Mantras that lessen obstacles (FD18062020-6)

1.  Amitabha Mantra

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mantra : Om Amidewa Hrih
mantra : Om Amitabha Hrih (sanskrit version)
- This mantra helps to create safe feeling. A protective mantra that also help to cut anger, attachment (especially material attachment)and ignorance. And it also helps to purify delusions . Many people recite this mantra because they want to reborn in Amitabha land which is said to be the most easiest land to be reborn in pure realm compare to other pure realm (and you won't have to worry about financial life there ). It is also said that amitabha mantra are so powerful that it is the last buddha name to be dissappear in this earth. Therefore if you can keep recite "Om Amideva Hrih" , it will bring additional blessings as both Om and Hrih has its own blessings in it.
sutra about amitabha pureland: 
Author personal experience: without this, even computer (home and office) and atm will malfunction frequently.

2. Vajra Kilaya
mantra:  Om Ah Hum Vajra kili kilaya hum pey
note :  need empowerment / initiation for recitation.
-able to pacify evil spirits, protect one from black magic influence and give good geomancy. This mantra has a lot of blessings as it is believe the best protection to be recite at the time of war , earthquake and volcano eruption. there is also many other types of blessings as it can help transmute one negative emotion into positive ( to the point that can even transmute negative emotion causes by sabotagers) , believe to be able to pin down demon ,   protect one possesssion , correct one lung essence , purify obstacle , and even said to be helpful in food poisoning cause by some bad traders selling poisoning food. (*i think most likely through lessening the chance of getting food poisoning because of bad heart traders )  
this is a wrathful protector mantra , therefore one need empowerment / initiation for recitation. 

- on the other hand if you are looking for kilaya amulet type , you can check for the phurba (kilaya) dzi bead or if you prefer a more ornamental style (basically a dagger looks ). Just do make sure that it is really conscerated by genuine monk .

Author note: very powerful obstacle clearance including drought, flood and so on. also remove whatever is bad for enlightenment.

Author note - Jan 2018: according to Shaman Elder Maggie,to practise this mantra , one need to have extensive years in Buddhism and empowerment from high monk .

3. Sur offering
this is a ritual which give offering especially to the hungry ghost. sur offering is more common in tibet tradition. it is believe that by helping to alleviate the hungry ghost hunger, one can pay one debt that cause other in poverty and eventually accumulate wealth.
Author note: there are procedures to get it done so best to participate in the temple.
Author note 2 : also pacify obstacles. 

4. make tsa tsa of buddha
- pacify obstacle,bad condition, accidents and sudden disease like heart attack, enemies, interferers and harms.
Author note: didn't get the chance to try this out myself.  for life threatening situation, 21 tara oracle by lilian too recomended to create the number of tsa tsa of amitayu buddha equavalent to one current age.
5. Naga puja
source: no longer available on the internet.
another source:
- naga puja is more common in tibet buddhism though . naga which is known as dragon help bring rain , wealth and good health (usually are done if one had harm naga and become sick because of that . note: singhanada puja is more appropriate if one become very sick ) . Naga puja is also important related to construction building.
Naga puja is offer when one has heavy illness, cancer (especaily getting cancer again) , Alzheimer, skin disease etc....

6. Noble lady Tara Zhen Migyalwari Pamo, invincible heroine, destroying  criticism and harm from "The Smile of Sun And Moon"
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Daha Patsa Hum Phat Svaha
- Zhengyi Migyalma
- mean "invicinble lady" , protect against troublemakers, person who criticize and harass others and people who bring lawsuits.
Author note: Author think that this is a wrathful tara. also deal with enemy. read the website link first for more information.

7. White Mahakala
mantra: Om Guru Mahakala Hari Ni Sa Siddhi Dza
- mahakala is  a dharma protector in which white mahakala are known for specializing in wealth. gaining material and spiritual wealth (including buddha dharma), purifying karma for experience poverty and remove obstacle that block prosperity. support the comfort and economic well being of buddhists. quelling difficulties and obstacles as well as providing necessities and wealth . defend dharma from corruption and degeneration and forces that are hostile to it.keep the site of ritual free from impure thoughts and actions. guide and protect the individual from all kinds of deceptions and delusion.
Author note: also deal with corruption and it is said that demon will not enter area where has mahakala blessing. white mahakala help remove poverty and bring abundance to everyone. for author, it seem that white mahakala mantra help with life necessities such especially kitchen ware. (probably this is the reason why white mahakala is popular as kitchen god). Author think that white mahakala mantra also help with life necessities such as public transport.

