Cintan Vegetarian Curry (FD05092020-7)

Last Update: August 2018
Instant noodles . Mi Segera
素Flavour Vegetarian Curry
Perisa Kari Sayur-sayuran

Product Quality of/
Product Berkualiti Dary

Delicious Chewy Noodles
Serving Suggestion/
cadangan hidangan
5 packets/pek

MS1500: 2009
1 043-12/2003

Wheat flour, Palm oil (contain BHA) , Salt, Sesame Oil, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Tripulyphosphate And Potassium Carbonate. Contain permitted antioxidant.
Contain acidity Regulators and Emulsifiers as permitted conditioners.

SOUP PACK INGREDIENTS: Salt, Sugar, Monosodium Glutamate, Chili, Coriander,Glucose, Palm oil, Fennel, Caramel, Cumin, Disodium Inosinate,Disodium Guanylate, Flavoring, Ginger, Tumeric,, White Pepper, Tricalcium Phosphate and Paprika Extract. Contain Monosodium Glutamate, Disodium Inosinate And Disodium Guanylate As Permitted Flavour Enhancers. Contains Permitted Flavoring and Colouring Substances. Contains Anticaking Agent as permitted Food conditioners.
CONTAINS:  Wheat, Celery, Mustard And Sesame.

RAMUAN MI: Tepung Gandum, Minyak Kelapa Sawit (Mengandungi BHA), Garam, Minyak Bijan, Natrium Karbonat, Natrium Tripolifosfat Dan Kalium Karbonat. Mengandungi Antipengoksida Yang dibenarkan. Mengandungi Pengawal Asid dan Pengemulsi Sebagai Kondisioner Makanan Yang Dibenarkan.

RAMUAN PEK SUP: Garam , Gula, Mononatrium Glutamat, Cili, Ketumbar , Glukosa, Minyak Kelapa Sawit, Jintan Manis, Karamel, Jintan Putih, Dinatrium Inosinat, DInatrium Guanilat, Bahan Perisa , Halia, Kunyit, Lada Putih, Trikalsioum Fosfat,dan Ekxtrak Paprika. Mengandungi MOnonatrium Glutamat, Dinatrium Inosinat dan DInatrium GUanilat sebagai perisa yang DIbenarkan. Mengandungi Bahan Perisa dan Bahan Pewarna Yang dibenarkan. Mengandungi Agen Antipergerakan Sebagai Kondisioner Makanan yang dibenarkan.
MENGANDUNGI: Gandum, Saderi, Biji Sawi dan Bijan.

9 556156 045705

Instant noodles . Mi Segera
素Flavour Vegetarian Curry
Perisa Kari Sayur-sayuran

Cintan was the 1st instant noodles produced in Malaysia in 1969.

Since then, our reputation for high quality, springy noodles hasd made us famous as one of Malaysia most preferred brands.

CINTAN now comes in two excellent flavors for vegetarians: Vegetarian flavour and Vegetarian curry flavour which do not contain garlic, onion, eggs, chives, leeks and bamboo shoot.

For a quick bite, there's CINTAN Grab Mi Vegetarian Cup Noodle . It is simple delicious, so grab one now!

CINTAN - Delicious Chewy Noodles!

Cintan adalah mi segera yang pertama diperkenalkan di Malaysia sejak 1969.

Sejak itu reputasi mi Cintan yang berkualiti tinggi dan kenyal telaj menjadikanya terkenal sebagai salah satu jenama. pilihan di Malaysia.

Cintan kini mempunyai dua perisa sayuran yang sungguh menyelerakan. Perisa Sayuran dan Perisa Kari Sayuran yang tidak mengandungi bawang putih, bawang, telur, kucai , daun bawang dan rebung.

Untuk menikmati dengan segera, terdapat juga Cintan Grab Mi Perisa Sayuran dalam cawan yang mudah dimakan di mana-mana serta pada bila-bila masa saja. Dapatkan sekarang!
Cintan - Lebih Enak, Lebih Kenyal.

于1969年, Cintan (金旦) 是首个在马来西亚推出的快熟面品牌.

 此后, Cintan 以高品牌及富有弹性的面条享有美誉,成为马来西亚最受欢的品牌之一.

如今 Cintan 推出了两种口味独特的素食面: 素清汤味及素咖喱味,它不含蒜,洋葱,蛋,细香葱,韭菜,竹笋.

苦想即食享用,也拥有 Cintan Grab Mi  素清汤香菜味杯面让您可随时享用美味的一杯杯面!
Cintan - 更美 味, 更爽口!

