Mantra that promote freedom (FD18062020-3)

In buddhism, the ultimate liberation refer to attain enlightenment (nirvana). But for most buddhist, freedom here mean liberate from the cycle of life and death (such as no longer born into 6 realm of gods, demigod, human, animal, ghost and hell ) by the force of one own karma. It is similar to circumstances force someone to be at certain place although that person don't want to be there.

This post are generally meant for common normal freedom in our daily life (as there is indication that individual freedom is very important for one to start develop wisdom and happiness ). 

1. Wish fulfilling mantra (reedit on jan 2018)
Mantra : Om Padmo ushnisha Vimale Hum Phat
video 1:
video 2:
- wish fulfilling mantra. help purify negative karma and also achieve freedom from lower realm.
Author note:  reedit section.

2. Vaishravana
Mantra: Om Vaishravana Ye Soha   (source: ) . mantra should be pronounce correctly as there will be very bad consequences if pronounce wrongly.
- vaishravana is the northern king and also a dharma protector who brings wealth to the practitioner. he helps to attract material wealth that eventually attract spiritual wealth and also encourage holding of ethics as it is through ethics that wealth can be obtain in the long run.
- vairhsrava/namthose puja : if you can get connect with vaishravana puja , it is said to help recovery of world economy, for the individual to gain economic strength, secure existing wealth, garner new wealth and potent protection from human and non-human harms and that of nagas and spirits. it even protection from fear, anxiety , failures in business and relationships. by making connection with namthose, one will always be victorious especially those who run companies, organisation and families because namthose puja bring authority and good fortune.
- one will always be efficient and successful in the practise stage of path, meditation, and will have all conducie conditions surrounding oneself to engage in practise without hindrances like sickness, poverty, mental agitation and fear. one will always gain great wealth, encounter true and helpful companions and assistants, be healthy and able to enjoy great health and inexhaustible food and drinks. will always get support in both worldy and spiritual activities from family and friends. gain protection and secure wealth and merits and all forms of goodness and continuously enjoy perfect health and peace and harmony and freedom and inspiration.
Author note: this is so far the only one dharma protector which i manage to found the sutra that has conversation between vaishravana and buddha shakyamuni. but it also interesting that i found out that xinjiang, a tibet prince and thailand in the past has actually invoke vaisharavana to protect their country border from invasion before in which xinjiang and thailand has said to build a temple (i thinks temple that dedicate to vaishravana) because of the success in defending their country.    

3. peacock king wisdom mantra
mantra: om mayura krante svaha (1 mala daily)
- if you encounter disturbances like black magic curse. help ease and eliminate disease, natural disaster , robberies , snatch thieves and even sleep better. capable of eliminating poisonous harm and maglignant disease.
recite 10,000 times with mudra, then use peacock feather toward typhoon can turn it away. check e-book for specific detail.
- recite 100,000 times with orange offering to peacock king for financial calamities.
- recite 3 nights continuosly from 11pm to ask disturbing spirits in house to leave (check e-book)
- help with calamities such as drought 
author note: this mantra are mainly recite for eliminating poisonous harm, but people also recite it for disturbance like black magic and to promote better sleep and also for recovery of sickness. in fact this mantra has a lot of different benefits to it that various website account this mantra for antidote against monthly ill winds, deadly virus and even believe to be able to have curitive power against cancer. said to help one free from trap and imprisonment. in other word, said to be for safety and protection against being trap or imprisonment.
*unable to locate the original file of this mantra pdf. it was a pdf teach by a master monk  about the amount of recitation as well as the specific instruction on what to do. found another similar pdf to the one i read.
*recite 600,000 said to help one born in maha twin lotus pond.

4. Nyurma Pamo tara (one of the 21 tara from the smile of the sun and moon)
mantra: Om tare tuttare bodhi citta svaha
- tara heroic courage and commitment to the liberation of all beings.
- destroy negative force, tame those with disturbing emotion, protection from all fears.
- from feng shui aspect, it is believe that it in crease confidence, authoritativeness, bless one with the power of speech to control and influence others. bring fame, power and influence. ideal for those in managerial, supervisor, CEO role who need to increase their authority luck with others. 
feng shui keychain:

5.  King Gesar Mantra form lilian too
Mantra: Om Ah Hung Benza Maha Guru Mani Radza Sarva Siddhi Pala Hung

- help to be resilient when there are setback. for work to be smoother and success come more easily.  usually recommend to chant to strengtehen one yearly windhorse (lung ta). also believe to be helpful with yearly killing star. overcome dark forces, both outer and inner that bring war and hardship and obscure the spiritual path. King gesar ultimate victory promises that peace, harmony and enlightenment will prevail in the world.  king gesar also are recommended for bringing sucess in business and commercial endeavors. also help protect from any harm. also offer protection against court cases, robbery and wrongful imprisonment.
Author note: gave the author impression that it is helpful when encountering some sort of aggression from external situation. 

