Mantra lessen contagious disease (FD10062020-4)

1.  Arya heart of vairocana
mantra: "tadyatha / kala kala / kili kili / biri biri/huru huru/ vairo-chana rasmi sanchodita agaccha/ arya akasha garbha maha karunika puraya hashana/ dharaya  buddha vikshcayana/ chara chara chiri chiri svaha "
quote from: "chant a mantra" book.
benefit: "just by reciting this mantra one receive success and cannot be harm by weapon, fire , water ,poison, substances mixed with poison or black magic. nor can one be harm by thief, king , robbers and so forth.wherever this mantra is written and left, , people do not receive sickness,harm or contagious disease and one will achieve the concentration called stainless light."
- powerful mantra that help with protection from fire, flood , black magic,weapon, contagious disease , thief , robber , king and so on . but i think i won't have time to do this update for a very long time. this mantra can be order from fpmt shop (in card version) and the information about this mantra should be available in the internet.

2. 20th orange tara from Lilian too's tibetan cosmic magic series 21 tara oracle (check the book whether one should recite this mantra)
mantra: Om Tare Tuttaer Ture Biz Aray Soha
- 20th tara is tara source of attainments. dispel all contagious disease . this tara eliminate all contagious diseases which may be afflicting you or member of your family. her mantra overcomes all disease caused by a variety of local spirits.
Author note: this tara mantra help ripen karma at early stage so it is possible that one will suddenly infected by cough, flu (which is consider light daily contagious disease ) and also ripen those new deadly disease and thus keep the damage at minimum level. the author notice , that during this recitation 100,000 times , the author has started remembering eating food that strengthen against flu (which the author had forgotten for a very long time).

Author note: June 2017- the author of this blog are currently infected by tuberculosis disease (highly contagious disease). and therefore the flow of this blog direction will be mostly focus on this direction for undefinite time from this moment onward.

3. Vajravidaran
mantra: Namo Tsanda Vajra krodaya Hulu Hulu Tishta Tishta Banda Banda Hana Hana Amirta Hum Phat
video long version:
- specialising in purifying people and their environment
- powerful to cleanse the body, speech and mind of all sentient beings from contamination, spiritual or material.
- remove contamination, negative attitudes and misconduct made to the body, mind and speech. possible purification at all levels also removes its origin (karma), external sources and obstacles caused by natural imbalances or negative influence zodiac.also remove the causes of disease and negativities of unknown origin.after purification, it create a protective shield with the vajra which protects the future.
- said to be useful in healing paralysis.

4. Black Manjushri
mantra: Om Praso Chuso Dutarso Durmiso Nying Gola Cho Kala Dza Kam Sham Tram Beh Phet SOha
- consider to be a specialist.
- said to be helpful in sickness cause by chemicals, pollutions, toxins , poisoned water and food that are exposed to radiation, chemicals. good for those who are suffering from paranoid and fear including situation where someone as if is mentally attacking  the person.
- helpful in seeing bad omen situation such as corpse, astrology related problems such as feng shui (black manjusri provide protection when the star and planets are in the position that is harmful to the person).
- also helpful for those in the position of leader and also speaker who has to speak to public. as it help counter negative intention toward person in authority.
- helpful in situation where there are bad signs and omen including nightmares and not good result coming from divination.
- helpful in situation where bad karma occur due to cutting trees, breaking stone. certain skin problems . offending naga.
- helpful in situation where all  worries be it great or trivial, harm of any kind can be relieved by black manjushri mantra.
- also for mistake that happen due to performing ceremony such as marriage, cremation, cut down tree due on inauspicious date.
- protect from sickness , accidents, loss of property, social problems and discouraging life experiences.
- protect from our own inner four mara.
- help those suffering from incurable disease such as AIDS, tuberculosis , cancer.
- help stop our energy from flowing into wrong path due to astrological influences.
Author note:  Get the impression that the black manjushri look more like a SWAT member than as a specialist . And the author think black manjushri could be a dharma protector since when the author start reciting black manjushri mantra, the author actually found another buddha sutra accidentally.

5. Vipula Garbhe Mani Prabhe Tathagata Dharani

Mantra: Namah Sarva Tathagatanam. Om Vipula Grabhe mani prabhe thathagata nidarsane mani mani suprabhe vimale sagara gambhire hum hum jvala jvala Buddha vilokite guhya dhistita garbhe svaha. - Om mani vajri hum. - Om mani dhari hum phat
video 1:
video 2 :
video 3:
video 4:

- purify unholy obstacle, accomplish 6 paramita, close the door that lead to bad rebirth and open the door to good rebirth, change demon weapon into flower, subjugate demon, avert poverty, those who hear it shall achieve enlightenment. Also help destroy demon. no fear of thieves, robbers, thugs. no fear of highway and small path. Won't be harm by fierce animal. a lot of sickness won't befall on them including blind, deaf, scro. able to solve all trouble.won't be bully by others. will not die in accidents. won't dumb in future.
Author note: The original source sea translate site are no longer open for public viewing. unless invited. therefore the author decided to remove the link.
This dharani has interested the author partly because it has the ability to turn demon (non human being demon) weapon into flower, help lessen poverty. The author also notice that this dharani seem to help open up job opportunities such as in technology field (where the job itself do not harm sentient beings such as animals). Also heal a lot of sickness.Check the link for detail.  

6. The Clarifying Light : A prophecy of the future Sutra
- this sutra talks about prophecy of evil times. writing and recite this sutra will benefit the town, the country, help increase merit, avert negative circumstances and obstacles. also help end all sickness. and also increase merits. help gain freedom from illness.