8. windhorse prayer flag (lung ta prayer flag)
- this is basically a prayer flag which are printed mantra on it and usually has 5 animals symbols (the center is the windhorse). the origin of lung ta is said to be a king who is sick who consult buddha about his sickness.the buddha saw that the king sickness is originate from obstacles that are put by others. then buddha told the king to release 100,000 prayer flag with faith.
the benefit of release lung ta include
- get rid of curses put upon by others.
-protection from a lawsuit
-eradicate bad dream, bad thoughs, bad actions
- good health
- power over other beings
- wealth
- peace within
- luck and longevity
- success and fulfillment of all aspirations
- purify our bad karma

according to rinchen jangsem ling center,
- help one overcome obstacles
- bring success of all our aspirations
- one will also overcome all enemies and obstacles 
- increase lungta (windhorse) one life force
- bring good opportunities

Author note: need to release on certain date otherwise one could be inviting obstacles.check the tibet buddhism calendar.
also when the wind blow the prayer flag, the wind carries the blessings . and sentient beings who are touch by the wind will get blessings.


9. morning star mantra
mantra: namo akasagarbhaya om arya kamari mauli svaha
- repeat one million time according to requisite ritual in specific time, one gain the abiity to remember and understand any text.
akasagabha help improve memory. one who remove obstacles, help people recognize and overcome their error and encourage the practise of six perfections in addition to compassion. usually pray by artist and craftsman .
Author note: if decide to do one milion times, best to join the shingon buddhism. according to others mention in internet. it is so powerful that the effect can last for few days.this author has try this mantra to improve the poor memory. but found out that  this mantra also seem to increase wisdom . also if one wanted to know where one need to improve one career and work skill, aksaghabha seem to particularly show one where one need to improve that is relevant to one job and skill.akasaghabha mantra is also very good for those who want to walk bodhisattva path. Akasaghabha also protect buddhist.

10.  Padmasambhava Mantra  (100 times daily)
mantra: Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
- usually recite to overcome difficulties in one life.
- if a lot of people recite this mantra together up to millions times  and more , it will help avert negative effect of diseases, famine, unrest, bad harvests, bad omens and indications in all the countries in the world and rain will fall in time, crops will have plenty water supply for agricultural, human and animal life and all region will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions.
- recite 100 times daily , one will become attractive and food , wealth and necessities will come easily.
for more information, check the source link.

11. life release
not a mantra but is a practise where one release animal from being kill. just like you yourself don't want to be kill by another, animal also had this same feeling . so this is an act of compassion.
the benefit of life release is as below:
1. long life
2. self arising compassion
3. good spirits befriend you
4. one feels at home and happy with animals.
5. innumerable merits
6. respect from peers
7. No sickness and troubles
8. Happiness and luck
9. Belief in the buddha path for all of one life.
10. One will not be separated from the triple gem
11. eventual attainment of bodhi.
12. long life of one guru and wishing one best to one guru.
13. Birth in a buddha pureland.

12. Metar barma - she who blazes like fire (21 Tara)
mantra:  Om Tare Tuttare Ture Bhaya Bhasmim Kuru Soha
The tara who defeats hindering demons and obstacles, her body colored red and blazing like fire, holding the red flask that protects from obstacles.

13. Troyer Chen - She Who is Frowning wrathfully
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare ture Vajra Maha Pada Bhasmin Kuru Soha
The tara who destroy hindering demons. The tara who pierces hindering demon.
Author note: The author think this is slightly wrathful mantra.

