Mewa - Tibet astrology horoscope (FD28082020-2)

Mewa is a tibet astrology counted based on tibet new year. If you had experience some kinds of difficulties in your life but the chinese horoscope and the western horoscope did not explain it, perhaps you should take check whether your birth mewa in tibet will able to give a clue to your present life circumstances.

Although i am not able to explain on how to calculate your birth year mewa , given that the fact i tried it myself and end up getting confuse . There is a website that teach one how to calculate birth year mewa and you may have to add one more year to your ages (as it is said baby that are born are consider 1 year old in tibet) .

Nevertheless , i found it interesting that if you had consider all your family member mewa, you may be able to get a clue what kind of difficulties that your family and you can get into in the future. And one may taken the necessary steps to reduce the worst possible situations. Another thing that i noted are some of the difficulties experiences are coming from one own past life karma, indirect from family member actions and even a debt karma that committed by your ancestor . But lets face it, you are born as their descendant for a reason and you should be grateful the fact you are alive and born isn't it?

The information below are belonging to other websites (which i thought it is a very good and life saving information ) that i decided to introduce into my website with a bit of my own additional suggestions . For the actual full detail please visit the following link:

and if you are looking for additional information that may help you with your mewa situation, check the end of this page as i had included a general information for all mewa such as where to find puja help, tsa tsa and create merits through water offering. 

*additional info:
this site seem to have information of mewa related to your english years . (however do take note that it may not be entirely correct as i remember that the mewa calculation is based on tibet buddhism new year calendar which usually start on feb or march of the year). buddha has also said that do not believe his teaching blindly plus kalachakra prediction has mention that the astrology information could be tamper one day and no one may notice about the changes. so do exercise good judgement with respect to the buddha teaching. Disrespect buddha teaching can cause huge negative karma even though you may not realise about it.

another interesting birth mewa info

*sixty cycle astrology information. this info seem pretty accurate as well.

*this 9 link are from tsem rinpoche from kechara which the author thought the description for health issue seem to be very accurate*

mewa 1
mewa 2

mewa 3

mewa 4

mewa 5

mewa 6

mewa 7

mewa 8

mewa 9


mewa 1

Anyone who is born in this year is said to be given by heaven god. The person will likes to travel and is a brave man. Even if the person is a female , she is consider to be not inferior to others (But she will need to change house).

The person descendants will suffer from handicaps, rheutamitisms, arighitie, eye problem, blindness or shoulder pain, eyes and nose problems.

The person will had early change of fortune and will go through psyhological suffering and sadness (though it was being understood that the unhappiness originated from the thoughts and not from the heart). The good news are , the person later part of life will be happy and harmonious.

The person are said to like dairy animals, milk and wine products .

The danger encounter by this person are the person may be provoke by king spirit, thumb size spirit and gongpo spirits which make the person feel the burning of mind. There are big danger that gongpo spirit will enter the heart. At the same time, the protector of this person are said to be white female naga spirits (protect the person from negative influence)

It is recommended that to pacify such situation, one should make avalokiteshvara statue and recite the mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum". So that the next life, the person will be reborn as male in rich family, god or brahman in this world.

Another website info:
birthmark: has birth mark or mole on the right side. left handed.
either an only one child or only one child turn out to be useful. travel a lot. good in social work. likes to move here and there. snakes are their protector. has difficult with kids - things happen to them. bad temper but good mine. difficult early life bu the longer it gets the life will be better. like white things like milk, butter...

*Author own note: for psychological suffering and health problems, you may want to try medicine buddha mantra.

Dzi bead : 7 eyes dzi bead is said to be 8 medicine buddha blessings and 11 eye dzi bead had both wealth and "om mani padme hum" mantra blessings.
sur offering - it is aroma offering to various realm beings such as spirit world that help them in their situation which is something like providing foods to them. but i think it is wiser to consult authorise temple and monks for doing a proper ritual.

