Mantras For Wealth (FD10062020-1)

There is a saying that one had a lot of wealth in this lifetimes is due to one had accumulated a lot of good merits in the past (or past life).

This section is particularly cover for wealth related to financial. Most mantras gave more blessings than just giving in the form of money. I personally recommend one to follow the five precepts (abstain from taking one life, what is not given , sexual misconduct, false speech , intoxicating drinks and drugs which leads to carelessness) as sometimes one had difficulties in obtaining what one want as a result of something one did in the past (karma). Reciting mantra is like building a better future not only for this lifetime but future lifetimes as well (for yourself and for others ). It is a good way for those who wish to earn wealth through decent way. if one had opportunity to read the actual original texts , one should do so. One may learn a lot and obtain other types of blessings from reading the entire sutra even though reading it one time only.

A caution of note: One should treat mantra with great care and respect as an inappropriate action may cause one to be going through a lot of difficulties not only in this lifetime but as well as future lifetimes.

*One can generate good merits by doing action that benefit other sentient beings such as doing charity regularly.

1. Chenrezig /Avalokiteshvara mantra
Mantra : Om Mani Padme Hum   (108 times / 1 mala everyday)
- will always have wealth , the means of living.
- your wealth will not be stolen or taken away by others.
(*excellent for a beginner in mantra. If one had difficulty in encountering other types of mantra, it's best to recite mantras many times until you accumulated enough merits , and perhaps then you will find what you are searching for :)

2. Tara mantra
Mantra : Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha
- Green tara is said to be the embodiment of 20 taras. Reciting her mantra is said to be like reciting 21 tara mantras (included wealth mantra).
(*One may found oneself encountering more obstacles which seem to come out from nowhere after reciting Tara mantra. The reason for this is that Tara mantra helps one to clear their karma by ripening it at an early stage and usually immediately as well. for example if one had a karma which deem one to lose hundreds of thousands dollars in future, you may actually get off with a minor scratch by losing few thousand dollars instead. For me, it certainly had help me knowing where certain action i did in the past which i thought i am doing merit but the actual answer was negative karma). Because some of us has heavy negative karma in our life, and ripening too many karma/problems at one goes can scare us at times . so i usually recite tara mantra together and then Om Mani padme hum or recite the amount that are comfortable and increase it steadily.
Yellow tara mantra : Om Tare Tuttare Ture Pushtim Kuru Om
- yellow tara mantra is one of the 21 tara that helps to increase your abundance on your existing wealth.
* whether you want to recite with mala bead , the decision is up to you. i personally do not recite a lot tara mantra with mala bead because i had my own experiences with a lot karma ripening at same time and that scares me a lot actually. nevertheless it is still the most swift result mantra that i came across.   

3. Vasudhara mantra
mantra: Om Shri Vasudhara Ratna Nidhana Kasethri Soha   (closest vasudahra mantra i can find)
chinese video :
is a bodhisattva mantra. Mainly use for increasing prosperity , fertility, abundance and happiness where one evoke it for enrichment or increase. It is specifially for those who seek a method where one could amass stores of grains , gold silver and gems in order to support his family and servants and have time to engage in philantrophy based on the stories related to Sucandra asked Buddha Shakyamuni . This mantra is claim to be that no god, demon or human can empede its efficacy. Therefore it is good for all poor people and also helps to remove all fears, obstructions and calamities.
Author note: it may mean that vasudhara mantra help the person who recite it gain their wealth in a way that no god, demon or human can take it away.
(this mantra is recommended to recite 3 round mala everyday. 1 round in the morning , 1 round in the afternoon and 1 round at night/evening)

4. Yellow jambhala mantra

mantra : Om Zambhala Dzamlim Dzaye Soha (1 mala/108 times per day  )
image source:
help purify miserliness karma which that prevent one will get things 100 times better than originally intended. Miserliness karma can also cause one to be born as hungry ghost.
author note: can help you become more generous and also creating new source of income.  this mantra may increase your chances of getting much better things than you thought about.
- also help remove poverty within six realm. important if you wish that your next life (whether you are human, ghost or god , animal and so on) not living in poverty as i think jambhala has shown me methods to remove poverty in 6 realms.   

5. 5 Dhyani Buddha mantra
Vairocana : Om vairocana hum (cut ignorance, develop wisdom)

Akshobhya : Om akshobhya hum  (deal with anger)

Ratnasambhava : Om Ratnasambhava Tram (deal with pride)

Amideva : Om Amideva Hrih (deal with greed)

free image from:
Amitabha : Om Amitabha Hrih  (sanskrit version)
* i think reciting amitabha word in sanskrit version are more stronger in dealing with greed and hindrance. both is amitabha mantra. Amideva mantra may probably bring out more kindness and loving and promote longer life.  
sutra about amitabha pureland:

Amoghasiddhi : Om Amoghasiddhi Hum  (deal with jealous) (108 times per day)
this mantra is suitable for those who work in a very competitive environment. 

* It maybe strange that why 5 dhyani buddha mantra are consider to be another wealth mantra. I happen to learn from internet that a person once said that sometimes it is our own negative emotion that causes ourself obstacle in our own life. For example, do you have someone you do not like because the person had been showing some attitude toward you?  Or  you realise that you had say something bad out of anger which causes you losses your opportunity?  So by internally transforming your negative emotion, you become a much better person (for example ; no longer easily anger or competitive) and thus attract much better fortune in a longer term future.

6. Lama Tsongkhapa mantra
mantra : Om Ah Guru Vajradhara Sumati Kirthi siddhi hum hum (7 times per day)
- help to stabilise one happiness and wealth . food, shelter and clothing will cease to be a problem. said to help grant career and lessen depression issue.
Author note: if there is anything that is not stable in your life especially if you feel that your income is unstable (up and down like forex or stock market) , this is a good mantra to try. can help those whose want to have a more systematic, order or more organise in their own life .  standard recitation is 7 times per day . reciting one mala(108 times) per day seem to be ok for me but you may need to do this gradually as this mantra may bring out your negative emotion up to be release.

7. Dragon Buddha Mantra
mantra : Tayatha Om Tathagata Bhagavan Naga Randze Shora Adhishthana Adhishtite Soha
- found this mantra in fpmt health section. the main purpose is for healing health related to specific health issue , however recite this mantra can also protect one from lightning and thief and help increase wealth . Beneficial if you are in area that is vulnerable to lightning strike.  do note that although this mantra can protect from lightning, that doesn't mean you can do any dangerous activity related to electronics , lightning and so on without taking safety measure and equip protective gear.