14. Vipula Garbhe Mani Prabhe Tathagata Dharani
Mantra: Namah Sarva Tathagatanam. Om Vipula Grabhe mani prabhe thathagata nidarsane mani mani suprabhe vimale sagara gambhire hum hum jvala jvala Buddha vilokite guhya dhistita garbhe svaha. - Om mani vajri hum. - Om mani dhari hum phat
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- purify unholy obstacle, accomplish 6 paramita, close the door that lead to bad rebirth and open the door to good rebirth, change demon weapon into flower, subjugate demon, avert poverty, those who hear it shall achieve enlightenment. Also help destroy demon. no fear of thieves, robbers, thugs. no fear of highway and small path. Won't be harm by fierce animal. a lot of sickness won't befall on them including blind, deaf, scro. able to solve all trouble.won't be bully by others. will not die in accidents. won't dumb in future.
Author note: The original source sea translate site are no longer open for public viewing. unless invited. therefore the author decided to remove the link.
This dharani has interested the author partly because it has the ability to turn demon (non human being demon) weapon into flower, help lessen poverty. The author also notice that this dharani seem to help open up job opportunities such as in technology field (where the job itself do not harm sentient beings such as animals). Also heal a lot of sickness.Check the link for detail.

15. Amoghaphasa Dharani and mantra (Mahayana Arya Amoghapasa Hrdaya Sutram)
mantra: "Om Amogha-padma-pasa krodha karsaya praveshaya maha pashu pati yama varuna kuvera brahma vesa dhara padma kula samayam hum hum"
video:not available
mantra benefits:
1. one will be free from all kind of illness
2. Even if the disease is caused by karma, it will dissipate immediately
3.One would be famous and well-liked by all people
4. One’s body will become hidden
5. One will obtain abundant material wealth
6.One’s wealth will not be lost to thieves
7. Indestructible by fire
8. Indestructible by water
9. Inconsficable by the king or ruler
10. All of one’s conduct will be perfected
11. Freedom from the five fears of water with direct self clamor
12. Removing all disturbances
13. One’s personality / character will not be blemished
14. Freedom from fear of the dakinis
15. One’s hardship will not multiply
16. No death caused by weapons, fire or water
17. One will be protected by devas
18. One will obtain love and compassion
19. Happiness
20. Peace of mind wherever one is born
Furthermore, one will also receive the eight qualities as follows (ED: strange that it lists an additional 3 qualities, totalling 11 in number):
1. Upon death, one will be received by the Noble Avalokitesvara in the form of a Bhiksu
2. One will have a peaceful death
3. One’s arms and legs will be unshakeable and will not possess / be free from wrong views
4. One’s body will not produce filth and urine
5. No interference from the air
6. One will be blessed with awareness and vigilance
7. One’s memory will not weaken / degenerate
8. One will not die facing downwards
9. One will not die from massive / heavy / mortal accidents
10. One will be born according to one’s wishes and
11. One will always meet / be in touch with good spiritual friends
Author note:  In buddhism there are saying that , whoever own the land is also consider as king . therefore the author think this mantra also help protect wealth from landlord and landlady . Also Amoghaphasa are said to be particular helpful in law matter where amogaphasa can bind troublemaker.

16. Maha-Lakshmi Sutra  (three times of the day)

 - victorious over all unpleasant circumstances, endow with fortune, will not run out of wealth . this is also recommended for those who have difficult with getting a job and have financial difficulties especially when it depends on others.

17. Red Ganapati Mantra
mantra: Om Ga Ganapati Mama Ratna Siddhi Gaga Gaga Gaga Gaga Ganapati Svaha
- overcome obstacles  especially related to bureaucracy and people in power and authority. also grant wealth that do not obstruct spiritual path or cause it to degenerate. an enlightened being  dharma protector. help lessen self-cherishing mind ,anger and depression.

18. Jigje Chenmo Tara (from the smile of Sun and Moon)
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarva Bignen Bam Hum Phat Svaha
video: not available
- protecting the person from negative forces that is disturbing whether it is from invisible force or visible obstacle.also believe to help with situation that cause delusion, insanity and loss of memories because of spirits.

19. The Clarifying Light : A prophecy of the future Sutra
- this sutra talks about prophecy of evil times. writing and recite this sutra will benefit the town, the country, help increase merit, avert negative circumstances and obstacles. also help end all sickness. and also increase merits. also help gain freedom from illness.

20. burn 7 days and 14 days incense
- according to this video, which master hai tao say. that burning incense has a very special properties.
burn incense that last for 7 days can eliminate lifetime obstacles. this is to purify obstacles which can happen for an entire lifetime obstacles.
- burn incense that can last 14 days. this kind of incense can purify life threatening karma obstacles. such as life threatening sickness.
- therefore buying incense coil will be easier as incense coil burning can last longer.remember to check for the time frame for the incense coil as most incense coil commonly sell last between 2 hour to 1 day. 7 days incense coil usually have diameter of about 30 centimeters or more which are commonly hang on the ceiling.