7. Sutra for Turning Black Lawsuits & Political Problems
Mantra: Tadyatha Om Bajrapani Mama Raksha Raksha Om Jyodog Khachu Maraya Phat Samaya Du Raksha Hung Hung Phat Phat Soha
- turn back all the lawsuit. pacify misfortune , persecution by government.Pacify enmity, karmic debts of family and relatives.pacify those with malicious thoughts and those who create negative calm those who are angry. 
Author note : The mantra above  is just a part of the entire sutra. for the entire benefits, best to recite the entire sutra itself. The entire sutra help pacify all negative litigation, punishment from the government, conflict , strife,pacify all enmity, karmic debts of family and relatives,obstruction and obstacles cause by bad year bad bad months, pacify misfortune, pacify the curses of mamo, epidermics and so on. also help dispel all fears.

8. Manjushri eight syllable mantra
Mantra: Om Avira Hum Kachara
- increase happiness and merits. eliminate evil and harm.the practitioner will feel peaceful, achieve success at work.also eliminate karma. other benefits of reciting this include:no war in country, control astrology planets influence (sun, moon, 28 stars) and also transfer bad luck (mitigate bad luck to something better), no infectious disease in the country, no disaster in country, citizen will not be wrongly condemned, citizen will not be harm by evil power, citizen will not suffer from sudden death, weather is favorable, people are happy, no evil king or leader in the country, people will not face with dangerous animal or villains.
- other benefits from other video are listed below . can get great benefits. eliminate 3 evil path. can do everything, when recite the mantra it is as if the manjushri is in front. can help fulfill all good things. help purify heavy karma. can protect wealth. everything done won't encounter obstacle. recite 1  time- protect self, 2 time- protect other , 3 times- protect king, 4 time protect concubine, 5 times - protect all dependents, 6 times- protect village, 7 times- protect all sentient beings. if recite 7 time on cloth and wear it, it can eliminate all poisonous , evil and difficult disaster. if recite 7 time on water before washing hand and face, can enable all sentient bveing arouse respect heart. all evil people will be pacify. if the person in pain recite 108 rimes on water and then bath, the person will be cure. if recite 7 times on drinking water and then drink it daily, karma can be eliminate. if chant it on food before eating, the person will not receive any food poisoning. if meet with evil people and enemy, recite this mantra at that time, they will be pacify. evil intention will be eliminate, they will arouse compassion.


9. Pandemic Dispelling Boat
Mantra: Om Wuluni Wuluni Hum Fa Zha

- this mantra also has a paper boat with it. the general benefits of reciting this mantra are bring abundance and everything one desire under worldly dharma. for example: lots of children,good health, longevity, free of illness, become wealthy, able to make a good living, convert foe into friends and karmic creditors into karmic benefactors.

10. Grand Duke Mantra
Mantra: Om Ah Zuo Wei Li Svaha
- this mantra are for few star astrology that can affect one life including Star of Breaking, Star of Negatvities, Star of Killing, Star of illness and Star of Pandemic. Also solve Grand Duke Jupiter effect which include losing wealth, business heading toward imminent failure,business can't get any customers, jeopardizing one marriage, undermining one positive karmic affinity with others,death, affect harmony of the family (family cannot stay united and drifted apart)
Author note: the grand duke here are originated from 12 zodiac animal sign who are guarding the heaven gate from asura attack.
the page below also mention about grand duke pendant which can prolong wearer lifespan,merits and affinity with others will increase,help unemployed to find good jobs, prospects and opportunities and marriage, help those who want to have children,block and neutralize disaster and calamities,pacify threat from illness, those who have difficulty in work will get good superior who support them.

11. Dorje Drolo
Mantra: Om Guru Benza Dorje Drolo Lot Loka Sarwa Siddhi Hum Dza

- Dorje Drolo is  padmasambhava in a scorpion form ( a wrathful type) which is very beneficial in term of purifying negative karma . therefore its fire puja are extremely powerful that can help dissolve bad situation that involve gossip, government (authority problem), office politics. this mantra also bring wealth luck and extremely good in dealing with psychology issue that related to extreme emotion such as trauma. and also thought to purify epidermic disease that originate from scorpion. transform hesitancy and clinging into enlightening activity. also give birth to new circumstances and possibilities.
Author note: can't remember where this author found this mantra. but this is beneficial as it seem to help both in business and personal life. this is one of the type of new possibilties where a person can get a job offer while playing games.


*All credits of the information in this page & post goes to the respective author and publisher provided in the source link.
*consider going for mala bead . a standard mala bead should consist of minimum 108 beads (that represent 108 types of worry ,  some mala had additional beads for error or mistakes in your recitation )  . therefore it is good as helping you to remember how many you have recited . mala bracelet is also good but you may from time to time lost count of how many you have recited and had to restart all over again. as for the proper way of using mala and wearing it and taking care of your mala beads, its best that you get advice from proper instructors. you may want to consider ask a guru or monk in temple to bless your mala. The more you recite, the more your mala protective powers will grow to the point it can become a very strong protective talisman.

*Blow your mala bead when you have finish recite mantra for the day as this mean for your personal protection.

*You may need another mantra which is call heruka vajrayogini mantra which helps to make your mala blessings get stronger as we are living in a degenerative time (meaning negative karma getting stronger with each passing time) . This mantra is said to be the more degenerative it is, the more powerful this mantra will be.

* if one face obstacle while reciting mantra, the solution is to do sur offering to wandering ghost. another option is to light an incense (such as sandalwood incense, where spirits obtain their food through smell) and put it on the windows side , or outside one house as charity food to wandering ghost. then obstacle one is facing will be dispel. therefore buddhist are being encourage to do sur offering before they start their daily mantra practise .  


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