8.Medicine Buddha

mantra: "Tadyatha Om bhaisajye bhaisajye maha bhaisajye ranza samudgate svaha"
video :
image url:
excellent mantra for health and long life purpose including psychology issues. May even help you with sickness you think causes by demon, spirits harm and so on.
you can bless your drinking water with medicine buddha mantra. it was recommended for those who are sick to bless their drinking with 108 recitation everyday until they recover. Or you can keep playing the medicine buddha mantra songs for the person to listen until the person is heal.
you can also recite the mantra 108 times on behalf of the person but i think it is still better for the person to do his/her own recitation as this is much better. from my own understanding, there is a difference in term of blessings accrue in term of one who recite it with one happen to hear it. you can always recite extra for the person for more blessings and faster recovery.
* do consider of also reciting vajrapani mantra.Vajrapani is a protector and thus reciting his mantra does help with your life obstacles . vajrapani mantra is also helpful with weather situation such as too many rain or your places need rain. vajrapani mantra also helps to clear negativity in your life . in fact it is said that one should recite 1 million times vajrapani mantra before starting medicine buddha retreat.since there are many versions of vajrapani mantra, i'll not listed it here but you can find it easily from other websites and youtube.
*check the sutra for how it help in dealing with calamity, pestilence, foreign invasion, revolution and many more.
*also help with childbirth and for soul that has passed away.
medicine buddha sutra:
another medicine buddha sutra:
- This is a health mantra , but also said to be helpful in getting jobs and activity successful.
source :

9. Basudarini Mantra
mantra : Om Basudarini Naketra Svaha
- remove poverty and bring great wealth.
Author note: this is one of the 21 tara (wealth tara). however i'm getting a bit different impression that this maybe a different wealth tara from vasudhara (which is why i am putting both mantra here). it seem to me that this mantra may help remove one poverty mentality thinking as well.  

10. Great Compassionate Mantra (from Avalokitesvaraya ) (5 times daily)
video1 : not available (*though great compassionate mantrais very popular , i couldn't find a single sanskrit version song that is related to the sutra below)
video2 : (teaching version)
video3: (last update Oct 2015)

Namo ratna-trayāya
Namo āriyā-valokite-śvarāya
Bodhi-sattvāya Maha-sattvāya Mahā-kārunikāya
Om sarva rabhaye sudhanadasya
Namo skritva imam
āryā-valokite-śvara ramdhava
Namo narakindi hrih Mahā-vadha-svā-me
Sarva-arthato-śubham ajeyam
Sarva-sata Namo-vasat Namo-vāka mavitāto
Om avaloki-lokate-karate-e-hrih Mahā-bodhisattva
Sarva sarva
Mala mala
Mahi Mahi ridayam
Kuru kuru karmam
Dhuru dhuru
vijayate Mahā-vijayati
Dhara dhara dhrini
śvarāya cala cala
Mama vimala muktele
Ehi ehi śina śina
ārsam prasari
viśva viśvam prasaya
Hulu hulu mara
Hulu hulu hrih
Sara sara Siri siri Suru suru
Bodhiya Bodhiya Bodhaya Bodhaya
Maitreya narakindi dhrish-nina bhayamana svāhā
Siddhāya svāhā
Maha siddhāya svāhā
Siddha-yoge-śvaraya svāhā
Narakindi svāhā
Māranara svāhā
śira simha-mukhāya svāhā
Sarva mahā-asiddhaya svāhā
Cakra-asiddhāya svāhā
Padma-kastāya svāhā
Narakindi-vagalāya svaha
Mavari-śankharāya svāhā
Namo ratna-trāyāya
Namo āryā-valokite-śvaraya svāhā
Om Sidhyantu mantra padāya svāhā
web link:
- this dharani has a lot info that help with a country peace, harmony living along with general protection.
- reedit on oct 2013 as i found there are many version claim to be great compassionate mantra. nilakantha dharani and 11 face avalokiteshvara is taken out from this list as 11 face avalokiteshvara has some similar blessings but its different .
specific instruction: this dharani are said to help protect one wealth, one won't die of starvation or poverty and also wealth will grow abundantly.

11. 11th Black Tara mantra
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Basi Dari Soha
video: unavailable
source: Lilian Too's Tibetan Cosmic Magic Series 21 Tara Oracle
info: This is the two armed wrathful black tara who eliminate poverty and misfortune in your life. She is sometimes depicted as being orange colour , but always , she is frowning. ensure victory over losses of any kind. help subdue gossip and politicking in office (refer to the book for further instruction)
Author note: This book has a great deal to offer to be not having one in your home. i personally found this mantra is good for those who always encounter bad luck in their life. it help lessen the effect of misfortune even if it still manifest.  

12. peacock king wisdom mantra
mantra: om mayura krante svaha (1 mala daily)
- if you encounter disturbances like black magic curse. help ease and eliminate disease, natural disaster , robberies , snatch thieves and even sleep better. capable of eliminating poisonous harm and maglignant disease.
recite 10,000 times with mudra, then use peacock feather toward typhoon can turn it away. check e-book for specific detail.
- recite 100,000 times with orange offering to peacock king for financial calamities.
- recite 3 nights continuosly from 11pm to ask disturbing spirits in house to leave (check e-book)
- help with calamities such as drought 
author note: this mantra are mainly recite for eliminating poisonous harm, but people also recite it for disturbance like black magic and to promote better sleep and also for recovery of sickness. in fact this mantra has a lot of different benefits to it that various website account this mantra for antidote against monthly ill winds, deadly virus and even believe to be able to have curitive power against cancer. said to help one free from trap and imprisonment. in other word, said to be for safety and protection against being trap or imprisonment.
*unable to locate the original file of this mantra pdf. it was a pdf teach by a master monk  about the amount of recitation as well as the specific instruction on what to do. found another similar pdf to the one i read.

13. Green Jambhala Mantra
Mantra: "Om Karma Jambhala Ah Svaha"
video: not available
- enable all endeavours to be perfectly accomplish and purify all bad luck and obstacles, prevent theft, bad debt and loss of waelth.
Author note: It suddenly came into my mind that there is a saying which mention something as "it is difficult to contain water if the jar has a hole in it". therefore i suppose even wealth is also difficult to be save/keep if there is a hole in it. Do note that jambhala do not encourage miserliness as miserliness is one of the reason why one is in poverty.

14. Vaishravana
Mantra: Om Vaishravana Ye Soha   (source: ) . mantra should be pronounce correctly as there will be very bad consequences if pronounce wrongly.
- vaishravana is the northern king and also a dharma protector who brings wealth to the practitioner. he helps to attract material wealth that eventually attract spiritual wealth and also encourage holding of ethics as it is through ethics that wealth can be obtain in the long run.
- vairhsrava/namthose puja : if you can get connect with vaishravana puja , it is said to help recovery of world economy, for the individual to gain economic strength, secure existing wealth, garner new wealth and potent protection from human and non-human harms and that of nagas and spirits. it even protection from fear, anxiety , failures in business and relationships. by making connection with namthose, one will always be victorious especially those who run companies, organisation and families because namthose puja bring authority and good fortune.
- one will always be efficient and successful in the practise stage of path, meditation, and will have all conducive conditions surrounding oneself to engage in practise without hindrances like sickness, poverty, mental agitation and fear. one will always gain great wealth, encounter true and helpful companions and assistants, be healthy and able to enjoy great health and inexhaustible food and drinks. will always get support in both worldly and spiritual activities from family and friends. gain protection and secure wealth and merits and all forms of goodness and continuously enjoy perfect health and peace and harmony and freedom and inspiration.
Author note: this is so far the only one dharma protector which i manage to found the sutra that has conversation between vaishravana and buddha shakyamuni. but it also interesting that i found out that xinjiang, a tibet prince and thailand in the past has actually invoke vaisharavana to protect their country border from invasion before in which xinjiang and thailand has said to build a temple (i thinks temple that dedicate to vaishravana) because of the success in defending their country.   and also it is said that in the past life of vaishravana was a mill owner who has 7 mill store and dedicated one of his mill for the alms to the monks while providing to those in need for 20,000 years.