21. Green tara
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha
Help to overcome fear and anxiety.grant wishes. eliminate suffering and bring happiness.
When call upon, tara instantly save us from:
1. lions and pride
2. wild elephants and delusions.
3. forest fires and hatred.
4. snakes and envy.
5. robbers and fanatical views.
6. prisons and avarice.
7. floods and lust.
8. demons and doubts.
Author note: this one vary according to individual. there are people who would not be able to sleep until they listen to this mantra at night. since tara also help ripen karma at early stage. also help remove internal and external obstacle.

22. Manjushri Six syllable
mantra: Om Vakyeda Namah
- hindering all obstacles, establishing buddha teaching, accomplishing every kind of good fortune, invisible against all demon.

23. For eliminating evil obstacle and misfortune on one body from The mudra of Great Compassion Dharani
Mantra: Om Panamini Bhagavate Mahayeya Gamohani Svaha
video: not available
- the basic translation of the function of this mantra are to eliminate evil, obstacle and difficulties of the one who recite this mantra.

 24. Sutra for Turning Black Lawsuits & Political Problems
Mantra: Tadyatha Om Bajrapani Mama Raksha Raksha Om Jyodog Khachu Maraya Phat Samaya Du Raksha Hung Hung Phat Phat Soha
- turn back all the lawsuit. pacify misfortune , persecution by government.Pacify enmity, karmic debts of family and relatives.pacify those with malicious thoughts and those who create negative calm those who are angry. 
Author note : The mantra above  is just a part of the entire sutra. for the entire benefits, best to recite the entire sutra itself. The entire sutra help pacify all negative litigation, punishment from the government, conflict , strife,pacify all enmity, karmic debts of family and relatives,obstruction and obstacles cause by bad year bad bad months, pacify misfortune, pacify the curses of mamo, epidermics and so on. also help dispel all fears.

25. Ara Kara
Mantra : Ara kara
- help calm the mind.cleanse klesa, ignorance, hatred, greed and stubborness. disaster will be averted, waistline will be reduced. will become strong will and make good progress in cultivation in buddha dharma.karmic obstacle in this lifetime will be reduced and will reborn in the buddha pureland of your preference.

26. Manjushri eight syllable mantra
Mantra: Om Avira Hum Kachara
- increase happiness and merits. eliminate evil and harm.the practitioner will feel peaceful, achieve success at work.also eliminate karma. other benefits of reciting this include:no war in country, control astrology planets influence (sun, moon, 28 stars) and also transfer bad luck (mitigate bad luck to something better), no infectious disease in the country, no disaster in country, citizen will not be wrongly condemned, citizen will not be harm by evil power, citizen will not suffer from sudden death, weather is favorable, people are happy, no evil king or leader in the country, people will not face with dangerous animal or villains.
- other benefits from other video are listed below . can get great benefits. eliminate 3 evil path. can do everything, when recite the mantra it is as if the manjushri is in front. can help fulfill all good things. help purify heavy karma. can protect wealth. everything done won't encounter obstacle. recite 1  time- protect self, 2 time- protect other , 3 times- protect king, 4 time protect concubine, 5 times - protect all dependents, 6 times- protect village, 7 times- protect all sentient beings. if recite 7 time on cloth and wear it, it can eliminate all poisonous , evil and difficult disaster. if recite 7 time on water before washing hand and face, can enable all sentient bveing arouse respect heart. all evil people will be pacify. if the person in pain recite 108 rimes on water and then bath, the person will be cure. if recite 7 times on drinking water and then drink it daily, karma can be eliminate. if chant it on food before eating, the person will not receive any food poisoning. if meet with evil people and enemy, recite this mantra at that time, they will be pacify. evil intention will be eliminate, they will arouse compassion.

