10 Good Karmas and their benefits (FD30062020-1)

This is something i found from the internet. had been taken a long time pondering if i should quote almost the entire articles since it is available on the internet. 

1.If quit kill sentient beings, acquire ten dharmas free from ones affliction.
1.1 give sentient being fearlessness
1.2. invoke mind of great loving kindness toward sentient beings.
1.3 forever eradicate anger and habitual traces.
1.4 body free from illness.
1.5 One will live long life.
1.6 constantly be protected by non humans.
1.7 sleep soundly without nightmare.
1.8 one enmity will be eliminated and one grudge will be resolve by themself.
1.9 one will have no fear of evil life paths.
1.10 One will reborn in heaven.

if tansfer the root of goodness to one attainment of annutara samyak sambodhi, one will eventually become a buddha with a lifespan controllable at will.

2. If quite stealing , one will acquire ten dharmas.
2.1 One wealth will be abundant and will not taken away by the law, bandit , floods, fires or wicked children.
2.2 One will be loved and remembered by many.
2.3 One will not be abused by others.
2.4 One will be praised by all in ten directions.
2.5 One will not worry about loss or damage.
2.6 One good name will spread.
2.7 One will have no fear in the midst of a multitude.
2.8 One life, appearance, vigor and wealth will be stable and one eloquence flawless.
2.9 one will have the intent to give alms.
2.10 One will reborn in heaven.

if transfer one root of goodness to one attainment of annutara samyak sambodhi, one will eventually become a buddha with the pure wisdom knowledge of great bodhi.

3. If quit sexual misconduct, one will acquire four dharmas praise by the wise.
3.1 One faculties will be normal and keen.
3.2 One will be forever be free from turmoil.
3.3 praise by all the three realms of existence.
3.4 One wife will not be taken by another man.

if transfer, one will become a buddha with a great physical mark including a hidden male organ.

4. If quite false speech , one will acquire eight dharma praised by gods.
4.1 Mouth will always be pure and fragnant.
4.2 trusted and admired by the world.
4.3 One word will be true and one will be loved and respected by gods and humans.
4.4 one will always comfort sentient beings with loving words.
4.5 one will have superb delight and pure karma in body, voice and mind.
4.6 one will make no mistakes in speech and constantly have joy in one heart.
4.7 one words will be valued and carried out by gods and humans.
4.8 one wisdom will be excellent and indomitable.

if transfer... one will eventually become a buddha speaking truthful words of the tathagata.

5. If quit divisive speech, one will have 5 indestrutible dharma.
5.1 have adamantive body that no one can harm.
5.2 have faithful retinue that no one can destroy.
5.3 onwavering faith in accord with one original karma.
5.4 infallible actions because one training is solid.
5.5 have enduring beneficients learned friends because one is never deceptive.

if transfer... will become a buddha with true retinue that maras and non-buddhist can never destroy.

6. if quite abusive speech, one will acquire 8 purities.
6.1 one word will never be objectionable.
6.2  one word will be beneficial.
6.3 one word will be accord with principals.
6.4 one word will be beautiful.
6.5 one words will be accepted.
6.6 one words will be credible.
6.7 one words will never be scorn.
6.8 one word will be delightful.

if transfer... one will become a buddha, speaking with tathagata brahma tones.

7.if quite suggestive speech, one will acquire 3 certainties.
7.1 love by the wise.
7.2 will be give truthful answer with wisdom.
7.3 one awesome virtue will be certainly supreme among gods and humans.

if transfer..., one will eventually become a buddha, not failing the prophecies bestowed upon by tathagata.

8. if one quite greed, one will acquire five commands.
8.1 one will have command of karmas because one faculties will be complete.
8.2 one will have command of wealth because bandits will not be able to take it by force.
8.3 one will have command of merit because all things desired will be provided.
8.4 one will have command of kingship because precious offerings will be received.
8.5 the things one receives will be better 100timnes better than what one initially seeks because one was not miserly in the past.

if transfer... one will eventually be a buddha revered by all in the three realms of existence and receive their offerings.

9.if quit angers, one will acquire 8 dharmas that delight in heart.
9.1 one will not have the mind of harm.
9.2 one will not have the mind of anger.
9.3 one will not have the mind of dispute.
9.4 one will have a gentle upright mind.
9.5 one will have a holy one mind of loving kindness.
9.6 one will have the will to benefit and comfort sentient beings.
9.7 one will have the fine physical appearance and will be respected by the multitudes.
9.8 one will quickly reborn in brahma world because one is gentle and tolerant.

if transfer... one will eventually become a buddha with the hindrance of free mind, whom others will never tired of beholding.

10. of quit wrong views, one will acquire 10 meritousious dharmas
10.1 will have true virtue and delight and truly beneficient companions.
10.2 one will deeply believe in causality and will never do evil , even at the cost of one life.
10.3 one will take refuge in buddhas, not gods.
10.4 one will have an upright mind and right views, forever shattering the web of doubts what is favorable and unfavorable.
10.5  one will always be reborn as a human or a god, never again taking any evil life path.
10.6 one immeasurable merit and wisdom will increase at every turn.
10.7 one will leave evil paths forever, to walk the holy path.
10.8 one will never take the view that one has embodies self and will discard all evil karmas.
10.9one will hold the view that everything is hindrance free.
10.10 one will never fall into the eight difficulties:
10.10.1 as a hell dweller.
10.10.2 as a hungry ghost.
10.10.3 as an animal
10.10.4 as an inhabitant of uttarakuru where life is too pleasant
10.10.5 in deep meditation in a formless heaven.
10.10.6 being blind, deaf or mute.
10.10.7 as a worldly eloquent intellectual
10.10.8 in the period between then presence of one buddha and the next.

if transfer... one will eventually become a buddha mastering the entire buddha dharma and achieveing command of spiritual power.

ten good karma of the great one who walk bodhisattva way.
If the following above is follow with giving alms,
- quit killing and give alms , one will acquire wealth that no one can take away. will live long life and not die of untimely death or harm by enemies.
- quit stealing and give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. will accumulate their store of buddha dharma.
- quit sexual misconduct and give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. their family will be respectable and no one will gaze on their mothers or wives with lust.
- quit false speech and give alms ,  one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. they will not be slandered by others and will uphold the true dharma. what they do according to their vow will be fruitful.
- quit divisive speech and give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. their retinues will live in harmony and share the same aspirations without any dispute.
- quit abusive speech and give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. multitudes will joyfully take refuge in them and will trust and accept their words without any resistance.
- quit suggestive speech and give alms,one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. their words will not be improper and will be respected and accepted by others.they will resolve people doubt by skillful means.
- quit greed and  give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. will give away with wisdom with all that they have. their faith will be firm and powerful.
- quit anger and give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. they will quickly acquire wisdom-knowledge from the hindrance free mind.and their facial features will be attractive, admired and love by others.
- quit wrong views and give alms, one will acquire great wealth that no one can take away. they will always be born in family that have right views and reverent faith. they will see Buddhas, hear dharma, and make offerings to sangha, never losing the great bodhi mind.
quote from: http://www.sutrasmantras.info/sutra27.html
Author note:
* if you love animals and like animals not scare of you, you will need to adopt vegetarian lifestyle since eating meat is also a form of killing animal.

*dedicating merit of this post to triple gem (buddha,dharma, sangha), dharma protectors , all sentient beings, karmic creditors , ancestors , present parents, 7 lifetimes parents, family, friends and relatives.


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