15. P'ongpa Selma - she who eradicate Poverty (21 tara from instruction on reciting this mantra should be in the link pdf.
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Vasudharini Svaha
- The tara dispelling suffering of poverty, who grant the magical attainments, her body color red yellow like refined gold, holding yellow flask that dispel poverty.
Author note: when recite this mantra , i came across more news and article that spoke about poverty globally. and this mantra help remove some of my very stubborn seed karma.

16. 3rd golden tara - the third golden tara is known as great increasing one - lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle - check the book if you should recite this mantra.
mantra: om tare tuttare ture pushting kuru soha.
- third golden tara who slice through ignorance and bring great wealth. important if you meet up with bad woman (likely to be dark-haired and come in the guise of a friend seeking for help) which you risk upsetting many of those who love you.

17. Wealth Granting Tara - lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series
Mantra: Om Tara Tuttare Ture Danam me Dada Swaha (one mala daily - 108 times or when need help in finance situation)
- bring prosperity to those who seek her help if you need to improve your income. chant one mala daily or when need help with finance situation.
Author note: my first impression is that freelancer and self-employ might like this mantra. but this mantra also seem can have impact with minimun wage, and investment knowledge like fixed deposit . unfortunately i don't get too see the result whether if it really does help increase salary (as i have completed my 100,000 recitation not during the evaluation month). but i do see more news and information about fixed deposit, increasing minimun wages , and knowledge of wealth.

18. lamp offering to buddha
- this is not a mantra but a genuine offering of lamp/light in the form of candle lamp , butter lamp or oil lamp to in front of the buddha statue such as buddha shakyamuni or amitabha buddha . the lamp help one to dispel ignorance and thus one can make a wiser decision that help build great wealth at a later stage of your life. 
Author note: because the merit of offering lamp to buddha has a long impact to many of your future lifetimes till you become an enlighten being , you should consider do this at least once in your this life as early as possible (so that you can make a better decision from very young age). try to make sure that light offering is toward buddha at least once because for me while i had opportunity to make offering light offering to dzambhala, lama tsongkhapa , i personally feel it is very difficult for me to make one proper light offering to buddha shakyamuni or amitabha buddha. while others easily can do such lamp offering. Avalokiteshvara is also a buddha who appear in bodhisattva form.

19. White Jambhala
Mantra: Om padma kroda ayah dzambhala Shri Daya Hum Peh (from lilian too )
- remove suffering of poverty and sickness , purify non-virtuous karma and karmic obstacle, avert disaster and sickness and evolve bodhicitta mind. assure that those in poverty would no longer suffer.
- can lead one to hidden treasures.
- bring much needed income luck, improve outlook for those who has been laid off from work or who need money to solve their problem.
Author note: it seem to also be helpful if you are working in career or company whose business nature that seem to be going obsolete. so this mantra should be recite at least one mala daily (108 times).
source info:

20. maha laksmi sutra
Author note: i thought i felt something positive when i try read this sutra mantra a bit. so i decide to post it here. print/write and keep one copy of the entire content in your home to find out if it works yourself.

21.  ksitigarbha sutra

free image from:

- reciting this entire texts will help your family even to the extend of releasing your past life relatives from suffering. for more detail please check the texts yourself.
Author note: helps with wealth related to food and clothing. there are plenty of other good benefits in this sutra.

22. The tara who avert evil cause by robbers (one of the 21 tara)
mantra: om tare tuttare ture sarva chora benda benda triktum soha
- the tara protect against harm from banditing. protect from robbery, theft and murder by bandits, robbers or thieves in the outside world as well as sickness and evil influence cause by negative emotions jealousy, desire, anger and greed.

23. Black Jambhala
mantra: Om jambhala jalendraye Basu Dharini Svaha
- black jambhala the chief of 5 jambhala is said to help overcome resentment, theft, disease and barrier to riches issue. benefit the poor and those in solitary retreat that has virtuos mind. j
Author: there are a few version of black jambhala mantra so i decide to try this mantra. i couldn't verify if this mantra help to overcome one from being cheated but it definitely help reduce a bit anger related to poverty reason. so if you are looking for reducing being cheated possibility, then wearing 5 eye dzi bead is a good idea as it has 5 wealth jambhala blessing in it.

24. Sur offering
this is a ritual which give offering especially to the hungry ghost. sur offering is more common in tibet tradition. it is believe that by helping to alleviate the hungry ghost hunger, one can pay one debt that cause other in poverty and eventually accumulate wealth.
Author note: there are procedures to get it done so best to participate in the temple.

25. precept - quit stealing
Author note: According to the website, stealing causes one to loss wealth.

26. 12th orange tara from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle (refer the book whether you should recite this mantra)
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Maglan Pushting Kuru Soha
- bring great prosperity and wealth luck. also known as making everything auspicious tara. help dissolve ignorance and create conditions for amazing success and good fortune.
Author note: This tara mantra seem to help in drawing in good things like investment luck such as unit trust (i kinda forget about unit trust investment for years until i started recite this one) and lucky draw that gives out big gift such as car.

27. quit greedy
Author note: whoever is greedy are likely to fall for get rich quick scam and lose their wealths . therefore to counter greed, reciting amitabha mantra and red jambhala mantra daily is good.

28. 17th orange tara from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book whether you should recite this mantra)
mantra: om tare tuttare ture sawa tambahj nette ray soha
- length fearlessness and subdues all diseases. alleviates pains and sufferings. lend strength and courage. remove all your fears , real and imagined. good for those feeling anxious ,worries , depressed. also help with unsettling event that distress family peace and harmony that come from enemies. help with dementia , alzhheimer (loss of meory) cause by naga that usually start on october. bring bliss (happyness) and alleviate pain. help with outstanding issues.
author note: said to be helpful reaching the income level one desire.

29.  The beauty and benefits of offering flowers (to buddha)
1. One becomes like a flower in the world. (will be very beautiful,everyone will be attracted, amazed to look at you and will remember seeing you)
2. the sense of smell will never degenerate.
3. one will never have bad body odour (will be completely purified)
4. smell of nectar scent will come from body.
5. smell of morality of the person will spread in all direction.
6. one will be a leader of the world.
7. one will achieve beautiful, attractive things
8. one will have great wealth.
9. one will reborn in a higher rebirth.
10. one will quickly achieve the sorrowless state and achieve enlightenment, the great liberation.

