Mantra for lessening and healing paralysis (FD12062020-3)

1.  Mantra for paralysis and stroke (7 times daily)
mantra: Om Tonbolli Tonbolli Sur Sur me me shig shig svaha
video: none
- help prevent second time paralysis.

2. Vajravidaran
mantra: Namo Tsanda Vajra krodaya Hulu Hulu Tishta Tishta Banda Banda Hana Hana Amirta Hum Phat
video long version:
- specialising in purifying people and their environment
- powerful to cleanse the body, speech and mind of all sentient beings from contamination, spiritual or material.
- remove contamination, negative attitudes and misconduct made to the body, mind and speech. possible purification at all levels also removes its origin (karma), external sources and obstacles caused by natural imbalances or negative influence zodiac.also remove the causes of disease and negativities of unknown origin.after purification, it create a protective shield with the vajra which protects the future.
- said to be useful in healing paralysis.

*there are plant- based food with specific nutrients that are particular good for nervous system.


*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

* if you had sickness for long time , it is best to recite 108 times per day (standard practise) and going with mala practise. as sometimes karma does not form out of one time or two time. it can be something that you had repeatedly created over the time. 

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .  

*merits of the sur offering and incense are then dedicated to triple gem (buddha , dharma and sangha), dharma protectors, all sentient beings , karmic creditors, ancestors and 7 lifetime parents (refering to 7 past life parents )  .

* to be add on in future as i see it fit.


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