ideas to make extra money (FD25082020-3)

1. be a mystery shopper.
2. rent your room out .
3. rent out your parking space.
4. sell your item through auctions / ebay
5. setting stalls to sell your items.
   - in britain , they call it car boot sales , or garage sales in other place or marketplace.
   - there are even shops who will buy back your extra christmas gift.
6. write and sell ebooks.
7. blogging or paid writing.
8. babysitting.
9.  offer to help out with your neighbour garden cleaning.
10. part time mailer / promoter .
    - from time to time there may be company who want to do advertising by spreading catalogue in specific housing area or in mall.
    - there may be also events/roadshow that require temporary promoter for few days until the event is over. 
11. teaching tuitions.

12. selling blood - depend on the places you live in, some place like hospital do buy blood . check with your country law first to see if it is legal to do it.

Ideas to Improve financial circumstances
1. wealth vase - there are many wealth vases and has it own proper procedure to help enhance your financial situation such as deity wealth vase , norbum vase and naga vase . do make sure that the wealth vase you invite has been properly bless as well .
2. wealth mantra
3. crystals such as citrine
4. feng shui wealth


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