Greenmax Yam Multigrain Cereal (FD08092020-3)

Last Update: August 2017

本公司通過食品HACCP . ISO 9001. ISO 22000 驗證

No Preservatives

No Artificial Flavors Added

No Artificial Colorants


Good Source of Dietary Fiber

Good Source of Calcium

富含維生素 B1
Contains Vitamin B1

含有維生素 A, B2,  鐵
Contains Vitamin A, B2, Iron

SINCE 1961


嚴選多種蔬菜穀物 + 香濃鹹口味

Yam & Multi Grains Cereal

5 mins 分鐘

12 食分
35 公克 x 12 包 N.W: 420g (14.8oz)

Yam & Multi Grains Cereal

纖美姿味 享活飲食 x  纖美配方即沖即食

馬玉山  山藥五穀粥嚴選山藥, 多穀類, 野蔬菜, 經過完美調配,絕佳品質,口味獨特的有料全素食鹹口味好粥,喝得到多穀類,新鮮的香濃原味,吃得到多穀片的Q軟骨口,富含豐富完整的營養素, 照顧您的健康,纖美姿味是全家人的最佳選擇!

品名:山藥五穀粥  內容量: 35公克 x 12 包入
Name: Yam & Multi Grains Cereal  Net Weight: 35g x 12 sachets (14.8 oz)

成分:在來米粉, 植物油粉(葡萄糖漿,棕櫚仁油, 辛烯基丁二酸鈉澱粉,檸檬酸鉀,二氧化矽,碳酸鈉,碳酸氫二鉀,脂肪酸甘油酯,鹽,*-胡蘿蔔素), 麥芽糊精,馬鈴薯澱粉,玉米 (非基因改造), 小麥粉,高梁米,黑糯米,山藥,醬油粉(脫脂大豆(非基因改造),鹽,葡萄糖漿,玉米糖漿,水),海帶芽,營養添加劑(維生素(A,B1,B2,B6,B12,C,E,麥芽糊精),礦物質(碳酸鈣,焦磷酸鐵)),酵母粉(酵母,麥芽糊精,鹽),5'-次黃嘌吟核苷磷酸二鈉, 5'-烏嘌吟核苷磷酸二鈉,胡蘿蔔 (胡蘿蔔,葡萄糖,鹽,抗氧化劑(維生素E,異抗壞血酸鈉),無水焦磷酸鈉,酸性焦磷酸鈉,檸檬酸),碳酸鈣,芹菜,菠菜,胡椒粉,b-胡蘿蔔素,抗氧化劑(L-抗壞血酸酯,維生素E)),薏仁,蕎麥,大麥仁,磨菇粉(磨菇,麥芽糊精),蓮子,小麥胚芽,南瓜子.
* 過敏原訊息:此産品含有小麥,小麥胚芽,蕎麥,燕麥,芝麻,大豆,南瓜子,玉米,大麥仁,芹菜.
*本食品生產廠: 含麩質穀蘱, ,,堅果,生,米,奶製品.
Ingredients: Rice powder, Vegetable oil Powder (Glucose Syrup Solid, Palm kennel Olein, Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate, Potassium Citrate, Silicon Dioxide, Sodium Carbonate, Dipotassium Phosphate, Glycerin Fatty Acid Ester (Mono- and Diglycerides), Salt, Beta Carotene), Maltodextrin, Potato Starch, Corn (Non-GMO),Wheat Flour, Sorghum Rice, Oat Fiber, White Sesame, Oat, Mung Bean, Salt, Cabbage, Black Glutinous Rice,Yam,Soy Sauce Powder (Defatted Soybean(Non-GMO) , Salt, Glucose Syrup, Corn Syrup, Water), Seaweed, Nutritional Addictives( Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, Maltodextrin), Minerals (Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Pyrophosphate)), Yeast Powder (Yeast, Maltopdextrin, Salt),Disodium 5'-Inosinate, Disodium 5'-Guanylate, Carrot(Carrot, Glucose, Salt, Antioxidant (Vitamin E, Sodium Erythorbate), Sodium Pepper, Beta-Carotene (Arabic Gum, Sunflower Oil, Maltodextrin, Sugar, Water, Beta-Carotene, Antioxidant (L-Ascorbyl Palminate, Vitamin E), Adlay, Buckwheat, Barley, Mushroom Powder (Mushroom, Maltodextrin), Lotus Seed, Wheat Germ, Pumpkin Seed.
- Alllergy advice: COntains Wheat, Wheat germ, buck wheat, oat, sesame seed, soybean, pumpkin seed, corn, barley, celery.
- The factory also produces cereals which contain gluten, sesame seed, soybean, nut, peanut, corn and milk products.

有效日期: 標示於口處
Expiry date : Shown on the Seal.

保存期限: 24
Shelf-life : 24 months

 保存方式: 避免日光直接照射並放置於陰凉乾燥處
Storage: Avoid direct sunlight and keep it in a cool and dry place.

建議食用量 : 一日两份
Recommend daily consumption: two servings per day.