30. The Sutra on production of buddha image
Those who produce buddha image will have
1. clear eyes, handsome appearance . hand, feets body will always be excellent . even those born in heaven will be exceptional in purity, with exquisite eyes and countenance.
2. the place one produce the buddha image is void of defilement. bodies of those born there are flawless.
3. after death, will attain birth in seventh brahma. his handsome apearance will be without peer. will be honour by all the gods.
4. one will be born to a noble family. with resources far surpassing those of people in this world. will not be born a child of a poor or desitute family .
5. the body will always be color of the purest gold, handsome without peer.
6. will most certainly be born to a wealthy family, with money and previous jewel beyond reckoning. will always be loved by parents, relatives and siblings.
7.  will often be born in to the family or emperor or princes, or a child to a family of great virtue . (should the person born in jambudvipa )
8. will become emperor . will be most honour and celebrated among monarchs. the one in all monarchs who will take refuge and pay homage.
9. will become a wheel turning king. able to go to heaven and return at will. will accomplish what he set out to do.
10. will be born in seventh brahma heaven. life span one kalpa and wisdom will be without equal.
11. will never again be born in evil paths (after death) . evil path mean animal, hungry ghost or hell beings.
12. will always guard his chastity and his thought will always be on his desire to follow buddhist path.
13. will always honor the buddha and revere the scriptures. will continually make offerings to the relic of buddha with variety silk , fine flowers, exquisite incense, lamps and all the precious jewels and rare object of the world.
14. after innumerable kalpas will gain path to nirvana.
15. those aspire to present precious jewel has been practise buddhist path in their past life.
16. will attain wealth that will never come a time where it will be exhausted. nor calculated.
17. in future life , will be honor and protected by all.
* one who see the image of buddha , pay respect with join palm hand together with pious heart and take refuge in buddha stupa and relics . will at death, will not reenter into evil paths for one hundred kalpas. after death, will be born in heaven and when long life is completed , will descend into the world as a child of wealthy family with immeasureables precious jewels and rare objects.afterward will attain the path of buddhist nirvana.

donate for buddha statue: 

author note: from my own conclusion, the "later life" here mean that future lifetimes. so this is consider as an investment of creating great wealth for your future lifetimes.  

31. Naga puja
source: no longer available on the internet.
another source:
- naga puja is more common in tibet buddhism though . naga which is known as dragon help bring rain , wealth and good health (usually are done if one had harm naga and become sick because of that . note: singhanada puja is more appropriate if one become very sick ) . Naga puja is also important related to construction building.
Naga puja is offer when one has heavy illness, cancer (especialy getting cancer again) , Alzheimer, skin disease etc....

32. White Mahakala
mantra: Om Guru Mahakala Hari Ni Sa Siddhi Dza
- mahakala is  a dharma protector in which white mahakala are known for specializing in wealth. gaining material and spiritual wealth (including buddha dharma), purifying karma for experience poverty and remove obstacle that block prosperity. support the comfort and economic well being of buddhists. quelling difficulties and obstacles as well as providing necessities and wealth . defend dharma from corruption and degeneration and forces that are hostile to it.keep the site of ritual free from impure thoughts and actions. guide and protect the individual from all kinds of deceptions and delusion.
Author note: also deal with corruption and it is said that demon will not enter area where has mahakala blessing. white mahakala help remove poverty and bring abundance to everyone. for author, it seem that white mahakala mantra help with life necessities such especially kitchen ware. (probably this is the reason why white mahakala is popular as kitchen god). Author think that white mahakala mantra also help with life necessities such as public transport.

33. windhorse prayer flag (lung ta prayer flag)
- this is basically a prayer flag which are printed mantra on it and usually has 5 animals symbols (the center is the windhorse). the origin of lung ta is said to be a king who is sick who consult buddha about his sickness.the buddha saw that the king sickness is originate from obstacles that are put by others. then buddha told the king to release 100,000 prayer flag with faith.
the benefit of release lung ta include
- get rid of curses put upon by others.
-protection from a lawsuit
-eradicate bad dream, bad thoughs, bad actions
- good health
- power over other beings
- wealth
- peace within
- luck and longevity
- success and fulfillment of all aspirations
- purify our bad karma

according to rinchen jangsem ling center,
- help one overcome obstacles
- bring success of all our aspirations
- one will also overcome all enemies and obstacles 
- increase lungta (windhorse) one life force
- bring good opportunities

Author note: need to release on certain date otherwise one could be inviting obstacles.check the tibet buddhism calendar.
also when the wind blow the prayer flag, the wind carries the blessings . and sentient beings who are touch by the wind will get blessings.


34. 19th White Tara from lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 Tara Oracle (check the book for more detail)
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mudza Naya Soha
- pacify all bad dreams and conflicts. eliminate all disharmony cause by conflicts in one life. also pacify bad omens or inauspicious dreams afflicting one. help ward financial loss. This tara is consumer of suffering.
Author note: Seem to deal with obstacle that comes from relatives and in laws of the father side.this mantra is good when one has instability of finances and income, when women in the family is bully, burden, legal dispute and family wealth are threaten. for author, this mantra seem to be also lessen suffering, lessen product price cost. one are likely to get a good bargain sales (can buy the same product at cheaper price). The author thought that the oil prices has dropped twice during the recitation period 100,000 times though . however because this is a tara mantra which ripen karma at early stage, one can suddenly hear bad news from about global economy crisis to having some of item broken (for example, computer can get malfunction and need repair).

35. White Tara Mantra

Mantra : Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Punya Jnana Pushtim Kuru Svaha
Mantra : Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Punye Jnana Pushim Kuru Ye Soha (28 times in morning and 28 times before sleep) - from "Chant a mantra" book. 
- powerful mantra that swiftly help you with your current obstacles. Increase life, merits(merit that come from living ethical life and help one live a long and happy life) and wisdoms.  
imge url:
main mantra is green tara mantra : "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha"
*recomended to start with the number you are comfortable with. as all tara mantra help purify by ripening karma at early stage. I always go with om mani padme hum mantra and you will know why ;)
* i don't recite that much of tara mantra with mala bead because i had go through experiences where a lot of karma ripening at the same time . so i leave this up to your own judgement.
Author note: also said to promote prosperity.

36. Lankavatara sutra 
- this sutra talks about no eating meat.
Author: get the feeling this has very indirect impact to one present existence wealth based on author own experience from being meat eater to a vegetarian.thats the reason why this sutra is in this post.

37. Ten benefit from printing sutra and making buddha images
1. all evil karma made in the past will either be wiped and retribution created by past serious offence, reduced.
2. Auspicious spirits contantly protect you and you do not have to experience the disaster of plagues, floods, fires, thieves, armed conflicts or imprisonment.
3. suffering inflicted by vengeful enemies, made in the past will be avoided and the merit derived from printing sutras will allow these enemies to receive the benefits of dharma, and thereby untie the bond of hatred.
4. evil ghosts and other yakshas ghosts cannot encroach on you; poisonous snakes or man-eating beasts cannot harm you.
5. You will have peace of mind. During the day you will meet with no danger, and at night you will have no bad dreams. Your complexion will be healthy, smooth and moists. Your energy will be full of vitality. Your business will continue to prosper and meet with ultimate success.
6. You will have ample food and clothing.  Your family will always be at peace and your prosperity and blessings will constantly increase.
7. Gods and other people will take a liking to what you do or say.Wherever yo go you will always be greeted with respects and revered by happy crowd and dear friends.
8. Ignorant people will grow wiser, unhealthy people will grow healthy, troubled people will feel happier, and women can become men in their next life, if they wish to do so.
9. You will escape from the three lower realms, and always be reborn in wholesome place, with a handsome upright appearance and unusually fine character. You will enjoy supreme happiness and abundant wealth.
10. You will be able to plant innumerable roots of goodness in the blessed mind of all living beings. You will help the living beings to reap bounteous, measureless merits and help them attain the final buddhahood.