*Author own suggestion:
- apana  hand mudra which is use by ancient india for meditation are said to be helpful to clean inner body toxin as it activate kidney to eliminate toxin . meditate at least 10 minutes per day with the mudra for body maintenance . 

- Vipula Garbhe Mani Prabhe Tathagata Dharani - while this mantra do not cure eyesight problem, it has the potential to prevent one from being blind in future. therefore the author think this can help those who are starting experience  blindness to prevent from total blindness.  (all buddha mantra usually had the ability to cure all sort of health disease, but it may took much longer time if it wasn't particularly mention by the buddha.)


Mewa 2

Person who born with mewa 2 will suffer from various problems as a consequences of his birth brought obstacles to his parents, relatives, friends or to property. There maybe some suffering which will make him cry. Even if the person does his work with positive mind and good heart, people will treat him wrongly or his work obtain little appreciation. If he is a religious practitioners, he will have power psyhic energy. The person will have characteristics of loving meat, very nervous and aggressive. Due to the karma committed by his ancestors , his characters will be influenced and turn into strange one. He will care for his work in morning and become careless in evening. He will possess unchangeable mind and powerful speech. He will be provoke by sadak and debo. Dud and war god will protect him, therefore he will not suffer from minor spirits. His birth will have negative effect for his relatives due to provocation from spirits. Their prosperous will be lost . He himself will be difficult to grow up. Even when grow up , there maybe separation with partners or difficulty to grow children. His descendants may suffer the same (which is lack of children).

To pacify, it is advisable to make vajrapani statue and practise. He will be reborn a heavenly god, or son of a wealthy spirit or as male in human world.

Another website info:
if child is first born, then easy to care. often sick when as child. has nice speech but bad mind.try do good things but no one like him.if is monk or bon member, then is a very strong meats and alcohol. has many friends he love, but no fortune to stay with them, thus no result. if sick when adult, then very hard to cure.

Author note:
* 8 eye dzi bead and 5 eye bead with lightning symbol maybe helpful as both of this bead had vajrapani blessings. 8 eye dzi bead will be helpful in term of carelessness situations.

Mewa 3

People born with mewa 3 loves sleeping, have a big and brave heart. Their belongings are instable. His family lost the prospoerous as a result of his birth. The person will be greedy and tricky . The person like to show his knowledge without properly knowing it (religion matter). If the person is a man will be talkative. If the person is a womern, will lose husband early. The person will not humiliated by upper class but from lower people. People hidden in shadow will be his enemy. There are possible separate from partner by speaking. Always change mind, does what he want and difficult to be influence by others, ambitious and difficult to satisfy. Spirits always try to interfere and thus bring unsuccessfullness in work. Although did good to otehrs but will receive blames. Ancestors were kill or died under a knife or anotehr weapon. Some of his family (father side) had been separated from family or have been in poor situation. May remain single of hold two places . The person enjoy good health but will die of chronic diseases or accidents. The person and his descendent , the cause of death may be result from falling or rolling down from a mountain, sword or suffocation. Children may had problem with internal organs , skin diseases and so on. has good protector but went away because of his negative and contaminated works. Therefore the wealth are stolen by dhre or enemy.

Pacify: One should make very generous gift and recite mantra of vajrasattva for 10,000 or 100,000 times. If build vajrasattva statue, he will reborn in the west with a different language as a daughter of rich family.

Becareful of the burning near the spirit of house or land. Keep attention to negative energy and force.

another website info:
likes to sleep, strong mind but instability in life.a bit greedy. at work, not able to concentrate and tend to skip around.if male, talk less, if female tenmd to be sad.difficult to change. blame comes even when he does a good for others. have many wives (husbands) but no children. will go to and die in another country. may have paralysis.

Author suggestions: 5 eye dzi bead will help with yang prosperous.


