. This is also the chakra where helps one to live longer , slowing the aging effect. It does mean that one can achieve immortality (which mean by living another few thousand years more but does not mean one stay permanent alive).
Throat chakra is said to be helping one achieve one goal. If one feel that one goal is not accomplish, this is another chakra one should be well taken care of.
5.2 The illness that related to this is thriod; flu
5.3 One can balance throat chakra using blue colour crystals such as sodalite, azurite. One can also meditate using gyan mudra or mukula mudra.
6. Third Eye chakra – violet
6.1 Third eye chakra is located at the middle of forehead which is related to mind, intuition, heightened self-awareness. It helps in able to see one life clearly. When it is imbalance, one may experience nightmares, obsession, delusion, difficulty in concentrating, headaches, proud, egoistic, dogmatic, poor memory, poor vision, insensitivity, denial, undiscipline , oversensitive and afraid of success. When a person third eye chakra is balance, one is charismatic, intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory and ability to recall dream.
Those who meditate on Third eye chakra can destroy karma (for example: sins) from past lives. There is a note of caution that whoever meditate on chakra from 3rd eye chakra as person who meditate on 3rd eye will begin to understand life is more than one lifetimes and thus material life aspects no longer matter.( for example; we know that gold or currency one had in this earth does not accompany one to his/her next life. karma and merit does) . Therefore, one may become yogi or beggar by the person own choice.
6.2 illness that is related to third eye chakra are schizophrenia kidneys.
6.3 One can balance third eye chakra by using violet type of crystals such as amethyst , sodalite or lapis. One can try shmabhavi mudra as well.
Crown chakra – white
7.1 crown chakra is located above head and it is related with self realization, wisdom, understanding and enlightment. When it is imbalance , one maybe catatonic, spiritual addiction, migrain, depression, manic, difficult to make decision, domineering, greed, materialism, learning difficults. A healthy crown chakra has the characteristics of being intelligent, thoughtful, spiritual awareness, open minded, wise and understanding.
7.2 Illness that maybe related to crown chakra involve psychosis
7.3 One can balance crown chakra through amethyst, clear quartz or meditate using akashi mudra.

I found out that if one keep a black tourmaline, it can slowly help cleanse all the main chakra. It is also a very important stone that help you if you are in a situation where you will feel expecially fatigue after talking to someone as it prevent your energy being drain away. As black toumaline is said to help keep negativities away.
* Ametrine although is powerful but i do not recommend carrying it as it can be very dangerous to one mental state(perhaps due to citrine and amethyst had different way of cleansing energy ). it is safer to carry both citrine and amethyst than carrying an ametrine.
Amber also helps in cleansing your negativity from all of your chakra and thus your body can slowly heal back. Do note that the amber will become more ugly the more it absorb negativity in the surrounding. User are advised to keep wear it for health reason.
A normal agate is good for removing blockage for all of your chakras albeit it takes time to work. It is excellent for people who wish to have gradual releasing as sometimes those circumstances need to be slowly released in order not to cause any major disturbance.
*keeping a set of rainbow color ribbons or clothes (including black and white ribbon) in your right pocket will help to energize your chakra . If you are wondering how it looks like , it is similar to celtic wedding handfasting ribbons. it seems to be much stronger than rainbow color paper.
*lavendar scent is able to dispel negatives energy from one body and aura and thus it is said to be able to balance all chakras.
*meditation on chakra to awaken kundalini must be taken great care as it is said each chakra had its own test one must passed. When one try to awaken a particular chakra in improper way, it can result in the chakra releasing one karma on the chakra and cause a lot of psychology, emotional issue to the person(however, meditation on ajna chakra can help to release those chakra karma safely). Therefore i recommend one to follow a proper instruction under a proper teacher. Main reason is a person can become maniac or psycho as a result from improper activating the chakra/kundalini.
* It is believe that we have about 1000 chakras (include the 7 major chakras mention above). If all chakras is properly activated, cleanse and balance, perhaps we do reach the state of superhuman natural abilities. ALthough it is said that we have 1000 chakras and 7000 nadis , by taking good care of the 7 major chakras , a lot of health issue, emotional and mental issues can be solve( as there are many minor chakras which link to the 7 major chakras) . One may even slowly develop one psychic and intuition abilities as more chakras are clenase , balance and activate.
*if you are considering of getting a complete chakra set crystals by which you would love to have a dedicated set for each major chakra, i would advise you to try from starting the top chakra down to root chakra expecially if you are in critical situation. This is based on my own experience as i was actually trying to start from root chakra way up to crown chakra , one each month but the end result is not fast enough. i would advise getting crystal sets that can repair aura and protect aura as well.
*final conclusion: All 7 major chakras are equally important and all should be taken good care of. The lower 3 chakras (from root to solar plexus) has more relation with one physical and material life (money , properties and karma). from Heart chakra and above, one are able to do action that is beyond law of karma. It is more related to the aspect of spiritual side.

*check the tibet singing bowl music as well as chakra mantra. The tibet singing bowl music is powerful that you can feel your crown chakra is being cleansed for listening and activated while i think each chakra mantra can purify karma related to the chakra. 
Wish you all have happy , prosperous , healthy long life :)
And for thus who wish to liberate and attain enlightenment , may you will attain soon. =)


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