27. Achi Chokyi Drolma
Mantra: Om Mama Chakra Svaha Yar Duu Sarwa Du Raja Raja Du Mama Du Hum Phat Svaha

- Dharma protector. this mantra is invoke to remove obstacles and create positive condition for spiritual and worldly success. for those who practise her sadhana with full devotion and  certainty will be free from all kinds of unfavourable circumstances and obstacles in their life and also obstacles connect to dharma practise.
Author note: this author thought that this mantra help to remove some obstacle related to career work.

28. Black Tara who destroys all negativities from SoundTrue
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sarva Vidya Avarana Ye Bhye Phat Soha

- for removing mental obstacles that block insight into complexes forces (including emotional forces) that obscure the person understanding. to overcome negative intentions of enemy. this mantra is also use when needed complete protection from tara in order to fully understand the difficulties you are in.
Author note: helpful when needed protection from enemy intention and actions. also helpful as it helps the practitioner to remove ignorance of what their enemies are trying to do to them. also useful for those who has problem waking up to see their reality as it is. helpful to remove ignorance which the person thought those are not enemies when in reality what the others doing are actually what enemies will do. Also help  abit to understand that while some policies that are implemented with good intention, it  actually do more harm than good.

29. Dorje Drolo
- dorje drolo are particular beneficial during degeneration age as it can help solve complex emotional issue and also troublemakers. help remove mental and emotional obstacles especially complex type. help liberate from anger and attachment. beneficial for those who are unhappy. unstable mind as it can bring balance and calm.
Author note: droje drolo also can bring new possibilities . this new possibilities can come in the form of crazy ways  (where no one thought it is possible). do note that dorje drolo is know for its crazy wisdom. dorje drolo fire puja are also beneficial as it can purify negative karma that include problems coming from government, office politics and also speech negative karma. for this author, dorje drolo are also beneficial for those who has emotional issue that come from being bullies by others.

30. Karmapa
mantra: Karmapa
- help endure karmic obstacle. help purify karma. help purify mind and neutralize pollution of mind, pain and suffering, negative karma and pain brought from the world such as defamation, neutralise pain and suffering from the physical body, heaven and earth , harm such as bodily cold from defamation other people. karmapa can negate harm from other people such as blocking your cultivation, people creating obstacles on you, people curse when giving or listening course on dharma  .

31. White Tara Mantra that increase right view
Mantra : Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Samyak-Drsti pushtim Kuru Svaha
- prayer to increase right view which is one of the eight noblefold path. right view are also said to be beneficial in eliminating all opposing factors. 
Author note: this author do think that right view is beneficial in term of finding the real source of problem. and thus problem can be solve correctly.
quiting wrong view benefits are: 
1. one will have true virtue and delight and truly beneficial friends.
2. one will believe in casuality and never do evil even at the cost of one life.
3. one will take refuge in buddha not god .
4. one will have upright mind and right view, forever shattering the doubts of what is favourable and non favourable.
5. one will always reborn as god and human, never again taking any evil life path.
6. one immeasureable merit will increase at every turn.
7. one will leave the evil path forever.
8. one will never take the view that one has an embodied self.
9. one will hold the view that everything is hindrance free.
10. one will never fall into eight difficulties.

32. Saturn Mantra
Mantra: Om Shainaiya Svaha Namah
- basically mantra for saturn planet influence. 
author note: this author think that the mantra are beneficial for those who might having jail issue because of the saturn astrology. as Saturn are generally known for its justice and karma. Saturn planet are also usually being consider as career planet and work related planet .

33. Dorje Drolo
Mantra: Om Guru Benza Dorje Drolo Lot Loka Sarwa Siddhi Hum Dza

- Dorje Drolo is  padmasambhava in a scorpion form ( a wrathful type) which is very beneficial in term of purifying negative karma . therefore its fire puja are extremely powerful that can help dissolve bad situation that involve gossip, government (authority problem), office politics. this mantra also bring wealth luck and extremely good in dealing with psychology issue that related to extreme emotion such as trauma. and also thought to purify epidermic disease that originate from scorpion. transform hesitancy and clinging into enlightening activity. also give birth to new circumstances and possibilities.
Author note: can't remember where this author found this mantra. but this is beneficial as it seem to help both in business and personal life. this is one of the type of new possibilties where a person can get a job offer while playing games.

*usnisa vijaya dharani
- purify evil . those (who born through four mode birth) who listen to this dharani will not have more trouble or repeat their old troubles in their present life. 


*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .   


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