Mewa 4

Those born with mewa 4 love to travel and do a lot of mental work. The person will be profound with a negative mind , love cleanliness , easy get nervous . The person will dispense generosities but will only receive blame and negativities. The person will receive a lot of jobs or occupations which require travelling and many sufferings. People will talk a lot about him. He does good job but result will be claim by others. The person does not like lower position but people will not let him come up (for a very good reason too). There will be no big income although the person does not spend a lot. through contamination, May suffer instable income and need change place. The person descendant will have sensory porogram or suffer from many court case and misfortune because of having one Yang prosperous from house.
there maybe has a sadak spirit at house or working place which cause the person to have gout, rheutmatism, skin diseases, pimples, mental disorder or depression. The shape or the spirit is similar to a crescent moon or bow. *check out with picture as well*

for pacification : it is recommended to make vajrapani statue or 10,000 stamp clay. The person will reborn as powerful trantician or magician or reborn as a son of a rich family in west. Recommended to do naga puja, if goes well will receive great boon.

another website info:
avoid funerals. cleanliness is important otherwise naga give bad disease.likes to travel. has deep mind but sometimes bad. difficult having children. if has property, then is farmland. life is unstable .sadness sometimes. people gossip about him(there are puja and mantra that cut down gossip) . does good thing but other gets credit.does not like to be lower than others but find little opportuity to rise.whatever he has inside, stays with him.nagas are his protector. vegetarian with 4 wedding.

Author own suggestion:
1. 4 eye dzi bead - has the blessings of 4 bodhissattvas which help with court case as well as reducing sufferings.
2. hotu dzi bead also help with law matter by helping the court case more favourable. In the long term, it can help prevent one from getting into court case . (in my own experience, i was transfer to another job nature which does not involve with court case, so i do think hotu dzi does help ).
3. 5 eye with lighning dzi bead - this dzi bead are a symbolize of 5 wealth god (which i think is dzambhala ) and with vajrapani symbol.


Mewa 5

Mewa 5 person have strong and stable mind .Own great knowledge and will be depend on his parents ( said to be born in the right place). The person is someone with powerful speaking, intelligent, highly ambitious and difficult to satisfy. The person like to help orphan child. The person is someone who will be unhappy of his work , will not be talkative and like to postpone his duties. Yet there is a contradict statement that said the person will perform strong ambition but not ambitious . The person is said to have stable mind and good control (discipline). If the person had instable mind and talking unrelated things or having very fast & sharp mind , this is the signs of the person past life in present live. The person will have good general prosperity except animals ( but their property will be instable) . The person will have difficulty with children but if the person try, it will be fix to 5. If the person spend much time in religious practice, the person will be long life. In term of health , the person may suffer contagious fever, robberies or killings. If the person is a male, the person will suffer health problem at adult. (Seem that female will start at younger age related to other blaming) Some people whom the person had been helpful , will transform into his enemy and may create great blame to him.

The person will be provoke by king spirit and various more. Even gyalpo spirit may interfere and the person will be nervous and aggressive. The person will lose control of his mind which become too flexible. The person may get a problem of hysteria or depression, will die suicide of knive or provoke by a ma-mo. The person will have strange dream (signs coming from his protector and spirits) . There are danger connected to a knive (both the person and the person descendant). descendents will get a problem of hysteria or depression , will die suicide by knive or provoke by mamo.

However, if the person belong to a bonpo or a buddhist or other spiritual heritage , then will not suffer problem related to spirits.
The person need to pay attention to knives (I don't think knive situation is only arise from spirit related problem but possibly from robbery or daily life as well) and need to make a propitiation to his protectors. A great need for confession to his protectors to transform the negativities. It is advise that the person should be a good spiritual practitioner.

to Pacify : make buddha statue or print dorhe coepa. please read the original website for more details.