38. Red Jambhala (overcome greed)
mantra: Om jambhala Jalendraye Dhanam Medihi Hrih Dakini Jambhala Sambhara Svaha
- suitable to people in high power or pray for high power.
- can attract people , wealth and fame
- one will enjoy wealth in abundance and shall be well respected and supported by people.
- help overcome greed and miserliness.

39. Water offering (according to tibet tradition - the standard practise is 8 bowl daily)
*lessen miserliness and generate merits. create wealth and purify poverty. 
1. offering cool water - will help develop pure moral discipline
2. offering delicious water - will help find delicious food and drinks in future lives .
3. offering light offering - cause us to experience the bliss of physical suppleness.
4. offering soft water - make our mind calm and gentle
5. offering clear water - make our mind clear and alert
6. offering sweet smelling water - bring easy and power purification of our negative karma.
7. offer water that is good for our digestion - reduce our illness
8. offering water that sooth the throat - make our speech beautiful and powerful.
Author note: try learn the proper procedure in making the water offering as what you offer is what you will get in your present life and future lifetimes. 
source :
source 2:
source 3:

40. Padmasambhava Mantra  (100 times daily)
mantra: Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum
- usually recite to overcome difficulties in one life.
- if a lot of people recite this mantra together up to millions times  and more , it will help avert negative effect of diseases, famine, unrest, bad harvests, bad omens and indications in all the countries in the world and rain will fall in time, crops will have plenty water supply for agricultural, human and animal life and all region will experience prosperity and auspicious conditions.
- recite 100 times daily , one will become attractive and food , wealth and necessities will come easily.
for more information, check the source link.

41. Noble lady Tara Norter Drolma , bestowing realth and remove poverty
mantra: om tare tuttare ture mama basu pustim kuru soha
- bestow wealth, tara the wealth giver who remove the sufferings of poverty.
- according to feng shui, yellow tara can multiply and increase asset, wealth , income and abundance . provide financial stability and good fortune.bring greater financial stability into life and attract commercial success. 
Author note: Author last check in year 2017 that this mantra is available in keychain and mirror. the keychain mantra use "pustum" instead of "pustim" word as it is said to be much stronger than "pustim"
feng shui item: 

42. Kathina offering
object: robe ceremony
- robe offering to the sangha (monk) during Kathina ceremony will get 5 benefits for the months the monk wear the robe:
a. the donor can go free wherever they want without hindrances in ever lifetime.
b. the donor can go to every place they want without having to bear any burden in every lifetime.
c. the donor may eat any food and do not suffer from stomach trouble, diarrhae , poison or other danger in ever lifetime.
d. the donor can keep a lot of properties without having enemy (the author think this group of enemy arise out of jealousy of the other person have something but they don't) .
e. the property of the donors cannot be taken away by force.if they do not wish to give away their property, nobody with any power can take by force. they get the benefit of making other people get it only when they give.

a) be prosperous in all endeavours
b) gain admiration, respect and support from everyone
c) be replete with great material wealth
d) have purity in all our actions, speech and thoughts
e) easily attain the dharmakaya within
f) be reborn in heavenly realm

Author note: also said to be helpful in not to be born in hot hell and cold hell (for minor offense). Kathina ceremony are said to be popular in country like thailand, myanmar, burma, laos . 

43. Ten benefit from printing sutra and making buddha images
1. all evil karma made in the past will either be wiped and retribution created by past serious offence, reduced.
2. Auspicious spirits contantly protect you and you do not have to experience the disaster of plagues, floods, fires, thieves, armed conflicts or imprisonment.
3. suffering inflicted by vengeful enemies, made in the past will be avoided and the merit derived from printing sutras will allow these enemies to receive the benefits of dharma, and thereby untie the bond of hatred.
4. evil ghosts and other yakshas ghosts cannot encroach on you; poisonous snakes or man-eating beasts cannot harm you.
5. You will have peace of mind. During the day you will meet with no danger, and at night you will have no bad dreams. Your complexion will be healthy, smooth and moists. Your energy will be full of vitality. Your business will continue to prosper and meet with ultimate success.
6. You will have ample food and clothing.  Your family will always be at peace and your prosperity and blessings will constantly increase.
7. Gods and other people will take a liking to what you do or say.Wherever yo go you will always be greeted with respects and revered by happy crowd and dear friends.
8. Ignorant people will grow wiser, unhealthy people will grow healthy, troubled people will feel happier, and women can become men in their next life, if they wish to do so.
9. You will escape from the three lower realms, and always be reborn in wholesome place, with a handsome upright appearance and unusually fine character. You will enjoy supreme happiness and abundant wealth.
10. You will be able to plant innumerable roots of goodness in the blessed mind of all living beings. You will help the living beings to reap bounteous, measureless merits and help them attain the final buddhahood.
Author note: Sutra are consider as dharma. therefore when giving dharma sutra as alms to others , one will gain both dharma and wealth in future lifetimes. 

44. The Buddha Speaks the Sutra on Cause and Effect in the three periods of time
This sutra talk about what one did in the past can bring what kind of consequences . How does one born in this lifetime and how one will be in future lifetimes. This sutra also talk why does some have long life, good health, wealth, prosperity and while others don't.

45. Vipula Garbhe Mani Prabhe Tathagata Dharani
Mantra: Namah Sarva Tathagatanam. Om Vipula Grabhe mani prabhe thathagata nidarsane mani mani suprabhe vimale sagara gambhire hum hum jvala jvala Buddha vilokite guhya dhistita garbhe svaha. - Om mani vajri hum. - Om mani dhari hum phat
video 1:
video 2 :
video 3:
video 4:
- purify unholy obstacle, accomplish 6 paramita, close the door that lead to bad rebirth and open the door to good rebirth, change demon weapon into flower, subjugate demon, avert poverty, those who hear it shall achieve enlightenment. Also help destroy demon. no fear of thieves, robbers, thugs. no fear of highway and small path. Won't be harm by fierce animal. a lot of sickness won't befall on them including blind, deaf . able to solve all trouble.won't be bully by others. will not die in accidents. won't dumb in future.
Author note: The original source sea translate site are no longer open for public viewing. unless invited. therefore the author decided to remove the link.
This dharani has interested the author partly because it has the ability to turn demon (non human being demon) weapon into flower, help lessen poverty. The author also notice that this dharani seem to help open up job opportunities such as in technology field (where the job itself do not harm sentient beings such as animals). Also heal a lot of sickness.Check the link for detail.

