type of offering by master hai tao video (FD13062020-2) (under progess)

below are the information  got from the video. due to difference explanation , most of the offering here are meant that the merits are receive by the one who do the offering (offering to buddha statue). so for those who want the other person to recover , it is best to do the offering on behalf of the person and dedicate the merits to the person . (the author do not cover the lenghty explaination , and only write down the key point of the offering type merits)

1. video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjuG5WPMidE

incense - good smelling sense , skin will emit  good fragrance  and will love to listen to buddha dharma teaching.
light offering - improve wisdom, beautiful eyes , skin will become white (because of candle light ability to brighten the area), will not fall down easily (for example will not easily trip while walking)
apple , mango - human relationship will be good
cane - speaking ability will be very sweet , can also increase wealth
pineapple - because it is pointy, bad things will go away (pineapple is also offer to prevent extra marital issue due to third party)
grape - one will have many descendants
banana - purify karma obstacle
 coconut - parents will be healthy . one won't easy get  stroke.
offer monk robe to monks - rebirth as king in future lifetime , also can increase safety of one person from bodily harm such as accidents

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Q5TV2nsts

most of the offering here are meant to offer to buddha statue.
light offering - beneficial for those who eye vision are not good.
   - also beneficial for parents who need surgery.

flower (all type ) - good for those with skin issue
cloth , napkin bath towel give to sangha (monk and nun) for washing face and body - good for skin
 monk robe offer to monks - will get high status rebirth in future lifetime

banana , banana palm - good for those who are having examination , those who are seeking promotion . (because banana are easy to be peel off, thus the merit of banana is that one will easy get the reward effect, less obstacle to one goal)

apple, mango - beneficial for those who seek to get a good job and good boss.

cane - for those wishing their father to be long life, good mood.

durian - for those who want to protect their partner for external marital affair (as durian fruit is stinky and pointy)

seed of fruits such as tangerine , grape - for those who wish for wealth. (the apple seed law  where one apple seed when planted can become a tree can bore 100 apples concept from one tree)

coconut, star fruit  - can cool down anger

coconut - can cool down anger, wishing parents to be healthy.

white color flower - beneficial for those who are sick

yellow color flower - beneficial for those who want wisdom and wealth

pink color flower- for those who wish their business relationship good

pink color flower, red color flower - for those people who wish to find a good partner (good husband, good wife)

black color flower (darker color flower) - for those who wish suffering to end fast

water offering - 1 bowl of water offering to buddha is equal to one hundred ten thousand merit of reciting amitabha buddha name, and wealth buddha merit. enable one to become rich.

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rc4l5O_5YQ

most of the item here can be offer to buddha, make as sur offering to ghost and donate to human to eat to generate merits as listed.

offer black sesame - good for kidney. as sesame is heat type of food.

almond, apricot tea - good for high blood lipid, high cholesterol problem. as it can purify blood.

coconut oil, coconut milk - good for cure high blood pressure.

fruits - fruits can dispel poison.(the poison here refer to poison that come from eating meat). fruit can also dispel worldly contagious disease.

angelica sinesis - lessen the sensitive body. beneficial for people who visit cemetery who then unable to sleep because of that.

soybean - good for skin.

cashew - good for brain. good for headache problem . also for those with bone pain.

small rice, banana - good for stomach problem.

black bean - good for eye sight.

offer mee - represent long life (because it is long). for those who get aid disease, if offer mee to buddha at wednesday, the aids pain can be reduce alot.

to lessen cancer problem - do a lot more chinese medicine offer , do a lot more life release animal.

for elderly people - do a lot more light offering to buddha to dispel karma , and do a lot more life release animal for long life without sickness.

for elderly people who is disable - offer glutinous rice with sugar as offering so that the dying elder easily pass away with less pain.

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d32cdoha7L8


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