Another website info:
dharma person. astrologer mewa. very devoted person with stable mind.very intelligent and religious.obedient to parents. follow their customs and tradition. does not travel much or go far.has strong dream because his protector is angry(his protector coming from his ancestor whom he has ignored). hard to please. smart and quick thinker.restless. has very high expectation of others.always helps others but they become his enemies.gossip about him. has 5 childrens.has wealth in the form of peorpety, house, land.will live long if religious.virtuous and educated.possesssion unstable.if female, gets more gossip.if angry, difficult to please him.has good and stable mind.tend to the disease of gall bladdr and heart attack.

Author suggestions :

Kalachakra picture - This is a rather coming from my personal gut feelings as kalachakra help to make a place more positive (and thus may help creating your place become spiritual place) .
6 eye dzi bead - for problem related to robbery , killings
Guan Yin bead - Guan yin bodhisattva is so compassionate that upon reciting her name sincerely when in danger can get you out of danger.
Amitayu mantra - for long life.
Shakyamuni buddha - something about if he sees you , he will make sure you will not die of murder (if i remember correctly). So you may want to bring your descendants to pray and make offerings such as food, clothes, incense, flowers , butter lamp or candle, water and even some gold to shakyamuni buddha statue :) be sure to check the expiry date of your offerings and also what is the ingredient use to make the item. (a lot of alcohol and meat products these days ) . Or you can do a lot of water bowls offering (drinkable water) to represent it.
Medicine buddha - if you can recollect your thoughts ,worship and make offerings to medicine buddha , you will be liberated from various danger such as water , knives , poison, fire , dangerous places and beasts . if you recollect and woship medicine buddha, you will be free from other country invade , thieves and riot. it seem that visualing an offering to medicine buddha in your thoughts can help you when you are in danger (your good intention thoughts that count the most ). Still i would recommend you to go with a real offering whenever possible . 
* heard that there is some conduct and rules with the guru so you may want to ask your guru what is the right approach with practising spiritual and mantra and so on.


Mewa 6

Those who born as mewa 6 is intelligent but with unstable mind. The person love traveling and sleeping. If the person is female, the person will be soft spoken but internally aggressive. The person will not be rich but will hold two houses. The person will have few descendants as the protector is unhappy. There will be little kindness coming from parent side but the person will be strong, physically and mentally. The person will have many relatives but at the end will be only one, will have many girl friends but will be single. The person are kind to others but will receive a negative responses.communication ways and faces will not be beautiful but have beautiful mind. Give good help to others but will be destroy by his mouth. if receives black magic from shaman or magician, this will harm the person. Will need to change his residence and problems will arise from his father relatives side. There are competition among relatives but the person will be weak in front of wife. Easy to make friendship which do not last long. The person will not be rich but for property with red colour material will be prosperous. The person properties are unstable and there are danger that there will be people that take the person house. Health wise is ok but if get disease will be dangerous to his life.

pacify : make a gtsugtor and a statue of his spiritual master will transform the negative into positive. will be reborn in west as a great learn person or reborn in heaven.

spirit wise , the person will suffer from having few descendants. Some spirits will provoke him but bholha and war god spirits will always protect him. May also suffer form the spirit of heaven. There will be spirit that disturb the person in this life and a contaminated spirit arise from contaminated sexual contact will provoke him. Therefore the person is advice to pay attention of sexual misconduct and need to take care about his nervous system and brain.

Another website info:
intelligent.mood and appearance always changing.travels a lot. if female, has nice speech but bad mind.receive portection from own local deities. could be very poor.will not living near birthplace.will be build himself greate than his parent.seldom i\sick. if sick, hard to cure.many relatives, none of whom offer very much help.many enemies. does goof for others but is still blame. have 3-5 children.have 3 to five children. children possible handicapped.not much power in family but wife is powerful.quite bad-tempered.