46. Amoghaphasa Dharani and mantra (Mahayana Arya Amoghapasa Hrdaya Sutram)
mantra: "Om Amogha-padma-pasa krodha karsaya praveshaya maha pashu pati yama varuna kuvera brahma vesa dhara padma kula samayam hum hum"
video:not available
mantra benefits:
1. one will be free from all kind of illness
2. Even if the disease is caused by karma, it will dissipate immediately
3.One would be famous and well-liked by all people
4. One’s body will become hidden
5. One will obtain abundant material wealth
6.One’s wealth will not be lost to thieves
7. Indestructible by fire
8. Indestructible by water
9. Inconsficable by the king or ruler
10. All of one’s conduct will be perfected
11. Freedom from the five fears of water with direct self clamor
12. Removing all disturbances
13. One’s personality / character will not be blemished
14. Freedom from fear of the dakinis
15. One’s hardship will not multiply
16. No death caused by weapons, fire or water
17. One will be protected by devas
18. One will obtain love and compassion
19. Happiness
20. Peace of mind wherever one is born
Furthermore, one will also receive the eight qualities as follows (ED: strange that it lists an additional 3 qualities, totalling 11 in number):
1. Upon death, one will be received by the Noble Avalokitesvara in the form of a Bhiksu
2. One will have a peaceful death
3. One’s arms and legs will be unshakeable and will not possess / be free from wrong views
4. One’s body will not produce filth and urine
5. No interference from the air
6. One will be blessed with awareness and vigilance
7. One’s memory will not weaken / degenerate
8. One will not die facing downwards
9. One will not die from massive / heavy / mortal accidents
10. One will be born according to one’s wishes and
11. One will always meet / be in touch with good spiritual friends
Author note:  In buddhism there are saying that , whoever own the land is also consider as king . therefore the author think this mantra also help protect wealth from landlord and landlady . Also Amoghaphasa are said to be particular helpful in law matter where amogaphasa can bind troublemaker.

47.  Stupa
- help build new stupa or help sponsor to maintain an existing stupa. Genuine stupa help bring peace to the mind in the area and pacify negative forces such as famine. Invite one into your home. as for bring peace to a bigger area, it is best to help donate and sponsor  the temple stupa.

benefit of building stupa:
- one will be born as the child of great king.
- one will have a noble body.
- one will become very beautiful and attractive
- one will have sharp sense of faculties
- one will be powerful and famous
- one will have a great entourage of servants.
- one will become a leader of men.
- one will be a support to all.
- one will be renowned in ten directions.
- one will be able to express one in words and verses extensively
- one will receive offerings from men and gods.
- one will possess many riches
- one will obtain the kingdom of universal monarchs.
- one will have long life.
- one body will be a collection of vajras.
- one body will be endow with the major mark and minor sign of a buddha.
- one will take higher rebirth in three realm.
- one will swiftly attain complete nirvana
*also said that if practitioner build stupa , one will not go through reborn in remote country and endure extreme poverty.
- there are plenty tibet buddhist temple that build stupa and require donation for long term maintenance. stupa are more popular in tibet buddhism .  

donate for stupa:


48. King Gesar Mantra form lilian too
Mantra: Om Ah Hung Benza Maha Guru Mani Radza Sarva Siddhi Pala Hung

- help to be resilient when there are setback. for work to be smoother and success come more easily.  usually recommend to chant to strengtehen one yearly windhorse (lung ta). also believe to be helpful with yearly killing star. overcome dark forces, both outer and inner that bring war and hardship and obscure the spiritual path. King gesar ultimate victory promises that peace, harmony and enlightenment will prevail in the world.  king gesar also are recommended for bringing sucess in business and commercial endeavors. also help protect from any harm. also offer protection against court cases, robbery and wrongful imprisonment.
Author note: gave the author impression that it is helpful when encountering some sort of aggression from external situation. 

 49. Sivali arhat statue
- this is not a mantra but keeping an image of Sivali (an arhat monk during the buddha shakyamuni time). Sivali arhat are said to had cultivate a lot of merits in his past life that the merits are so much that wherever sivali goes, people will flock to offer food to sivali. Sivali merits are so great that even if one person keep sivali image in his house now, it will be bless with bountiful riches and wealth . Sivali image are very popular in thailand.  

50. wealth vase
- this is a vase which usually got some basic item in it such as dzambhala tsa tsa , with some gems, grains in it . and it is also usually has five color cloth. it is consecrated by monks with some prayers.generally believe that it will attract positivity into the place it is put.
Author note: there are different kind of wealth vase such as naga vase, dzambhala vase. be sure to know the correct method and procedure of caring for the wealth vase.

51. The incantation for protecting and increasing wealth and resources
mantra:  Om namo ratna trayaya  Kuvera Arce Sarva Buddha Dharma Kosa Bhita Ratna Parisakara Dhisataye Svaha
video: not available

- for protection of wealth especially from wrong view people. also helpful for constipation problem
Author note: the author are only able to test the short mantra at this moment. the impression the author got is that it can help correct other people who try to took one wealth thinking that was their wealth, their right when in reality it wasn't theirs in the first place. 

52. Maha-Lakshmi Sutra  (three times of the day)

 - victorious over all unpleasant circumstances, endow with fortune, will not run out of wealth . this is also recommended for those who have difficult with getting a job and have financial difficulties especially when it depends on others.

53. 11 Face Avalokiteshvara mantra
Mantra : Namo Ratna Trayaya namah arya jnana sagara vairocana vyuha rajaya , thathagataya arhate samyaksam buddhaya. Namah sarva tathagatebhyah arhatebhyah samyaksambuddhe bhyah Namah arya arvalokite shvaraya bodhisattvaya maha sattvaya maha karunikaya tadyathat om dhara dhara , dhiri dhiri, dhuru dhuru iti-vate cale cale pracale pracale kusume kusuma vare ili mili , cite jvala mapanaya svaha

 - this is 11 face avalokiteshvara mantra also known as tibet compassion mantra. it is always mistaken as great compassionate mantra (from china which is much longer mantra ) which has 15 good benefits. therefore the author decide to list the benefit of this mantra to help avoid confusion.
 1. body has no sickness
 2. blessing from all buddhas
 3. possess wealth and never lack of food and clothes
 4. can subdue enemies without fear
 5. can cause compassion to arise in all sentient being
 6. cannot be harm by curse, poison, ghost , spirits
 7. cannot be harm by all type of  weapons
 8. cannot be drown by water
 9. cannot be harm by fire
 10. won't die of untimely accident
Author note: from author personal experiences, this mantra can bring some sort of good ending with the enemies .

54. Red Ganapati Mantra
mantra: Om Ga Ganapati Mama Ratna Siddhi Gaga Gaga Gaga Gaga Ganapati Svaha
- overcome obstacles  especially related to bureaucracy and people in power and authority. also grant wealth that do not obstruct spiritual path or cause it to degenerate. an enlightened being  dharma protector. help lessen self-cherishing mind ,anger and depression.

