The important of Vitamin Niacin (vitamin B3) (FD29082020-1)
The Importance of Niacin (Vitamin B3) - every part of the body need it to function properly. - help lower cholesterol, ease arithis, boost brain function Function of Vitamin - aid enzymes to covert food into energy - regulate blood sugar - help nervous system function properly - maintain healthy brain cell - promote sleep that cause by depression Sign of Deficiency: - memory loss , mental confusion - fatigue - depression - headache - diarhhae - skin problems - amnesia - death (if left untreated) - anxiety - restlessness - poor concentration - bright red tongue - constipation Sign of Over-nutrients: - skin rashes - dry skin - liver damage - high blood sugar level - type II diabetes - birth defects risk Daily Recommend Intake: men above 14 years old : 16mg per day women above 14 years old : 14mg per day Vegan food sources: - peanuts - dry roasted - 14.4mg per 100g - lentils - portabella mushroom - 6.3mg per 100gram - brown rice ...