Author suggestions :

5 eye dzi bead - 5 eye dzi bead had the blessings of 5 dhyani buddhas which the amoghasiddhi buddha helps to purify speech karma and also related to competition aka jealousy emotions.
garuda dzi bead - garuda dzi bead one of the powerful feature is helps one to identify sickness (when one feeling an unusual strong pain, it could mean you had a hidden sickness which need to check by doctor) which may be good for your nervous system and brain.


Mewa 7

The person born in year mewa 7 is wrathful and aggressive. For this person, happiness and sorrow like sun in spring (the meaning of shining but cold) . The person does not avoid sinful deeds and has a strong ego. The person will be powerful but there will be more interferences to bring the person down. The person will grow slowly and steadily up but unfortunately on the spot will destroy his work like a hot pan fry. In term of properties, there is a strange meaning which i don't grasp it either. The person and the property will need each other but they will not be together (the possibility of got fate but not mean to be together). The person is easy and forgetful and love RED MEAT. If the person is female, the person love to sleep and probability will be separate from husband. The person love fighting so may have fighting since childhood with father side. And there is probability of paying fine in court. The person is said to be brave heart and will be skillful. The person will receive blames without reason and will be escape from his work but you can find him where there is food , the person will be there.

The person may have a family history where the person ancestor or brother may be kill by sword. The person will be in danger because of a knife. Will have big trouble in health due to red meat. Descendants will die by metal or many will die during travelling . the person may have blood or gastric disorder or cholities and may also suffer from minor skin and so on.

 The person children are fix to 7. good health, will be prosperous in white and red colour properties.

The person may face provocation from mountain dwelling spirit (apparently the spirit are conditioned to do so) so he will get more problems with the knive.*there's a possibility of the sinful deed this person done in the past maybe this lifetime action and the mountain spirit are condition to ripen the consequences of the action* And at the same time another mountain dwelling spirit will protect him also. The person will need to make a house of spirit  and worship btsen spirit . (consult the right monk  , you would not want to make a mistake about this)  

for pacification: build Tara statue and confess his negative. Then there is a possibility of reborn as male or as monk strict on discipline.

advice : avoid fighting and playing with knives. especially avoid fighting with the father side.

another website info:
if female, then likes to sleep.if married, will not last long.likes to fight. has a strong body and ruddy complexion.may succumb from sudden disease. could die from his love of meat or something similar. his generation always show suicide and murder. 7 childrens. life very unstable.

Author suggestions: 

(should be a vegetarian once in a while.. ;)

21 eye dzi bead / green tara dzi bead - both of this dzi bead are linked with tara. 21 eye dzi bead is a more easily available dzi bead and said to be the highest one. One may encounter a lot of obstacles with Tara mantra but it is a blessing in disguise as Tara mantra ripen your negative karma at early stage.    

5 eye or 11 eye dzi bead helps with strong ego situation.
and some amulets for your descendant to wear while travelling.
turtle back dzi bead helps with health problem.

Medicine buddha - if you can recollect your thoughts ,worship and make offerings to medicine buddha , you will be liberated from various danger such as water , knives , poison, fire , dangerous places and beasts . if you recollect and woship medicine buddha, you will be free from other country invade , thieves and riot.
it seem that visualing an offering to medicine buddha in your thoughts can help you when you are in danger (your good intention thoughts that count the most ). Still i would recommend you to go with a real offering whenever possible .


Mewa 8

The person born in Mewa 8 are said to be a son of dewa. The person is slow , profound and little talkative but strict. The person will hold two residences, protect by high spirrit. The person will be white complexion, sharp nose and big ego. The person gain respect from people because the person is the jewel of the world. The person are under protection of high god and get sympathy from people. Therefore the person will have few difficulties in life , healthwise is is easy to cure and have a happy life. The person is a good person and has good protector. Noble people will love him but lower class people will be against him. There are danger of disputes between him and his son and this can be used by other people to disturb his family. However be very careful of having grudges as people will start to be negatives feelings of him and because of this energy, the person will get angry and restless. If the protector aren't happy, he will become nervous for no reason. The person will be speaking without subject, running without reason , without object he will like to beat.
Will have 3 childrens or 6. The person has fortune of good children and the person himself will be successful lawyer. His children may become successful lawyer too.