55. Yang Dzay Rilbu (wealth pill)

A wealth pill which is inside the wealth vase. it contains a lot of ingredients that help attract prosperity to the area the pill is put. also use for farming to ensure good harvest.
56. agarwood incense offering
- make agarwood incense to buddha statue on daily basis as agarwood incense believe to be able to increase income, increase sales and also protect from losing source of income.

57. The Twelve Buddha Sutra from 84000 reading room
- if follow the insruction in the teaching , it can  increase wealth, one can become a joy giver, meet with a spiritual teacher, receive protection from gods and will never find themselve without family and good people.
Author note: thought the people nearby author did laugh a bit more since the author try some of the method teach in the sutra.

58.  The One Hundred and Eight names of the exalted Jambhala mantra
mantra: Namo Ratna Trayaya Namo Manibhadaraya Mahayaksa Senapatale Om Hrim Tram Ksha Jrim Hrim Ham Dibya Ratnao Gaparishana Atabaka Deva Yaksha Samaya Manusmara Hrih Hum Phat Svaha
- liberate from poverty, will not receive harm , will be protect by others , enemies will not overpower them, will have good fortune, opportunities , lived to a hundred and things that worthy of soverign and soverignty.
Source :

59. King Of Samadhi Sutra
- this is a sutra. which talk about various paramita (virtue) and its benefits.  

60.3rd tara from the 21 tara from the smile of the sun and moon (lady tara serma sonam tobched )
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Maha Punye Svaha
- help acquire external (material ) wealth and also internal (spiritual ) wealth. thgis mantra multiplies merit and auspicious qualities.this mantra are chanted to find job, employ good worker , honest supplier, loyal friends , supportive business prtner and co-workers.
In praise of Tara Book

61. Manjushri eight syllable mantra
Mantra: Om Avira Hum Kachara
- increase happiness and merits. eliminate evil and harm.the practitioner will feel peaceful, achieve success at work.also eliminate karma. other benefits of reciting this include:no war in country, control astrology planets influence (sun, moon, 28 stars) and also transfer bad luck (mitigate bad luck to something better), no infectious disease in the country, no disaster in country, citizen will not be wrongly condemned, citizen will not be harm by evil power, citizen will not suffer from sudden death, weather is favorable, people are happy, no evil king or leader in the country, people will not face with dangerous animal or villains.
- other benefits from other video are listed below . can get great benefits. eliminate 3 evil path. can do everything, when recite the mantra it is as if the manjushri is in front. can help fulfill all good things. help purify heavy karma. can protect wealth. everything done won't encounter obstacle. recite 1  time- protect self, 2 time- protect other , 3 times- protect king, 4 time protect concubine, 5 times - protect all dependents, 6 times- protect village, 7 times- protect all sentient beings. if recite 7 time on cloth and wear it, it can eliminate all poisonous , evil and difficult disaster. if recite 7 time on water before washing hand and face, can enable all sentient bveing arouse respect heart. all evil people will be pacify. if the person in pain recite 108 rimes on water and then bath, the person will be cure. if recite 7 times on drinking water and then drink it daily, karma can be eliminate. if chant it on food before eating, the person will not receive any food poisoning. if meet with evil people and enemy, recite this mantra at that time, they will be pacify. evil intention will be eliminate, they will arouse compassion.

62. Black Jambhala Mantra
- this mantra are recommended for business wealth related activities.
Auhor note: this author think this mantra is helpful for those who feel their company in too competitive environment.

63. Sarasvasti
Mantra: Om Sarasvasti Devaputra Svaha
- for study related, for language and art, for unwind tongue so that one can speak increase mental power. Sarasvasti is also known as buddhist dharma protector that offer assistance and protection to practitioner and also for wealth related. 

64. Suvarnabradravimalaratnaprabhasavratasiddhi from from eight medicine buddha name
Buddha Name: Suvarnabradravimalatranaprabhasavratasiddhi
- for those who has commit killing , who has short lifespan because of killing others, many illness and suffer untimely death. also beneficial for those who has thought of harming others, fighting and kill each others to become loving each other like parent love their children. for those who has faulty ethics, who has commit various misdeed, those who born in poor household because of their stealing karma, desitute, bodies who torment by hunger and thirst and those who experience suffering. it helps them purify their misdeeds.
Author note: read the sutra for the actual deatils.

65. Venus planet Mantra from lilian book horoscope year 2011
mantra : inside lilian Too horoscope book  year 2011
video :
- venus planet being consider as lord of 2nd house which govern the income as well as 7th house which is consider as house of all kind of relationship including marriage, business partnership, contracts and so on. because of this venus planet are thought to be planet that govern entertainment industry, luxury industry, artistic skill as well as diplomatic skill . and therefore it is consider as planet that promote peace and prsoperity (where everyone are likely to become friends instead of fighting each other) . people who born with benefic venus are likely to be very diplomatic , has wide good relationship with others and are more likely to be sucessful as celebrity in entertainment industry.
White bright type of color are thought to be represent venus.
Author note: there is also some small indication that free trade industry are likely to be sucessful for those who has benefic venus . and there are astrologer who think that Venus are a brilliant strategist as venus planet has the capacity to even turn enemies into friends (other than Rahu planet).

66. Treasure Buddha Mantra
Mantra : Guru Nana Taragatha Hum
- transform poverty to become wealthy. sever roots of poverty, roots of mental affliction, roots of pain and suffering.ratnasambhave buddha will give treasure , good fortune and also rebirth in Buddha Pureland.  
Author note:- this author think that this mantra is beneficial for those who wanted to put an end to some poverty negative karma one started in the past.

67. Jupiter mantra from the lilian too horoscope book year 2011
Mantra : in the book horoscope book year 2011

- bring forward planet jupiter blessing which is say to be the most auspicious blessing among all the 9 planets as it is a benefic planet which some consider to be better than the sun as the sun ray can end up scorching the earth at times while jupiter 100% reflect back to the earth like a big mirror (bigger than full moon). this planet is consider to be ruling on thursday where one require to do a lot of good deeds to activate it. and it is also had big impact on big retail type of business including the banking sector. so most of the time this planet is consider as karaka for employment in the form of getting gracious employer, benefactors, meeting rich and virtue type of benefactor. this planet is also thought to be governing education such as university and law related bodies. and it has a lot of big wealth related to this planet.

68. Dorje Drolo
Mantra: Om Guru Benza Dorje Drolo Lot Loka Sarwa Siddhi Hum Dza

- Dorje Drolo is  padmasambhava in a scorpion form ( a wrathful type) which is very beneficial in term of purifying negative karma . therefore its fire puja are extremely powerful that can help dissolve bad situation that involve gossip, government (authority problem), office politics. this mantra also bring wealth luck and extremely good in dealing with psychology issue that related to extreme emotion such as trauma. and also thought to purify epidermic disease that originate from scorpion. transform hesitancy and clinging into enlightening activity. also give birth to new circumstances and possibilities.
Author note: can't remember where this author found this mantra. but this is beneficial as it seem to help both in business and personal life. this is one of the type of new possibilties where a person can get a job offer while playing games.