1. Cook the noodles / Masakkan Mi
2. Add soup mix / Campurkan serbuk sup
3. Enjoy/ Nikmatinya

Lebih Enak Kenyal

No Garlic 无蒜
No Onion 无洋葱
No Egg 无蛋
No Chives 无细香葱
No Leeks  无韭菜
No Bamboo Shoot 无竹笋

Serving Suggestion/ Cadangan Hidangan


Serving Size/ Size Hidangan: 71g
Serving Per Pack/ Jumlah Hidangan Setiap Pek: 1

Nutrients/    Per 100g    Per Serving (71g)
Nutrient     Setiap 100g   Setiap Hidangan (71g)
Energy/ Tenaga (Kcal)  428  304
Carbohydrate/ Karbohidrat (g)  61.3  43.6
Protein / Protein (g) 11.7  8.3
Fat / Lemak (g)  17.3  12.3

Net weight/ Berat Bersih:  5 x 71g

Ref no: KK<-163 p="">
Certified to MS 526: 2009
License no: PB 001402

Product of Malaysia/ Buatan Malaysia

Awarded HACCP certificate by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia.
Dianugerahkan Sijil HACCP oleh kementerian Kesihatan, Malaysia

荣获马来西亚卫生部颁发HACCP 证书.
<-163 p="">
<-163 p="">
<-163 p="">LOT 49494, Batu 3, Jalan Jelapang,
<-163 p="">30020 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
<-163 p="">7, Jalan Tandang, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
<-163 p="">

<-163 p="">3 senoko Way Singapore 758057
<-163 p="">
<-163 p="">Product of Malaysia

<-163 p=""> 
<-163 p=""> 
“To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.”
source :

It can be quite difficult finding the necessary vegetarian products. therefore the author will share vegetarian products within the author capability that follow according to the 10 precepts , no five pungents foods, no meat, no egg, no alcohol, no tobacco and no milk . The author are unable to  provide 100% correct information as things always change (impermanency law) therefore reader are advised to take extra caution. This is also because the author personally face quite big obstacle karma related to vegetarian food. another issue the author face is although there are products which has label as vegetarian, the ingredients may not necessary are all vegetables. readers are advised to check whether reader are allergy to certain food ingredient and also whether it is harmful to health such as chemical product seasoning.

wine - one will lose wisdom. how many in this earth whose families is broken because of drinking alcohol.
vinegar - contain alcohol.
tobacco - it is believe to be a product coming from a female demon who wish destroy human,dragon and god cities. so those who inhale tobacco are likely to be more selfish and war are likely to happen.can also affect drinking supply as dragon is in charge of bringing rain around the area.
meat & egg - causes one lose countless offense.and are likely to cause one to born in bad path including hell. also give bad body odour . and revenge between the meat eater and the animal will keep on repeating for many lifetimes (this lifetime you eat me, next lifetime it is my turn to eat you back and so on). and it is likely the meat one is currently eating could be one own family, relatives and friends in one past life.
milk & cheese- cheese is said to downgrade one thinking ability temporary. milk is because one will  owe karma debt to the animal and some consider it as under stealing (probably because the animal couldn't directly give permission that you can take their milk).
5 pungent foods such as garlic, onion, leeks, scallions and chives - the ghosts will stick to you 24 hours a day causing one lose the blessings (good fortune) one had accumulated. the good gods and good protectors will found one to be too stinky so they stay far away from one and the demon will find it as a good opportunity to attack and confuse one.
honey - the author haven't come to the conclusion about honey as honey seem to violate stealing precept (same as milk situation). however, in sutra record, buddhists had make offering to buddha with honey comb.
shallot - a type of onion.

hemp seed - although usually consider not as drug. but since it is coming from the cannabis plant and contain a small amount of THC, the author decide to keep this here as a reminder of possible violating the no taking intoxicating food precepts. 

not in author vegetarian food product ban list
ginger (not in this ban list) - this may be prohibit for certain buddhist center is because ginger has the properties of heat which causes one easily get angry after eating it .In buddhism, ignorance, greed and anger are the main 3 poisons. therefore the author will not include this in the ban list.  

Vegetarian symbol:
 1. 素  - most common word found that mean vegetarian food.  ( mean no animal meat but can contain egg, milk, and 5 pungent plants depending on the producer)  

 2. 齋 -  another word that occasionally found in vegetarian food products. ( mean no animal meat but can contain egg, milk, and 5 pungent plants depending on the producer. )  

3. VEGAN -meaning no animal product in it. (this mean no meat,no dairy product and no egg.) 

Vegetarian Lifestyle reminder :
for those who decide to maintain vegetarian, vegan lifestyle it is important to check and know the requirement nutrition for a healthy lifestyle including vitamin b12, omega 3, calcium, protein, iron, zinc and so on including balance nutrition for immune system(the author learn this the hard way).


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