Buddhism Sutra PDF download (FD20062020-1)

Buddhism pdf that the author found across the internet

1. medicine buddha
pdf link : http://docdro.id/sbQkKFy
source: http://www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/medbudsutra.pdf

2. golden light sutra
pdf link : http://docdro.id/Sbqrv4m
source: http://fpmt.org/education/teachings/sutras/golden-light-sutra/download/

3. Great Compassion Sutra
pdf link: http://docdro.id/iPLYSra
source: http://huntingtonarchive.org/resources/downloads/sutras/05bodhisattvaYana/Great%20Compassion%20Dharani%20Sutra.doc.pdf

4. Sutra of Arya Tara saving from eight fear
pdf link: http://docdro.id/bvrksK0
source: http://www.fpmtabc.org/download/sutra/Sutra_of_Arya_Tara_saving_from_the_8_fears.pdf

5. Astasahasrika (perfection of wisdom in 84000 line and its summary translate by Edward Conze)
pdf: https://www.docdroid.net/6DnpUub/astasahasrika.pdf
source: http://huntingtonarchive.org/resources/downloads/sutras/02Prajnaparamita/Astasahasrika.pdf

6. Surangama Sutra
pdf: https://www.docdroid.net/Zv3zrvr/surangama.pdf
source: www.buddhanet.net/pdf_file/surangama.pdf

7.Sukhavati Sutra
pdf: http://docdro.id/2Cs11Du
source: http://online.sfsu.edu/rone/Buddhism/BTTStexts/ps.ami.02.020609.screen.pdf

8. Buddha Speak Mahayana Sublime King Treasure

9. The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
source: http://www.fgsitc.org/the-original-vows-of-ksitigarbha-bodhisattva-sutra/ 

10. Mantra pacifying black court case
pdf: http://docdro.id/Ugno7bg
source: https://fpmt.org/wp-content/uploads/education/pdfs/Mantra_Pacifying_Black_Court_Caseoct.pdf?x25788

11. Mewa
pdf: https://www.docdroid.net/ZWqukof/mewahtml-pdf
source: no longer found in the internet 

12. Sixty cycle 
pdf: https://www.docdroid.net/GFlAK68/sixtycyclehtml-pdf

source: no longer found in the internet 

Author note: may 2022- please download a copy of this as the author manage to find the last copy of this in the storage by miracle. (as this information can go disappear again). this information can save live .

13. 21 tara


14. hundred and eight name of zambhala

pdf: https://docdro.id/izfiOEW

source: tekchen choling singapore 

author note: the author remember this sutra pdf went to usa buddhist temple.  


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