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size  1 sachet (35g)
Serving per container 12

Amount per Serving
Calories 130   Calories from Fat 20
                              % Daily Value *
Total Fat    2g    3%
Saturated Fat  1g 5%
TRans Fat  0g
Cholesterol  0mg
Sodium  600mg  0%
Total Carbohydrate  26g  25%
Dietary Fiber  2g
Sugars  3g
Protein  3g

Vitamin A  0%  Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 10%  Iron  5%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may very higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:

Calories  2000   25000
Total Fat   Less than  65g  80g
Saturated Fat Less Than  20g  25g
Cholesterol  Less than  300mg  300mg
Sodium  Less than 2400mg 2400mg
Total Carbohydrate Les than 300g  375g
Dietary Fiber  Less than  25g  30g
Calories per gram
Fat 9 * Carbohydrate 4 Protein 4   

每一份量  35 公克
本包装含  12 份
                 每份     每日值百分比
135 大*  7%
質  2.7  5%
脂肪  2.2 克 4%
飽和脂肪  1.3 克  7%
脂肪  0 克   *
碳水化合物  25.9   9%
糖  3.2 克  *
膳食纖維  2.1克  8%
鈉  595毫克  30%
维生素A  36.8  微克RE  5%
维生素B1  0.15毫克  11%
维生素B2  0.09毫克  6%
维生素B6  0.1毫克  6%
维生素B12  0.1微克  4%
维生素C  1.8毫克  2%
维生素E  0.18毫克 *-TE  1%
鈣  126毫克  11%
鐵  0.79毫克  5%

每日瀯养素攝取量之基準值: 热量 2000 大卡,蛋白質 60克, 脂肪 60 克, 飽和脂肪 18
克, 碳化合物 300克, 鈉 2000毫克 , 膳食纖維 25克, 维生素A 700 微克RE
维生素B1  1.4克,  维生素B2 1.6克,  维生素B6 1.6克,  维生素B12 2.4微克 ,
维生素C 100毫克 , 维生素E 13毫克 *-TE, 鈣 1200 毫克 ,鐵 15毫克.


250-300ml 热水
Stand for 5 mins & serve

台灣813 高雄市左營路709號
NO.709, Minzu 1st rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaoshiung City 813, Taiwan
TEL: 886-7-382-7879


Certified by HACCP. ISO 9001 . ISO 22000
 公司通過品HACCP. ISO 9001 . ISO 22000 驗證



Author note: there are some symbol in the package which the author are unable to put it here.

“To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.”
source :

It can be quite difficult finding the necessary vegetarian products. therefore the author will share vegetarian products within the author capability that follow according to the 10 precepts , no five pungents foods, no meat, no egg, no alcohol, no tobacco and no milk . The author are unable to  provide 100% correct information as things always change (impermanency law) therefore reader are advised to take extra caution. This is also because the author personally face quite big obstacle karma related to vegetarian food. another issue the author face is although there are products which has label as vegetarian, the ingredients may not necessary are all vegetables. readers are advised to check whether reader are allergy to certain food ingredient and also whether it is harmful to health such as chemical product seasoning.

wine - one will lose wisdom. how many in this earth whose families is broken because of drinking alcohol.
vinegar - contain alcohol.
tobacco - it is believe to be a product coming from a female demon who wish destroy human,dragon and god cities. so those who inhale tobacco are likely to be more selfish and war are likely to happen.can also affect drinking supply as dragon is in charge of bringing rain around the area.
meat & egg - causes one lose countless offense.and are likely to cause one to born in bad path including hell. also give bad body odour . and revenge between the meat eater and the animal will keep on repeating for many lifetimes (this lifetime you eat me, next lifetime it is my turn to eat you back and so on). and it is likely the meat one is currently eating could be one own family, relatives and friends in one past life.
milk & cheese- cheese is said to downgrade one thinking ability temporary. milk is because one will  owe karma debt to the animal and some consider it as under stealing (probably because the animal couldn't directly give permission that you can take their milk).
5 pungent foods such as garlic, onion, leeks, scallions and chives - the ghosts will stick to you 24 hours a day causing one lose the blessings (good fortune) one had accumulated. the good gods and good protectors will found one to be too stinky so they stay far away from one and the demon will find it as a good opportunity to attack and confuse one.
honey - the author haven't come to the conclusion about honey as honey seem to violate stealing precept (same as milk situation). however, in sutra record, buddhists had make offering to buddha with honey comb.
shallot - a type of onion.

hemp seed - although usually consider not as drug. but since it is coming from the cannabis plant and contain a small amount of THC, the author decide to keep this here as a reminder of possible violating the no taking intoxicating food precepts. 

not in author vegetarian food product ban list
ginger (not in this ban list) - this may be prohibit for certain buddhist center is because ginger has the properties of heat which causes one easily get angry after eating it .In buddhism, ignorance, greed and anger are the main 3 poisons. therefore the author will not include this in the ban list.  

Vegetarian symbol:
 1. 素  - most common word found that mean vegetarian food.  ( mean no animal meat but can contain egg, milk, and 5 pungent plants depending on the producer)  

 2. 齋 -  another word that occasionally found in vegetarian food products. ( mean no animal meat but can contain egg, milk, and 5 pungent plants depending on the producer. )  

3. VEGAN -meaning no animal product in it. (this mean no meat,no dairy product and no egg.) 

Vegetarian Lifestyle reminder :
for those who decide to maintain vegetarian, vegan lifestyle it is important to check and know the requirement nutrition for a healthy lifestyle including vitamin b12, omega 3, calcium, protein, iron, zinc and so on including balance nutrition for immune system(the author learn this the hard way).


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