6.Great Compassionate Mantra (from Avalokitesvaraya ) (5 times daily)
video1 : not available (*though great compassionate mantrais very popular , i couldn't find a single sanskrit version song that is related to the sutra below)
video2 : (teaching version)
video 3: (teaching version)
video 4:
Namo ratna-trayāya
Namo āriyā-valokite-śvarāya
Bodhi-sattvāya Maha-sattvāya Mahā-kārunikāya
Om sarva rabhaye sudhanadasya
Namo skritva imam
āryā-valokite-śvara ramdhava
Namo narakindi hrih Mahā-vadha-svā-me
Sarva-arthato-śubham ajeyam
Sarva-sata Namo-vasat Namo-vāka mavitāto
Om avaloki-lokate-karate-e-hrih Mahā-bodhisattva
Sarva sarva
Mala mala
Mahi Mahi ridayam
Kuru kuru karmam
Dhuru dhuru
vijayate Mahā-vijayati
Dhara dhara dhrini
śvarāya cala cala
Mama vimala muktele
Ehi ehi śina śina
ārsam prasari
viśva viśvam prasaya
Hulu hulu mara
Hulu hulu hrih
Sara sara Siri siri Suru suru
Bodhiya Bodhiya Bodhaya Bodhaya
Maitreya narakindi dhrish-nina bhayamana svāhā
Siddhāya svāhā
Maha siddhāya svāhā
Siddha-yoge-śvaraya svāhā
Narakindi svāhā
Māranara svāhā
śira simha-mukhāya svāhā
Sarva mahā-asiddhaya svāhā
Cakra-asiddhāya svāhā
Padma-kastāya svāhā
Narakindi-vagalāya svaha
Mavari-śankharāya svāhā
Namo ratna-trāyāya
Namo āryā-valokite-śvaraya svāhā
Om Sidhyantu mantra padāya svāhā
web link:
another link: source:
- this dharani has a lot info that help with a country peace, harmony living along with general protection.
specific information:very beneficial mantra that help with this world problem.This dharani is said to help one keep one from breaking precepts. it is said that this dharani can even help a wither tree to grow new branch (i suppose this will depend on how much you recite if you are trying to save a precious tree). also help one person harvests and fruits not to be eaten by insects. 
this dharani is usually available in mandarin words decoration items such as keychain, tassels and so on.
- reedit on oct 2013 as i found there are many version claim to be great compassionate mantra. nilakantha dharani and 11 face avalokiteshvara is taken out from this list as 11 face avalokiteshvara has some similar blessings but its different .
Author note: the author think this mantra can help out with this situation.

7. follow a pure vegetarian lifestyle (according to master hai tao)
video (mandarin):

according to master hai tao , if keep the precepts of pure vegetarian (meaning no sentient being meat (meaning no animal nor insect being meat including no animal eggs), one will reborn in a wealthy , freedom and wisdom family.
Author note: in other words, only plant based food such as fruit and vegetable are consider as pure food in buddhism teaching.

8. Amitayu Long Life Sutra
- this sutra is generally meant to extend a person longevity. it also has additional benefit such as if the person write the sutra, it can protect the person from harm, gain merits, will not reborn at the state where one do not have freedom to practise dharma, reborn in buddha pureland and receive predictions for enlightenment.

9. Dharani Extremely Conquering from Bondage
- give freedom from being control by black magic, evil action cause by others. also help one unable to be controlled by others and pacify hatred and wrong thoughts. click the link to see the mantra.

10. The Clarifying Light : A prophecy of the future Sutra
- this sutra talks about prophecy of evil times. writing and recite this sutra will benefit the town, the country, help increase merit, avert negative circumstances and obstacles. also help end all sickness. and also increase merits. also help gain freedom from illness. 

11. Dharani Extremely Conquering from Bondage - abilities related
- give freedom from being control by black magic, destroying ablilities . click the link to see the mantra.

*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .  


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