The person is protect by war god and king spirit. but the person need to make propitiations. The person protector may be angry at him and hgondre and king spirits from neighbour people can be harmful to him. 

for pacification, the person is recommended to make buddha statue. 

* the most important is be very careful with grudge toward relatives or others. There are chances of spirit of grudge will provoke him and can be destructive in future.

another website info:
avoid dirty things, stay clean. protection from local deities.could go to another place from where born.pleasant but proud.good hands for art and craft.religious and virtuous. elegant people like him.bad people don't like him.tendency to gossip causing bad relationship.

Author suggestions :

bat dzi bead / ruyi dzi bead - These both dzi bead helps with family matter and happiness. ruyi dzi bead can help keep your entire family safe .
as for grudges - there are quite a few buddha and boddhisattva that helps with anger . such as vajrapani bodhisattva, akshobya buddha , medicine budddha or even om mani padme hum mantra. Each is good in its own way. So i can't really suggest a specific one.  but you may like vajrapani and vajrapani mantra, there is something special about vajrapani mantra may even solve out negative energy issue coming from negative environment (probably a must since we are living in a very polluted environment with radiation, pollutions and all electronic signal wave). Medicine buddha helps in making sure that your life are good and healthy.  .Regardless each buddha and bodhisattva is good in its own way.  
* to be continue and edit in future*

Mewa 9:

Those who belong in mewa 9 are said to be the son of a deva physician. The person are said to hold 7 holy hook flowers in right hand and seven on the left . There fore, if the person is not separate from these flowers, the person won't need to be depend on others. Even if the parents are poor, the person will be rich.  However if separated from from these flower, the person will break his prosperous and will disminish its power. The person relatives will turn into enemies. if the person is female , not harm will result however ,If the person happen to be shaman or buddhist or spiritual practitioner , this will be even more worse to him. The person is said to have open mind with big jealous and strong desire for properties. If the person does not dry his prosperous, will be later in the part of his life. A spirit from black material will provoke his children (and i think it will keep happen whenever such opportunity arise).
 Therefore a yang prosperous sgrub ceremony should be perform (*couldn't find any info related to this ceremony yet *) If does not separate from the yang , the person shouldn't have no problem will occur for those that are hardworking and a mouthful of food. The most dangerous point are enemies will arise from where one never thought before. The person relatives may become enemies and the person may become public focus. love by noble people but hate by lower class people. The person will devoted to a very strange religion.

for pacification , one should build manjushri statue and recite mantra. The person will then reborn as son of rich family in west or rich , miser person or a god dwelling in sky. The person will be protect by mountain dwelling spirit & son of a sman-mo . A spirit dwell in mountain water or small forest will provoke the person however.

for recovering yang , one are advice to keep animals. Then the person yang prosperous will recover and begin to collect.

another website info:
if keeps flowers well then could be rich man. could be proud or greedy.older life better than young life.very brave. may well live better than other where born.wealth include cow, livestocks in general.has to keep his wealth with are or obstacles could destroy it.good for female but not for monks or bons.

Author own suggestion :
5 eye dzi bead will help with jealous emotion .
Guan Yin dzi bead - this will help with negative karma past lifes related to other people (enemies) .  In other word, purify your past negative karma.
Flower pictures - Try have more than 15 flowers picture display in your home (or you can buy a gardening book with various type of flowers pictures - you probably need to be the owner of the flower picture). Something good may happen later on.
*among all i think people born in this mewa are probably had the most dangerous life situation compare to others  resulted from enemies*
vairocana light mantra- think this is useful to lessen the possibility that one life will be degenerated from the present circumstances one are in.
meditation with gyan mudra - this method originate from india (hand mudra) . it is believe that it will help healing with nervous system .  meditate at least ten minutes per day for maintenance purpose.
- take plant-based food that help repair, balance  and maintain nervous system such as b12. extra note should be taken care including food that can stress the nervous system.