69. White tara that increase accomplishment of watchfulness
mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Arakha Sampada Pushtim Kuru Svaha
- this is a custom made mantra that help a person increase the watchfulness which is important in being watchfulness where a person wealth will not be taken away by government and also unbeloved heir.

 70. White Tara that increase right-livelihood justice
Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Samyak-Ajiva-Nyaya Pushtim Kuru Svaha
- this is custom made white tara mantra for improving right-livelihood. according to buddhism, right livelihood  are way of living that doesn't harm others. which mean job occupation that do not harm others . this mantra is good for those who want to leave jobs such as butcher, fisherman which took animal life for a living. and i added the justice into it with the hope that it will ensure others will be fair to the practitioner when it comes to get a right-livelihood job.
Author note: while i was working on this mantra, i thought i did see some signs where if others insist that you must slaughter chicken to make a living, this mantra seem to be correct them. it can come in various way including others telling them what they did is unfair to the victim. so this mantra are good for vegan and vegetarian who are thinking of leaving jobs such as working in meat type restaurants. source:

71. Malu Palaya 
mantra : malu palaya
- find a place of liberation, meet enlightened being (sain, guru) , able to spread dharma , promote vegetarian and buddha chanting , make offerings together , eliminate natural dissters, attact wealth, summon dharmpala, turn demon into buddha , turn foe into friends.

*seven treasure buddha (七寶如來)
- not much info about this. basically this is reciting seven buddha name which bring blessings such as infinite wealth (one will always get wealth for one need) , good health, tall body, complete body form , with good looking features in future. this is usually done for ghosts (so that the ghost will suffer less especially due to hunger and can have a better rebirth) but the benefits mention here are useful for sentient being including human too.

*Water and Fire equilibirium mantra (ksitigarbha long mantra)
video (in sanskrit) :
video (in tibet):

* one person wealth are also affected based on your personal lung ta, wang thang and your birth mewa (tibetan astrology)

*. avoid taking 5 pungent foods (onion,garlic, leeks,scallions and chives)  as it is said to attract hungry ghost, decrease your wealth as well as you may end up joining the demon retinue.

* link to condition of welfare

*do not leave empty bowl, empty cup  in front of buddha statue, image as this signify poverty.

*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.

*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*if you happen to see good mantras with the original description , do remember to keep a printed copy with you as it may come the time when the buddha mantras information may be entirely disappear from the internet database.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .  

* for puja (ritual conduct by monks) , check my other post "website links for different puja"

*check "buddhism advise on wealth post" if you are interested to know what i have come across about wealth teaching from buddhism. 

*will add more as i see fit in future.


  1. 10. The Great Compassion Mantra-DhAraNi of the Blue Necked One

    (नीलकण्ठ धारणी)

    नमो रत्नत्रयाय। नम आर्यावलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय महासत्त्वाय महाकारुणिकाय। ॐ सर्वभयशोधनाय तस्य नमस्कृत्वा इमु आर्यावलोकितेश्वर तव नमो नीलकण्ठ। हृदयं वर्तयिस्यामि सर्वार्थसाधनं शुभम् अजेयं सर्वभूतानां भवमार्गविशोधकम्। तद्यथा ॐ आलोकाधिपति लोकातिक्रान्त। एहि महाबोधिसत्त्व सर्प सर्प स्मर स्मर हृदयम्। कुरु कुरु कर्म। धुरु धुरु विजयते महाविजयते। धर धर धारणीराज चल चल मम विमलामूर्त्ते। एहि एहि। चिन्द चिन्द। अरस्प्रचलि। वशवशम् प्रनाशय। हुलु हुलु स्मर हुलु हुलु। सर सर सिरि सिरि सुरु सुरु। बोधिय बोधिय बोधय बोधय। मैत्रिय नीलकण्ठ देहि मे दर्शनम्। प्रहरायमानाय स्वाहा। सिद्धाय स्वाहा। महासिद्धाय स्वाहा। सिद्धयोगिश्वराय स्वाहा। नीलकण्ठाय स्वाहा। वराहमुखाय स्वाहा। नरसिंहमुखाय स्वाहा। गदाहस्ताय स्वाहा। चक्रहस्ताय स्वाहा। पद्महस्ताय स्वाहा। नीलकण्ठपान्दराय स्वाहा। महातलि शन्कराय स्वाहा। नमो रत्नत्रयाय। नम आर्यावलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय स्वाहा। ॐ सिद्ध्यन्तु मन्त्रपदाय स्वाहा॥ *

    The Heart Mantra

    ॐ वज्र धर्म हॄः॥

    The Great Compassion Mantra
    Dhāraṇī of the Blue Necked One
    (nīlakaṇṭha dhāraṇī)

    namo ratna-trayāya | nama āryāvalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāya mahākāruṇikāya | oṁ sarva-bhaya-śodhanāya tasya namaskṛtvā | idam_āryāvalokiteśvara tava namo nīlakaṇṭha | hṛdayaṁ vartayiṣyāmi sarvārtha-sādhanaṁ śubham_ajeyaṁ sarva-bhūtānāṁ bhava-mārga-viśodhakaṁ | tad-yathā oṁ ālokādhipati lokātikrānta | ehi mahā-bodhisattva sarpa sarpa smara smara hṛdayaṁ | kuru kuru karma | dhuru dhuru vijayate mahā-vijayate | dhara dhara dhāraṇī-rāja | cala cala mama vimalamūrtte | ehi ehi cīrṇa cīrṇa ārṣaṁ pracali | vaśaṁ vaśaṁ pranāśaya | huru huru smara | huru huru sara sara siri siri suru suru | budhya budhya bodhaya bodhaya | maitreya nīlakaṇṭha [dehi me] darśanaṁ | praharāya-mānāya svāhā | siddhāya svāhā | mahā-siddhāya svāhā | siddha-yogīśvarāya svāhā | nīlakaṇṭhāya svāhā | varāha-mukhāya svāhā | nara-siṁha-mukhāya svāhā | gadā-hastāya svāhā | cakra-hastāya svāhā | padma-hastāya svāhā | nīlakaṇṭha-pāndarāya svāhā | mahātala-śaṁkarāya svāhā | namo ratna-trayāya | nama āryāvalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya svāhā | oṁ siddhyantu mantra-padāni svāhā (This concluding phrase appears in another version of this mantra.) ||

    1. Thank you for the information provided here. I'll keep a copy of your post in my pc as well :)

  2. "Om braam, breem, braum saha budhaaya namaha|"
    Benefits of Buddha mantra:
    Chanting of buddha mantra helps students in their education by enhancing their knowledge and improving their learning skills, thus helping them to score better marks.
    This mantra should be chanted on every wednesday morning preferably by facing north-east direction.
    To get more details about mantras, pujas, bhajans and chants, download mangaldeep app and get all benefits,

  3. theravada pray to phra sivali for wealth. the shortest mantra known is "Na Ca Li Ti"

    1. thank you for your comment. I learn something new from your comment.


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