Importance of Protein (FD02092020-4)

The Importance of Protein
- to build muscle
- to build and repair tissue
- for making enzymes, hormones
- for building block of bones
- for bone marrow

Function Of Protein
- act as antioxidant

Sign of Deficiency :
- hair thinning
- brittle nail
- hair faded color
- lose of muscle
- bone fracture
- moody and anxious
- irregular period
- insomnia problem

Sign of Over Nutrients:

Daily recommended intake:
56g for average sedentary men
46g for average sedentary women 

Vegan food sources:
- check vegan certified supplements  for peace of mind
- seitan  - 100 gram = 25 gram protein
- Beans - 1 cook cup (240ml) = 15 gram protein
- almonds - 1 ounce almonds = 6 gram protein , 1 cup = 7 g protein
- tofu
- lentil
- chickpea - 1 cook cup (240ml) = 15 gram protein
- green pea - 1 cook cup (240ml) = 9 gram protein
- Quinoa - 1 cup = 8-9gram protein.
- Almond milk - 1 cup = 1g protein
- pumpkin seed - 1 cup = 32g protein
- soy tofu - 1 cup = 20g protein
- tempeh - 1 cup = 15g protein
- cocoa powder - 1 cup = 16g protein
- edameme - 1 cup = 17g protein
- black eyed peas - 1 cup = 16g protein
- potato - 1 cup = 5g protein
- vegan protein drink
- nutritional yeast - 1 table spoon = 2 gram protein
- peanut - 1 cup = 20.5g protein
- almond - 1 cup = 16.5g protein
- seitan - 1/3cup = 21.5g protein

Other noteworthy points:

- some information are taken from a fb vegan community discussion with the owner permission . 


Author note: This post information are based on what the author know and read so far. Therefore reader are encourage to do their own fact finding and checking from trusted source of information.

1 ounce = 2 tablespoon
1 cup = 8 ounces
2 tablespoon = 30 gram
100 gram = about 7 tablespoon

*reader are advise to check the latest information of the nutrients quantity in the food from time to time. This is due to the buddhist teaching belief that the nutrients in food will decrease overtime as there are too many evil deeds (wrong doing, evil deeds according to buddha teaching) are commited by human in this earth.


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