- oct 2018 -  Sgrub ceremony - the author getting the impression that this is probably some sort of wealth puja that related to wealth vase. (do check with the tibet temple for more clarification). this author  couldn't find back where the actual info the author read across recently.
-  sponsor manjushri statue.
(this is for the wall of the temple )

wealth vase information.
- wealth vase information. and the second link is a lama norlha puja services for those who are interested to sponsor one for the temple.

 *usnisa vijaya dharani
- purify evil . those (who born through four mode birth) who listen to this dharani will not have more trouble or repeat their old troubles in their present life. 


General suggestions for all Mewa :
* for types of puja and monthly , you can check out with fpmt website. The main fpmt accept donations for its various projects starting from Us1 dollar. Its a good way for those who wish to do good deeds and also create merits into far future lives for yourself or for anyone you want to dedicate to (family, friends and so on..). for specific puja , you may want to check out with the local branch. there are some tsa tsa available too.

* another simple method of creating wealth and purify poverty is said to be making offering of waters to the statue of buddha or in front of buddha image (on an altar) . The usual standard are 8 bowl water as each represent a meaning starting from the drinking water, water for buddha to wash feet , flowers , incense, light, scent , food and sound. So make sure it is water that is hygiene and drinkable, water that is good for the stomach as you never know when your merit of this action is ripen and you get exactly the same quality of water for your own drinking. The more bowls of water offering you can do (and if can offer daily) the better as it mean the faster you will accomplish your spiritual and mundane goal. Yet this topic can be a wide subject itself so its wise if you take initiative and read more about it.And i strongly recommend reading the proper way of making the water bowl offering and when cleaning it . This is because the buddha is like your VIP in your house.  if you think you had make a minor error when doing offering in the past, you can try recite vajrasattva mantra to correct your error.

* wealth vase - is another vase from tibet culture which you are suppose to put in ingredients in the vase and seal it with proper ingredient and instruction. this is said to help attract elemental energies which will help to build/attract your wealth. this is something beyond my budget at this time (although affordable to most people) so i am not able to give opinion from my own personal experience.  the original wealth vase of tibet culture are said to be seal with 5 colors cloth. therefore you can check it yourself from world of feng-shui by lilian tao.

*sur offering - this is a donation charity which is said to help clear your karma , create merits , wealth and prosperity including pacifying obstacle to your projects and business. More importantly, it is charity to other sentient beings like hungry ghosts. It is said that If your house are infested by termites or mouse (example they eat your property or damage it like vegetable  ) it is a sign you have karmic debt and doing sur offering daily(if possible) will help to clear your karma. *you may want to do this offering through temple as i think sur offering may involve burning incense and for proper procedure reason*

* Umbrella Goddess Saddhana  - White umbrella goddess sadhana said to help neutrealize heavy karma brought by parent or ancestor. So you may want to consider this.

* vairocana light mantra- think this is useful to lessen the possibility that one life will be degenerated from the present circumstances one are in. 

* extra note: it do seem that i am experiencing a lot of difficulties when i'm trying to publish this intriguing article that i may not be able to fully write out the entire article in a proper format. So i will just do an instant publishing here and there are possibilities you will have to get the answer to your questions you have through your own initiatvies (as it is likely i have so many karmas interrupting my life which i need to work out immediately before everyone are drown by it). Unless those karma do not mean much to you and therefore you never take initiative to solve/prevent it yourself.

* This article are mean for the good welfare of everyone and their families being. So that you may have a happy and harmony life with your family for a very long time.

*Paso (Lasso) mudra Mantra
Mantra: Om JiLiLoRa MoNaiRa Hum Pat
The author think this mantra is beneficial for those whose mewa where property has unstable situation.


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